Chapter 143 The truth is too cruel! 2
It is simply unbearable!

"An Guohou, don't you forget, it was you, the majestic lady of Anguohou's mansion, who climbed into my king's bed!" Yuan Chenghai was not allowed to have another chance to refute, and he really didn't want to get entangled in Yuan Mingyue's matter. , Duguchen had a calm and handsome face, turned around and turned to Nangong Haoling respectfully again: "Since he is unwilling, don't blame me for being ruthless from Emperor Li! Please also issue an order from Emperor Li to help me find the concubine!"

Seeing him like this, she knew that he was extremely disgusted with Mingyue, Yuan Xiuyue secretly sighed again in her heart, thinking how many times she would have to sigh today, she turned her eyes slightly, and looked at Yuan Chenghai's love for Yuan Mingyue and Dugu. Chen's sword was on the verge of breaking out, and the corners of his lips could not help but twitched bitterly, and then shook his head secretly at him!

"The Queen Mother..."

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue's bitterly pursed lips, Yuan Chenghai finally held back his breath, and sighed to Yuan Xiuyue, "The empress and Mingyue are the ones to decide this matter!"

I thought to myself that you want me to make decisions for you now, why did you go earlier?
Yuan Xiuyue took a deep look at Yuan Chenghai, then frowned slightly, turned her head to look aside, Nangong Haoling with an air of nothing to do with herself: "Your Majesty..."


The brows were raised slightly, Nangong Haoling raised his eyes and looked at her, seeing her frowning, annoyed at himself with displeasure, he smiled lightly, and then said to Duguchen: "King Yue, I can agree You, to help you find your treasure, but the condition is that you must welcome Yuan Mingyue into your Yue Palace, and you must also give her the title of side concubine!"

Hearing his words, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but sneered in her heart.

For a long time, the most black-bellied person is here!
Looking at Nangong Haoling, who was in the upper position, Duguchen's eyes were slightly suffocated, and after a complex light flashed quickly in his cold eyes, he didn't say much, he just bowed and said: "Please leave the emperor now!" Let’s make an order to find someone!”

As soon as he said this, it was equivalent to agreeing to Nangong Haoling's conditions.

Looking at him who bowed his head respectfully, Yuan Xiuyue also had a complicated look in his eyes.

Because she knows better than anyone else.

Even if Duguchen gave in now and gave Yuan Mingyue the status of side concubine, the Long Chuxiu he wanted would never be found again!
Without the slightest delay, Nangong Haoling ordered Ji Heng to pass the decree, and began to search for Long Chuxiu's whereabouts in the palace.

After he gave an order, Duguchen cupped his hands again: "I will take my leave first!"

Seeing him turn around to leave, Ling couldn't help but hastily said, "Wait, my Mingyue..."

Stiffened slightly, Duguchen turned around slightly, his cold eyes swept across Ling's body coldly.

Under his cold gaze, Ling's body trembled, and she was in a dilemma for a while!

Seeing her like this, Yuan Mingyue's pretty face darkened, and she said to Dugu Chen: "King Yue, from today onwards, you and Ben Gong are considered a family! Ben Gong's mother is your mother-in-law!"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen's face also turned black!
Looking at Yuan Xiuyue coldly, trying to resist the urge to pull her out, Duguchen frowned more and more tightly, turned to look at Ling, and said in a non-friendly tone, "She's fine. I will send someone to send her to the Queen's Palace, so that you mother and daughter can be reunited!"

Yu Luo, he didn't want to stay in the imperial study for a moment, he never looked at anyone, and left the imperial study!

Seeing his lonesome figure drifting away, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes darkened, and she couldn't help but sigh inwardly!
Withdrawing her mind, she lowered her eyes to look at the hand that Nangong Haoling had been holding all this time, her complexion became hot, and she gently pulled it back.

Sensing her movement, but never stopping it, Nangong Haoling let her pull her away!

While raising his eyes, he looked at Yuan Chenghai and his wife below. He was immersed for a moment, his face suddenly turned cold, and he slammed the handle on the imperial table: "Yuan Chenghai!"

Hearing the sound, whether it was Yuan Chenghai, the Ling family, or Yuan Xiuyue who was closest to him, they all trembled!

Looking at the superior emperor with trembling body and mind, Yuan Chenghai frowned thickly!


With a cold snort, Nangong Haoling got up from the imperial case, walked around the imperial case, and walked in front of Yuan Chenghai and Ling Shi: "A year ago, I issued a strict decree that Yuan Mingyue was not allowed to step into the imperial palace again." , today's matter, you'd better explain it clearly to me! Otherwise, I will punish you for the crime of deceiving the emperor!"

Hearing this, Yuan Chenghai's heart shuddered!
Raising his eyes slightly, he glanced at Yuan Xiuyue as if asking for help, and he knelt down tremblingly: "Your Majesty... this old minister has loved Mingyue the most since childhood, and I really don't see her crying at home all day long. This old minister is guilty, and this old minister loves Mingyue the most. Death penalty, but the old minister is dressed in a military force, and now he is in his twilight years, please the emperor, for the sake of the old minister's love for his daughter and the empress's empress, please forgive the old minister this time!"

Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, but she didn't make a sound!
The person in front of her was her father, but he was taking risks again and again for his other daughter, and... he kept saying that she was his most beloved daughter!
But when it arrived, Nangong Haoling spared them for her sake!

What kind of reasoning is this? !
"For the queen's sake?" With a slight sideways glance at Yuan Xiuyue beside her, Nangong Haoling sneered and said her heartfelt words: "An Guohou, you forgot what you once said, your Yuan family, only A daughter, that is Yuan Mingyue, you tell me, what is the relationship between the queen and you?"

Hearing this, Yuan Chenghai suffocated for breath, and his complexion instantly became extremely ugly!

He raised his eyes and glanced at Yuan Xiuyue who was beside Nangong Haoling, his brows were furrowed, "Your Majesty, this old minister was speaking out of anger, but after all, blood is thicker than water with the Queen!"


Hearing the words "blood is thicker than water", Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but speak in the end. Yuan Xiuyue said in a cold tone, "It's understandable that An Guohou loves his daughter dearly. This matter... let's just leave it at that!"

The gloomy eyes raised slightly to meet her slightly dim eyes, Nangong Haoling frowned slightly: "The queen really gave him this face?"

After a moment of silence, Yuan Xiuyue said with a wry smile: "After all, I am the concubine's father. I still have to give this face to the concubine."

Seeing her eyes dimmed a bit, Nangong Haoling secretly sighed in his heart, turned to look at Yuan Chenghai and his wife below, he only squeezed out a word from between his teeth for a long while: "Get out!"

Hearing this, if Yuan Chenghai was granted an amnesty, he hurriedly knelt down and begged to resign, and led Ling out of the Imperial Study Room!

Watching her parents leave, Yuan Xiuyue calmed down slightly, and leaned slightly in front of Nangong Haoling: "Later, King Yue will send someone to send Mingyue to Fengluan Palace, and this concubine will leave first!"


The corners of her lips were slightly raised, and her eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling. Nangong Haoling stared at Yuan Xiuyue's delicate facial features, and sighed meaningfully: "After knowing the cause of the cold palace fire that day, you just said that my punishment for Yuan Mingyue was too light Unexpectedly, would bring Yuan Chenghai and his wife to stand up for her..."

Hearing this, the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips curled up, and then pursed gently.

"Your Majesty, the concubine really hates Yuan Mingyue, but no matter what, she is also the queen's elder sister. Now the marquis of An Guo and his wife have personally come to Fengluan Palace to beg for the concubine. If the concubine does not come to the imperial study, she has to come." Ah! But having said that..." Without raising her head, she lowered her eyebrows and smiled slightly: "Don't the Emperor think that Yuan Mingyue's staying with King Yue is the greatest punishment for her?"

"That's true!"

Nodding slightly, Nangong Haoling looked sideways at Yuan Xiuyue with a smile on his lips.

Knowing that he has been looking at her, Yuan Xiuyue is not in a hurry, she just said to him indifferently: "The concubine will leave now!"

"Sister-in-law, go slowly!"

Slightly slowing down, seeing Yuan Xiuyue step down the steps slowly, and walk out of the imperial study with proper footsteps, the smile on Nangong Haoling's lips deepened...


Watching Yuan Xiuyue leave, Ji Heng frowned, and whispered worriedly: "This Empress and Long Chuxiu are the same person, if we can't find her in the palace now, King Yue will definitely send someone to meet her." Xianlou, if the people we sent and his people found the empress at the same time, I'm afraid something bad will happen!"

"What are you afraid of?"

The arc of smile on the corner of the lips did not decrease but increased, Nangong Haoling took the ink brush again in a good mood, "Let's withdraw all our people from outside the palace!"

Hearing this, Ji Heng's expression was startled, and he couldn't help but change his expression slightly: "The emperor is not looking for the empress?"

Smiling and raising his eyes, he glanced at Ji Heng, Nangong Haoling lowered his eyes in a good mood and began to review the papers on the imperial case: "Who do you think is here just now?"

"It's Princess Xian..."

As soon as the words came out, the color of Ji Heng's eyes changed, and then they brightened instantly.Staring at the smile on Nangong Haoling's face, he felt a little excited for a moment: "Concubine Xian, although she looks jovial on the surface, she is really evil in her heart! When others treat her well, she will treat others twice as well. It's like the empress treats her, but Yuan Mingyue treats the empress badly, so... for someone like Yuan Mingyue, she can't wait for him to die, and she won't plead for her at all!"

No wonder the emperor is willing to find someone in the palace for King Yue!
It turned out that he already knew the whereabouts of that person, and he was sure that no one would find her no matter what...

"Recklessly talking about master, Ji Heng should fight!"

The words were harsh, but he couldn't hide his good mood. Nangong Haoling smiled and glanced at Ji Heng: "I will pass on my order, and have lunch with the empress at Fengluan Palace!"

Hearing this, Ji Heng couldn't help smiling slightly, secretly thought that the sky in the palace was finally clear, and he responded respectfully: "Your servant obeys the order!"

Standing up again, he poured a cup of hot tea with Nangong Haoling. Seeing that Nangong Haoling had finished reviewing a booklet, he reached out to take it and put it next to the imperial case: "Your Majesty, there is one thing that I don't understand!"

"Ji Heng, why do you talk so much today?"

Without raising his head, Nangong Haoling frowned and read the memorial in front of the reader, then hummed softly: "If you don't understand, just ask!"

Ji Heng smiled dryly, and said casually: "Since the emperor knows about the current empress, why does he pretend not to know?"

(End of this chapter)

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