Chapter 146 Afraid of You Running Away 1
Yuan Xiuyue has always known that people in this world are sinister, but she never thought that the woman she has always regarded as her own mother is so vicious and shameless!
She killed her mother, but she kept telling her father that she was the one who beat her mother hard, so that her father would send her away to Yunyang, but even so, she just followed her affectionately She said that she was born in October of her pregnancy, and she and Yuan Mingyue are her palms and backs!

She has seen thick-skinned people before, but she has never seen such thick-skinned people!

"In the world, how can there be such a vicious and shameless person like you!"

Tears had already blurred her eyes, and Yuan Xiuyue felt sore in her heart. Seeing Ling's eyes getting colder and colder, she was supported by Ting Lan to stand up, trembling slightly, and walked towards Ling's mother and daughter with a gloomy expression.

Seeing her approaching, Yuan Mingyue seemed to be facing a formidable enemy, even though she threw herself in front of Ling Shi, she was trembling with fear!
Her gaze swept across Yuan Mingyue, and finally landed on Ling Shi behind her. Yuan Xiuyue asked Ting Lan in a deep voice: "Ting Lan, what would you do if someone killed your mother?"

Hearing this, Ting Lan trembled slightly.

Looking up at Yuan Xiuyue, she already hated Ling very much in her heart: "This servant will kill her!"


Walking slowly to Ling's and Yuan Xiuyue's side, Yuan Xiuyue's lips twitched coldly, without any emotion in his tone: "Then I will kill her!"

"Xiu... Xiuyue!"

Facing Yuan Xiuyue's cold eyes, Yuan Mingyue's heart trembled again, and she opened her arms to block Ling's body, her delicate face was as pale as paper: "You can't..."

"Why can't I?"

Deep hatred filled her heart, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes were reddish, and she said coldly angrily: "She took away my father, killed my mother, and caused me to accept a thief as my mother for 20 years. I will kill her!" A thousand times, ten thousand times, it will be difficult to solve the hatred in my heart!"

At this moment, there seemed to be a fire burning in her heart, and this fire made her heart ache!

She knew that if she didn't do something at this time, she would definitely get angry and let the fire burn herself to death!

For the first time, seeing Yuan Xiuyue in such a hysterical state, Yuan Mingyue, who had already been exhausted, didn't know what to do for a while, biting her vermilion lips, she turned her head and looked at Yuan Wende as if begging for help: " Brother?"

"Don't call me big brother! When you colluded with Han Minyi and set the fire in the cold palace, and the girl almost died, I have long since lost you as a sister in my heart!" On top of her delicate face, Yuan Wende also looked at Ling with an angry lowered eyebrow, and said in a cold tone: "I was young and soft-spoken, even if I told you what you did, I would definitely not Some people believe that if you had treated the girl better in the past few years, you would not be in such a state today, but how did you treat her? Not only did you annihilate your own sisters who killed your humanity, but you also repeatedly treated the girl Harsh treatment... People are doing it and the sky is watching, no matter what happens to you today, you have to blame yourself, and you can't blame others!"


Her figure was like a fallen leaf in the wind, fluttering gently. Ling called Yuan Wende, and seeing him turn his head to the side in anger, not looking at her, she frowned tightly, and quickly turned to look at Yuan Chenghai: "Master, I'm really not on purpose……"


Once again, Yuan Xiuyue asked coldly, "You said just now that you didn't do it, but now you can't deny it, and you said you didn't do it on purpose?"

"Moon repair!"

Turning around, Ling climbed a few steps forward, grabbed Yuan Xiuyue's skirt and begged crying: "I know I was wrong, and I beg you for the sake of our mother and daughter..."

"Have you ever given birth to me? Have you ever cared about me?" Thinking of everything she had suffered in the past, Yuan Xiuyue's heart turned cold, and she suddenly raised her foot and kicked Ling Shi to the ground: "You and I don't have a mother at all. Femininity!"


With a cry of surprise, Yuan Mingyue's heart tightened, and she hurriedly stepped forward to support Ling Shi. She felt the violent trembling of her mother in her arms.

Raising her eyes upward, she looked at Yuan Chenghai, who had been stunned by the side and kept silent. She burst into tears, sadly and gracefully: "Father, no matter how many wrong things my mother has done, she is always good to you! Please, Mingyue, I beg you and Xiuyue to plead for mercy..."

Hearing this, the color of Yuan Chenghai's eyes changed slightly, and he looked up at Yuan Xiuyue who had a cold face in front of him.After a while, his brows were tightly frowned, and he finally took a deep look at Yuan Mingyue, then closed his eyes, and turned his head to look aside.


Seeing that Yuan Chenghai directly chose to ignore the Ling family, Yuan Mingyue's tender body trembled slightly, and after a face of despair, there was a deep obscurity. She took a deep breath, and looked up at Yuan Xiuyue firmly: "Mother has nothing to do with you. What about me? I am also my father's daughter, and I am bleeding, just like you..."


Before Yuan Mingyue could finish speaking, Yuan Xiuyue waved his arm, slapped her face hard, and slapped her across the face.

Seeing this, Ting Lan's heart trembled, and even Yuan Wende's complexion changed slightly!

Although Yuan Xiuyue beat Concubine Han angrily in the past, smashed up the Imperial Hospital, and stabbed Duguchen to save Nangong Haoling, but for Yuan Mingyue, she has repeatedly borne it, even if Yuan Mingyue beat her, she Never fought back against her!
But at this moment, she slapped Yuan Mingyue hard and resoundingly!

This is the first time she has done anything to Yuan Mingyue!
And, just like Yuan Mingyue used to treat her, he was quick and ruthless!

And Yuan Mingyue, because of the strength in her hand, was directly slapped to the ground by him.

After being beaten twice in one day, Yuan Mingyue's already red and swollen cheeks swelled up again, and a fishy sweetness surged from the corner of her mouth again. She smiled bitterly, and stretched out her hand tremblingly, Wipe away the blood stains from the corner of his mouth.

She thought, today should be the darkest day in her life!

"Yuan Mingyue!"

With lowered eyebrows and contempt for Yuan Mingyue below, Yuan Xiuyue said in a cold voice, "This slap was given to me by you before, but now I'm giving it back to you here. Didn't you always say that since that day, our sisters Has the relationship between you and me been broken? If so, don’t say in front of me that you have the same blood as me, this... will only make me despise you even more!"

Yuan Xiuyue's voice was cold and low, but in Yuan Mingyue's ears, it was like thunder.

She has always thought that she is far superior to Xiuyue!

But at this moment, she realized that she had lost so thoroughly!
At the very least, at the end of the fight, she is still the empress empress, but what about her?
Thinking of the days she will live in the future, she can't help but see a gloomy scene!
Slightly sideways, she glanced at her mother who was so frightened that she was so frightened. She lifted her teary eyes, and met Yuan Xiuyue's decisive gaze. Now, Mingyue shouldn't try to argue with you, Mingyue please, let my mother go, please..."

At the end, the sound became lower and lower, but the sound of kowtowing became louder and louder.

Even though her forehead was bumped and the topknot fell apart, Yuan Mingyue still stared at the blood on her face, and kowtowed to Yuan Xiuyue non-stop. Seeing her like this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes moved slightly, and even Ting Lan beside her , I couldn't bear to watch it any longer.

Looking at Yuan Mingyue, who has always been extremely proud, kowtowing to herself in such a despondent way, Yuan Xiuyue's heart was filled with mixed feelings instead of a trace of pleasure!

After a long time, Yuan Xiuyue closed her eyes awkwardly, her eyes were covered with blood red, and she turned around, not looking at Yuan Mingyue again!

Seeing Yuan Mingyue suffer so much for her sake, Ling's heart was cut like a knife, and tears were streaming down her face!


Seeing Yuan Xiuyue turning around and closing her eyes with difficulty, Yuan Wende finally couldn't help shouting and snorting coldly. He stepped forward, stretched out his hand and pulled Yuan Mingyue's arm, pulling her up from the ground: "You think, Can you just kowtow a few times here to make up for your mother's fault?"


Both eyes were blood red, Yuan Mingyue frowned slightly, and opened her mouth bitterly, but before she could utter a single word, her body softened and she passed out.

"Mingyue..." The voice was shrill, and Ling struggled to climb to Yuan Mingyue's side, wanting to reach out to take her over, but when she caught a glimpse of Yuan Wende's gloomy expression, her heart trembled, and she froze on the ground for a moment, not daring to make a sound .

After a while, being pinched by Yuan Wende, Yuan Mingyue finally woke up again.


With a very eager call, Ling stepped forward trembling.

She wanted to touch her forehead, but because of the scar on her forehead, she didn't know how to do it, so she tightly covered her mouth, and cried with a low head.

"What? Seeing your daughter suffer so much?" Frowning lightly, Yuan Xiuyue glanced at Ling, and Yuan Xiuyue said with a smile: "People say, poor parents in the world, why do you know how to cherish your daughter? , but repeatedly treated other people’s daughters harshly?”

"Empress, I was wrong, I deserve to die!" Following Yuan Mingyue's example, kneeling in front of Yuan Xiuyue, Ling also began to kowtow non-stop: "Please spare Mingyue, she will not I'm going to marry Yue Wang, please, for the sake of sisterhood, don't torture her anymore..."

"Lin Sheng!"

Before looking back at Ling's, Yuan Xiuyue lowered her eyes slightly, and called Lin Sheng out of the hall with some bitterness.When the sound fell, Lin Sheng entered from outside the hall, and seeing the sound of crying in the hall, he was slightly startled, hurriedly stepped forward, and saluted Yuan Xiuyue: "What is the empress's order?"

Frowning slightly, Yuan Xiuyue sighed softly: "Send Yuan Mingyue back to Xingyue Pavilion! Before King Yue leaves the palace, she is not allowed to step out of Xingyue Pavilion!"

(End of this chapter)

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