Chapter 159 Who is whose robbery? 1
After hearing Xuanyuantang's words, Duguchen's mind, which had always been as thoughtful as Duguchen's, also went blank for a short time!
how can that be?

Yuan Xiuyue and Long Chuxiu!
One is the person he hates the most. He hates her so deeply that he can't wait to tear her into pieces and strip her bones. people.

They are two extremes in his life, how can they be the same person? !

His thick eyebrows were furrowed tightly, Duguchen was stunned for a long time, then he raised his eyes sarcasticly, and met Xuanyuanxu's dark pupils: "Who exactly is the person that Princess Xian said was poisoned and whose life and death were unknown?"

Even though he knew that Yuan Xiuyue was poisoned, he couldn't show that he knew about it!
No matter how much shock, how much anger, and how much at a loss what to do in his heart at the moment!

This matter has nothing to do with him!
Therefore, even if he already knew the answer in his heart, there are some things that should be asked, and he must ask them!

"Everyone in the world knows that King Yue is extremely smart. Could it be that he still can't understand what I mean by this palace?" With a cold smile, Xuanyuantang, who is worthy of being the princess of the Chu Kingdom, has a cold and sassy air, facing Duguchen's eyes. Her eyes widened, and she said slowly: "What I said in my mouth, the person who is poisoned and whose life or death is uncertain is the Queen of Li Kingdom, Yuan Xiuyue, and the prince you are looking for... My sister, Long Chuxiu! "

After being confirmed again, Duguchen's body was shocked, and he was shocked, angry, and mixed with a trace of suddenness. Under the control of chaotic emotions, he couldn't help taking a step back!
"My lord!"

Hastily stretched out his hand to support him behind his back, Lei Luo looked at Dugu Chen with a solemn expression.

Recently, after Long Chuxiu disappeared, Duguchen looked for her everywhere like crazy. For Long Chuxiu, he even put down his dignity, and begged Emperor Li at all costs, and went to fight with the person he regarded as his deadly enemy. Yuan Xiuyue bowed her head.

But, up to now, Yuan Xiuyue is the dragon out of Xiu!
This truth, to him, is undoubtedly a great irony!
How embarrassing is this for him!

"No wonder!"

Smiling coldly, Duguchen gritted his teeth tightly, looked at Xuanyuantang with deep eyes, and lightly curled his thin lips full of self-deprecation: "No wonder this king is in Li Palace, no matter what, I can't find her everywhere!"

I see!
Thinking about it, at this moment he has already become the biggest joke in the eyes of Nangong Haoling and Yuan Xiuyue!

"Yue Wang!"

Although he knew that Dugu Chen must be in complicated mood at this moment, but with Yuan Xiuyue in his heart, Nangong Xiaoran couldn't wait for another moment.Speaking coldly, he pointed at Dugu Chen with the jasper flute in his hand, and a murderous aura rose all over his body: "I don't care what mood you are in now, but now my Queen Li is poisoned, if you dare to stop me , this king dares to be sure that in the future, Liguo and Nanyue... will definitely be at odds with each other! They will never die!"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen's mood changed suddenly, and his complexion became extremely complicated in an instant!
"Princess, let's go!"

When Duguchen hesitated for a moment, Nangong Xiaoran's figure flashed, and he quickly jumped onto the horse's back. Without any hesitation, he slammed the whip on Xuanyuantang's mount, and drove towards Duguchen, Lei Luo and the others Run where you are.

"Prince Ning, you are too deceitful!"

Seeing Nangong Xiaoran and Xuanyuantang riding horses like the wind and rushing towards Duguchen's place, Lei Luo shouted furiously, and raised his sword to unceremoniously stab the mount under him!

The shot was as fast as a gust of wind, and Duguchen tightly grasped Lei Luo's sword-holding wrist, his body leaned slightly, he turned Lei Luo to the side of the road, and shouted angrily at his own hand: "Get out of the way!"

"My lord!"

With a slightly irritable voice, Lei Luo helplessly growled at Duguchen!
But no matter how annoyed he was, Duguchen's face remained the same as before, and he never let go of the big hand that was holding his wrist tightly.

Seeing him like this, all his subordinates quickly gave way, only to see Nangong Xiaoran, Xuanyuantang and Yingying, riding their horses and galloping past them, galloping towards the direction of the imperial palace!

"My lord!" Lei Luo's face was extremely livid as he watched Nangong Xiaoran go all the way, "How could Miss Long be the Empress? They... have gone too far!"

"To shut up!"

His eyes were deep, but no one could see joy or sorrow, Duguchen let go of Lei Luo's hand in a daze.Gritting his teeth tightly, with a cold handsome face, he turned around and walked towards the palace without saying a word.

Looking at his stiff and straight back, Lei Luo felt a little pain in his heart, and saw him roar and throw the long sword in his hand heavily on the ground.

After the long sword fell to the ground, it collided with the gravel on the ground, making a crisp sword sound.

Hearing the sound of the sword behind him, one could imagine Lei Luo's panic. Duguchen never looked back, nor stopped. He just walked in the dark night against the cool night wind.

At this moment, he needs to be quiet!
Alone, find a quiet, uninhabited place, and have a good time!
"Has the prince ever treated anyone sincerely?"

"No, you never have!"

"A person who has never treated anyone sincerely, why force others to treat you sincerely?"


In my mind, the words that Long Chuxiu said to me in the chariot on the day when I entered the palace suddenly sounded. Thinking of her expression and appearance when she spoke, the corners of Duguchen's lips curled up, revealing a self-deprecating smile. On top of his already handsome face, there was a piece of desolate beauty!
Ever since he was sensible, the environment he lived in was full of intrigues, and those who never saw the bloodshed. The people around him, even if they get along in harmony on the surface, are actually a relationship of using and being used!
Long Chuxiu, or she should be called Yuan Xiuyue.

She was absolutely right!

From childhood to adulthood, he has never treated anyone sincerely!

Just ask, a child who was born in the palace and was exploited by his own mother for many years, after growing up, how can he treat others sincerely!

Therefore, in the past, he never treated anyone sincerely!
Because he felt that they were not worthy!
But she is an exception!

Vaguely, it seemed that he had returned to the day when he first met her in Juxian Tower. At that time, although he was seriously injured, when he saw her smile, he would laugh along with her, and was tortured to death by her, but he Still happy!
Because, in his life, there has never been a woman like her.

She was bright, alert, intelligent, and lively, like a ray of sunshine that suddenly appeared in his life.

This ray of sunshine illuminated his heart, making him want to keep a woman by his side for the first time, and to treat her sincerely.

But, in the it such an ending? !
Thoughts were spinning in my heart, and the smile on the corner of my lips became more and more desolate. Duguchen's memory, from Anyang last year, to this year's Lidu, from the first sight of Lishan Temple, to Xingyue Pavilion, she left angrily Go for the last slap!

"Yuan Xiuyue...the dragon came out of Xiu..."

Thinking about it, he merged Yuan Xiuyue and Long Chuxiu into one person. Thinking of those bright eyes, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and from his mouth and nose, he sneered: "You are a world-famous liar!"

When the words fell, he stopped, and couldn't help but shouted to the sky: "Ah——"

Outside the imperial city, An Yun had already led people to meet Nangong Xiaoran and Xuanyuantang according to the order.

Seeing that Nangong Xiaoran and Xuanyuantang's group arrived smoothly, he didn't go forward, just got on his horse and followed them into the imperial city.

"How is the queen?"

With the whistling wind in his ear, Nangong Xiaoran glanced sideways, and asked An Yun who was slightly behind him in a somewhat eager tone.

"not too good!"

Shen Sheng replied to Nangong Xiaoran's question, and Anyun turned his head to look at Xuanyuantang in front of him with a solemn expression: "Fortunately, the imperial physician Wang arrived not long ago, and at this moment he has given the empress an injection to save her life, so the only way to delay it is to delay it." In an hour, just waiting for Concubine Xian to rush to save her life, this subordinate is following the order of the Emperor to come to meet Concubine Xian."

"An hour?"

The color of her eyes changed slightly, and Xuanyuanxu's thoughts changed slightly. She knew that the words of Imperial Physician Wang were most likely to be correct. When Yun came to his senses, he saw her turn her wrist, and suddenly thrust the hairpin firmly into the horse's back!

"Princess Xian!"

When everyone saw this, they were all terrified!But no one has time to stop it!
In the next moment, the horse neighed in pain, and then galloped forward like crazy.


Behind her, no matter it was Nangong Xiaoran, or the shadow who escorted him all the way to Juxian Tower, their complexions sank, and they rode their horses and whipped their whips, forcing the horses under them to run faster!

After a while, they finally arrived in front of Fengluan Palace, but the horse suffered from pain and ran like crazy, even though Xuanyuantang tried his best to rein in, it still couldn't stop!

Without caring much, she slammed the stirrup under her feet, and then raised her figure, and jumped off the horse's back.


Seeing this, Nangong Xiaoran's complexion changed, without even thinking about it, he saw that he also kicked his foot, and then his figure jumped, before Xuanyuantang fell to the ground, he was firmly cushioned under her body!

No matter how light Xuanyuan Tang was, Nangong Xiaoran still couldn't help but let out a muffled groan if she let her drop her waist!
"Brother Xiao Ran!"

Just after hearing the news and rushing outside Fengluan Palace, she saw Nangong Xiaoran sacrificing herself for Xuanyuantang, Yu Xiuzhi let out a cry of surprise, and suddenly quickened her pace, like a colorful butterfly, she flew towards Nangong Xiaoran quickly.

"Are you OK?"

Getting up from Nangong Xiaoran, Xuanyuan Xu tightly covered his painful shoulder, and frowned at him.


Sitting up reluctantly, Nangong Xiaoran stretched out his hand and pushed Xuanyuantang: "Hurry up and save people!"

Taking a deep look at him, Xuanyuantang nodded slightly.Standing up, she quickly stepped up the steps and headed towards the main hall of Fengluan Palace.

"Brother Xiao Ran!"

The beautiful smiling face was full of concern. Panting slightly, Yu Xiuzhi stood beside Nangong Xiaoran, but due to her status, she could only stare at him deeply, but couldn't step forward to help him up.The hand hidden in the sleeve was tightly clenched, her red lips squirmed slightly, and finally she opened her lips and asked, "Are you okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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