Chapter 147 Afraid of You Running Away 2
"Empress Empress?!"

The blood on her face kept dripping on the front of her front. Yuan Mingyue stared slightly, she glanced at Ling Shi on the ground, and shook her head anxiously: "Please..."

Looking up at the jade seat above the hall, Yuan Xiuyue's voice suddenly sank: "Lin Sheng, what are you waiting for?"

Hearing this, Lin Sheng was startled, and nodded hurriedly: "Your servant will do it now!"

After the words fell, he walked quickly to Yuan Wende and said softly to Yuan Mingyue: "Miss Mingyue, please!"

"I do not go!"

Taking a step back, Yuan Mingyue accidentally landed on Ling's feet. Yuan Mingyue leaned over and fell to the ground with a bang.


Trembling, Ling stepped forward and hugged her daughter tightly, lovingly stroking her bloody and beautiful face, Ling frowned and bit her lips tightly: "Be obedient, you should go quickly!"

"I do not want!"

Hugging Ling Shi tightly, Yuan Mingyue shook her head in a mournful voice: "I want to be with Mother, I don't want to go to Xingyue Pavilion, Mother... Yue Wang is a lunatic! A lunatic!"

Hearing this, Ling's heart ached sharply, and Yuan Chenghai, who was standing aside, had an extremely ugly expression on his face!

Today, in the imperial study room, Duguchen treated Yuan Mingyue with contempt in every possible way. Now that she is like this, one can imagine what she has suffered.

Turning her eyes slightly, she caught a glimpse of her father, staring at Yuan Mingyue with pity, but never stepped forward. Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but sneered, and shouted at Lin Sheng again: "Lin Sheng, why are you still standing there? Let her Disappear in front of Ben Gong! Ben Gong doesn't want to see her again!"

Lin Sheng's face changed suddenly when he heard this, and he didn't dare to delay any longer. He reached out and grabbed Yuan Mingyue's arm, and carried her directly on his shoulders. Regardless of her desperate struggle, he walked quickly towards the outside of the hall.


Her eyes were full of despair, Yuan Mingyue kept waving her arms, but she couldn't break free from Lin Sheng's shackles, she could only helplessly let herself be carried out of the hall, her shrill and desperate voice still kept echoing in the hall .

"My Yue' must take good care of yourself in the future!" The tears had already burst, and Ling stretched out her hand, trying to grab her daughter's arm, but she saw that she was getting farther and farther away from her, as if in the mirror. Flowers, the moon in the water, can only be seen, but never touched...

"elder brother……"

Holding hands hanging by her sides tightly, Yuan Xiuyue gently called Yuan Wende.

Averting his eyes from Ling's body, he turned to look at Yuan Xiuyue, Yuan Wende frowned slightly: "Girl?"

Her eyes were reddish and dark, Yuan Xiuyue looked at Yuan Wende: "Can I make the decision today?"

Facing her gaze, probably guessing what she was thinking, Yuan Wende slightly curved his lips, nodded and said, "You are the empress, so today's affairs are naturally up to you!"

"it is good!"

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Xiuyue pursed her lips tightly, turned her head to look at Ling who was lying on the ground at her feet, and she ordered Ting Lan in a cold voice, "Take off all the gold and silver jewelry on her body!"


Responding with her head bowed, Ting Lan walked up to Ling Shi, inserted her head, and took off her belt one by one, leaving nothing behind.

"The Empress!"

Not knowing how Yuan Xiuyue would punish her, Ling's expression trembled with tears in her eyes, she was already on the verge of collapse.

A sneer slowly appeared on the corner of her lips, and Yuan Xiuyue looked at Ling Shi coldly: "Everyone needs to pay a corresponding price for what they have done, and no one is an exception!"

Hearing this, Ling Shi was terrified, and hurriedly begged in a trembling voice: "Empress, please spare me, don't kill me..."

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, I will only make your life worse than death!" The voice was very cold, Yuan Xiuyue raised her chin slightly, and said to Yuan Wende: "Brother, you take her out of the palace... directly Drive her out of the capital, and from now on, she will not be allowed to set foot in the Marquis of Anguo's mansion, I will make her never see her daughter in her life, and she will live on beggars for the rest of her life."


Hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words, Ling's face was already pale. "I don't want to be a beggar!"

With a terrified scream, Ling Shi made a gesture to grab Yuan Xiuyue's skirt again, but Yuan Wende waved his big hand and lifted her up directly, but he did not take Ling Shi out of the palace in person as Yuan Xiuyue said. Go, but as soon as you turn around, you have to hand it over to the guards outside the hall.

"Brother, go yourself!"

Her voice trembled slightly, Yuan Xiuyue took a deep breath, her eyes fixed on Yuan Wende firmly.


Don't worry about leaving Yuan Xiuyue out of the palace now, Yuan Wende frowned!

"I'm fine!"

Frowning tightly, Yuan Xiuyue's gaze met Yuan Wende's gaze, she turned her head to look at her father, she sneered and said, "I'm afraid that if this matter is left to others, someone will interfere with it."

Hearing this, Yuan Chenghai was shocked!
Looking at the stranger in front of him, and looking sideways at his daughter with resentment, he felt the hairs all over his body stand on end!
Seeing this, Yuan Wende understood.

"I'll be back when I go!"

Without further words, he directly lifted Ling's back, and led her to walk out quickly.

"Master me...Master Hou..." Terrified, desperate, but unwilling to let out a roar, Ling looked up at her already weeping face and shouted at Yuan Chenghai for help, but... ...No matter how she shouted, her husband who had been with her for more than [-] years never looked back at her...

One glance, none!
After a while, the hall returned to calm again.

Standing in a daze in the hall, Yuan Chenghai raised his eyes and glanced at Yuan Xiuyue, sighed softly, and he said to Yuan Xiuyue with some hesitation: "The child... is not good for the father, because the father was deceived by her." eyes..."


The corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips hooked slightly, Yuan Xiuyue gave a cool smile, putting away her bitter mind, she turned and stared at Yuan Chenghai: "Are you blinded by her, or are you blinded by your own heart?"

Hearing this, Yuan Chenghai's complexion suddenly changed!

His lips trembled slightly, and he wanted to speak up, but Yuan Xiuyue didn't give him a chance to speak!

With a sneer, Yuan Xiuyue turned around again, and walked slowly towards the jade seat above: "Today is the last time I call you father!"


After hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words, Yuan Chenghai's heart suddenly sank!
Taking a deep breath, he explained in a low voice: "As a father, I really don't know..."

"You don't have to explain anything to Bengong! I don't want to hear it!" Slowly sitting on the jade throne, Yuan Xiuyue's eyelids drooped slightly, and she stared at Yuan Chenghai below with disappointment: "Go, I don't want to see you again your turn!"

Hearing this, Yuan Chenghai was slightly suffocated: "Queen..."

Both hands suddenly slapped the handle of the Jade Throne, and it hurt her own hand. Yuan Xiuyue opened her eyes angrily, pointed at the entrance of the main hall, and shouted at Yuan Chenghai: "Get out! Get out!"

Seeing this, Yuan Chenghai's body and mind trembled, and his whole heart instantly fell to the bottom!
Facing Yuan Xiuyue's furious eyes, although he was unwilling, he finally lowered his head and exited the hall with a dejected expression.

Watching Yuan Chenghai's leaving back, Yuan Xiuyue's mind suddenly appeared, after being kidnapped by him yesterday, he caught a glimpse of his back in that small dark room.Thinking of his kindness to Yuan Mingyue, and thinking of her mother who died wronged, she pursed her lips, but she couldn't hold back the tears in her eyes...

This is her father!

He has pinned his hopes on power all his life, and has only Yuan Mingyue and his daughter in his eyes——the father!
He really disappointed her!

"My lady..."

Her heart was full of distress for Yuan Xiuyue, Ting Lan walked quickly to her side, and kept wiping away her tears with the handkerchief in her hand.

But, no matter how she wiped it off, the tears in Yuan Xiuyue's eyes seemed to be bursting, they always wiped and fell, and never dried.

"My lady..."

Two lines of tears slowly fell from the corners of her eyes, Ting Lan stretched out her hand to wrap Yuan Xiuyue's shoulder, and let her lean on her chest: "Don't cry..."

"Ting home is gone..."

Salty tears rolled down the corner of her mouth, Yuan Xiuyue pressed her lips tightly, leaned on Ting Lan, and patted her chest with her hand: "My heart hurts so much!"

"Ting Lan knows that the empress is sad!"

Tears kept falling down, Ting Lan took a deep breath and nodded vigorously. "But the empress still has a great general!"

"Yes! I still have my brother..."

Tears were dim, but she still muttered to herself, Yuan Xiuyue closed her eyes in pain, but she still couldn't stop the tears from the corners of her eyes.

When she raised her eyes, she saw Nangong Xiaoran who had been staying in the flower hall since early in the morning, standing in front of the side hall door at some point, Ting Lan trembled her lips, and looked down at Yuan Xiuyue again: "My lord, can you persuade me?" Empress..."

In the originally warm eyes, the gentle look was no longer the same as before, looking at Yuan Xiuyue who was crying in Ting Lan's arms, Nangong Xiaoran's eyes dimmed!

As a bystander, he saw everything just now.

If possible, he would like to be Ting Lan's substitute, let Yuan Xiuyue lean on her, and cry out all the pain in her heart one by one.

But he can't!

Because, this is the imperial palace, and their identities are different!
Holding Bi Yuxiao's hand, he tightened it suddenly, he gritted his teeth secretly, just stepped forward slowly, and lightly supported Yuan Xiuyue's shoulder: "If you want to cry, you can cry all at once, but there is no impenetrable wall in the world, if you keep If you cry here, the emperor will know about it later..."

Hearing Nangong Xiaoran mention Nangong Haoling, Yuan Xiuyue's shoulders trembled slightly.

But after a while, she was still crying!

If she doesn't cry, doesn't he know?

Isn't there an impenetrable wall in the world?
There was such a commotion in Fengluan Palace today, no matter whether she cries or not, Nangong Haoling will definitely know about it in a short time.

Feeling her trembling, Nangong Xiaoran smiled bitterly, raised his eyes and frowned at Ting Lan and said lightly: "You help the empress to the inner hall first, let her have a good rest!"


Nodding lightly, Ting Lan helped Yuan Xiuyue get up.

Looking at Yuan Xiuyue's heartbroken appearance, Nangong Xiaoran's complexion could not help but gradually become stern.

(End of this chapter)

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