Chapter 144 The truth is too cruel! 3
"Not only I have to pretend not to know, but you also have to pretend not to know!"

The tip of the pen flew across the memorial and wrote on the notebook. Nangong Haoling threw it to Ji Heng casually, and then sighed softly: "Since she doesn't want me to know, so what if I pretend not to know? At least that's the case. , she will stay obediently in the palace, and she will stay by my side!"

In fact, to put it bluntly, he was afraid that he would expose her, so she tried to run away again!

However, the days to come are still long, and he will definitely let her recognize him, but not now!
Isn't she concerned about her legs?
Isn't it half a year?
He gave her all!

As long as she's in a place where he can see and touch her, that's fine!
This is the best!
Deeply, taking Nangong Haoling's handsome face with a slight smile into his eyes, the corners of Ji Heng's lips also slightly curved...

He couldn't remember how long it had been since his master had smiled so heartily!
At this moment, his smile is pure, without any pretense.

But it is also what he as a slave... dreams of the most!
Xingyue Pavilion, in the guest room.

Yuan Mingyue had been awake for a long time, but she had been lying on her back in a daze, without moving a muscle.

Last night, the clothes she wore on her body had long been torn to pieces. At this moment, her hair was in a mess, and there were faint bruises on her snow-white body. However, the man who caused all of this has been missing since he left in the middle of the night. Never came again.

The pain in her body was dying, and the tears in the corners of her eyes had already dried up. She looked at the tent above with dizzy pupils, and suddenly felt that she was so pitiful and pathetic!

Outside the door, footsteps gradually came from far to near.

Her heart trembled, and she hurriedly wrapped the quilt on the bed around her body. With a pale and beautiful face, she looked towards the door with some panic.

After a while, the door opened.

The man who came in from outside the door was dressed in green clothes, with a handsome face, as sharp as a knife carving. This man... was the Yue Wang Duguchen who brutally ravaged her last night!
Straight, looking into Duguchen's gloomy pupils, feeling the coldness in his pupils, Yuan Mingyue couldn't help trembling slightly, and said weakly: "My lord..."

"Yuan Mingyue..."

Gently, calling her name, but the coldness in his eyes became more serious, Duguchen stepped forward slowly, stretched out his hand to strangle her fair and delicate jade neck, and pulled her naked out of the brocade quilt.

"Bitch, the woman I hate the most in my life is your sister Yuan Xiuyue, but you tried every means to climb into my bed and let her come forward to force me to marry you! Do you think you will stay by my side in the future? Will the glory and wealth be inexhaustible? Stop dreaming!"


On the neck, there were bursts of severe pain, and she couldn't help crying out. Yuan Xiuyue stretched out her white arms like lotus root and waved them in the air in a panic. She wanted to grab the brocade quilt and leave the last trace for herself. dignity.

However, no matter how much she struggled, she was still no match for Duguchen's strength, she was dragged off the bed by him, and then thrown on the ground mercilessly.

"It hurts!"

Tremblingly protecting her body, but unable to hide her privacy, Yuan Mingyue's watery eyes contained deep pain and remorse: "My lord... Mingyue knew it was wrong, Mingyue will marry the lord in the future , and have nothing to do with my sister, Mingyue will definitely serve the prince with all her heart..."

Before she finished speaking, Duguchen slapped her fair and beautiful face fiercely!

"Wang... lord..."

Her red lips trembled slightly, and she felt the fishy sweetness at the corners of her mouth. Yuan Mingyue tremblingly stretched out her hand to caress the corners of her own lips, concentrating on the blood on her hand. man!
Raising his hand slowly, he stretched out his hand again to strangle her throat. Dugu Chen's lips slightly raised, and he said coldly: "Do you think that this king will marry you if Yuan Xiuyue brought the matter up in front of Emperor Li?"

"My lord!"

Suddenly, her face was as pale as paper, and Yuan Mingyue's heart suddenly changed, and all thoughts were ashamed!

Seeing her like this, Duguchen threw her away full of disgust, and sarcastically said: "Don't worry, now is the most critical time for the Three Kingdoms summit, since you have lost your life to this king, this king will definitely not want you, as long as But... this king will not marry you, but will only bring you into Yue Wang's mansion, and let you be a bed-warming concubine that makes this king's food tasteless!"


Suffering repeated blows, her mind finally collapsed, Yuan Mingyue screamed, almost screaming: "The best man in the world I deserve, I want to be your princess!"

"You do not deserve!"

With a cold snort, he raised his foot and stepped on her white and slender thigh, Duguchen shouted to the door: "Bring it in!"

As soon as he finished his voice, he saw a palace servant entering the guest room carrying a bowl of black soup on a tray.

With tears in her eyes, she caught a glimpse of the decoction in the palace man's hand and realized what she was carrying. Yuan Mingyue's complexion changed, and she struggled to get up from Duguchen's feet. She hid back on the bed, wrapped herself tightly with a brocade quilt, He kept shaking his head: "I don't...don't..."

"I can't stand you saying no!"

Reaching out to take the soup on the tray, Duguchen strode forward, reaching out to hold her back of the neck, and forced her to open her mouth despite her constant struggle.


Even though she was struggling violently, she still couldn't break free from the confinement of his big palm. Feeling the pungent decoction being poured into her mouth uncontrollably, the tears in Yuan Mingyue's eyes burst instantly!

"Do you think that whoever you want can give birth to a little prince for this king?" With her big tearful eyes fixed, Dugu Chen's lips curled coldly, and he slammed the medicine bowl in his hand Falling to the ground, with hatred in his eyes, he stretched out his hand and squeezed Yuan Mingyue's chest: "Are you qualified for that?"


The pain in her chest, coupled with the pain in her heart, caused Yuan Mingyue's body to collapse on the bed in an instant, and she didn't have the strength to sit up for a long time.

Staring at her embarrassed appearance, Duguchen's originally clear and bright eyes had already turned scarlet and furious: "Yuan Mingyue, I tell you, I don't care whether you are the number one beauty in Lidu or the number one beauty in the empire." , in the eyes of this king, you are less than a ten-thousandth of the time, you at this moment... you better hope that this king can find her, otherwise... this king will definitely make you unable to live or die for the rest of your life! "

As the words fell, he turned around without hesitation, and said to the palace servant beside him in a deep voice: "Change with her, wash and dress carefully, and send it to Fengluan Palace!"


Looking at Yuan Mingyue, who had been tortured by him, who was already out of shape, the palace servant who brought in the medicine was already terrified. Hearing his orders now, she dared not neglect her in the slightest, and responded quickly!
After Duguchen left, the palace servants hurried forward and helped Yuan Mingyue up: "Miss Mingyue, are you alright?"


Although Yuan Mingyue said so, she couldn't help laughing at herself.

Does she seem to be okay now? !
But even if something happened, she would go to see her sister in a good manner after washing up carefully.

In this world, she can bow her head to anyone, but she must stick to her last pride in front of her!

In Fengluan Palace.

As in the past, the incense in the cauldron is still lavender.

All the palace servants in the main hall were dispatched outside the gate of the hall, leaving only Ting Lan alone. Yuan Xiuyue sat on the top of the main hall, looked at her parents next to her, and only drank tea with lowered eyebrows from time to time, but rarely interacted with them. the words.

More than a year ago, in An Guohou's mansion, they had vowed to sever their father-daughter relationship with her. After that time, she was taken back to the palace by Nangong Haoling, and she had never seen them again.

Likewise, they had never seen her.

Therefore, when we meet again now, she and them are like strangers.

But even so, they still came to the door this morning and begged her to make decisions for Mingyue.

But she couldn't bear their begging in the end, and she finally showed up.

Even if this would allow Nangong Haoling to discover her true identity.

However, if the grace of her parents for childbearing can be broken, what is the difference between her and them?
"Why don't you come..."

After waiting for too long, she still didn't see Yuan Mingyue entering the palace. Finally, Ling couldn't help but look at Yuan Xiuyue: "Empress Empress... Do you want to send someone to remind you?"

Eyebrows raised slightly, looking at the restless Ling Shi, Yuan Xiuyue's lips curled slightly, and said with a faint smile: "Mother and daughter haven't seen each other for more than a year, but after meeting, I only ask my daughter to go to the emperor to ask for an explanation for my sister. Sister has only been gone for a few days, are you anxious?"

Hearing this, Ling's complexion changed, she couldn't help opening her mouth, and burst into tears: "The's not what you think, you and Mingyue are both the flesh and blood of mother's heart, but at this moment you sit firmly in the back seat, you have to She will enjoy wealth forever, but she has fallen like this, mother, I am really worried..."

Staring at Ling's teary eyes, Yuan Xiuyue felt a slight pain in her heart.

Sighing softly, her slender fingers slowly brushed across the traces of the glazed teacup in her hand: "Don't worry, since King Yue said he was sent to bring her here, she will definitely appear in front of mother in a short time. "

Hearing the looseness in Yuan Xiuyue's tone, Yuan Chenghai frowned, and couldn't help standing up with Ling Shi: "Xiu...Xiuyue!"

Hearing the sound, Yuan Xiuyue's hand holding the glazed teacup couldn't help trembling slightly!
When she raised her eyes, she met her father's dark eyes, and her eyes fell on his mottled beard and hair. She couldn't help sighing again: "Father, this is the imperial palace, you have exceeded the rules!"


Nodding heavily, Yuan Chenghai also sighed: "I know as a father, I can't call the empress by her maiden name as a husband, but I really can't help it as a father, Xiuyue... I know for my father, I hurt you last time." Your heart, but it has a lot to do with the post, and it has too much to do with it, I was really furious for a while..."

Lowering his head, Yuan Chenghai shook his head regretfully: "Father knows, you must still be angry with him, but no matter what, you are also his daughter, girl... blood is thicker than water!"

(End of this chapter)

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