Chapter 155 She is Long Chuxiu! 2
What did Nangong Haoling say?
Pretending to be a pig...eating a tiger!
Seeing Yuan Xiuyue like this, Yu Meiren frowned slightly, "Just talk about it!"

Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue smiled faintly.

Turning slightly, she faced the inner hall: "Nangong Haoling, your favorite beauty is here, how long do you plan to hide inside?"

Hearing this, the corners of Poppy's lips twitched.

"Your Majesty? You're here too!"

Sure enough, when Yuan Xiuyue's voice fell, she saw Nangong Haoling in a bright yellow uniform coming out of the inner hall, she lightly touched the corners of her lips, and lowered her head to greet him: "I will see the emperor, my majesty is blessed! "

Looking down at Yu Meiren with lowered eyebrows, Nangong Haoling looked at Yuan Xiuyue carefully with a smile on his face.

Seeing Nangong Haoling like this, Yuan Xiuyue suddenly felt funny!
With lowered eyes, she pointed her chin at the beautiful poppies who were still clothed. The corners of her lips were slightly curved, and she said softly, "Is the emperor willing to let his favorite beauty suffer here like this?"

The more gentle she was, the corners of Nangong Haoling's eyes kept twitching.


He coughed slightly in embarrassment, his face was slightly cold, and he fixed his eyes on Yu Meiren: "Yu Xiuzhi, do you think you are suffering now?"

Poppies, the boudoir is beautiful!
"The concubine is indeed suffering!"

The pretty face sank slightly, Yu Xiuzhi's lips curved slightly, and she frowned with grievance: "But this concubine deserves what she deserves!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyebrows slightly, and immediately became more interested in Yu Xiuzhi in front of her!

Glancing at Yuan Xiuyue with low eyes, Nangong Haoling stretched out his hand to wrap her shoulders, and then said to Yu Meiren, "Tell me, what is your fault?"

"The concubine shouldn't say in front of the empress, the emperor likes the concubine the most..." Smiling and raising her eyes, Yu Xiuzhi looked at Yuan Xiuyue with a smile, "The emperor only likes the empress!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes softened, looking at the charming little face in front of her, gazing at her clear pupils, her heart turned for no reason, just a burst of liking!
Reaching out her hand to lift Yu Xiuzhi up, she turned to look at Nangong Haoling, waiting for him to explain to herself.

"Is this..."

Pursing her thin lips lightly, Nangong Haoling glanced at Yu Xiuzhi with a smile in her eyes: "Go back to your place first!"


With a face full of reluctance, Yu Xiuzhi pursed her lips and asked, "Can I say no?"

"of course can!"

Nodding his head disapprovingly, Nangong Haoling crossed his arms and said threateningly, "Unless you don't want to see him in the palace tomorrow!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned.

But seeing Yu Xiuzhi's face shrunk, she murmured, "Your Majesty, don't want it!"

With his chin raised slightly, Nangong Haoling lowered his eyebrows to Yu Xiuzhi and said lightly: "Then go back obediently!"


There was no trace of joy on her beautiful face, Yu Xiuzhi seemed to have been greatly wronged, and blessed Yuan Xiuyue: "I will resign!"

Seeing her like this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but chuckled, took her weak and boneless hand, and she said softly: "My sister, if you have time in the future, remember to come here often!"


Just about to hum, but thinking of Nangong Haoling again, Yu Xiuzhi glanced at him, and then softly said: "When the emperor is not here, I will come again!"

Hearing this, Nangong Hao Lingjun's face darkened.

She raised her eyes and glanced at him, but she didn't see him having an attack. She winked at him playfully and stuck out her tongue, which made Yuan Xiuyue giggle, and she ran out quickly.

Seeing her leave the hall, the smile on Yuan Xiuyue's face gradually disappeared, and she couldn't help sighing: "What a beautiful woman!"

"No way!"

The arms around Yuan Xiuyue's shoulders tightened a bit, Nangong Haoling looked down at her: "In my eyes, no one is more beautiful than you!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help smiling!

Nangong Haoling's words, although she knew it was a lie as soon as she heard it, she couldn't help but feel a little sweet to her ears.

After returning to the bedroom, Yuan Xiuyue learned from Nangong Haoling that Yu Xiuzhi was the youngest daughter of Prime Minister Zuo. Yu Xiuzhi, since she left the palace last year, the Empress Dowager insisted on him calling Yu Xiuzhi into the palace as a concubine!
However, on the first night of entering the palace, the first sentence she said to Nangong Haoling was just like what Yuan Xiuyue said to him back then, she didn't like the emperor!

Therefore, with her words of dislike, Nangong Haoling did not force her after finding out who she liked, but just slept with her on the couch and on the floor alone, and spent the whole night in such a wasteful spring night. In the middle of the palace, he didn't do what she wished and left her out from then on, but he immediately made her a beauty, and came to Chaohua Palace every day, just making her the most favored woman in the palace!
It is taken for granted that there has always been a relationship between them in name only.

And her existence just blocked the queen mother and concubines for him, so that he could quietly leave his body and mind to the woman in front of him!

"Alas... so the emperor said that he was acting on every occasion, that's how it is!"

On the phoenix couch, lying on her back in Nangong Haoling's arms, listening to him talking about Yu Xiuzhi's past, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help sighing softly: "Although the emperor did this to save her from a lot of trouble with you, but the Have you ever thought that her life is still very long, and she can't just waste her youth in the palace like this forever!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling fell silent.

Tilting her head slightly, Yuan Xiuyue stared at him deeply: "Didn't you just say that she has someone she likes? Why don't you let them go?"


Sighing lightly, Nangong Haoling spoke again, and said leisurely: "If possible, I would also like to fulfill them!"

Hearing the helplessness in Nangong Haoling's tone, Yuan Xiuyue frowned.

If he said that and thought about it, then he must have some concerns!

With a slight turn of her mind, she frowned more and more tightly: "The person she likes, could it be..."

His chin moved slightly, and he lowered his eyes slightly to look at her with a smile. Nangong Haoling stared at her eyes, and nodded with a wry smile: "I really can't hide anything from you!"

Hearing his words, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes darkened!

Is it that person?
If it was that person, if Yu Xiuzhi wanted to get close to her, it would be very difficult for her!
After all, her father is the prime minister on the left, if she marries with that person, everyone will definitely not tolerate her!

After thinking about it, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help sighing secretly in her heart because she really felt that Yu Xiuzhi was very good, but she couldn't do anything for her!
There are always many, many, such or such unsatisfactory!
Moju Pavilion, as the name suggests, is named after chrysanthemums, and all you can see are top-grade tribute chrysanthemums of various colors.

In addition to the various chrysanthemums, the decorations here are elegant and extravagant, and they are also very particular!

This is the residence of Concubine Yan!

Since returning from Fengluan Palace, Concubine Yan's beautiful face has been without joy or worry, until she entered the front hall and turned away a kind of palace people, she turned her head to look at Liu Meiren behind her with a slightly sullen expression: "Sister Liu ,hello!"

Hearing this, Liu Meiren's delicate body trembled slightly!

Looking up at Concubine Yan with a sullen expression, she smacked her lips, and then murmured: "Empress Yan Concubine, I didn't do it on purpose!"


With a cold smile, Yan Fei'e frowned slightly, and said softly, "You almost killed me on purpose, but if you did it on purpose, wouldn't I die without a whole body?"


Exclaimed, Liu Meiren hurriedly explained: "The concubine just can't understand that Yu Meiren has been belittling the empress. She wants to say that the empress is good, but she doesn't want to say too much. Fortunately, the empress did not pursue it..."

Hearing that Liu Meiren mentioned Yuan Xiuyue, concubine Yan's eyes changed slightly as she stared at her in tears!
Frowning tightly, she pondered for a moment, and her complexion gradually improved!
The corners of her lips curled slightly, and she sighed softly at Liu Meiren, and then carefully told her: "The empress is not a simple girl, you have to be careful about what you say and do in the future, and that beauty Yu, who is now the empress I put up with her, and you should keep a low profile when you are in the palace in the future, so don't start another conflict with her!"

"My concubine has memorized it!"

With a slight movement in her heart, Liu Meiren nodded gratefully.

"All right!"

Raising her hand and gently rubbing her brows, Concubine Yan turned around and leaned on the brocade couch supported by Cui Er, she slowly closed her eyes: "I'm tired, if you want to take a rest, you should go back first! "

Seeing her like this, Liu Meiren lowered her head slightly: "I will resign first!"


Gently waving her hands, but never raising her eyes, Concubine Yan couldn't help pinching her delicate brows!
"The same goes for Meiren Liu, she was so restless today, and Meiren Yu jumped out of anger with just a few words..." Muttering softly, somewhat dissatisfied with Meiren Liu, Cui'er stretched out her hand to caress Concubine Yan and twisted it tightly. Between the eyebrows, he softly persuaded his master: "Today's matter is basically due to the quarrel between the two beauties, Liu Meiren and Yu Meiren, which implicated the empress. The queen empress is like a mirror in her heart, didn't she also blame the empress?"

Hearing Cui'er's words, Concubine Yan's eyebrows twitched slightly!
Gently, with a sigh, she opened her eyes lightly: "Do you think things are so simple?"

Although Yuan Xiuyue never blamed her for what happened today, but when facing her, she always targeted her!
On the way back, she kept thinking about what she did not do well enough or made a mistake that caused Yuan Xiuyue to pay so much attention to her, but after much deliberation, she couldn't think of a reason!
After a while, seeing the eunuch on duty outside the hall quickly stepping in, respectfully approaching him and slapping him a thousand times, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows lightly: "What's the matter?"

After bowing respectfully in front of Concubine Yan, the eunuch handed over a letter, saying: "My Majesty, the Queen's sister, Yuan Mingyue, just sent a secret letter from the girl next to her, and the servant must deliver it in person. In the hands of the empress!"

(End of this chapter)

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