Chapter 152 Dugu Chen's Affection 3
Duguchen couldn't help sneering when he heard the words.

Taking a full view of his sneer, Yuan Xiuyue also gave a full smile: "What are you laughing at, King Yue?"

"After Li, don't you really know what this king is laughing at?" The thin lips hooked lightly, and in an instant, Duguchen's original coldness became more and more serious: "After Li, you are extremely smart, you should know that in this deep palace Among them, there are places where the light cannot be seen everywhere. If a person who was alive and well suddenly disappears and cannot be found, there are only two reasons... Either she was killed, or It's just being hidden!"

Hearing this, the smile on Yuan Xiuyue's face froze slightly!
Turning her mind slightly, the corners of her lips moved slightly, but the smile on her face gradually deepened: "Do you suspect that this palace hid Long Chuxiu?"

Until now, she didn't understand why Dugu Chen, who would get angry when he saw her, suddenly came to Fengluan Palace to ask to see her!

It turned out that he suspected that Long Chuxiu's disappearance had something to do with her!

"Isn't this king suspicious?"

His gaze was slightly cold, and he asked Yuan Xiuyue back. Duguchen's deep and deep eyes glanced at Yuan Xiuyue's calm face, "Last night, it was King Ning who snatched her from Lei Luo, and then King Ning came all the way to Fengluan Palace..."

Today, Lei Luo saw that he couldn't find Long Chuxiu, with a sad look on his face, he couldn't help telling him everything he had concealed yesterday.

Therefore, he didn't care about questioning Lei Luo, so he immediately used his eyeliner in Li Palace to directly trace Nangong Haoling's whereabouts yesterday, and finally all the clues pointed to Fengluan Palace, and he went straight to Fengluan Palace without stopping In the middle, come with Yuan Xiuyue's important person!
After hearing Duguchen's words, Yuan Xiuyue frowned quickly, but soon relaxed again.

She raised her eyes lightly to meet his deep and cold gaze, and she smiled: "Since you have insisted that she has arrived at Fengluan Palace, this king will not hide it from you, yesterday... Long Chuxiu has indeed arrived at Fengluan Palace! "

After finally waiting for these words, Dugu Chen's heart tightened!
"What about her? The enchanting scent on her body..."

"Don't worry about King Yue!"

The eyes fell slightly, and then raised again, Yuan Xiuyue interrupted Duguchen: "The fragrance of enchantment on her body has been completely relieved!"

Hearing this, Duguchen's body trembled, and he couldn't help taking a step back!
There is only one solution in the world for the enchanting fragrance!
At this moment, she said that the enchanting fragrance on Long Chuxiu's body has been relieved?
Doesn't that mean...

Thinking of Long Chuxiu losing his body to another man, Duguchen couldn't help but feel his heart twitch!
The originally clenched fist was tightened again until the back of the hand turned white and the veins on it were tense. He asked in a very cold voice: "Who is it? Who unleashed the fragrance of enchantment on her body? Is it Ning?" king?"

"Then... this palace has nothing to say!"

Seeing all the changes in Dugu Chen's expression, Yuan Xiuyue suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart!

She never thought of cheating anyone!

I never thought that he, who has always been so cool, would actually fall in love!

However, all of this was wrong from the beginning, and since it was wrong, there is no reason to keep making mistakes again and again!

Therefore, after a brief silence, she sighed softly, and said earnestly again: "I can only tell you that she gave her body to the person she likes, and there was no coercion in it, some... ...just the truth!"


His brows were tightly frowned, but he seemed to have lost his soul. The corners of Dugu Chen's lips curled coldly: "She has never been in the palace, so how can she know the people in the palace? Yuan Xiuyue, do you think this king will believe you?" Is it a lie?"


Staring at Duguchen's reaction in a daze, Yuan Xiuyue's heart suddenly twitched, she took a deep breath, and raised her eyebrows slightly: "You are only in love with her for a while, but have you ever thought that she might lie to you too?"

"She won't!"

Replying to Yuan Xiuyue coldly, Duguchen said coldly, "Tell me, where is she? I want to see her!"

"Whether you meet her or not, the result will be the same." Yuan Xiuyue sighed lightly with her dark eyes: "Yue Wang, now she has become someone else's woman, let go, she is not suitable for you at all." you!"

"You're not her, so how dare you assert that she won't fall in love with me?" With a sharp voice, Duguchen sneered: "Tell me, where is she, I want to see her!"

At this moment, Duguchen's reaction has already exceeded Yuan Xiuyue's expectation!

Quietly, staring at him in front of her, her face changed slightly, and finally replied in a deep voice: "I can tell you clearly that she is still in this palace at this moment, but... Now let me tell you this, if she doesn't want to see you, you will never be able to find her!"

"This, don't let the empress worry about it!"

With a cold smile, Duguchen clenched his fists, turned and walked out, just a few steps away, he stopped, turned around and looked back at Yuan Xiuyue: "This king will definitely find her!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue also sneered: "So what if you find her? Do you still want a woman who has lost her virginity?"

Hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words, Duguchen bit his lower lip tightly, and after a while he said in a low voice: "She lost her body under unavoidable circumstances. In the eyes of this king, she is a hundred times cleaner than your sister. A thousand times!"


My heart twitched violently because of Duguchen's words!
Hearing his words, Yuan Xiuyue was shocked!
Looking at her shocked face with cold eyes, Duguchen smiled contemptuously, turned around and walked out with big strides!
Since she is still in this palace at this moment, he believes that one day, he will find her!

Sure can!
After Dugu Chen left for a long time, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't restore her calm state of mind!

Sitting in the hall in a daze for a long time, the corners of her lips curled slightly, but a bitter smile slowly escaped!

"What? Feeling distressed?"

Standing at the entrance of the inner hall, looking at Yuan Xiuyue who was sitting in a daze in the main hall, Nangong Haoling also frowned, with a gloomy expression on his face!

Like Yuan Xiuyue, he never expected that Duguchen would be so affectionate with Long Chuxiu!
Frowning tightly, Yuan Xiuyue withdrew her mind, looked sideways at Nangong Haoling, and sighed helplessly, "Ling, he seems to really fall in love with me!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's face turned cold, and he took a few steps forward to pick her up from the jade seat and hugged her tightly: "Now I am in front of you, you can only look at me, don't think about him anymore!"

"Am I feeling distressed, or are you jealous?"

Looking up at the domineering man who was hugging her tightly, Yuan Xiuyue shook her head with a wry smile, then frowned and said angrily, "Didn't you be asked to stay inside to review papers? Who told you to come?"


Nangong Haoling looked down upon the little woman in her arms who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and said, "I am the emperor!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, stretched out her hand to caress his delicate and fair face, she said with infinite love: "Yes, you are the emperor, I like the emperor the most!"

With just one word from her, Nangong Haoling's handsome face, which was originally slightly gloomy, immediately cleared up!
Kissing her lips lightly, she hugged her horizontally like a treasure, and carried her back to the bedroom...


Since that day, Duguchen has been perseveringly looking for his treasure in the palace, but even though he searched the whole palace, he still didn't find the whereabouts of Long Chuxiu!

For a while, his whole body began to sink.

But Yuan Xiuyue was exactly the opposite!

Because of Nangong Haoling's daily company, her heartache gradually healed, and the smiles on her face gradually increased.

On this day, Nangong Haoling came back from the early morning, just hugged her and wanted to make out for a while, but saw Lin Sheng, who was waiting outside the hall, trotting all the way into the hall!

Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue's brows tightened, and she raised her head from Nangong Haoling's arms and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Qi Niang Niang..." Lowering his head, Lin Shenggong turned back and said: "Outside the palace, the three empresses, Concubine Yan, Meiren Liu, and Meiren Yu, came together. The reason is that I saw empress appearing in Yexi a few days ago. Gong, thinking that the wound on your body should be healed, so I come here to see you!"


Laughing uncontrollably, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes flickered slightly: "This Fengluan Palace usually has birds at the gate, but today is the gust of wind that brings all the emperor's concubines here!"

"What concubine?"

Hearing that there was something in her words, the smile on Nangong Haoling's face disappeared in an instant. He lowered his eyebrows and looked at Yuan Xiuyue's half-smiling expression. He turned to Lin Sheng and said lightly, "Tell them that the empress is recuperating, and let them all take care of themselves." Go back where you came from!"

Hearing this, just as Lin Sheng was about to respond, Yuan Xiuyue said again: "Let them all come in!"


Now, it's time for Lin Sheng to be in trouble.

He looked at Yuan Xiuyue, then at Nangong Haoling, and was stunned in the hall for a while, not knowing who to listen to!
Seeing Lin Sheng like this, Yuan Xiuyue looked up at Nangong Haoling, frowned and asked with a light smile, "Your Majesty, guess why they came here?"

Looking down at her, Nangong Haoling said indifferently: "Didn't Lin Sheng just say he was coming? They are here to greet you!"

"Does the emperor believe this?" Yuan Xiuyue asked back.

Hearing her question, Nangong Haoling frowned!
Concubine Yan, Concubine Liu, and Concubine Yu, the three of them are usually the most favored. Of course, just like Concubine Yan and Concubine Han back then, the relationship between them is naturally very delicate, and there will be some friction from time to time .

But today, they came together.

If he said that they came to pay their respects, even he himself would not believe it!
"Put me down!"

Seeing that Nangong Haoling frowned and said nothing, Yuan Xiuyue pulled her lips lightly, sighed slightly, and moved her legs to let Nangong Haoling put herself down.

(End of this chapter)

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