Chapter 151 Dugu Chen's Affection 2
Hearing this, Yuan Wende was shocked!
When he came back to his senses, he raised his eyes and glanced at Nangong Haoling, who nodded slightly with his eyes narrowed: "Yes, that minister...resigned!"

"The queen is here, with me here, you can rest assured!"

Looking up to meet Yuan Wende's worried eyes, Nangong Haoling calmly said something that reassured him, and stretched out his hand to grab a shiny and crispy chicken leg from Yuan Xiuyue's hand: "This is delicious!" It will be uncomfortable if there are too many!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue expressed disbelief, and said plausibly: "Who made me turn my grief and anger into appetite just now?"


As soon as the words came out, he wanted to bite off his tongue. Nangong Haoling threw the chicken leg aside, picked up the mouthwash that had been prepared by the side, and handed it over: "Wash your mouth!"

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue muttering that she was not full yet, while reluctantly taking the mouthwash from Nangong Haoling and starting to rinse her mouth, Yuan Wende smiled knowingly, and finally exited the flower hall calmly!

After lunch, Yuan Xiuyue ordered Ting Lan to drink a basin of cold water to wash her eyes swollen from crying, and then she was ready to go back to bed and continue to rest.

Seeing her like this, Nangong Haoling didn't stop her, and directly ordered Ji Heng to move all the notebooks from the imperial study to Fengluan Palace, and set up a new table in front of Fengluan's couch, and stayed by her side to review the notebooks.

Lying sideways on the phoenix couch, Yuan Xiuyue hurriedly watched the breeze blowing in from the window, Yuan Xiuyue squinted at Nangong Haoling who was reviewing the memorial with downcast eyes at the table, thinking about everything today, her eyes moistened again for a while, thinking of her Thinking of Ling's and Yuan Mingyue, she couldn't help closing her eyes slowly, and sighed helplessly and bitterly!
Hearing her sigh, Nangong Haoling paused slightly for the hand holding the vermilion pen!
Looking up at her, he frowned slightly.


Putting the folder in his hand away, he also sighed deeply.

Hearing the sound, Yuan Xiuyue opened her eyes again.

Quietly staring at Nangong Haoling's perfect side face, she pulled her lips lightly and asked aloud: "I sigh because I am in a bad mood, why does the emperor sigh?"

"Being guarded by a woman who is always crying and sighing, do you think I won't be infected?" Mouhua lightly raised her eyes, met her slightly moist eyes, and the corners of Nangong Haoling's lips curled slightly, " Empress... do you know what happened to the last woman who sighed in front of me?"

Hearing him mention other women, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes changed slightly!

Anyway, he won't kill her, but he won't abolish her.

Therefore, she didn't even look at him, she just turned around and looked up, she didn't take it seriously at all and said: "If the emperor doesn't say anything, how would I know what happened to her!"

Putting the vermilion pen in his hand to the side, he stood up, walked to Feng's couch in a few steps, did not return to her fate as that woman, and stared at Yuan Xiuyue with lowered eyebrows: "I won't critique papers today, I will take you to Shangji How about an outing in the mountains?"

Looking back at the mountain of memorials on the table, Yuan Xiuyue smiled wryly: "I'm in a bad mood, don't go!"

Now that the virtuous king is not in the palace, those memorials will be used in the court tomorrow morning.

How could Yuan Xiuyue not know that if he went outing with her now, she would indeed be in a better mood, but he would have to burn the lamp to stay up at night.

She doesn't want it!



While Nangong Haoling was thinking about how to make Yuan Xiuyue happy, Ji Heng came in from outside the hall, "King Yue begs to see Empress Empress!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling frowned, and when he lowered his eyebrows, he saw Yuan Xiuyue's eyes turn slightly, and he also frowned, he was immediately upset!

Turning around, looking at Ji Heng standing respectfully behind him, he asked in a bad tone: "Where does he think this is, my queen, is it something he can see whenever he wants?"


Sensing Nangong Haoling's displeasure, Ji Hengqian smiled, but glanced sideways at Yuan Xiuyue on the bed.

With dark eyes, Yuan Xiuyue looked at Ji Heng suspiciously: "Did he ever say why he asked to see me?"

Last year in Anyang, she became Duguchen's nightmare!
Even now in Li Palace, every time he sees her, there is a faint glint of cruelty in his forbearing pupils, wishing to pull her out!
Logically speaking, he would never come to see her in person!

But at this moment, he is here!

Her mind was spinning rapidly, remembering that when he was in the imperial study today, he was in a hurry to find her, and his face was full of anxiety, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help frowning!

He came to see her at this time, did he know about the relationship between her and Long Chuxiu?
Should not be!

"My lady..."

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue's complexion changed again and again, Ji Heng hurriedly lowered his eyes and replied: "Yue Wang said that he and the guards sent by the emperor searched in the palace all morning, but they still couldn't find the person he was looking for, so he thought about this. In the harem, the queen is in charge, maybe the queen will have a way..."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue was taken aback!
Knowing that Duguchen did not discover her true identity, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and then chuckled out of relief: "Don't say that this harem is not in charge of me now, even... what can I do? "

Even if she wants to find someone, she can use thousands of methods, but to find someone for Dugu Chen, forget it!
Who told you, she was that person!

After being silent for a long time, staring deeply at Yuan Xiuyue on the phoenix couch, Nangong Haoling raised his brows lightly, his eyes darkened slightly, and looked thoughtful: "I really can't imagine that he is quite affectionate towards Long Chuxiu! "

Hearing the sour taste in his words, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyebrows and looked back at him: "Are my eyes still swollen now?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling nodded with a displeased expression: "There is still a little!"

"It doesn't matter at all..." Facing his gloomy eyes, the corners of her lips twitched, she sat up on the phoenix couch, and told Ting Lan beside her, "Bring me the phoenix robe!"

"What are you going to do?"

With a frown, Nangong Haoling reached out to hold her arm.

"Isn't your majesty afraid that I'll be bored and thinking wildly? Then I'll find something to do by myself!" She smiled embarrassingly, and took Nangong Haoling's hand away. Yuan Xiuyue got off the phoenix couch and let Ting Lan put on the phoenix robe for herself. , slightly adjusted her hair, she looked back at Nangong Haoling and smiled slightly: "Approve your booklet, don't follow!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help being startled!
Once upon a time, a woman in this palace dared to order him like this?

But at this moment, hearing Yuan Xiuyue say that about him, instead of being angry, he felt more comfortable.

Seeing her taking Ting Lan with her, she slowly walked out of the bedroom.

With a sneer, he also stepped up to follow.

"Uh... Your Majesty!" After taking a few quick steps and following Nangong Haoling's footsteps, Ji Heng couldn't help but said, "Didn't the Empress say... that the Emperor will not follow?"


After Ji Heng was silenced, Nangong Haoling continued to step forward: "I won't show up, I just follow and have a look!"

Yuan Xiuyue and Long Chuxiu were originally alone!

Now Dugu Chen wants Yuan Xiuyue to help him find Long Chuxiu, this is simply a big joke!
But even though it was a joke, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't expose it!


Often at the beginning of a lie, ten or even a hundred bigger lies will be used to complete it, and the other party is Duguchen who can be regarded as the world... He wants to go and see his eccentric empress right now. , how to deal with Duguchen next!
Although, Duguchen's falling in love with his woman always made him feel a little uncomfortable, but when he thought about it later, he felt that it was actually good, if Yuan Xiuyue went to deal with Duguchen, at least it could make her forget her own heart for a while. the sadness of...


In the main hall of Fengluan Palace, resplendent and resplendent, the warm fragrance of lavender rises from the furnace.

At this moment, Dugu Chen stood tall and straight in the hall with a stern face, just waiting for Yuan Xiuyue to come out to meet him.

"The Empress is here!"

He finally heard the sound of singing and reporting from the inner hall, he frowned, and then turned his head to look in the direction of the inner hall.

After a while, he saw Yuan Xiuyue coming out of the inner hall, and he clenched his hands hanging on both sides tightly, bowed his hands to Yuan Xiuyue with extreme restraint, and said, "See Lihou!"

"Yue Wang is free!"

Faintly, taking a look at Dugu Chen, Yuan Xiuyue lightly folded her phoenix robe and Shi Shiran sat down: "Come here, give me a seat!"


Responding to the sound with lowered eyes, the servant in the hall stood still in front of the first chair on the lower left, and made an arm movement towards Duguchen.

"No need!"

The voice was cold and cold, Dugu Chen slightly raised his chin, and caught a glimpse of Yuan Xiuyue's slightly swollen eyes. He was slightly startled, but after a moment, he looked at her in the superior position calmly, "The king is here today because he has something urgent to do. I have to ask Li Hou for advice!"


Yuan Xiuyue didn't look at him, she just said "Oh" lightly, then reached out to take the teacup from Ting Lan, lowered her eyes and said lightly: "I just heard from Director Ji that the prince is here to let me help you." Did you find a way to find someone?"


Answering Yuan Xiuyue's voice affirmatively, Duguchen said solemnly: "But it's not!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyebrows slightly.

Slightly raising her eyes, she met Duguchen's slightly cold gaze in the air, her expression was indifferent but she showed a slight smile: "My lord's words have confused me, what is it and what is it not?"

Without making a sound immediately, Duguchen looked at her, the depths of his eyes were unfathomable!
Seeing that he was silent, Yuan Xiuyue stared at him without feeling guilty.

After a long while, Dugu Chen's eyes changed, and he finally spoke, but his tone showed a bit of disappointment: "Empress, my king's people searched for the whole night in the palace yesterday, and the emperor sent someone to come to the palace early this morning. I searched for half a day in the palace, but this king... still couldn't find the person I was looking for!"

"My lord's eagerness, I can understand!" Crooked eyebrows slightly frowned, Yuan Xiuyue took a sip of tea with lowered eyes, put the teacup on the table, and then raised her eyes to look at Dugu Chen: "However, since I was injured last year, this palace , so he never asked about the things in the palace, if the prince is really in a hurry to find someone, he should go to Funing Palace to ask the Queen Mother!"

(End of this chapter)

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