Chapter 138 Things Are Going Big! 1
In the mountains and fields, there is a piece of lavender like the sea, under the moonlight and in the breeze, one after another, the fragrance of flowers is strong.

Fearing that she would catch the cold, he found a fire pocket from the breast pocket of his uniform, lit a bonfire beside him, and then hugged Yuan Xiuyue tightly into his arms.

Her heart trembled because of his gentle and caring actions, Yuan Xiuyue smiled at him without hesitation, without saying a word, she obediently lay on his side, staring at the jumping bonfire beside her.

Time seemed to stop for a moment.

Nangong Haoling, however, enjoys this long-lost, yet extraordinarily warm moment.

He kissed her temples lightly, and his magnetic voice sounded softly: "For more than a year, have you been in the medicine garden... How have you been?"


Gently, she responded, and her gaze was fixed on the burning bonfire not far away. Yuan Xiuyue's eyes were full of happiness and sweetness: "The medicine garden is not like the palace. There are not so many intrigues and intrigues. My mother-in-law is very kind to me, and I will order three meals a day to be delivered on time, and I have nothing to do there every day, just plant some herbs, and my life is very comfortable!"

"You're living a pleasant life, but have you ever wondered what kind of life I'm living?" The voice expressed his dissatisfaction in his heart slightly coldly. Thinking of last year, when he and Yuan Xiuyue missed each other in the medicine garden, Nangong Haoling's big hand stopped. On her waist, hug her tighter.

He hates it!
At the beginning, I didn't even recognize her!
"Didn't you have a good life?" Frowning slightly, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but said to Nangong Haoling sourly: "In today's world, no one knows that the beauties in the emperor's harem are all beautiful and outstanding. Meiren and Liu Meiren are the most favored, don't you enjoy this kind of life with beauty every day?"

Hearing this, the corners of Nangong Haoling's mouth twitched.

The reason why he dotes on those women is because he is sure that Yuan Wende will find a way to pass the news from the palace to her from time to time, so as to arouse her possessive desire and make her go back to the palace by herself.

Looking down at her frowning brows, he thought for a moment, raised his eyebrows and said softly, "Are you jealous?"

"Who is jealous of you?"

After giving him a hard look, Yuan Xiuyue said coldly, "I don't want you to beat me up!"

"You! You dare to eat the emperor's vinegar!"

Stretching out her hand to pinch the bridge of her pretty nose, Nangong Haoling sighed softly: "I and them are just playing around, now that you have come back, I will only spoil you!"

"Don't! Don't!"

The bottom of her heart was sweet, but Yuan Xiuyue's face showed an unflattering look: "Hasn't the emperor heard the truth that Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by forest wind?"

"Then what do you want me to do?"

He hugged her and sat up, let him sit on her lap, and wrapped the clothes with her, Nangong Haoling had a serious face: "The reason why I touch them is to make you jealous, now that you are If I feel uncomfortable, I will not touch them again. I know what you are worried about, but what you are worried about will never happen again, because I... will never allow anyone to hurt you any more, and will definitely protect you! "

Hearing his affectionate words, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but suffocate slightly in her heart!
Her heart was filled with emotion, and her eyes were filled with tears. She couldn't help kissing his lips lightly, and said with a gentle smile, "I know, if I come back, you will protect me very well, but... Is it a play? What should be acted, will always be acted!"

Hearing this, it's time for Nangong Haoling to frown this time!
However, just as he frowned, he heard Yuan Xiuyue's very tough warning: "Don't make fake plays real!"

At the corner of her lips, because of her words, a bright and graceful smile appeared, and Nangong Haoling kissed her lips deeply, "Don't leave me again!"

The eyes were shining, Yuan Xiuyue stared at his eyes as deep as the sea, she never responded to his words, she just smiled lightly, and then softly said: "Tomorrow morning, Duguchen will definitely look for you!"

"Dugu Chen?"

Hearing Yuan Xiuyue mention King Yue, Nangong Haoling's thoughts changed slightly, but soon his whole body became cold: "Don't you want to tell me that the enchanting fragrance in your body is the medicine given by Duguchen?"

If it was him, then before the tri-nation summit, he would have to talk about the conditions again!
That is, King Yue... must commit suicide and apologize!
"not him!"

It's about the Three Kingdoms Summit, and Nangong Haoling and Duguchen must not be allowed to ruin the event because of themselves. Yuan Xiuyue reached out and stroked his chest, trying to calm him down temporarily: "It's my sister!"

"Your sister? Yuan Mingyue?" Thinking of that woman who is as beautiful as a flower but has a heart like a snake, Nangong Haoling couldn't help but smile contemptuously, and looked at Yuan Xiuyue in her arms with fixed eyebrows: "Tell me clearly, what's going on? "

"It's... a long story..."

Yuan Xiuyue originally thought about hiding the part about her being hijacked by her father, but after thinking about it, she felt that if she kept the part behind, it would be a little unclear, so since she opened her mouth, she left Dugu alone. The part where Chen was flirtatious to her told Nangong Haoling about the rest of the story.

Anyway, no matter whether he treats her well or not, her father is still her father, and Nangong Haoling will not treat him badly even for her sake!
Naturally, after learning the truth of the matter, Nangong Haoling was furious and once again let go of his anger!
"This pair of adulterers are fucking! I must kill..."

Sensing his emotional ups and downs, Yuan Xiuyue froze and turned her eyes. Before his anger could erupt, she raised her head and pressed his lips to melt away his anger with a deep kiss!
After a long time, feeling his panting, Yuan Xiuyue slowly let go of his lips.

With bright red lips, she stared at Nangong Haoling's fiery eyes, and not only smiled!
Facing her delicately smiling face, Nangong Haoling's heart stopped, and he bent his lips and sneered: "Woman, you are playing with fire..."

"I'm your queen, isn't it natural to play with fire on you?" He chuckled, ignoring the sneer on Nangong Haoling's face, Yuan Xiuyue licked his lips disapprovingly like a kitten: "The two of them, Although none of them are good people, but the emperor thinks about it carefully, if it weren't for them, why would I automatically send you to my door tonight?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling snorted indifferently: "According to what you said, I still have to thank them? You never thought about it, in case you fail to open the acupoints tonight..."

"Didn't the event that the emperor said didn't happen?" Still tilting her head slightly, Yuan Xiuyue smiled bitterly at Nangong Haoling: "No matter how unkind Mingyue is to me, she is also my sister. She escaped from Xingyue Pavilion today. At that time, although I secretly thought in my heart that I must pull out her bones, but if I really let me kill her, I will not be able to kill her!"

Staring at Yuan Xiuyue's wry smile, Nangong Haoling's heart ached slightly.

Reaching out to press her against his chest, his voice was slightly cold: "Tell me, what do you want me to do!"

"Things in the world, if you don't want them, they will definitely be yours. Duguchen is a ruthless person, and what he hates the most is when others plot against him..." Sighing softly, Yuan Xiuyue thought of how many times she had plotted against Duguchen. Her tone of voice couldn't bear a smile, but when she thought of Yuan Mingyue, she murmured again in a dark voice: "Now...since she is putting all her eggs in one basket, she must curry favor with Duguchen, and the emperor will fulfill her wish!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's eyes flickered slightly.

After a long time, he nodded lightly and said: "Yue'er, you should know that with Duguchen's personality, he will not treat her kindly at all!"

In the bottom of her heart, she couldn't help trembling slightly, Yuan Xiuyue sighed helplessly: "Then consider it as God's punishment for her!"

In the end, no matter how much she hated Yuan Mingyue in her heart, she still cared about the family relationship between the sisters.

It's just that, what exactly is the way she wants to go, that's up to her to go by herself.

She believes that if her heart is good, there will always be a good relationship. If she is evil, even if she gains glory and wealth in the future, it will be empty and sad, not as good as a grassroots...

Sensing Yuan Xiuyue's silence, Nangong Haoling also secretly sighed in his heart!
Under his hand, caressing the scarred skin, his eyes changed slightly, and he suddenly held her arm, calling her with a little unsteady breath: "Yue'er..."


Withdrawing her thoughts, looking up into his deep eyes, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help trembling when she felt the strong desire in his eyes: "Emperor... Your Majesty, it's almost... four o'clock, you should go to court early!"

"It's okay, there's still time!"

Not giving her a chance to refuse, Nangong Haoling suddenly leaned over and kissed her bright red lips again.

She smiled charmingly: "People know you are tired, just close your eyes now!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help pursing his thin and stylish lips into a smile!
Stretching out his hand to lightly hook her nose, he closed his eyes as she said!

However, when he closed his eyes, he did not wait for the expected lingering to come. Yuan Xiuyue, who was sitting on top of his body, darkened his eyes and raised his hand to seal the two big acupoints on his body !
The closed eyes suddenly opened.

From the pupils, two rays of light shot out, Nangong Haoling stared at Yuan Xiuyue closely, the anger in his heart was beyond words!

After being lingering with him, she sealed his acupuncture points again!

Facing his eyes happily and without fear, Yuan Xiuyue pursed her brows lightly, leaned over and kissed his plump forehead!

Ending the kiss with great nostalgia, Yuan Xiuyue held up his handsome face, and said with dark eyes: "Now, my legs have not recovered, and I am not suitable to be your queen for the time being. Give me another half a year. I promise you, half a year." In the future, no matter whether my leg injury heals or not, I will definitely come back, and... I will never leave you again!"

Yuan Xiuyue...

Shouting her name in her heart, but she couldn't make a sound, the veins on Nangong Haoling's forehead couldn't help but tense!

In order to escape from him, she didn't even give him a chance to speak!
(End of this chapter)

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