Chapter 139 Things Are Going Big! 2
"I love you……"

Deeply, staring at him again, Yuan Xiuyue expressed the love in her heart.

Hearing her words, Nangong Haoling couldn't help trembling slightly.

Gently caressing the center of his brow, Yuan Xiuyue took a deep breath, put her dress back on, and looked up at the east, knowing that when the fourth watch came, dark clouds would come up, she carefully covered Nangong Haoling's body After closing the robes that were already wide open, she stood up resolutely and walked down the mountain from another direction, stepping deeper and stepping shallower.

Six months, for some people, is a long time.

However, for her, it was very short!

She wasn't sure if her legs would recover after half a year!

But, even so, at this moment, she has already made up her mind, she... as long as half a year, after half a year, even if her legs don't get better, she will come back!
At that time, facing other people's surprised eyes and private discussions, she can tell herself that she has worked hard and suffered for this leg, so she doesn't have to worry too much about it, because compared to her own Ashamed of herself, she can't, and she doesn't want Nangong Haoling's love for be in vain forever!
Yuan Xiuyue...

Looking at the back of her leaving, Nangong Haoling's heart that was still jumping for joy sank to the bottom of the valley again!
The slightly cold gaze was entangled with her walking posture, which was tall and short, and he felt a sharp pain in his heart, but he closed his already warm eyes with helplessness and bitterness...

In front of the lake, the phoenix chariot stops.

After walking around the mountainside, Yuan Xiuyue finally came back here.

"My lady..."

Ting Lan was dozing off in the chariot, when she saw Yuan Xiuyue coming in, her heart shivered, and she got up quickly to give a blessing!

"Where is Princess Xian?"

Stopping in front of the chariot door, looking left and right, but seeing Xuanyuantang's figure, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help frowning!
She was still waiting for Xuanyuantang to send her out of the palace immediately!

But in this phoenix chariot, where is her figure? !
"Not long after the empress went up the mountain, Concubine Xian left. Before she left, she said that King Xian was still in the palace. After the fourth watch, she would follow King Xian out of the palace without anyone noticing. As for other things For example, let the empress decide whether to recognize the emperor or not! Oh..." While speaking, Ting Lan took out a medicine bottle from her sleeve pocket and handed it to Yuan Xiuyue. Give this to the empress!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but thump in her heart!
Feeling bad, she lowered her eyebrows and looked at the medicine bottle in Ting Lan's hand, knowing that it contained lotion, and then thinking of Xuanyuan Tang saying that she would leave the palace without anyone noticing, she couldn't help feeling slightly Sink!
Thinking of plotting against Nangong Haoling, and after he relieved the acupoints, Yuan Xiuyue raised her brows lightly, and couldn't help rubbing between her brows with some headaches!

After being suffocated for a moment, she asked again: "Concubine Xian didn't say she was gone, how can I treat my leg?"


The center of her brows also frowned slightly, Ting Lan frowned tightly: "Princess Xian said that she will write down the treatment method later and let the King and Empress bring it in!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but sneer!
It is said that she loves to trick people, this Xuanyuantang even tricks her, he is a master of tricks!

I secretly scolded Xuanyuantang over and over again in my heart, I knew she would come here, she just stayed on the mountain and did not run away, but now that the matter has come to an end, Xuanyuantang has run away... gritted her teeth angrily in her heart , Nangong Haoling's sharp eyes like eagles flashed in her mind, and she couldn't help closing them tightly.

There is really no better way, all she can do is to take the medicine bottle in Ting Lan's hand, and then command the phoenix chariot to start, and immediately return to Fengluan Palace!
On the chariot on the way back, Yuan Xiuyue looked out, but her thoughts turned and turned!
Her face was reddish, she raised her eyes and glanced sideways at her, Ting Lan hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, you were on the mountain just now, you must have seen the Emperor, right?!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, and replied in a very soft voice: "See you!"


Pursing her lips, Ting Lan asked again: "Is the emperor angry with the empress?"


Responding directly to Ting Lan's question, Yuan Xiuyue leaned her head on the chariot with a tired face, and was stunned for a moment. She reached out and uncorked the medicine bottle, and then used the palm of her hand as a utensil to pour out the liquid medicine in it. She stuffed the empty medicine bottle in her hand into Ting Lan's hand again.

"My lady..."

Reaching out to take the empty medicine bottle handed over by Yuan Xiuyue, Ting Lan's voice trembled slightly as she saw the slightly rippling liquid medicine in her hand as the phoenix chariot jolted.

"Ting Lan!"

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Xiuyue softly called Ting Lan.

Hearing the sound, Ting Lan was stunned, and quickly calmed down: "The servant is here!"

With a faint smile, slowly closing her eyes, Yuan Xiuyue said softly, "Wash my face!"


In her voice, she couldn't hide her joy, Ting Lan put the medicine bottle on the soft bed, dipped the liquid medicine in Yuan Xiuyue's palm with trembling hands, and carefully applied it on her face.

A faint stabbing pain slowly escaped on her face, Yuan Xiuyue told Ting Lan to wait for a while until the Yi Rong ointment on her face softened, and then she applied the skin that belonged to Long Chuxiu on her face, and the whole piece torn it off!


Finally seeing Yuan Xiuyue's true face on Mount Lu, Ting Lan's eyes glistened with tears, and she couldn't help but grab her hand.

He let out a long breath, glanced at Ting Lan with a smile, and smiled gently at her, Yuan Xiuyue sighed softly: "You call me your empress here, and when you arrive at Fengluan Palace, remember that this palace is not your real master. It's... Concubine Xian!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan couldn't help being stunned!

Repeating Ting Lan's words, Yuan Xiuyue smiled coyly: "Your master, I offended the emperor, and was put together by Princess Xian. If the emperor catches me at this time, don't say he will punish me severely. I have to grow old." Be honest and be a lame queen, hmph... Didn't Princess Xian say that? She will sneak out of the palace without anyone noticing, and I want Bengong to figure it out? She is doing this for Bengong. Guide the way!"

That being the case, she followed her path and lived safely in Fengluan Palace as a concubine who was transformed into a queen.

In this case, at least it can be delayed until Duguchen leaves, and by then, the anger in Nangong Haoling's heart should have almost disappeared!
Although, she originally wanted to heal her leg before coming back, but since Xuanyuantang wanted to match her and Nangong Haoling with all her heart, she had no choice but to go along with her wish, why... She really loves that person... …

With a deep sigh, Yuan Xiuyue turned her head to look out of the window again, feeling the night wind blowing on her face, the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips couldn't help but slightly twitch!
It's so good to be free from the feeling of being restrained by the disguise cream...

The next day, the sky was clear and bright, but Nangong Haoling's mood was in sharp contrast to today's weather, extremely gloomy!

At the fourth watch, that is, the time of the morning court, the dark clouds waiting on the mountainside could not wait for him to go down the mountain, so he went up to the top of the mountain.It was at that time that his acupoints were unlocked!
As soon as he regained his freedom, although he was furious in his heart, he had no choice but to order An Yun to strictly guard all the gates in the palace, and he personally led a team to search for Yuan Xiuyue's whereabouts in the palace. Go up and go up early!
After the morning court, the sky was already bright, but the dark cloud never brought any news from Yuan Xiuyue!
This made his mood start to fluctuate again!
He didn't even care about breakfast, so he rushed to Fengluan Palace non-stop, to ask Xuanyuantang about Yuan Xiuyue's matter clearly!

In Fengluan Palace.

After Yuan Xiuyue had a full sleep, Ting Lan waited on her to get up.

In front of the Linghua bronze mirror, she wore light makeup, wore a moon bun, and put on the phoenix robe that had been missing for a year... Looking at herself in the bronze mirror, she smiled lightly, as if she had returned to the past!

After a while, Lin Sheng entered the hall, bowed slightly behind Yuan Xiuyue, and said softly, "I report to the Empress, breakfast is ready!"

"This palace knows!"

Eyes narrowed slightly, Yuan Xiuyue put her right hand on Ting Lan's wrist, and Yuan Xiuyue slowly turned around in front of the bronze mirror, then raised her steps slightly, and walked slowly towards the flower hall.

"My lady..."

Looking up at Yuan Xiuyue, Ting Lan walked forward and said softly, "You look so good today!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly: "It would be a good word if you put it on someone else, but if it falls on me, don't you think it's a bit ironic?"

"Young lady is really pretty!"

Since yesterday, the smiles on Ting Lan's face have gradually increased: "The lady in front of this slave girl, Handai from the distant mountains, has peach cherry eyes, she is really pretty!"

"Don't be silly!"

Nodding with a smile, Yuan Xiuyue entered the flower hall together with Ting Lan. Yuan Xiuyue pointed to the delicate and delicious dishes on the table with her chin, coughed lightly, and said, "I'm hungry, hurry up and serve the dishes with me!"


Responding with a smile, Ting Lan helped him to sit down, took the serving chopsticks and started serving dishes with Yuan Xiuyue.

Looking at the dishes in front of her, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help swallowing, then picked up the silver chopsticks, took a piece of food and was about to put it in her mouth!
However, before she could put the dishes into her mouth, Ji Heng's high-pitched and resonant singing came from outside the hall: "The emperor is here!"

Hearing the sound, Yuan Xiuyue's hand holding the silver chopsticks paused slightly, while Ting Lan beside her was shocked, dropped the chopsticks in her hand, and looked as if she was facing a formidable enemy!

"What are you panicking about?"

Looking up at Ting Lan, Yuan Xiuyue pursed her lips and put the silver chopsticks in her hand on the plate, then leaned over and lifted her skirt, and got up from the dining table.

At this time, Nangong Haoling entered the flower hall.

The corners of her lips twitched, but she never raised her eyes. She bowed to Nangong Haoling Fushen: "My concubine sees the emperor, long live my emperor!"

His eyes were slightly cold, and he lowered his eyebrows to look at the woman who bowed to him in front of him. For a moment, Nangong Haoling thought that he was the one he was looking for, but he had to remind himself again and again in his heart that when Duguchen entered the palace, At that time, her sister-in-law obeyed his order and pretended to be Yuan Xiuyue!

(End of this chapter)

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