Chapter 145 The truth is too cruel! 4
Hearing Yuan Chenghai's affectionate words, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes changed slightly.

Watching her expression all the time, seeing that she didn't resist too much, Ling quickly said: "My child...your father is right, no matter what, you are the daughter born for mother Shiyue, you and Mingyue, To Wei Niang, it's like the palms and the backs of the hands are all meat!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue slowly closed her eyes, suppressed the turbulent tears in her eyes, opened her eyes again, and there was a wry smile in her eyes: "Master Parents, since my palace and elder sister are to you, the palms and the backs of your hands, Why have you always favored one person than another since childhood?"


Because of Yuan Xiuyue's words, she was at a loss for words for a while, Ling and Yuan Chenghai looked at each other, and said quickly: "You have been weak since you were young, and my mother was afraid that she would not be able to support you, so she asked a highly respected monk to do a divination with you. The hexagram, the hexagram shows that you must stay away from your parents in order to survive in this world!"

Hearing what Ling said, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but frown!
Before she could make a sound, she heard a cold shout from outside the hall: "What nonsense!"

Hearing the sound, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help frowning, while Yuan Chenghai and his wife were also shocked!
When the sound fell, the general Yuan Wende was wearing a black robe and a jade belt of the same color around his waist. He was handsome and handsome, and strode into the hall with great strides.

"elder brother!"

With a happy expression on her face, she got up from the jade seat, and Yuan Xiuyue quickly stepped down and came to Yuan Wende.

Looking at Yuan Xiuyue in front of him, Yuan Wende frowned deeply, and finally after a while, he showed a smile: "Girl?"


Yuan Xiuyue never thought of hiding anything from her elder brother, Yuan Xiuyue nodded lightly, then turned to look at her parents.

Following his line of sight and looking at Yuan Chenghai and his wife at the same time, Yuan Wende said coldly: "I have been here for a long time, and I only listened outside the hall. Father, don't you think that the words "blood is thicker than water" have never been heard before?" How ironic is it from what you said?"


Being ridiculed by his son, Yuan Chenghai's face instantly became extremely ugly: "I am your father!"

"Of course you are my father!"

The voice was still cold, and Yuan Wende glanced coldly at the Ling family who had been silent for a long time, and then turned fiercely: "If you are not my father, I will definitely kill you!"

"elder brother!"

The hand holding Yuan Wende's arm tightened slightly, and Yuan Xiuyue opened her eyes wide, looking at her brother in shock.

Her brother has always been gentle and refined.

No matter how naughty she is, there will always be a doting smile on the corner of his mouth, even if he is facing his subordinates, if he is not in the army, he will not always keep a straight face.

But at this moment, he said that he would kill her father.

The him in front of her made her feel so strange!

Reaching out and holding Yuan Xiuyue's hand, Yuan Wende turned to look at Ling Shi, and said in a cold voice, "You just said that you were pregnant and gave birth to her in October?"


Her voice couldn't help trembling, Ling's face turned pale and she opened her mouth: "I..."

Seeing her like this, Yuan Wende couldn't help but smiled at her disgustedly: "You have no shame!"


"elder brother!"

Seeing that Yuan Wende scolded Ling's brazenness, Yuan Chenghai and Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help shouting at the same time!
Ignoring his father, Yuan Wende turned his head slightly, looked at Yuan Xiuyue, and gently supported her weak shoulders, his handsome face was full of dignity: "Girl, have you grown up yet?"

"elder brother……"

As smart as Yuan Xiuyue, she had already expected that his brother was hiding something from him, but now seeing him like this, a bad feeling suddenly arose in her heart!

Seeing that Yuan Xiuyue remained silent for a while, Yuan Wende couldn't help frowning slightly: "Girl?"

"What brother wants to say, just say it!"

Deeply, meeting his gaze, Yuan Xiuyue finally nodded lightly.


Nodding his head lightly, with inexplicable pain hidden in his warm eyes, Yuan Wende pointed at Ling, and said in a deep voice: "From today on, you have to remember that this woman is not our mother!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue only felt a loud bang in her mind, and her expression was shocked!

"Yuan Wende! Are you crazy!"

With a sharp voice, he stepped forward and pulled Yuan Wende's arm that was supporting Yuan Xiuyue's shoulder. Yuan Chenghai waved his fist and punched him in the face.

Suddenly he made a move and reached out to hold Yuan Chenghai's fist. Yuan Wende smiled coldly, and sighed softly: "What? You are afraid that if I reveal your true colors, the An Guohou's mansion will lose the queen as a big backer, right?"

Throwing away Yuan Chenghai's hand violently, causing his feet to sway and nearly fall, Yuan Wende turned to look at Yuan Xiuyue who was still on the side at the moment: "Girl, please remember, this is the man we call father, who treated my mother back then. From beginning to end, she was in disarray and finally abandoned, hooked up with his wife's relatives and sisters, and the murdered mother shed tears all day long..."

"shut up!"

Trembling all over, she interrupted Yuan Wende's words, and Ling fell to her knees tremblingly: "Wende... I beg you, stop talking!"

"Don't let me say it now. Didn't you just say that you gave birth to a girl only after being pregnant in October?" Jun's face was full of contempt, Yuan Wende shook his head with a sneer, and said to Ling: "Since I Open your mouth, and let the girl know everything, just like, you were the one who robbed your sister's husband with all your scheming back then, and it was you, a woman with a heart like a snake, who pushed her pregnant sister to the lake. Here, causing her to die in childbirth..."


Hearing Yuan Wende's words, Yuan Chenghai's body trembled, and he looked in shock at the Ling family who had been with him for more than [-] years!

With tears in his tiger eyes, Yuan Wende looked at his father coldly: "My beloved father, don't tell me that you don't know that it was not an accident when my mother fell into the lake, but her... all because of She! She killed my mother, and she kept saying that it was a bad girl..."

"not me!"

Turning her head to look at Yuan Chenghai, Ling grabbed his arm, her eyes filled with tears, she kept shaking her head: "Master Hou, you trust me, not me..."

"How dare you say it's not you?"

With sharp eyes like eagles, staring at Ling, Yuan Wende roared in pain: "When you pushed my mother back then, I hid behind the rockery. I witnessed the whole process of your murder with my own eyes. You still don't know what to do?" Dare to deny it!"


Covering her ears tightly with her hands, the tears in Yuan Xiuyue's eyes kept gushing out, shaking her head gently, letting the tears fall drop by drop, she shouted to Yuan Wende with red and swollen eyes: "Brother, don't say it, don't say it !"

Turning around suddenly, her eyes landed on Yuan Chenghai and Ling Shi, she kept shaking her head, her tone sad and mournful: "The deepest memory of you since I was a child is that you hold the bright moon in your palm, At that time, I kept thinking, why father and mother never smiled at me, why you always looked at me more, why you sent me, who was only a few years old, to the clouds thousands of miles away. Yang, why...why..."

There are too many whys, choked in her throat, but she can't ask a word. Yuan Xiuyue closed her eyes tightly, but she couldn't contain her tears!
Her heart hurts so much, so much!
In the past, I always wanted to know why I was not favored by the Yuan family.

Today, she finally understands why her elder brother has repeatedly warned her not to serve her husband together with Sister Yuan Mingyue!
It turned out that their previous generation was so unbearable, and her mother was actually killed by Mingyue's mother... This truth, to her who only wanted to be loved by her parents, was like a bolt from the blue. , too cruel!


Her eyes were already red, Ting Lan stepped forward a few steps, and hugged Yuan Xiuyue who kept shaking her head in her arms.


There was a throbbing pain in his heart, Yuan Wende stepped forward two steps, but saw Yuan Xiuyue's figure trembled, and he sat slumped on the ground.


Seeing Yuan Xiuyue's expression hurt, Yuan Chenghai opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word, his eyes were downcast, staring at Ling's hand holding his sleeve, he frowned, and brushed her vigorously. Kai: "Go away!"

"Master Hou..."

Looking at her husband whom she had loved deeply for more than 20 years, Ling shook her head at him with a look of despair.

"You are a woman with a heart like a snake and a scorpion. You can even harm your own sisters. What else can't you do?" His eyes were slightly red, Yuan Chenghai gritted his teeth secretly, and finally flung his sleeves vigorously, pushing Ling to the ground.


As soon as she entered the hall, seeing Yuan Chenghai pushing Ling Shi to the ground, Yuan Mingyue hurried forward and knelt down in front of her.


Holding Yuan Mingyue's hand with a dull expression, Ling Shi pushed her body: "Go and beg your father to let her forgive mother... Hurry up!"


Raising her eyes, Yuan Mingyue's gaze shifted from Yuan Chenghai to Yuan Wende, and finally to Yuan Xiuyue. Seeing Yuan Xiuyue's eyes turned cold, she raised her eyes to look at her mother. Shake!
(End of this chapter)

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