Chapter 142 The truth is too cruel! 1
Yuan Xiuyue never dreamed that Duguchen would kneel down to Nangong Haoling again at this moment.

Therefore, as soon as she entered the Imperial Study Room, she looked at Dugu Chen who was kneeling on the main hall, she was stunned, and a hint of surprise could not help but secretly revealed in her eyes!
Because of her sudden appearance, the atmosphere in the imperial study was a little stagnant for a while!

At this moment, Nangong Haoling was sitting on the main seat with a stern expression, looking coldly at Yuan Xiuyue and Yuan Chenghai who entered from outside the hall.

And Dugu Chen, who was kneeling in front of the imperial case, got up suddenly when he heard her voice.I saw Hei with a handsome face, turned around and stared at Yuan Xiuyue and others who were not kind!
His gaze swept across Yuan Chenghai and his wife, and finally landed on Yuan Xiuyue, and then bowed his hands respectfully: "I've seen Li Hou!"


With an unceremonious snort in her mouth, Yuan Xiuyue frowned almost invisible, and glanced coldly at Duguchen, she walked forward slowly, bypassed the imperial case and came to Nangong Haoling: "Mr. The concubine sees the emperor!"

"Veteran sees the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"My wife sees the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Following Yuan Xiuyue's salute, Yuan Chenghai and his wife below were also busy saluting respectfully and shouting long live!

Steady, staring at the person in front of him bowing his head and respecting his body, Nangong Haoling was slightly startled, but all of a sudden, his eyes moved slightly, and a brilliance flashed in his eyes!
"The queen is free!"

After a moment of silence, the corners of his lips pursed slightly, but he stretched out his hand to her calmly.

Beside her ear, listening to his gentle and elegant voice, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes lightened slightly, staring at the slender jade-like palm in front of her eyes, she sighed softly, but finally reached out her hand to his: "My concubine, thank the emperor !"

After the words fell, she followed the strength of his hand and slowly got up.

Holding her weak and boneless hand in his palm, Nangong Haoling calmed down a little, turned his eyes to Yuan Chenghai and his wife below and said: "Let's get flat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"


Both of them responded, Yuan Chenghai and Ling Shi got up one after another, raised their eyes slightly, Ling Shi looked eagerly at Dugu Chen, and then at Yuan Xiuyue: "The Empress..."

"Mother, be safe and don't be impatient!"

Raising her hand slightly to Ling Shi, signaling her to keep silent, Yuan Xiuyue turned her eyes slightly, and looked at Dugu Chen with a gloomy face again.

Seeing her looking at him, Dugu Chen frowned slightly. The disgust and displeasure towards her in his heart had long been ingrained, so he asked Nangong Haoling directly: "I have just explained to Emperor Li about the matter of this king, and please let Emperor Li as soon as possible." Send someone to help me find a woman named Long Chuxiu in Li Palace!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyebrows twitched slightly.

He just knelt down to Nangong Haoling, did he beg him to help find her? !
Slightly looking to the side, unbiased, just seeing Nangong Haoling looking sideways at herself with a frown, she gave a wry smile in her heart, and slightly restrained her mind, he sneered softly: "It turns out that the treasure His Royal Highness is looking for is a woman." Ah! But Yue Wang... Didn't I just say that? Before you find your treasure, you must first have justice with my Yuan family!"

Facing her unfriendly gaze, Duguchen's eyes were slightly cold, and the iciness in them was piercing!
The corners of his lips tugged, and he saluted coldly: "I don't know what kind of justice I want to discuss with this king after I leave?!"

"that is!"

Turning to look at Yuan Xiuyue, Nangong Haoling pretended to be confused, pretending to be confused, and asked with a puzzled face: "What kind of justice is the Queen going to ask Yue Wang for? I am also very curious!"

"Speaking of which, it's a scandal. It's the misfortune of the concubine's family!" Yuan Xiuyue could not wait to tear off the mask on his face, Yuan Xiuyue smiled coldly, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, and her erratic gaze once again landed on her own. parents.

Facing her gaze, Yuan Chenghai naturally understood what she meant, and secretly poked Ling with his elbow.

Ling's body trembled, and she knelt on the ground with a hasty thud: "Your Majesty... Early this morning, Mingyue, the eldest daughter of my wife, sent someone to deliver a letter to my wife, saying that she had secretly crossed Chencang with King Yue. Lord enters the palace to ask to see the queen, please ask the queen to ask the emperor to guarantee her marriage!"

Hearing this, the corner of Nangong Haoling's lips twitched coldly!
It seems that their Yuan family is sure, as long as Yuan Xiuyue comes forward, he will not pursue Yuan Mingyue's private entry into the palace!

Raising his eyes slightly, he glanced at Yuan Xiuyue beside him. He first smiled, then turned sideways unexpectedly, and stared coldly at Dugu Chen, who was still looking gloomy and standing on the spot with his hands behind his back, "King Yue, you entered my palace!" , this emperor regards you as a guest, and asks Brother Wang to take care of you everywhere, but never thought that your hand is stretched out on my number one beauty in Lidu!"

As early as when Yuan Xiuyue showed up with Yuan Chenghai and his wife, Duguchen had already guessed their intentions.

Therefore, when he heard Ling's words just now, he was not surprised at all!

Right now, seeing Nangong Haoling questioning his teacher, there was no trace of panic on his handsome face, but he replied unceremoniously: "Emperor Li doesn't know something, it's not that this king stretched his hand on her, but It was she who climbed into the king's bed by herself, not only that, but she also designed to force the king's concubine away, so that the king had to come here to ask the emperor to help find someone... What happened last night, the king was worse than her !"

The eyes were slightly narrowed, and the originally bright eyes were a little dark. Duguchen raised his eyes and looked at Yuan Xiuyue: "After leaving, you come to seek justice with your shameless sister and this king. Have you ever thought that this king wants to With whom do you seek justice?"

Seeing his obscure eyes, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help being shocked!
What he said was right, Yuan Mingyue was indeed shameless, but this guy really regarded her as his concubine!

But...he didn't know that Long Chuxiu was her, but Nangong Haoling knew clearly that she was Long Chuxiu.

No man in the world would tolerate other men coveting his woman!
What's more, this man is the ninety-five king above ten million people!
Thinking of Nangong Haoling by her side, and thinking of the Three Kingdoms Summit, she couldn't help feeling embarrassed!
Turning around slightly, Nangong Haoling looked at Duguchen's face sinking again, and felt his hand tightening slightly, she immediately frowned, thinking about the name of the Xian Wangfei, and then After using it for a day, it was about to become useless, and she winked at Ling with a very ugly expression.

Seeing this, Ling burst into tears again!
"His Royal Highness Yue, you must speak with your conscience. The daughter of a minister's wife is docile, well-educated and reasonable, and has never done anything that is offensive!" Crying out what Yuan Xiuyue taught herself when she came here earlier, Ling's When she was crying to the point of being sad, she collapsed on the ground, pointing to Dugu Chen and said: "Your Majesty knows, Mingyue girl has always kept herself clean, if she hadn't been in love with Yue Wang for a long time, she would never have sex with him, Your Majesty... If you don't believe me, just ask." His Royal Highness Yue Wang, when he took Mingyue's body, was she still a virgin?"


Making a sound at the right time, stepping forward to support Ling's trembling hand, Yuan Chenghai reprimanded in a deep voice: "Mingyue herself is willing to do such things, the cheap ones will always be men, you are so disrespectful in front of the emperor at this moment, Don't you think our Anguohou Mansion has not lost enough face?"

Hearing Yuan Chenghai's words, and seeing Ling's crying, Dugu Chen's gloomy face instantly turned black!
Being plotted against by Yuan Mingyue already annoyed him greatly, but at this moment, in the mouth of her family, it became the innocent body of him forcibly taking her daughter!

He jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't clean himself up!
"Yue Wang!"

Taking a look at Ling's tear-stained face, Nangong Haoling looked at Duguchen coldly.

Facing his slightly cold gaze, Duguchen couldn't help but sneer.

He figured it out, since there was a matter of men and women, Yuan Mingyue, a hot potato, he had to have it if he wanted it, and he had to have it if he didn't want it!
Thinking of this, he secretly suppressed his temper, and then said softly to Nangong Haoling very casually: "It's just a woman, at worst, I will accept her!"


After a long silence, Yuan Xiuyue finally spoke out again, "My sister, from a famous family, is not only beautiful, but also skilled in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. You just accepted a simple word, don't you think it's too casual? "


Turning his head to look at Yuan Xiuyue, a cold light flashed in Duguchen's eyes, wishing to strangle her to death, but he couldn't make a move, so he could only clenched his fists and looked at her coldly: "After leaving, you want me how?"

Yuan Xiuyue had been waiting for his words for a long time, the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips twitched coldly, raised her eyebrows and said lightly: "Three books and six ceremonies, eight lifts of a sedan chair... I want King Yue to be a good man, so I will send my sister, Welcome to Yueguo Yue Palace!"

"Can't do it!"

Since entering the Li Palace, it was the first time he had a falling out with Yuan Xiuyue. Dugu Chen was already impatient because of Long Chuxiu's disappearance. Now, under her repeated persecution, his eyes were scarlet and he stared at her angrily, "In today's world, There are indeed women who are worthy of this king's three books and six rituals to marry, but she will definitely not be!"

Facing his scarlet and angry cold eyes, Yuan Xiuyue's heart suffocated slightly. In front of Nangong Haoling, she didn't dare to ask her who that woman was. She was afraid that if she asked, she would drag herself into it again!
Sighing softly, her warm apricot eyes narrowed slightly: "Then what does King Yue want?"

Frowning tightly, Dugu Chen raised the corners of his lips, and said sarcastically: "Just now, this king has said that if she admires him wholeheartedly, at worst, he will accept her! Didn't I just say that after I left? She comes from a famous family , not only is she beautiful, but she is also good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, since this is the case, this king reluctantly accepts her as one of the many bed-warming concubines in the palace?"

"Yue Wang! Don't you want to bully others too much? How can I be your bed-warming concubine, the dignified young lady of An Guohou's mansion?!" Finally, Yuan Chenghai, who had been silent for a long time, looked sullen and dared not Believe what your ears hear.

No one knew how much he had devoted himself to Yuan Mingyue since he was a child.

At this moment, his daughter, who has always been regarded as the apple of his eye, is not only called shameless by others, but even wants her to be a bed-warming concubine!
(End of this chapter)

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