Chapter 150 Dugu Chen's Affection 1
"Nangong Haoling! You bully me!"

Frowning tightly between her brows, looking at Nangong Haoling pressing on her body, Yuan Xiuyue's small mouth puckered, and she pretended to cry again!
"Stop! If you cry any more, I'll really bully you!" Nangong Hao gave her a wicked smile as he kissed her reddish nose deeply. Instead of continuing to treat her, he sighed softly and knelt down on the phoenix couch, Hold her and stand up from the phoenix couch!

With a cry of surprise, Yuan Xiuyue quickly stretched out her arms to wrap his arms around the back of his neck, and stared at him with pale eyes: "What are you doing?"

"It's rare, you are also afraid sometimes!"

Smiling evilly, seeing her staring at him angrily, Nangong Haoling retracted the smile on his lips, leaned over and kissed her lips again, and said affectionately: "What did you go through today? After so many things, I must feel very uncomfortable in my heart, now it's too late for me to hurt you, so how can I be willing to bully you again?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's lips trembled slightly, and the sockets of her eyes turned red again for a moment.

"Don't cry, I hate your tears the most!"

Pressing his forehead against hers, Nangong Haoling lightly rubbed the tip of her pretty nose, "Don't you like to eat? It's almost noon now, don't you feel hungry at all? I may already be hungry! "

It was very appropriate to the occasion, as soon as Nangong Haoling finished speaking, he heard a rumbling sound coming from his belly.

Hearing the sound, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but frown.

This sound, coming from the emperor, is a bit too funny!

Looking up at his somewhat embarrassed handsome face, she pursed her lips and smiled, and the tears in her eyes gradually dispersed with the smile.

"Laughing ha!"

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue smile, Nangong Haoling's handsome and elegant face also showed a smile: "I asked Ji Heng to prepare a table full of delicious dishes, all of which are your favorite!"

"Since that's the case..." Her tightly pursed lips had already formed a straight line, but she still couldn't hide the happy smile on Yuan Xiuyue's face.Gently blinking at Nangong Haoling, she raised her eyebrows and looked in the direction of the flower hall: "If the emperor doesn't carry his concubine to go there at this time, when will he wait?"

"Follow the Queen's order!"

Taking a deep look at Yuan Xiuyue with a pleasant smile, Nangong Haoling lifted her arms up, weighed her light body vigorously, and walked quickly towards the flower hall.

As he said, at this moment in the flower hall, there is already a table full of delicious dishes, and they are all her favorites!
"The servant sees the emperor, sees the queen empress, the empress is blessed and safe!"

"Slaves see the emperor, see the empress!"

Seeing Nangong Haoling coming in with Yuan Xiuyue in his arms, Ji Heng and Ting Lan who were waiting in the flower hall were all smiling, respectful and blessed!
"Get up!"

Softly ordered the two to get up, Nangong Haoling placed Yuan Xiuyue firmly in front of the dining table, because he hadn't put on the brocade shoes with her just now, he carefully instructed Ting Lan: "Go get a small stool and place it on the table. Empress' feet!"

"The slaves obey the orders!"

Glancing at Yuan Xiuyue whose eyes were swollen from crying, Ting Lan nodded with a smile on her face, and quickly walked out of the side hall.

She thought, for Yuan Xiuyue at this moment, the emperor is the best medicine!

After a while, she went back and forth, and according to Nangong Haoling's instructions, she placed the stool under Yuan Xiuyue's feet.

"Servant, emperor and empress serving dishes!" Looking up, seeing Nangong Haoling staring at Yuan Xiuyue affectionately, Ting Lan was overjoyed, and hurriedly took the serving chopsticks to serve the two of them.

Seeing this, Nangong Haoling frowned slightly, and said to Ting Lan: "Ting Lan, put down the serving chopsticks!"


Ting Lan's hand holding the chopsticks froze, but she didn't dare to say anything, she just put down the chopsticks as she said.

Turning to look at Ting Lan, Nangong Haoling stretched out his hand to pick up the serving chopsticks she had just put down, picked up a piece of pork with plum blossoms in his lowered eyes, and put it on the plate in front of Yuan Xiuyue: "Today's job of preparing vegetables for the queen, I've covered it!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but smile!
Glancing at him with a smile, she stretched out her hand to take the serving chopsticks in his hand, frowned while laying out vegetables for him, and said: "The person who was so hungry just now doesn't seem to be a concubine!"

Seeing the sweetness of the two, Ji Heng couldn't help but twitched the corners of his lips slightly, winking at Ting Lan, and asked Nangong Haoling to retreat respectfully: "Your servant and Miss Ting Lan are waiting outside!"


Without raising his head, he let Ji Heng's Ting Lan back down. Nangong Haoling took the silver chopsticks and ate the dishes that Yuan Xiuyue put on the plate into his mouth. Sighed, then raised his handsome eyebrows: "I heard people say that when people are sad, if they eat something delicious, they will feel better. You have always liked eating, but at this moment, what are you doing in a daze?" ? Hurry up and turn your grief and indignation into appetite and eat more!"


Looking at Nangong Haoling in front of her, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't tell what kind of feeling she felt in her heart.

That feeling is very sweet and greasy, but it makes her want to hold on tightly!

It is a feeling of happiness!

"what happened?"

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue's eyes slightly moist, Nangong Haoling's brows furrowed, and his face changed accordingly.


Shaking her head lightly, Yuan Xiuyue took a deep breath, the tears from the corners of her eyes slipped down again, she put down the serving chopsticks, picked up the silver chopsticks, picked up the plum blossom buckle meat in the meal butterfly, and brought it to her mouth.

Opening her cherry-red lips, biting the plum blossom meat near her mouth, with his company, it seemed that even the taste of the meat became different. She nodded in haste: "Delicious!"

"Eat more if it's delicious!"

Instead of using serving chopsticks, he used the silver chopsticks in his hand to keep holding dishes for Yuan Xiuyue. Seeing that Yuan Xiuyue was gradually letting go, and eating was really indecent, he couldn't help shaking his head secretly, and said with a sad face: "Poor thing!" I am suave and elegant, and as the king of a country, it is a waste of money to marry such an ugly queen!"

In the past, as the mother of a country, she was a model in the palace no matter whether she was sitting or walking.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would have guessed that the indecent woman in front of him and the gentle and dignified queen are the same person!

No wonder he shook his head again and again!

Hearing what he said, Yuan Xiuyue chewed the delicacy in her mouth, raised her eyes and gave him a big white eye: "If the emperor thinks the concubine is ashamed, he will just abolish the concubine!"

Hearing her mention of the abolition of the empress again, Nangong Haoling's face darkened, and he stuffed a crystal steamed bun into her mouth with a cold face: "Don't even think about it!"


Smiling, Yuan Xiuyue took the bun in her mouth, took a bite, and said to Nangong Haoling with sympathy while eating: "Then there is no other way, the emperor can only endure it!"

"I am willing to endure!"

Looking at Yuan Xiuyue with a light smile, Nangong Haoling couldn't help sighing inwardly!
If it was in front of his eyes, he would be disgusted just by looking at her like this, but at this moment, he felt that she was so cute and playful!
Come to think of it, he made her eat it!
But after thinking about it, since she had the strength to make him angry, she shouldn't feel so uncomfortable, and Nangong Haoling didn't bother with her too much.

Not long after, Ji Heng came in from the door again.

After bowing respectfully in front of Nangong Haoling and Yuan Xiuyue, he said softly, "My Majesty, Empress, General Yuan Wende is here to see you!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling frowned, and Yuan Xiuyue smiled happily: "Hurry up and let brother in!"

Looking up at Nangong Haoling, seeing that he didn't say anything, Ji Heng nodded slightly, "Yes!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left the flower hall.

After a while, Ji Heng led Yuan Wende into the flower hall.

Looking up at Yuan Xiuyue, seeing that although her eyes were slightly red, but her expression was fair, Yuan Wende was secretly relieved.
After lunch, Yuan Xiuyue was in a good mood, but Nangong Haoling turned black from time to time with her angry handsome face.Turning his eyes at the master whose face was not considered the empress dowager, Yuan Wende respectfully saluted him: "My subject, Yuan Wende, sees the emperor!"


With a soft reply, Nangong Haoling didn't ask anything, just bowed his head and served Yuan Xiuyue some more dishes.

Seeing this, Yuan Wende's brows and feet twitched slightly, and the corners of his lips curved slightly!
Let the emperor serve the dishes himself, his girl has such a great deal!
Looking up at her elder brother, seeing his smiling face, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly, and then asked, "Has brother eaten his lunch yet?" As for Ling, he believed that her elder brother would handle it properly.

Therefore, at this moment, she doesn't want to ask, and she won't ask.

As long as she thinks about that woman, she will definitely think about what she did, and by then, she may not even be in the mood to eat!

Knowing Yuan Xiuyue's thoughts, Yuan Wende also never mentioned Ling's family to her again, but only looked down at the exquisite dishes on the table, and answered her question softly: "Go back to your mother, I just came back from the city, and I still don't care about eating. !"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly uncomfortably.

Pointing to the dishes on the table, she said disapprovingly, "Then let's eat together!"


As soon as the words were spoken, he saw Nangong Haoling's murderous eyes cast towards him, Yuan Wende felt cold, and quickly changed his words: "I still have important matters in the army, so I won't accompany you to dinner with your mother!"

"That's it!"

Dai Mei frowned slightly, and cast a sidelong glance at Nangong Haoling, seeing him drooping his eyes and focusing on eating, Yuan Xiuyue, with a look of disappointment on his face, told Yuan Wende softly: "The elder brother is in the army, remember to eat !"


With a soft reply, Yuan Wende's gaze has been fixed on Yuan Xiuyue. Although he is watching her eat with gusto, his eyes are still full of worry.

After a long while, Nangong Haoling gave him a cold sideways glance when he saw that he still hadn't left: "Didn't the general say that there are still important matters in the army?"

(End of this chapter)

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