Chapter 148 Afraid of You Running Away 3
Alone, standing in the empty hall for a long time, he finally couldn't help sighing, he frowned slightly, and walked out.


Outside the main hall, Ji Heng had a serious expression on his face, and he didn't know how long he had been standing outside the hall door.

Seeing Nangong Xiaoran come out, his expression changed slightly, but he still bowed respectfully: "I have seen His Highness Prince Ning!"

"Director Ji?"

His brows frowned very tightly in an instant, Nangong Xiaoran stared at Ji Heng in front of him, and after a lot of thought, he returned to his usual light smile: "You are not serving the emperor at this time, why did you come to Fengluan Palace?" gone?"

Hearing this, Ji Heng smiled wryly, but did not hide the truth: "I will tell His Highness Prince Ning, this servant came to Fengluan Palace to serve dinner at the order of the Emperor, but... I saw some things that I shouldn't have seen. Yes, I am hesitating how to report to the emperor?"

He knows Nangong Haoling's temper better than anyone else.

Now, the current queen empress seems to have replaced Zhuge Zhenzhen's position in his heart.

If he went back at this moment and reported everything that happened in Fengluan Palace, he would rush over desperately.

But if he saw Yuan Xiuyue's current appearance, he was afraid that without Mrs. Hou Ye and Miss An Guohou's mansion, he would be stripped of his skin!
This is not what the queen wants, and most importantly, he is angry, he doesn't want his master to be angry!

Knowing why Ji Heng was worried in his heart, but also expected that Nangong Haoling should have noticed Yuan Xiuyue's true identity, Nangong Xiaoran smiled lightly, and sighed disapprovingly: "Boss Ji is a smart person, he should know what to say, What can't be said!"

Hearing this, Ji Heng pulled his lips lightly, then shook his head and smiled wryly: "His Royal Highness Ning, you are the master, and you are smarter than a slave like me. If a slave doesn't say some things, it is deceiving the master, and it is a death penalty." ah!"

"Since that's the case... what if the empress doesn't let you talk about it?" Nangong Xiaoran looked at Ji Heng, pondered for a moment, and then smiled leisurely: "Now that the emperor is busy with state affairs all day long, and has to worry about King Yue's affairs, the empress must I don't want my own family affairs to cause him any more trouble!"


After a moment of hesitation, Ji Heng made a gesture to face in: "My servant, go and ask the Empress what she means..."

The jade flute in his hand was lifted slightly, blocking Ji Heng's way. Nangong Haoling glanced sideways at him, and then said softly: "Boss Ji doesn't have to go, the empress is too sad at the moment, she probably won't see you!"

Hearing this, Ji Heng's expression changed obviously!
Staring at Ji Heng's slightly changed face, Nangong Xiaoran was silent for a moment, his handsome brows frowned slightly: "Boss Ji..."

"The slave is here!"

Slightly bowing to Nangong Xiao Ran, Ji Heng waited for his order.

Beautiful lips, gracefully raised, Nangong Xiaoran lowered his chin, and met Ji Heng's lowered eyes: "The master of Fengluan Palace is not Princess Xian, but Empress Empress, you don't seem to be surprised at all. ?”

Hearing this, Ji Heng buried his head even lower with a half-smile.

Seeing this, Nangong Xiaoran smiled wryly, and a hint of understanding flashed in his pupils!

Yuan Xiuyue's meaning to Nangong Haoling was the same as she was to him.

Since it was something he could detect, no matter how well Yuan Xiuyue disguised herself in Nangong Haoling, she couldn't escape his eyes after all!
Sighing sadly in his heart, he smiled at Ji Heng and said, "Boss Ji, I take back what I just said, empress... what she needs most now... is a shoulder to lean on!"

"The servant understands what the prince means!"

The smile at the corner of his mouth was a little real, Ji Heng respected Xiao Ran to Nangong, but he didn't enter Fengluan Palace, he only raised his eyes and forgot to take a look in, then turned around and returned to Yexi Palace.

Watching Ji Heng leave, the smile on Nangong Haoling's face gradually disappeared.

Looking at the one he loves, crying in front of his eyes, but he can't go forward, this is undoubtedly a kind of painful torture for him.

But, he can't, but Nangong Haoling can!

He thought, that person's shoulders should be the most suitable for Yuan Xiuyue!

Also, what she wants most!
Slightly frowned, sighed deeply, he looked up at the bright sun directly above his head, the glaring light forced him to narrow his eyes slightly, making it difficult for people to see the true emotion in his heart...

In the imperial study.

After seeing through Yuan Xiuyue's identity, Nangong Haoling was in a good mood, and was seriously reviewing the mountain of memorials on the table!
When he raised his eyes, he glanced at the watch beside the table, knowing that noon was approaching, he lightly closed a memorial with the corner of his lips, and took out another one that had not been reviewed.

Just at this time, Ji Heng entered from outside the hall.

Looking up at Nangong Haoling who was in the upper position, Ji Heng walked slowly to the imperial case and saluted respectfully: "Your Majesty, the servant is back!"


Looking up at Ji Heng, Nangong Haoling raised his eyebrows calmly: "Have you done everything I ordered?"

Hearing this, Ji Heng pursed his lips, but lowered his head and did not respond.

After a while, when Ji Heng didn't make a sound, Nangong Haoling raised his eyes again, frowning and looking at him: "What's wrong?"


Holding the whisk in his hand very tightly, Ji Heng looked at his master with a gloomy expression, "The slave didn't see the empress!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's heart skipped a beat!
Suddenly got up, his voice was slightly cold: "What do you mean you didn't see me? Could it be that she ran away?"

"Not what the emperor thought, the empress is still in the Fengluan Palace at this moment!" Shaking his head quickly, Ji Heng lowered his head in a trembling voice and said: "When the general came just now, didn't the emperor ask him to visit the empress? The servant and the general We went together, and when we went, we happened to meet An Guohou and Mrs. Hou Ye, who were trying to win over the empress!"

"is it?"

Frowning slightly, Nangong Haoling's face was a little ugly, "If it's just such a simple thing as An Guohou and his wife and the empress win over each other, why do you have to look like this?"

Seeing Nangong Haoling's ugly face, Ji Heng's expression changed and he said: "An Guohou said that the Queen's blood is thicker than water. After all, it is her father, and that Mrs. Hou. She said she was pregnant in October. It took a lot of hardships to give birth to the queen... In fact, what they said was nothing, but the general was so angry that he broke in and exposed the true colors of An Guohou and his wife in front of the queen..."

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling felt his heart sink suddenly!
It was related to Yuan Xiuyue's life experience, Yuan Wende once mentioned it to him.

But Yuan Xiuyue has been kept in the dark.

If Yuan Wende exposed the true colors of Yuan Chenghai and his wife in front of her at this time, this fact would undoubtedly be too cruel for Yuan Xiuyue!

Thinking of Yuan Xiuyue's mood at this moment, Nangong Haoling's heart hurts!
Observing Nangong Haoling's expression carefully, Ji Heng continued: "Please calm down the emperor, the queen has already made a decision on this matter, she has stripped Ling of gold and silver, drove her out of the capital, and reprimanded her for begging all her life... ..."

"In this way, isn't it too cheap for her?"

Throwing the folder in his hand on the imperial case, Nangong Haoling's eyes froze, strode around the imperial case, and walked out quickly.

At this moment, whenever she thinks of Yuan Xiuyue licking her heartache alone, Nangong Haoling's heart will throb, and she wishes to fly to her side immediately!


With an exclamation, knowing that Nangong Haoling's trip must be going to Fengluan Palace, Ji Heng hurriedly followed.

However, when he left the imperial study room, the long corridor outside the hall was empty, and there was no shadow of Nangong Haoling...


Back in the bedroom, Yuan Xiuyue never said a word. She sat on the imperial concubine's couch for a long time before she lay down on the phoenix couch with a tired face. She glanced at Ting Lan who was in front of the phoenix couch with a worried face. She closed her eyes tightly. , "You go down first, I want to stay by myself for a while."

"Your Majesty, it's better to let the maidservant accompany you!" Standing on the phoenix couch, looking down at Yuan Xiuyue, Ting Lan sighed secretly, frowned and covered her with the quilt, but never left.

"Ting Lan!"

I don't know how long it has passed, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes are still claustrophobic, but she gently opened her lips and muttered: "I want to drink a bowl of bird's nest and lotus seed porridge that you cooked."

"Uh... yes!"

Responding hesitantly, Ting Lan finally nodded lightly, "I'll cook it for you, servant girl!"

When the words fell, she sighed helplessly!
Reaching out her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, she took another deep look at Yuan Xiuyue. She thought of doing well soon so that she could come to accompany Yuan Xiuyue, so she quickly left the bedroom.

After Ting Lan left, although Yuan Xiuyue closed her eyes tightly, her brows were tightly knit together, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and the tears that had been stopped with great difficulty came gushing out from the corners of her eyes again.She had already bitten her lips for blood, but she still couldn't help choking up sobs. She shoved her hand into her mouth tremblingly, not letting herself make a sound.

Slowly, she curled up under the brocade quilt, like a wounded child, crying helplessly and alone...

For family affection, she had expected for too long.

All along, she thought that her parents always ignored her because she was not outstanding enough or did not do well enough!
But now, after knowing all the truth, her heart seemed to be cut open with a knife, dripping blood all the time!


When Nangong Haoling entered the bedroom, what he saw was Yuan Xiuyue curled up on the bed, crying bitterly.

All of a sudden, his whole heart felt a twinge of pain!
Because he made it all the way, his breathing was still a little disordered, but even so, he didn't delay for a moment, he jumped onto the couch, and embraced the woman on the bed who was licking his wound alone, fiercely and forcefully. middle!
His sudden movement shocked Yuan Xiuyue!
Immediately afterwards, the musky scent that belonged exclusively to him flowed into his nose and nose, knowing who the person behind him was, and thinking that it could only be him, Yuan Xiuyue's eyelashes trembled, and she cried even more fiercely!
Seeing that she was crying even more for a while, Nangong Haoling frowned slightly.

Stretching out his hand to support her shoulder, he forced her to turn around and face him. He looked at her eyes swollen from crying with pity, and couldn't help but twitched the corners of his lips, and said in a joking tone: "Stupid woman, you are always He's ugly, but now that he's crying like this, he can't even look at the ugly one!"

(End of this chapter)

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