Chapter 160 Who is whose robbery? 2
"Thank you, Poppy, for your concern, I'm fine!"

Raising his eyes slightly, he looked at the beautiful face that was staring down at his side, the corners of Nangong Xiaoran's lips curled up slightly, facing Yu Xiuzhi's worried pupils, he frowned and rubbed his lower back that was always aching , stood up from the ground, turned up, and walked towards Fengluan Palace.

"Brother Xiao Ran!"

Dai Dai frowned slightly, seeing his figure standing upright regardless of himself, Yuan Xiuzhi couldn't help calling softly again!
Standing slightly stagnant, Nangong Xiaoran turned back, and under the red cage, he frowned at her helplessly and asked, "Is Yu Meiren still busy?"

"No..." Dazed, staring at his handsome face under the dim lights, Yuan Xiuzhi's lips curled slightly: "You remember to ask the imperial doctor for some medicine to reduce swelling and blood stasis, if not, you will definitely die after tonight." It hurts!"

"Beauty is too thoughtful, this king is really fine!"

With dim eyes, Nangong Xiao Ran smiled indifferently at Yuan Xiuzhi, then straightened his face, and turned around quickly.

Seeing him like this, Yu Xiuzhi frowned, but she could only sigh helplessly!

Fengluan Palace, inside the sleeping hall.

After Xuanyuantang entered the palace, he immediately went to Yuan Xiuyue's bed to examine her pulse carefully!
Looking down at Yuan Xiuyue's paper-white face with lowered eyebrows, his subordinates felt the pulse of her life hanging by a thread, and Xuanyuantang's complexion gradually darkened.

During this time, Nangong Haoling kept staring at her movements with a hazy gaze. Seeing her face sinking, he couldn't help asking in a hoarse voice: "Sister-in-law Huang, how is Yue'er?"

He raised his eyes and glanced at Nangong Haoling, but for the first time did not reply to his words, Xuanyuantang put down Yuan Xiuyue's hand, turned his head and asked Ting Lan, who was kneeling in front of Fengtang and crying non-stop: "Do you know why the empress was poisoned? "

Hearing this, Ting Lan's breath stagnates!
Reaching out to wipe the tears off her face with the back of her hand, she replied tremblingly: "After the empress used the silver needles for acupuncture tonight, her legs have been hurting all the time. I heard that the empress said before she fell into a coma that the silver needles are poisonous?"

"Silver needle?"

Frowning, Xuanyuantang quickly bent Yuan Xiuyue's wet trousers, and when she saw the black and purple patch on her leg, her heart froze, and she asked Ting Lan anxiously, "Where's the silver needle?"

"The silver needle is in..."

Slightly stunned, she looked around in a daze, Ting Lan's eyes turned slightly, and finally stopped at Wang Taiyi who was holding a silver needle and roasting on the fire not far away.

Seeing everyone following Ting Lan's line of sight to look at him, the old doctor Wang frowned deeply, and took the silver needle Yuan Xiuyue used earlier, and came to Xuanyuantang's side: "It stands to reason that the silver needle will turn black when it is poisoned, but the princess It should be very clear that there are many poisons in this world that are not black when met with a silver needle, and there are no less than seven kinds of poisons spit on this silver needle!"

While speaking, Imperial Physician Wang placed the silver needle in his hand that had been baked on the living table in front of Xuanyuantang's eyes.

"It seems that this person is proficient in pharmacology!"

Looking up to see the different shades of color on the silver needle, Xuanyuan Tang sneered coldly, his face was as ugly as it could be.

You know, even if she is proficient in poisons, it is impossible to know which seven kinds of poisons Yuan Xiuyue has been poisoned in a short time with these few silver needles alone!
Listening to the conversation between Xuanyuantang and Imperial Physician Wang, Nangong Haoling's gaze still stayed on the huge and hideous scar on Yuan Xiuyue's leg.

This time, since she returned to the palace, she never let him see her injured leg.

Even though he wanted to watch it sometimes, she insisted on not allowing it!
But at this moment, he saw it!
The huge scar across her right calf was so hideous and ugly, but... in his eyes, he didn't show any dislike at all!

At this moment, there is only one feeling in his heart, and that is... distressed!
He loves her!

I feel sorry for what she has suffered in the past year, and feel sorry for her because of this scar...

Too many emotions flooded into his mind in an instant, and his complexion gradually became uglier than Xuanyuantang's!


Trying his best to suppress the pain in his heart, he looked down at Xuanyuantang, his handsome face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost: "Aren't there no dead people under your command? I don't care what method you use, I must save her! "

"Cough cough cough..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuan Xiuyue, who was originally unconscious on the phoenix couch, coughed violently because of her qi and blood. She opened her eyes with dizzy pupils. The fishy sweetness surged up, and a dark blood spurted from her throat!


Regardless of the blood stains on his dragon robe, Nangong Haoling hurried forward, took her into his arms, saw her dying, his heart seemed to be cut by a knife, an unprecedented fear seized her instantly. broke his mind!
"Ling... Don't worry... I won't die..." With a pale face, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyelids very weakly, seeing Nangong Haoling's distressed expression, she smiled wryly, and was angry at him Ruo Yousi stretched out his hand.

"Yue'er, I will definitely not let you!" Holding Yuan Xiuyue's limp catkin with trembling hands, his eyes couldn't help feeling warm.


The scorching pain in her leg seemed to spread to her whole body, Yuan Xiuyue closed her eyes with difficulty.


Wishing to relieve Yuan Xiuyue's pain, Nangong Haoling held her hand tightly and shouted at Xuanyuantang, "Sister-in-law! Quickly find a solution!"

"I'm not deaf!"

There was a buzzing in her ears, Xuanyuan Tang did not claim to be a concubine, but only answered me, which showed that she was also in a bad mood, raised her eyes and glanced at Nangong Haoling, she turned to Wang Taiyi and said: "Old man, I am The palace can help the empress to prolong her life, but I need to borrow something from you!"

Hearing this, the corners of Imperial Physician Wang's lips twitched uncontrollably!
When he raised his eyes, he saw Nangong Haoling staring at him with cold eyes that could freeze people to death. Doctor Wang curled his lips in distress, "I only have one choice, don't you?"

Seeing Imperial Physician Wang like this, Xuanyuan Tang couldn't help but soften his face, "Thank you Imperial Physician Wang, I will definitely ask the emperor to pay you back twice as much in the future!"

"Save people!"

With downcast eyes and no words, Imperial Physician Wang put away the silver needle in his hand with a sullen old face.

Looking down at Yuan Xiuyue again, Xuanyuantang's heart sank, and he asked Nangong Haoling, "I want a pot of hot water, a sharp knife, and a medicine box!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling turned his head and wanted to order Ting Lan to prepare, but suddenly heard the doctor Wang say: "I have a medicine box and a sharp knife here, the emperor only needs to prepare hot water!"

After the words fell, he turned around and walked to the side, and brought the medicine box he was carrying when he came to the front of the phoenix couch.

Looking down at Imperial Doctor Wang's medicine box, Xuanyuantang frowned slightly, then turned to look at Nangong Haoling: "Your Majesty will be in pain later, my concubine is afraid that the Emperor won't bear it, so I ask the Emperor to avoid it for now!"

"I'm not going anywhere!"

Going back to Xuanyuan Xu straightforwardly, Nangong Haoling hugged Yuan Xiuyue tightly, with a resolute expression on his face: "I want to stay with her!"

Seeing her like this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help pulling her lips lightly, and smiled very satisfied!
A year ago, what she wanted was his heart?

Now, he cherishes her so much, if she says that that heart is still in Zhuge Zhenzhen, she herself will not believe it!
"You all go out!"

Seeing her Xuanyuantang like this, she didn't force her, she directly sent out the imperial physicians and female doctors in the dormitory, she turned around and opened the medicine chest of Imperial Physician Wang, took out several bottles and jars from it, and then threw them away With a sharp knife as thin as a cicada's wing, he ordered Doctor Wang to roast it on the fire, and then he stretched out his hand and tore Yuan Xiuyue's trousers in half with a hiss!

When everything was ready, Imperial Physician Wang returned to the Feng couch with the red-hot sharp knife, and handed it back to Xuanyuantang.

"What are you going to do?"

Watching Xuanyuantang take out many clean white cloths from the medicine box and place them under Yuan Xiuyue's legs, Nangong Haoling's face turned cold, and he looked up at the sharp knife in her hand.

His voice was very soft, very soft, but in the ears of Xuanyuantang and Wang Taiyi, there was endless extreme cold.

Without answering Nangong Haoling's question, Xuanyuantang stared at Yuan Xiuyue: "Time is running out now, I can't wait for you to use anesthesia powder before going under the knife, it will be very painful later, you bite this!"

"it is good!"

So weak, it was rare to be able to smile, Yuan Xiuyue opened her lips slightly.

Stuffing a piece of white cloth into Yuan Xiuyue's mouth, Xuanyuantang frowned slightly, his gaze swept across Nangong Haoling lightly, and said with a light eyebrow: "I know that the emperor is reluctant to suffer the empress, but if you want the emperor to live today, she will do this crime." You must accept it!"

While speaking, she reached out to caress the black and purple patch on Yuan Xiuyue's injured leg, then frowned, and cruelly dipped the sharp blade into Yuan Xiuyue's flesh, bit her lip and opened it!


Because of the burning pain in her leg, she couldn't help screaming, and the white cloth in her mouth naturally slipped out of her mouth with only one scream.

Looking up, seeing the white cloth slipping from her mouth, Nangong Haoling was afraid that she would bite him, so he quickly put his hand into her mouth when she was silent.


Being bitten by her, but not angry at all, Nangong Haoling frowned, and lowered his eyebrows forbearance as he watched Xuanyuantang open a gash about two inches long on her leg that had been burned earlier.

Regardless of Ji Heng's dissuasion, as soon as Nangong Xiao Ranfu entered the bedroom, he heard Yuan Xiuyue's painful groans!
Looking around, the first scene he saw was Xuanyuantang squeezing the wound on Yuan Xiuyue's leg cruelly, and in her wound, dark black poisonous blood spewed out!

His heart suddenly hurt, he wanted to go forward, but when he caught a glimpse of Nangong Haoling frowning and letting her bite his hand, he silently paused!

Now he is really not qualified!
After a while, Xuanyuantang gave up after squeezing the black blood from Yuan Xiuyue's wound to the point that it could no longer be squeezed out. At this time, Yuan Xiuyue was already sweating profusely from the pain, and the sweat even soaked the hair that fell on the side of her face. A piece of wet.

No one knows how much pain she has now!
No one knew how much she wanted to pass out now!

However, when she shouldn't faint, she will faint. At this moment, she is so painful that she should faint, but her mind is clear, and she can't faint!

(End of this chapter)

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