Chapter 149 Afraid of You Running Away 4
Originally, the tears in the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's eyes kept rolling down, but now that she heard what he said, she nestled in his arms again. Everything wailed!


When she cried like this, Nangong Haoling's complexion changed immediately, and he became a little confused!
God knows, since he was born, others have always coaxed him, which woman greeted him with a smile, but now this one is crying in front of her, Yuan Xiuyue is No. 1 in the world!

If there was a woman who dared to do this at the same time, he could just walk away and lower that woman's rank when he turned around.

But it wasn't someone else who was crying in front of him, it was his heart and soul!
Seeing Yuan Xiuyue crying so loudly that he couldn't stop crying, he felt distressed, so he naturally wanted to try to coax him.

"You...don't cry! It's all my's because I can't speak, you're not ugly, you're the prettiest, you're ashamed of the moon, you're as beautiful as a fairy..." Yuan Xiuyue wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. Nangong Haoling couldn't help frowning when he saw her tears falling more and more fiercely. He felt the pain in his heart. He looked slightly embarrassed and pressed her directly into his arms Here, patted her trembling back, making her cry all at once!

It is said that women are made of water. Until now, Nangong Haoling really understood the meaning of this sentence.

Yuan Xiuyue in front of him has always been cheerful and optimistic.

She is not afraid of him, she dares to talk back to him and fight against him.

She like that is always full of vigor and never heartless.

But right now, she really looked like she was made of water.

And this kind of her made him feel bad for her!
After a long time, hearing her cry gradually subsided, Nangong Haoling sighed softly, frowned and lowered his head, gently hooking her chin with his index finger.Seeing that her eyes were red and swollen with tears in them, he moistened them and kissed the corners of her eyes lightly.

Slowly, tasting the taste of her tears, he nodded slightly as if he was appraising a delicate dish, "Salty!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue snorted, and couldn't help laughing out of tears!

Sniffing, she grabbed the dragon robe on his body and blew her nose, sobbing non-stop: "Tears are salty."

Seeing that she stopped crying, Nangong Haoling's heart that was hanging high finally fell steadily.

Not caring whether his dragon robe was dirty, he raised his hand slightly, tucked back a strand of hair hanging from Yuan Xiuyue's forehead, kissed her forehead lightly, and asked in an extremely gentle voice: "Enough crying is enough!" ?"


Knowing that he had already guessed her identity, Yuan Xiuyue stopped pretending to be Xuanyuan Tang, and whispered his name. Thinking of her parents, the tears she had just stopped filled her eyes again: "Yue'er... There is no home!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's face changed slightly, and the hands holding her shoulders suddenly tightened!
"do you know?"

Her gaze was a little dull on the red silk tent of the phoenix couch. Yuan Xiuyue's tone was ethereal, but it made people feel distressed: "I have been asking myself since I was a child, what did I do wrong? Why do my parents always only love Mingyue?" One, but left me alone in the Jinlin Courtyard, never ignoring me, regardless of my life or death!"


Patting her hand on the back lightly, Nangong Haoling's eyes darkened slightly: "Stop talking..."

"I want to say..."

Tears slipped down the corners of her eyes again, Yuan Xiuyue sniffed, and poured out all the pain in her heart to him with trembling lips: "In order to make them like me, I tried to please them more than once, but in the end In exchange, they sent me thousands of miles away, leaving me to fend for myself in Yunyang!"

"Damn them!"

Empathizing with the pain in Yuan Xiuyue's heart, Nangong Haoling's face was cold, and he almost squeezed these words out between his teeth!

"She... is too much!"

Biting her lips tightly, Yuan Xiuyue's voice was sobbing, her face was sad: "She killed my mother, but told my father that it was my fate to kill my mother, and in order to show her generosity, I was born as I am her October Being pregnant and giving birth made me look forward to being able to snuggle up in her arms and enjoy the mother-daughter relationship for the rest of my life."

But at this moment, her dream was shattered!
Thinking of how in the past she had tried to please her mother-killing enemy countless times, she wished she could slap herself a few times!

In his heart, he was in deep pain because of her pain. The love in Nangong Haoling's eyes was not concealed at all. His thin and sexy lips were slightly pursed. He reluctantly kissed the teardrops in the corner of her eyes, and once again Holding her in his arms: "Silly girl, why are you crying? Those people are not worth your tears. Without them, wouldn't you still have me? In the future, we will have our own children. With It's your home!"

Hearing his affectionate words, Yuan Xiuyue's heart trembled slightly!
Suddenly, three years passed by.

In the past, he always made things difficult for her, without any pretense!
But at this moment, he is so affectionate, hoping for their children, and asking her to have a family!

Such words, if spoken from someone else's mouth, are naturally common.

But he is the king of a country!
This, how can she not be moved? !

In an instant, she felt a warm current flowing through her heart. She raised her head slightly, rested her chin on his shoulder, and sucked her nose vigorously, her eyes were somewhat complicated. Emotions: "This place is treacherous, full of interests and struggles, even at the expense of life, I... can I really regard this place as our home?"

Hearing the worry in her words, Nangong Haoling's eyes darkened slightly!
He clasped his hands with sudden force, and nodded with firm eyes, and whispered in her ear: "Trust me, with me here, it will definitely be possible!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, and finally curled the corners of her lips lightly.

After several years in the palace, how could she not know that he is the emperor, and all the women in this palace belong to him alone.

And if she wants to monopolize him.

Difficult to climb to the sky!

But so what?

Even if what he said today was just empty talk, she would choose to believe it without hesitation!

Because, she loves him!

Really, really, really, really loving...


After waiting for a while, Nangong Haoling could not help but feel that her emotions had calmed down slightly: "Mr. Ling's crime is unforgivable, do you... really plan to just let it go?"

"I know, she should be killed..."

With a helpless and bitter sigh, Yuan Xiuyue left his embrace slightly, bit her lips tightly and said, "But the Yuan family has elder brothers besides them, and I don't want to involve him...even though my relationship with the Yuan family No matter how shallow the relationship is, that's my natal family, the number one relative in the country that attracts the most attention, and in the future the Yuan family will be supported by my elder brother, so this matter shouldn't make too much noise..."

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling was silent for a moment.

Now that Yuan Mingyue has lost her life to Duguchen, one can imagine the days to come!

Although Ling Shi was only sent out of the capital to beg, such a punishment was not as pleasant as Ling Chilai's, but it was enough for her to bear.

That's it!That's it!
Since she didn't want to pursue it further, he turned a blind eye and let her go!
Staring at her with lowered eyebrows for a long time, he caressed her face lightly, his eyes were smiling but sparkling: "Yue'er, what should I do?"


Asked by him thoughtlessly, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, and looked at his calm and steady face with a puzzled expression: "What should I do?"

Nangong Haoling looked at her, and said cautiously: "I'm afraid you will run away again!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help smiling!
"Actually... I just want to come back to be your queen when my leg is healed, but right now I'm being swayed by Xuanyuantang, but I will stay by your side..." I moved my injured leg slightly, Yuan Xiuyue sighed helplessly, stretched out her hand to touch her chest, she made a heart-shaped gesture, and then put the heart on Nangong Haoling's chest: "No matter where I go, my heart is always with you. The sound is rare, but the tired bird will always return to its nest!"


His eyes flickered, Nangong Haoling held her hand, the corners of his lips smiled slightly, and his eyes were already full of peach blossoms!

Facing his fiery gaze, Yuan Xiuyue's lips twitched lightly, "What are you looking at me like that for?"

"I just suddenly thought of a good way to prevent you from running away!" Gazing into Yuan Xiuyue's eyes, Nangong Haoling leaned closer to her ear, and said in a charming voice: "Empress Empress, give me a baby!" Prince!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's face turned red, and she couldn't help raising her hand to beat his solid chest: "Good Nangong Haoling, I was crying so hard just now, it's good that you want to bully me now!"

Reaching out to grab her hand, Nangong Haoling had an unruly smile on his handsome face, and said lazily: "Who bullied you? You woman came to me when you wanted it last night, I want it When you are here, you are just bullying you? You... You are not crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, are you? "

"Nangong Haoling!"

A pretty face, so red that it was about to ooze water, Yuan Xiuyue looked up at him, her eyes were red and swollen, but they were shining brightly, making Nangong Haoling's heart tremble slightly!
"Actually, my Yue'er is the most beautiful in my eyes!" A soft and delicate kiss fell on Yuan Xiuyue's red pupils from crying. Nangong Haoling sighed softly, turned over and pressed her under him. ...

(End of this chapter)

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