Chapter 154 She is Long Chuxiu! 1
As clever as Yuan Xiuyue, how could he still not be able to see why these three women came to Fengluan Palace today!
Perhaps, Poppy, who is so proud of her favor, really came to pay her respects out of courtesy.

But Yan Concubine and Liu Meiren who encouraged her to come here have some evil intentions!

What Yu Mei said was true, Nangong Haoling really doted on her in the past, and her family background was strong enough, and because of this, she could use her temperament to speak freely in the palace, but It is enough for more than a year, and still have not offended Long Yan, still has the grace of the Holy Grail!
But the more she is like this, the more people will look down on her.

However, they couldn't get used to it, but they couldn't do anything to her, and she, Yuan Xiuyue, was the queen of the dynasty...but they could!

To be honest, Yuan Xiuyue also doesn't like Yu Meiren's flamboyant temperament. Most importantly, she doesn't like Yu Meiren's voice. Nangong Haoling likes her the most, but even if she doesn't like it, she doesn't want to be used as a sword up!

Therefore, instead of following their wishes and punishing Yu Meiren, she opened her mouth to promote her as a concubine!

Anyway, she was just proposing, whether this proposal can be passed or not depends on the emperor!

And the emperor?

If he wants to, he will look good with him!

In the lower position, Concubine Yan faced Yuan Xiuyue's sudden question. After a moment of silence, the corners of her lips curled slightly, and a pair of dimples appeared on her glamorous face: "The empress is happy with what the emperor likes, of course it is good! "

"Sister says yes, yes!"

She secretly said that Concubine Yan was really scheming enough to show her emotions and anger in all things. Yuan Xiuyue still had a smile on her face, and then nodded slightly: "Then tomorrow, I will mention it to the emperor and ask him to be the beauty of Jin Yu." concubine!"

"Concubine, thank you, empress!" On the beautiful little face, joy was overflowing, Yu Meiren hurriedly got up, and blessed Yuan Xiuyue with a look of joy.

Seeing this, Meiren Liu is not as tolerant as Concubine Yan. She got up from her seat and saluted Yuan Xiuyue: "Empress, Yu Meiren has only been in the palace for a year, and she has only been with you for a short time, and she has no heirs." , Yu Longmai has no merit, if she is promoted to be a concubine, the concubine will not accept it!"

Hearing this, Meiren Yu's delicate face changed, she turned her eyes slightly, she glanced at Concubine Yan next to her, turned around and said coquettishly to Meiren Liu: "Isn't Concubine Yan also childless? As far as I know, Concubine Yan When my sister became a concubine, she was only with her for a year!"

Unexpectedly, Meiren Yu would bring the matter to Concubine Yan. Meiren Liu raised her eyes and looked at Concubine Yan. Seeing that her complexion was slightly gloomy, her complexion changed, and she bit her lips tightly and said, "How can you compare with Concubine Yan?"

"Why can't I be compared with her? Meiren Liu, don't forget that the emperor's favorite person is me!" It seems that I have long forgotten that the empress is still sitting above the superior, and there is a touch of tenderness on Meiren Yu's lips. With a faint sneer, he turned to look at Concubine Yan, and raised his chin slightly: "Back when Concubine Yan's sister was favored, Concubine Han was competing with her, but now in this palace, do you dare to say who is more beautiful than me?" Is it favored by the emperor? What's more, her family background is not good, and my father was the prime minister..."

Hearing Meiren Yu mention her family affairs, Concubine Yan's calm expression changed slightly again!
Raising her eyes slightly, she squinted at Yuan Xiuyue, who was standing on the sidelines, and saw her drinking tea with lowered eyebrows and narrowed eyes, as if the quarrel between the three of them had nothing to do with her, she couldn't help but curl her lips bitterly .

Her background wasn't too high, she couldn't argue with that!

But, if we say now, who is more favored than her poppies?
Isn't that person sitting on the top seat?
"Poppy, don't be too arrogant!"

In the end, she couldn't bear Meiren Yu's domineering attitude and her attitude of not taking Concubine Yan seriously. Meiren Liu took a deep look at Concubine Yan, and sneered at her coldly: "Sister Yan Concubine is a kind person and treats others well. Respect and love, but you are arrogant and domineering, and you have no qualifications to compare with Concubine Han back then!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyebrows slightly, but the corners of her lips were still slightly drawn.

With a thud in her heart, Concubine Yan's face changed drastically, and she shouted to stop Meiren Liu's unscrupulous words: "Meiren Liu, you are considered an old man in this palace. I have no grievances with you in the past, and I have no hatred in the present. Why did you hurt me like this?"

At the end of the sentence, Concubine Yan got up from her seat, knelt down to Yuan Xiuyue and knelt down: "In this harem, the only person who can be respected and loved by sisters in all palaces is the queen empress!"

Seeing Concubine Yan like this, Mei Liu was stunned!
Recalling what she said just now, her complexion paled for a while!
Without thinking about it, she raised her eyes and glanced at Yuan Xiuyue, who was in the upper position, and hurriedly knelt down, and said in a trembling voice, "The empress empress knows, this concubine was very angry for a while, and that's why I didn't choose what to say. The concubine's meaning is... yes……"

"What is it?"

Opening her mouth lightly, with a bit of coldness in her tone, Yuan Xiuyue scorned Liu Meiren, frowned and sighed: "Concubine Yan wins the hearts of thousands of people with her virtues, and wins the respect and love of all palaces. I don't think so. Nothing to do?"

"The Queen Mother..."

Concubine Yan's complexion was not gloomy, her brows were slightly pursed, but she also knew why she would lose her words if she said too much, so she just closed her eyes lightly and didn't make a sound.Liu Meiren beside her trembled because of Cai Cai's gaffe just now.

Seeing this, Poppy's lips curled up slightly, with a bit of schadenfreude on her face!
Gently, moving her gaze across the three of them, Yuan Xiuyue's lips hooked slightly, she got up from the jade seat, and then stepped down from the high seat.

Seeing this, Yu Meiren frowned slightly, but finally lowered her head slightly.

As for Concubine Yan and Meiren Liu, who were kneeling on the ground, their brows were tightly furrowed, and they felt extremely uneasy for a while.

"Liu Meiren?" Stopping in front of Liu Meiren, Yuan Xiuyue lowered her eyebrows and lowered her eyes, and asked with a smile: "How long have you served the emperor?"

Hearing this, Liu Meiren's complexion tightened, she lowered her eyes and closed her eyes: "It has been four years since I returned to the emperor."

"Four years?"

Dai Mei raised her eyebrows lightly, Yuan Xiuyue turned to look at Concubine Yan, bent slightly, and stretched out her hand towards Concubine Yan, Yuan Xiuyue sighed softly, "If I remember correctly, sister Yan Concubine is serving the emperor, there should be It's been six years!"


Nodding her head in a low voice, Concubine Yan fixed her eyes on Yuan Xiuyue's slender white hands, slowly stretched out her hand, and shook hands with it: "The concubine was the first batch of beautiful women who were the first choice to enter the palace when the emperor ascended the throne. !"

"Well, I remember it like this!"

Slightly raising her wrist, she helped Concubine Yan to stand up, Yuan Xiuyue smiled, but frowned slightly and said softly to her: "I didn't think too much about Liu Meiren's words just now, sister, don't worry about it too much!"

"The concubine thanked the empress!"

As the words fell, Concubine Yan made a gesture to bless her body again, but before she could bend her knees and fall, Yuan Xiuyue reached out to hold her arms again: "But sister, you must remember that in this deep palace, you can be conquered by virtue. People are good, but if you do too much, you may turn good into bad!"

Yuan Xiuyue's voice was soft and fluttering, making people feel that there was no sharp edge, but in the ears of Concubine Yan and Meiren Liu, it made their hearts shudder at the same time!
Turning her eyes, she looked at Liu Meiren who was beside Concubine Yan. Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly and said, "I'm sick, so it's fine if I can't conceive. One of you has been in the palace for six years, and the other has been in the palace for four years, but neither of you has ever been in the palace." She gave birth to a dragon heir for the emperor, and spread her branches and leaves. This woman, the most beautiful, only lasted a few years. After these few years, let alone the emperor, if she changed her palace, she would only favor Yu Meiren alone. Pretty young."

Hearing this, both Concubine Yan and Mei Liu's expressions changed slightly!
With a bitter sigh in her heart, Concubine Yan lowered her head and said softly: "It's my concubine who is poor, and failed to give birth to an heir for the emperor!"

"It's up to people to do it!"

Patting Concubine Yan's smooth back, Yuan Xiuyue asked Liu Meiren to stand up, then smiled slightly, and sighed softly: "If I are two younger sisters, I will go back to the palace now, thinking about how to serve the emperor and please him , and then give birth to a dragon heir with the emperor as soon as possible, so as to be a concubine or a noble concubine!"

Speaking of Yuan Xiuyue's words, if Concubine Yan and Meiren Liu can't understand the meaning of her words, then their stay in the palace in the past few years will be considered useless!

This is clearly an order to evict guests!

"The concubine resigns!"

"The concubine resigns!"

Shuangshuang Fuli, Concubine Yan and Meiren Liu have resigned one after another, and no one wants to stay in Fengluan Palace for a moment longer.

"and many more!"

Seeing the two of them leave, the smile on Yuan Xiuyue's lips deepened: "I forgot to tell the two younger sisters that I am still recovering from my injuries. If I don't summon you in the future, you don't have to come to Fengluan Palace to salute again. !"

Hearing this, the hearts of both of them trembled, but neither of them made a sound, they just nodded and turned to leave.

After the two left, apart from the attendants, only Yuan Xiuyue and Yu Meiren were left in the hall, watching Concubine Yan and Liu Meiren leave, Yu Meiren's red lips curved slightly, and smiled sweetly at Yuan Xiuyue: " The empress is really powerful, I have never seen Concubine Yan as she is today... deflated!"

Gently, she took a look at Yu Meiren, not knowing whether she was really scheming or just pretending to be scheming, Yuan Xiuyue put on a faint smile again: "If Yu Meiren is fine, then go back earlier!"


Unexpectedly, Yuan Xiuyue didn't answer her own words, but directly issued an order to expel her. Yu Meiren's beautiful face changed, and she was speechless for a while, but after a while, she asked again: "The empress just said that she will propose to the emperor as a concubine?" About being a concubine, do you talk about it casually, or take it seriously?"

"Yu Meiren thinks, is this Gong just talking casually, or is it serious?" The light in her eyes became softer, and the smile on her face became brighter. Until this moment, Yuan Xiuyue was finally sure that the person in front of her was serious about all kinds of things. Fake it.

(End of this chapter)

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