Chapter 141 Things Are Going Big! 4
His eyes flickered slightly, and interrupting Yuan Xiuyue's words, Nangong Xiaoran settled down again, lightly playing with the jade flute in his hand: "How about I make a bet with you?"

"Am I really that important to him?" With a bitter smile, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes to meet Nangong Xiaoran's smiling face, and couldn't help but frowned tightly: "Do you know something, sir?"

Flipping the jade flute in his hand a few times at will, Nangong Xiao Ran took a sip of the tea cup: "When I came just now, I saw Dugu Chen go to the imperial study!"

"is it?"

Her pupils narrowed slightly, and she dropped the chess piece in her hand on the board. Yuan Xiuyue frowned and pondered for a moment. In her sly eyes, she looked at the chessboard again, and said to Nangong Xiaoran: "If so, this matter... Isn't it too much trouble?"

"What does the queen think?"

Asking back with a faint smile, Nangong Xiao Ran looked up at Yuan Xiuyue.

Staring at the bright color in her eyes, the faint smile on the corner of his lips couldn't help but deepen!
Things are really messed up!

When she raised her eyes, she saw Lin Sheng coming in from the outside. Before he could report respectfully, Yuan Xiuyue raised her crescent eyebrows lightly, "What's the matter?"

After bowing respectfully in front of Yuan Xiuyue, Lin Sheng said, "My Majesty, An Guohou and his wife are seeking to see you outside!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart trembled slightly, but there was still a slight smile on the corner of her mouth: "Tell them to come in!"

Yexi Palace, in the Imperial Study Room.

After leaving Fengluan Palace, Nangong Haoling looked straight at the Imperial Study Room.

Let Ying go directly to Juxian Building to find someone, and he sent someone to pass on Yuan Wende, ordering him to enter the palace as soon as possible!
After all those who should be dispatched were dispatched, he sat on the dragon chair with a gloomy expression, but he didn't even have the slightest thought of reviewing the memorial!

Glancing sideways, he saw that the seat of the next virtuous king was empty, he couldn't help frowning, and turned to look at Ji Heng with a cold handsome face!
Facing his cold gaze, Ji Heng's body trembled slightly, and he hurriedly said respectfully, "His Royal Highness the Xian Wang was busy in the imperial study room yesterday, and he left the palace early this morning. It is the matter of the Three Kingdoms Summit, which is only waiting for the emperor to set a date." That's it, I won't enter the palace again in these two days!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling was neither angry nor angry, and asked calmly, "Brother Wang, is there any serious health problem?"

Since Dugu Chen entered the palace, apart from Nangong Haoling directly contacting him at the reception banquet, most of the specific matters of the Three Kingdoms Summit were discussed with him by Nangong Haoyuan!His health has been bad, Nangong Haoling is afraid that he will suffer from old diseases again due to overwork!

"should not!"

Shaking his head lightly, Ji Heng lowered his brows and replied: "It's been two days since King Yue entered the palace, His Royal Highness Xian Wang has been busy making arrangements. Although the emperor has approved most of the documents, the matter of the four-nation summit was decided by Xian Wang. It makes sense, you must be a little tired!"

The heartstrings were slightly loosened, Nangong Haoling nodded and said: "If that's the case, let him rest today and don't bother him!"

"The slave obeys the order!"

Nodding slightly, Ji Heng glanced at Nangong Haoling's gloomy face, then turned around and poured hot tea with him, and handed it to the imperial case: "Your Majesty, I see that your face is not good, if not, take a short rest before busying yourself." State affairs!"

"I'm fine!"

Without touching the hot tea that Ji Heng handed over, Nangong Haoling reached out to take the booklet, lowered his eyebrows and began to review it.

Seeing him like this, Ji Hengxin sighed, shook his head secretly, then took two steps back, and stood respectfully to one side!
It wasn't long before he saw the eunuch who was working outside walking in quickly, he frowned, fearing that he would disturb the emperor, he hurriedly pointed out his index finger and walked forward to greet him.

"Director Ji..."

After paying respects to Ji Heng, the eunuch on duty whispered something in Ji Heng's ear.

Hearing this, Ji Heng's complexion changed, he hurriedly turned around and said respectfully to Nangong Haoling: "Your Majesty..."

The hand holding the vermilion pen paused slightly, Nangong Haoling raised his eyes slightly, and met Ji Heng's gaze: "But is there any news from the queen?"

"My Majesty, no!"

Shaking his head again to Nangong Haoling, seeing his eyes darken slightly, Ji Heng lowered his eyebrows and said: "Yue Wang Duguchen is waiting outside the Imperial Study Room to meet you!"

"Dugu Chen?!"

There was light in his eyes, thinking of what happened to Yuan Xiuyue before and after the enchanting fragrance in his body yesterday, Nangong Haoling said coldly: "I didn't bother to look for him, but he came to the door first!"

Seeing the cold light in his eyes, Ji Heng frowned slightly: "Does the emperor want to see him?"

"See! Why don't you see me!"

The corners of her lips curled up coldly, Nangong Haoling put down the vermilion pen in her hand, raised her eyes and looked outside the imperial study room: "Xuanyue Wang Duguchen has an audience!"


Slightly nodding his head, Ji Heng turned around and sang loudly: "The emperor has a decree, Xuanyue King Duguchen has an audience!"

A moment after the words fell, Duguchen, dressed in green, entered the imperial study from outside the hall.

Now he has a bad complexion and a lonely expression, it seems that he has never even tidied up his morning beard.

Raising his eyes slightly, he glanced darkly at Nangong Haoling, who was dressed in bright yellow and was looking at him coldly. Duguchen took a step forward, unlike the respectful salute when they first met, but directly lifted the lapel of his robe , Kneeling directly in front of the imperial case!
Seeing this, Ji Heng was terrified, but Nangong Haoling frowned slightly, and looked down at Dugu Chen who was kneeling on the ground: "King Yue, there is gold under the man's knees!"

"Li Di!"

With a low voice, Duguchen lowered his voice extremely low: "This king has lost a treasure that is more precious than gold in Li Palace, but he can't find it everywhere. Please ask Emperor Li to help find it!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's eyes suddenly turned cold!
How could he not know that the precious treasure in Dugu Chen's mouth actually refers to the disguised Yuan Xiuyue? !

This was originally his woman, but now she has become the treasure in his Duguchen's mouth!
Moreover, for her, he was willing to kneel down in front of him again!

"Li Di!"

Seeing that Nangong Haoling remained silent for a while, Duguchen's eyes flashed a flash of pain, and he said with a gloomy expression: "This king said it was my beloved woman, but since she left Xingyue Pavilion last night, she has disappeared. Traces, this is the Palace of Li, please ask Emperor Li to help you find it!"

For a long time, he has been playing with women in applause, but he never thought that today, he would kneel down in front of another man for a woman he had known not long ago!
To him, this is a great irony!
But he had to.

Because...he couldn't find her, so he would always miss her, think about where she went, think about the poison of enchanting fragrance on her body, miss her...too much...

There was a chill in his eyes, Nangong Haoling clenched his fists tightly, staring coldly at Dugu Chen below.

His thin lips parted slightly, and just as he was about to speak, he heard an extremely elegant female voice from outside the imperial study: "His Royal Highness, before you find your treasure, should you give me an explanation for the Yuan family first!"

After the words fell, Yuan Xiuyue raised her chin slightly, and led Yuan Chenghai and his wife all the way into the imperial study...

(End of this chapter)

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