Chapter 153 Dugu Chen's Affection 4
Knowing that she has a stubborn temper, if he doesn't let go, what will happen, Nangong Haoling sighed softly, and finally put her back on the jade throne.

Sitting back on the jade seat again, Yuan Xiuyue sighed lightly, and said with a faint smile: "Your Majesty, please evade first...otherwise they should all be restrained!"


There was displeasure on Jun's face, Nangong Haoling frowned and looked at Yuan Xiuyue: "You don't need to see them now!"

"I don't see you now, but I will always see you in the future!" Smiling, Yuan Xiuyue gently pushed Nangong Haoling: "Since I plan to stay by your side today, I won't hide in Fengluan Palace for the rest of my life." Reason, for you... some things, even if I don't want to face them, I will definitely not back down!"

Her words for you made Nangong Haoling's heart suffocate!
After a long silence, he frowned and caressed her face, and sighed softly, "I'm right behind the door!"

"it is good!"

Nodding her head in a very calm voice, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly at Nangong Haoling and watched him leave. She then told Lin Sheng, "Tell them to come in!"


In response, Lin Sheng said to the outside of the hall: "The Empress has a decree, to pass on Yan Concubine, Liu Meiren, and Yu Meiren to see her!"

After saying a word, there was silence in the hall.

Only a moment later, I saw three stunning women, all of them with stunning looks, entering from outside the hall.

Standing in the hall, the three of them first looked at Yuan Xiuyue who was sitting on the high seat, and then they all spoke together, either calling themselves concubines or concubines, all respectfully bowing down to Yuan Xiuyue.

Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue pursed her lips lightly.

With a faint gaze, she swept across the three glamorous beauties in front of her. She smiled softly and raised her hand slightly to the three: "Sisters, please forgive me!"

"Thank you, Empress!"



The three of them spoke together again, and then they all stood up, looking down at their feet.

The smile on his face was still faint, Yuan Xiuyue let the three of them sit down, then lightly stopped his eyes on the first person on the lower left, and was staring at his Concubine Yan: "I haven't seen you for more than a year, sister Yan Concubine is better than you." It's even more beautiful than before!"

Concubine Yan frowned, and hurriedly bowed her head to stand up, and Shi Shiran saluted: "Your Majesty, I know that the concubine is old, and she is no better than Yu Meiren. She is younger and more favored, and has won the emperor's great favor!"

The poppies she was talking about were the youngest daughters of today's left ministers, spoiled and domineering since childhood!

After entering the palace, relying on her youth and beauty, being favored by the emperor, she has been unscrupulous all the time!
When Yuan Xiuyue left the palace, she had not yet entered the palace. After she left the palace, she was called into the palace by the Queen Mother and often accompanied the emperor!

All along, she knew that the empress had never been favored since she entered the palace, and after the fire in the cold palace, she burned her leg and lived in Fengluan Palace all year round, living in secluded places!
Today, the reason why she came here is because she listened to Concubine Yan and Meiren Liu. She said that when she entered the palace, she never greeted the queen. Now that she is at the summit of the Three Kingdoms, if the queen doesn't show up, it's because she doesn't show up now. She should pay a routine greeting to Fengluan Palace!

Therefore, at this moment, when Concubine Yan mentioned that she was the most favored in front of the queen, she was not ambiguous, she just smiled, and said proudly: "The emperor dotes on the concubine, it is the honor of the concubine, in fact, a few years ago When the two sisters were young, wouldn't they still be as favored as I am now?"

Hearing her words, Liu Meiren's complexion changed!
The hands tightly clenched in the sleeves tightened slightly, and she made a gesture to retort, but seeing that Concubine Yan was still smiling, and she hadn't bothered with Yu Meiren, she raised her eyes and looked at Yuan Xiuyue: "It's more than a year, I don't know if the injury on the Empress's body has healed?"

Seeing the subtle relationship between the three women clearly, Yuan Xiuyue stared at Concubine Yan's eyes, deepening them slightly, then pulled the corners of her lips, and shook her head with a wry smile: "The injury is too serious, and it still needs to be done." Give it some more time."

After hearing her words, Concubine Yan's complexion darkened, she lowered her eyebrows and glanced at Yuan Xiuyue's right leg, she pursed her red lips lightly, but she didn't say much.

Faintly, she glanced at her, Yu Meiren frowned and looked at Yuan Xiuyue, and finally looked at Yuan Xiuyue up and down, she asked with a light smile: "The empress's leg has not been healed until now, but in the future Will it be all right?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue smiled faintly, "Is this very important?"

"Of course!"

With a soft reply, Yu Meiren's eyes brightened slightly: "When I entered the palace, the empress dowager said that if the empress dowager's legs are not well healed, she will no longer be a queen..."

"So... the Queen Mother said it!"

The faint smile on her face never faded away, Yuan Xiuyue took a sip from the teacup on the table, then frowned slightly and said: "Did the Empress Dowager say that if I don't want to be a queen, I will let you come To be queen?"

"That's not it!"

Shaking her head lightly, Mei Yu said softly: "But the emperor once said that he likes me the most!"

"is it?"

Slightly raising her eyebrows, and bringing the teacup to her lips, Yuan Xiuyue squinted at the direction of the inner palace: "It turns out that the emperor's favorite is you, sister! Didn't he say he likes you?"


I don't know if she said this to Nangong Haoling, Yu Meiren continued with a light smile: "The emperor said that he likes me when I am young, beautiful, and the most important thing is that I am outspoken, and I can say whatever I want. The more I am like this, The more he likes it!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue took another sip of tea, then nodded slightly.

Yes, if he doesn't like her.

According to Poppy's urge to say whatever she wants, she should have died eight hundred times long ago!
Lifting her eyes slightly, she saw that Yu Meiren couldn't stop when she was talking about having fun, while Concubine Yan and Meiren Liu were staring at her!

Probably aware of their true intention of this trip, Yuan Xiuyue pulled the corners of her lips lightly, put the teacup on the table, then pondered for a moment, and then sighed lightly: "Now there is only one concubine Yan in this palace, since the emperor is so I like Poppy, and when the Japanese palace is free, I will mention it to the emperor, and Poppy will be promoted to the imperial concubine!"



As soon as Yuan Xiuyue's words fell to the ground, Concubine Yan thought that Meiren Liu and Meiren Yu almost spoke at the same time, but one of them was surprised and the other was surprised!
Directly ignoring the surprise and surprise of the two, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly, her eyes flickering, she lowered her eyebrows and asked Concubine Yan: "Sister Yan Concubine, what do you think of my proposal?"

(End of this chapter)

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