Chapter 158 She is Long Chuxiu! 5
"Doctor Wang?"

Recognizing the person, Nangong Haoling's handsome eyebrows were tightly frowned. He looked at the old man who was checking Yuan Xiuyue's pulse, and couldn't help but reveal an incredulous expression.

This imperial doctor Wang was the head of the Imperial Hospital of the Chu State Imperial Palace back then. Also followed back.

At this moment, he should be in Chu State!
Nangong Haoling never dreamed that this old doctor would suddenly appear here at this critical moment!
Ignoring Nangong Haoling's astonished gaze, after taking Yuan Xiuyue's pulse, Physician Wang lowered his head and took out the silver needles from his medicine box, and quickly and accurately applied the needles on several large acupoints on Yuan Xiuyue's body.

After a while, after finishing the injection, Doctor Wang reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"The old man just came from Chu State after receiving a letter from the princess. The purpose of this trip is to heal her leg for the queen, but I don't want to encounter today's situation..." Sighing lightly, he explained his reason for coming, Wang The imperial doctor looked up at Nangong Haoling, and before he could ask, he frowned and said softly: "Your Majesty, you can rest assured, with the old man's silver needles, your mother can delay it for another hour, the most important thing now Yes, we need to find the princess and let the princess heal the empress, she is a master at detoxification, no matter how severe the poison is, no one will die under her hands!"

"Sister-in-law Huang is in Juxian Tower!"

Nangong Haoling frowned, turned his head and shouted, "Dark Cloud!"

As soon as the words fell, the dark cloud appeared behind him in an instant, and before he could speak, Ting Lan said: "Your Majesty has already lined up a shadow to find King Ning, please ask King Ning to pick up Princess Xian!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling secretly heaved a sigh of relief!
At this moment, what he thought in his heart was not that Nangong Xiaoran dared to go out of the palace privately, but that it was about Yuan Xiuyue's life. He believed that Nangong Xiaoran would bring Xuanyuantang with him as soon as possible!
Therefore, he paused for a moment, and said to An Yun: "Open the south city gate, and go out to meet King Ning and Princess Xian! The sooner the better!"

"Subordinates obey!"

After a little respect, An Yun led the way and left.

Night, pitch black.

The moonlight that showed a little earlier also quietly hid behind the clouds.

Although he has been galloping with Xuanyuantang and Yingying all the way since leaving Juxian Building, Nangong Xiaoran's heart is still hanging high!

Because, although he knew that Yuan Xiuyue was poisoned, he didn't have time to take a look at her, and didn't know what she was doing right now.

As long as you don't see him for a moment, you can't feel at ease!
This is how he feels at the moment!

In the vast night, he swung his whip vigorously and galloped the horse, not forgetting to keep urging Xuanyuantang and the shadow behind him who were thrown out by him: "Quick! Quick! Faster!"

Because of this, he didn't notice for a while, and someone had already put up the foot rope not far from him.

The steed under him, because of its high speed, tripped over its feet, neighed instantly, and rolled forward directly.

With a chill in his heart, Nangong Xiaoran turned around and flew away in the air, finally knelt down on the ground not far away.

After a while, I saw a figure in front of me.

When the torch was lit, Duguchen was dressed in black, looking even more handsome than dust, and walked out of the crowd of men in black.

"Dugu Chen!"

Standing up from the ground, Ren Yefeng blew his robe flappingly, Nangong Xiaoran narrowed his eyes slightly, staring coldly at Duguchen in front of him: "It's you!"

"It's the king!"

With a faint smile, but the smile didn't reach the corners of his eyes, Duguchen looked into Nangong Xiaoran's eyes coldly: "Nangong Xiaoran, do you think that you can't get out of Taoyuan if you hide in Taoyuan for a while, so this king won't be able to catch you? Tell this king, you put Where is she hiding?"

He was not surprised that Nangong Haoling would leave Yexi Palace tonight.

Because, he knew early on that Yuan Xiuyue, who always made him stumble, would be poisoned tonight!
This was already in his calculations!

Just like, when she was poisoned, she would definitely take the overall situation into consideration and would not be the first to go to Nangong Haoling. He had already expected that she would let Nangong Xiaoran come forward to find Xuanyuan, the virtuous concubine who could help her detoxify. Tang!
Everything tonight is in his calculations.

And he is bound to get the whereabouts of Long Chuxiu from Nangong Xiaoran!
Of course, he will not mention Yuan Xiuyue's poisoning tonight, and after the incident, he will only say that he is targeting Nangong Xiaoran and wants to find out the whereabouts of Long Chuxiu. As for the other...all can be washed away. net!

"She doesn't belong to you, so why do you force her?"

The voice was low, and for the first time, Nangong Xiaoran lost a trace of smile on his face. He took off his jasper flute from his body with his backhand. He used the flute instead of a sword, like a white flower shadow, drifting towards Dugu Chen with the wind. face the door!


With a crisp sound, the jade flute met the long sword, and Lei Luo suddenly appeared, standing in front of Dugu Chen, and confronting Nangong Xiaoran!
At this moment, Ying Ying and Xuan Yuan Tang also arrived.

Seeing Nangong Xiaoran and Lei Luo fighting, Yingying and Duguchen were also regarded as enemies when they met, and they were extremely jealous when they met, so they drew their swords and went straight to kill Duguchen!

Seeing that the two sides were fighting fiercely and they couldn't pass through for a while, Xuanyuantang raised his eyebrows and scolded Duguchen angrily: "Yue Wang! Now you are here for the Three Kingdoms Summit, and you are a guest in my palace, but you come to rob and kill my palace? What is your intention? ?”

"Princess calm down!"

Trying to make himself smile softly, Duguchen smiled at Xuanyuantang: "This king is not targeting the princess, but wants to ask King Ning about the whereabouts of the princess!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Tang naturally understood!

"Tell them all to stop!"

Xingyan stared suddenly, Yuan Xiuyue scolded everyone, smiled embarrassingly, she turned her head to Duguchen and said coldly: "Isn't King Yue just looking for my sister? Bengong will tell you her whereabouts right now!"


With a low heck, Nangong Xiao Ran looked back at Xuanyuan Tang.

If she told Duguchen the truth, knowing that Yuan Xiuyue would play him again, with his personality, there might be some troubles!
"If you drag it on, the living will be dragged to death!" Shen Sheng said to Nangong Xiaoran, Xuanyuantang said coldly to Duguchen: "Don't tell your people to stop!"

Hearing this, Duguchen frowned, and raised his hand to signal Lei Luo and others to stop!

Seeing him like this, Lei Luo and the others really gave up!
Staring at Duguchen with fixed eyebrows, Xuanyuantang lightly raised her black eyebrows, and said with a twinkle in her eyes: "The person you are looking for, King Yue, is currently in Fengluan Palace, and his body is highly poisonous, and his life and death are uncertain!"

Hearing Xuanyuantang's words, Duguchen's heart couldn't help but suffocate!
Now, in Fengluan Palace, who is poisoned?
The answer is obvious!
Yuan Xiuyue, is she... is Long Chuxiu?
(End of this chapter)

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