Chapter 156 She is Long Chuxiu! 3
Hearing this, Concubine Yan frowned slightly, raised her eyes slightly, and cast a sidelong glance at Cui'er.

Tweety understood, took the letter from the eunuch, then opened the letter, and presented it respectfully in front of Concubine Yan.

Lowering her eyebrows, she read the letter carefully, and Concubine Yan's eyes turned slightly!

After a moment of silence, she frowned lightly, raised her eyes and asked Tweety: "Do you still remember which leg the queen hurt when the cold palace was on fire last year?"

Tweety heard this, although she looked puzzled, but after thinking for a while, she replied to her master with certainty: "It's the right leg!"

"Right leg..."

With a slight turn of her mind, Concubine Yan's glistening red lips slightly curved, "Is there... such a coincidence in this world?!"

As the words fell, she ordered Tweety to prepare pens, inks, papers and inkstones, then took the letter paper in front of her, then tore it into pieces, and scattered them in the hall one by one...

Since that day, after Concubine Yan and Meiren Liu left Fengluan Palace, they each stayed in their own palaces and never went to see Meiren Yu.

A few more days later, the discussions on the four-nation summit went smoothly, everything in the palace was calm, and Yuan Xiuyue's life was naturally very comfortable!

On this day, she ordered Tinglan to bring back Qianqian and He'er who had been dispatched to other palaces. Not only that, Shadow also came back from outside the palace, and moved into Fenghuang again according to Nangong Haoling's instructions. Luan Palace.

All of a sudden, everyone reunited, just like when they were in the cold palace, and the laughter resounded in Fengluan Palace again!
Two days later, after careful consideration with Dragon Po, Xuanyuantang ordered his personal palace attendant to bring the prescription for Yuan Xiuyue's leg injury into Fengluan Palace.

After reading the prescription, Yuan Xiuyue injected herself with acupuncture that night and began acupuncture for herself!

Although, the whole acupuncture process will be very painful, and after each acupuncture, she will break out in a cold sweat.

But even so, she persisted every day, hoping that her legs would get better soon. '

In that case, she can stand beside Nangong Haoling as soon as possible!

This day, the night sinks like water.

Long after Yuan Xiuyue applied the needles, the pain in her legs never subsided.

She wondered if she touched an injured tendon when she was applying the needle just now, and she looked up at the Genglou in front of her eyes, knowing that Nangong Haoling is currently in the Yexi Palace to finalize the exact time and place of the Three Kingdoms Summit with Duguchen , She didn't ask anyone to report it, she just took the pain-relieving elixir herself, and told Ting Lan not to disturb her, curled up sideways on the phoenix couch and waited for the pain to subside.

However, after taking the pain-relieving pill and lying on the phoenix couch for a long time, she only felt that the pain in her leg was not relieved, on the contrary, it was getting worse.

Finally, she felt something was wrong, she bit her red lips tightly, and gently rolled up her trousers. When she looked at the hideous scar on her calf and the abnormal dark color on the scar, her heart felt a little cold, and she couldn't help but feel the pain. Groan out loud!

After a while, Ting Lan frowned when she heard the soft groans coming from the phoenix couch, she couldn't help but stepped forward.

Gently lifting the red gauze curtain, she only took a look inside, and saw Yuan Xiuyue's face was pale, with cold sweat dripping down her forehead!

"Ma'am, what's the matter with you?" Startled, Ting Lan leaned forward quickly.


Raising her hand to seal the acupuncture point on her calf, Yuan Xiuyue's lips trembled slightly, but she only uttered a word of pain for a long while, frowning tightly, she closed her eyes forcefully, and said in a trembling voice: "There is poison on the silver needle!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan couldn't help but thump in her heart!
"What should I do? Slaves..."

Panicked, Ting Lan turned around at a loss and wanted to go out: "Your maidservant, go find the emperor!"


Feeling that there was a boning knife on her leg, cutting her own flesh non-stop, Yuan Xiuyue turned pale, gritted her teeth and shouted to Ting Lan: "The emperor is talking about the Three Kingdoms Summit with King Yue right now, please don't disturb me!"

The important thing is that she cannot let Duguchen know that her right leg is injured!

Spreading her hands lightly, her hands and feet panicked for a while, Ting Lan was also sweating profusely: "Then servant, go teach the imperial physician!"

"Isn't the imperial doctor taking Bengong's leg... there's nothing he can do?" Yuan Xiuyue frowned at the pain in her leg, and shook her head at Ting Lan with a wry smile.

"Then what to do!"

Tears filled her eyes in an instant, Ting Lan stepped forward and hugged Yuan Xiuyue, feeling her body trembling uncontrollably due to pain, her eyes flickered, and couldn't help crying bitterly.

"why are you crying?"

Sweat covered her forehead, and Yuan Xiuyue tried hard to straighten her legs, but she couldn't bear it anymore and cried out in pain again: "Go get the medicine box!"


Responding hastily, Ting Lan quickly left the couch.

After a while, she went back and forth, opened the medicine box in her hand, panted and asked Yuan Xiuyue, "Which kind of medicine does your mother want to take?"

"Bai Jie Dan!"

Glancing at the eye medicine box, Yuan Xiuyue pointed to the dark red medicine bottle.

Baijie Dan can detoxify all kinds of poisons, if it is not too strong poisons, it can alleviate them.

"Baijie Pill!" Hastily stretched out her hand and took the dark red bottle in her hand. With trembling hands, Ting Lan poured out one of the pills inside and stuffed it into Yuan Xiuyue's mouth.

Yuan Xiuyue swallowed dryly without drinking water, and Yuan Xiuyue closed her eyes a little weakly from the pain, and shouted forcefully outside the door: "Shadow!"

Perhaps her voice was too low, and the shadow did not appear for a while.

Seeing this, Ting Lan couldn't help shouting again, "Shadow!"

Hearing the sound, the shadow quickly entered.

Lifting the gauze curtain, seeing Yuan Xiuyue's face in pain, her heart trembled, she turned her head and asked Ting Lan: "My lady, what's going on?"

"Your Majesty said that the silver needle she used tonight is poisonous!" The tears in her eyes were like weeping, Ting Lan was anxious in her heart, and her voice became unkind, "The silver needle will turn black when it is poisoned, how the hell can it be?" Being tampered with but nothing unusual?!"

Hearing this, Shadow's complexion darkened, he turned around and was about to go out: "I'm going to report to the Emperor!"

"Shadow! The Emperor is talking about the Three Kingdoms Summit!"

Tremblingly calling for the shadow, Yuan Xiuyue didn't open her eyes, but frowned and shook her head at her, bit her lips and said, "I know you have a token that allows you to leave the palace, but the only one who can save me right now is Concubine Xian is alone, she is now in Juxian Tower... King Ning is most familiar with the environment, you go to the emperor now, it is better to go to Taoyuan to find King Ning, and ask him to go out of the palace to find Princess Xian and the palace !"

Hearing this, the shadow's expression turned serious!
But after only a moment, she nodded her head heavily, turned around and wanted to leave the bedroom without delay.

After the shadow left, Yuan Xiuyue panted slightly and said to Ting Lan, "Go and bring me a bucket of cold water!"


Ting Lan nodded in shock, and hurriedly got up from the couch.

But when she looked back, she saw Yuan Xiuyue's tightly closed eyes, her heart was hardened, she hurried to the outside of the bedroom, and said to Lin Sheng: "Lin Sheng, hurry up and bring a bucket of cold water!


Seeing that Ting Lan's expression was wrong, Lin Sheng didn't say much, and went out to do errands according to his words.

Turning her head suddenly, looking at Qianqian who was stunned aside, Ting Lan frowned and said: "At this moment, the emperor is discussing the Three Kingdoms Summit with King Yue in Yexi Palace, you go over quickly, and invite the emperor to come over immediately after the discussion is over!"

"The slaves obey the orders!"

Nodding her eyebrows, Qianqian quickly ran out.

After a while, Ting Lan and Lin Sheng entered the bedroom with cold water.

Instructing them to put the bucket in front of the bed, Yuan Xiuyue stretched out her right leg into the bitingly cold water without any hesitation.


Her pretty face was instantly distorted by severe pain and extreme cold. Yuan Xiuyue bit her lower lip tightly and raised her head to endure the unbearable pain. After a while, her body trembled and she fainted.


In the ear, Ting Lan's screaming sound came into her mind at the right time. Although Yuan Xiuyue could hear it, she never opened her eyes again...

Taoyuan residence.

Clusters of peach buds are about to bloom on a large scale.

Ever since Lei Luo rescued Yuan Xiuyue, he knew that Duguchen would not let it go, so these days, after dinner, he never went to the Royal Garden to enjoy the scenery!

Tonight, after dinner, just like the previous few days, he set up the chess game on his own, and played against himself according to Yuan Xiuyue's chess style, and he really enjoyed it!

Looking up, seeing the shadow appearing outside the door, he couldn't help feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

The corners of his lips hooked slightly, he put down the chess piece in his hand, and smiled at the shadow like a spring breeze: "What kind of wind is blowing today? It even blows the shadow to this king! Rare visitor!"

Secretly wishing that he would still be able to laugh later, Ying Ying stood still in front of Nangong Xiao Ran, and saluted him, as before, speaking simply and directly, "My lady is in trouble! This subordinate is here to ask the lord for help! "

Hearing this, the smile on Nangong Xiaoran's face froze instantly, "What happened?"

He thought that there was another problem between Yuan Xiuyue and Nangong Haoling!
"My lady's silver needle used to treat leg injuries has been tampered with, and she is suffering from an unknown poison at this moment!"

Telling Ting Lan to himself, he told Nangong Xiaoran in detail, the shadow raised his eyes and glanced at him, then followed Yuan Xiuyue's instructions, and said to him: "Your subordinates don't go to Juxianlou very often. The environment is also very unfamiliar, the empress asked the subordinates to follow the prince out of the palace to find Princess Xian!"

Hearing this, Nangong Xiao Ran's eyes turned cold!
"Poisoned?!" Eyebrows furrowed tightly, he stepped out: "This king will go check on the Queen's condition first!"

"My lord!"

Stretching out his hand to hold his wrist, Shadow shook his head at him: "At this moment, the empress is in pain, we don't have much time to delay now!"

Hearing from the shadow that Yuan Xiuyue was dying of pain, Nangong Haoling froze, and his face suddenly turned cold!

(End of this chapter)

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