Chapter 157 She is Long Chuxiu! 4

He only glanced sideways at the shadow, he didn't mention to see Yuan Xiuyue again, but walked out quickly by himself.

Seeing this, Shadow narrowed his eyes and hurriedly followed.

Nangong Xiaoran and Yingying left Taoyuan Residence and headed all the way towards the south gate.

Fortunately, Shadow had a token to leave the palace, so they didn't encounter too many obstacles when they left the palace!
After leaving the palace, Nangong Xiaoran and Ying Ying clamped the stirrups at the same time without getting off the horse, swiped the whip heavily, and disappeared into the vast night in just a moment...

Yexi Palace, inside the main hall.

Regarding the summit of the Three Kingdoms, the last negotiation between Nangong Haoling and Duguchen finally came to an end.

At this moment, the two of them, both of peerless beauty, were chatting with each other in the hall.

Originally, every winter, the monarchs of the Three Kingdoms would hold a summit of the Three Kingdoms in Nanling, at the junction of Chu and Nanling. However, last winter, Nangong Haoling and Xuanyuanxu directly broke up with Duguchen in Nanling about what happened in Anyang last year. The summit of the three countries broke up unhappily, and the three countries involved are also on the verge of daggers, stepping up to station troops on their respective borders!

During this period, Dugu Chen relied on the strength of Nanyue's soldiers and horses, and didn't bother to leave the country, or any other country in Chu, but because of the alliance between Nangong Haoling and Xuanyuanxu, he had to put the overall situation first after weighing the pros and cons. They came forward to mediate and tried to hold the three-nation summit that only started last year but never ended!

This led to his trip this time!

But now, apart from some accidents, everything is proceeding step by step. Just like now, they agreed to go to Chu State in Duguchen and lobby the Chu Emperor, and hold the Three Kingdoms Summit in Nanling again on the second day of July this year in midsummer!

During the banquet, Nangong Haoling raised his eyes slightly, the dark and deep eyes sparkled, the corners of his lips curled slightly, he smiled at Duguchen, "Yue Wang, now what you want, the emperor has promised you, the Three Kingdoms The date of the summit has also been set, and then you should go to the state of Chu to meet the emperor of Chu, so I don't know when you plan to leave for the state of Chu?"

Hearing this, Duguchen's eyes darkened, he looked up at Nangong Haoling lightly, he sighed lightly: "I haven't found the person I'm looking for, I really can't bear to just leave like this!"

Staring at his dark eyes, Nangong Haoling frowned slightly.

Thinking that you would never find her in your life, he pondered for a while, and after a while, he saw the corners of his lips slowly curling up, and a brilliant smile appeared on his face: "Since King Yue is worried, then... ...On the second day of July, there are less than three months from now, and it will take more than a month to go to Chu State, and then from Chu State to Nanyue, the time is too tight... Otherwise, the emperor will How about pushing back the date of the three-nation summit?"

Hearing Nangong Haoling's words, Duguchen's complexion changed slightly!

"How can a child's personal relationship be compared with the important affairs of the family and the country?" His eyes narrowed slightly, and he raised his eyes to stare at his elegant and elegant smile. After three days, get up and leave here for Chu!"

Nangong Haoling took a look at Duguchen, then sighed softly, the corners of his lips twitched, and he smiled meaningfully: "Even if King Yue leaves, I will help you continue to find Miss Chuxiu!"

Hearing this, Duguchen frowned slightly, concentrating on the smile on Nangong Haoling's face, the corners of his lips curled slightly, but finally lowered his head slightly: "This king is here to thank Emperor Li!"

"It's a trivial matter, nothing to worry about!"

With a slight smile, Nangong Haoling raised his glass to Duguchen: "This emperor once again, I want to wish King Yue a smooth journey to Chu!"

"hope so!"

Staring at Nangong Haoling with a half-smile, Duguchen couldn't help but groan coldly when he thought of the number of times he was chased and killed from Yueguo all the way to Liguo!
While chuckling, he drank all the wine in the cup, Nangong Haoling raised his eyes slightly, and seeing Ji Heng walking in quickly from outside the hall, he gradually suppressed his smile and waited quietly for him to come to him.


With a trembling voice, Ji Heng stood beside Nangong Haoling and whispered something in his ear: "The Empress is poisoned!"


In just a split second, Nangong Haoling's expression changed: "Is it serious?"

Ji Heng said with an ugly expression, "I heard from Qianqian that it hurts!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's heart was in a mess in an instant!
"Yue Wang, please feel free, I have something important to do, I have to leave for a while!" Unable to sit still, she said this to Dugu Chen, Nangong Haoling got up suddenly, and left the hall quickly!

"Let's go slowly, Emperor Li!"

Bringing the jade cup in his hand to his lips, seeing the tall and straight figure of Nangong Haoling leaving in the dim light, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and he smiled faintly, then raised his head and drank the fine wine in the cup...

Does it hurt?
Of course it hurts!

If it doesn't hurt, how can he be worthy of the humiliation she brought to him last year?
In Fengluan Palace.

After Yuan Xiuyue fainted, Ting Lan finally passed on the imperial physician immediately!
When Nangong Haoling arrived at Fengluan Palace, Fengluan Palace was already in chaos, and the principal and deputy directors of the imperial hospital were asking Yuan Xiuyue for pulse!

"what happened?"

As soon as he entered the sleeping hall, he saw Yuan Xiuyue's pale and haggard face. Nangong Haoling was taken aback. In an instant, a murderous aura overflowed from his body. His icy eyes swept across the people in the hall, and finally fell On the two imperial physicians in front of the phoenix couch.

I couldn't help trembling all over. Under Nangong Haoling's icy gaze, the two imperial physicians were already covered in cold sweat from fear like thorns on their backs.Couldn't help shaking his sweaty palms, the imperial hospital was thanking the imperial physician, knelt down in front of the phoenix couch, kowtowed to Nangong Haoling and replied: "Return to the emperor, the empress's pulse condition is weak and slippery, and her tongue coating is black. This is poisoning." Omen!"

"Your Majesty usually eats with me, how could you be poisoned?" The veins on her forehead bulged, Nangong Haoling's voice trembled, but mixed with a storm of anger, she looked at Ting Lan beside Yuan Xiuyue: "How do you serve me?" of!"

Hearing the sound, Ting Lan, whose eyes were already red from crying, couldn't help trembling!
Kneeling down with Lin Shengqianqian and the others, she bit her lip and cried, "Your Majesty, your majesty uses silver needles to acupuncture and moxibuste her legs every day. She has been fine for the past few days, but after using it tonight, it still hurts." Terrific, later the servant listened... I heard from the empress that she was poisoned..."

When it came to the end, Ting Lan was already sobbing: "Damn the servant, I failed to take good care of the empress!"

"Don't blame Ting Lan..."

At some point, Yuan Xiuyue woke up.

With a bloodless face, she slowly turned to Nangong Haoling, her lips trembled slightly, and she gave him a bitter smile, then lightly moved the hand by her side, reaching out to him with some difficulty.

After realizing that she was poisoned, she took Baijie Dan and sealed her acupuncture points.

However, even after doing all this, she still couldn't stop herself from getting poisoned!

She knew better than anyone in her heart that this kind of poison should also be prepared by a person, mixed with various poisons.

"What are you still doing in a daze? I feel that the queen will be healed. If something happens to the queen today, I will let you all be buried with me!" In the voice, there was anger, eagerness, and deep fear and confusion. Yuan Xiuyue stretched out his hand, Nangong Haoling felt the pain in his heart dripping blood, clenched his teeth, he quickly stepped forward, stretched out his hand to hold her limp hand: "Don't be afraid, Yue'er, I'm here!"


Gently, she moved her hand, wanting to hold his big hand tightly, but in the end she didn't have the strength. Yuan Xiuyue called him with a vigor, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes turned up, her eyes were confused: "I suddenly feel that I am very tired……"

"It's okay to be tired, I will accompany you!"

Holding Yuan Xiuyue's hand firmly, Nangong Haoling knelt down, grabbed her head, and whispered in her ear: "Yuan Xiuyue, listen to me clearly, if you dare to close your eyes, I will definitely kill Ting Lan !"

Hearing his words, Yuan Xiuyue's heart ached!
Turning her eyes slowly, she stared fixedly at his handsome face, with a stern expression on her face, the corners of her lips twitched slightly, and she said angrily, "I hate you Datin Lan for threatening me the most!"

"I'm serious this time!"

Caressing the long hair that was already wet with sweat on her forehead, Nangong Haoling spoke in a very soft voice, so soft that only Yuan Xiuyue could hear him, but his tone of voice was undeniable, "If you die, I will let you die." Everyone here will be buried with me!"

Knowing that he was serious when he said these words, Yuan Xiuyue choked up in her throat and couldn't hold back the tears in her eyes.

"They can't save me!"

Looking sideways at the imperial physicians in front of the phoenix couch, Yuan Xiuyue lowered her eyelids, and the tears falling from the corners of her eyes wet their hands: "Only her... I'm waiting for Xuanyuan... Tang!"

As the words fell, her pupils became dizzy, and she finally closed her eyes slowly, only the clear tears dripping from the corners of her eyes were still rolling down...


Suddenly, his whole heart seemed to be hollowed out by someone. Seeing Yuan Xiuyue closing his eyes helplessly, Nangong Haoling froze suddenly!
This afternoon, she was still chatting and laughing, acting like a baby with him, saying that she would give birth to a prince and a princess for her!

But right now, she suddenly seemed to have lost her life!
"My lady..."

Thinking that Yuan Xiuyue had medicine for Shi Wan, Ting Lan couldn't help crying.

"Why are you crying? Yue'er is still alive!"

Stretching out his hand to detect Yuan Xiuyue's breath, Nangong Haoling's heartstrings loosened slightly.

"Your Majesty, give way!"

I don't know when, an old man came in from outside the sleeping hall, and he stepped forward a few steps, and pushed Nangong Haoling who was stunned in front of the couch unceremoniously aside.Sensing Nangong Haoling's cold gaze that could kill people, the old man's hands grabbed Yuan Xiuyue's wrist with one hand, and grasped her pulse with the other.

(End of this chapter)

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