Chapter 161 Who is whose robbery? 3
Looking up at her, Xuanyuan Xu seemed to have guessed her thoughts, and smiled bitterly, then lowered his head again and said: "Don't worry, wait for Doctor Wang's baby to come out later, you will definitely faint!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's complexion changed in shock!
And Yuan Xiuyue secretly complained in her heart!

Seeing Xuanyuantang mixing bottles of medicinal powder everywhere, she couldn't help smiling wryly!

Back then, she had treated Duguchen and Lei Luo's poisonous wounds like this, but she never thought that Feng Shui took turns, and in just a few days, she also changed from a doctor to a poison patient, and she had to endure such a tragedy Baptism of pain!
It seems that in the future, she should do less to accumulate virtue for such scheming things in the future, so as to avoid retribution on herself in the end, and it will be too late to regret!

Secretly thinking about it one day, Yuan Xiuyue let go of Nangong Haoling's hand, took a deep breath with all her strength, panting and urged Xuanyuantang, "Hurry up, if you want pain, let me have enough pain once, don't wait for such a torture." of!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuantang couldn't help laughing angrily: "It's because you still have the strength to urge me at this point!"

As the words fell, her eyes flashed, her wrist tilted, and she poured all the mixed medicine powder onto the wound on Yuan Xiuyue's leg.


The extreme pain came to her mind in an instant, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, she didn't know how long she persisted, her heart sank, and she passed out again as she wished.

Seeing this, Nangong Xiao Ran couldn't help but step forward!


Squinting at Nangong Xiaoran who was walking in front of Feng's couch, Nangong Haoling didn't reprimand him for how untimely it was to enter the queen's bedroom, but just hugged Yuan Xiuyue's limp body tightly after stiffening, and shouted tremblingly in her ear : "Can you hear me?"

"Your Majesty, stop screaming, she's passed out now, it's better than being awake!"

Seeing the water in Nangong Haoling's eyes, Xuanyuantang's heart trembled slightly, and she reached out to grab a medicine bottle from the side. She took out a pain-relieving elixir from it, opened Yuan Xiuyue's lips and teeth, and fed her down.

Taking a deep look at Yuan Xiuyue, who has been tossed and disfigured for a long time, Xuanyuan Xu's eyes are also full of pity!

"Doctor Wang!"

Sighing softly, she turned to look at Imperial Physician Wang.


Seeing that Doctor Wang responded lightly, he lowered his head and carefully took out a sandalwood brocade box from the bottom of the medicine box.


Although he was reluctant to give up, he finally handed the brocade box to Xuanyuantang!

While raising his hand, he opened the sandalwood brocade box, and saw that what was contained in the box was a snow silkworm as white as jade, and Nangong Haoling's warm eyes couldn't help but secretly flicker!
"This is the Tianshan Snow Silkworm. It was born in an extremely cold place and is extremely precious. Its greatest effect is that it can absorb hundreds of poisons. Unfortunately, if the poison is too strong, it will be poisoned to death!" Nangong Haoling said. While explaining, Xuanyuan Tang's hand was not idle either, she gently pinched the snow silkworm with preciousness, and then carefully placed it on the wound on Yuan Xiuyue's leg.

Smelling the smell of blood, Snow Silkworm crawled into Yuan Xiuyue's wound out of instinct.

"it hurts……"

Seemingly due to the excruciating pain of snow silkworm taking drugs, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help moaning even though she was in a coma.

Time passes by minute by minute.

Gradually, Snow Silkworm's body, which was as white as jade, turned black until the blackness became heavier and heavier. Doctor Wang couldn't help sighing with some regret: "The poison on the queen's body took too long. I'm afraid things will die here today!"

Hearing this, everyone in the hall was silent for a while!
In the end, the snow silkworm's body turned black, lying on Yuan Xiuyue's wound, and did not move at all. Xuanyuan Tang couldn't help but look a little ugly, and secretly scolded the imperial physician Wang crow's mouth!

"what happened?"

Seeing Xuanyuantang's ugly face, Nangong Xiaoran couldn't help asking softly.

"It's dead!"

With a slight sigh, Xuanyuantang took the medicine forceps from the medicine box, pinched the black silkworm from Yuan Xiuyue's wound, and handed it to Imperial Physician Wang.

Seeing this, Imperial Physician Wang frowned, and put it back into the sandalwood brocade box solemnly.

His face was calm, and he didn't say anything more. Xuanyuan Xu and Yuan Xiuyue took medicine to stop the bleeding first, then asked Ting Lan for a towel soaked in hot water. After wiping off the blood on Yuan Xiuyue's legs, he began to bandage up with her .


Staring thoughtfully at the sandalwood brocade box in Imperial Physician Wang's hand, Nangong Haoling asked with a heavy face, "Has the poison on Yue'er been completely cured?"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Xu paused slightly while bandaging Yuan Xiuyue's hand.

After a while, her eyes flickered slightly, and she continued to bandage her hands.

Seeing her like this, Nangong Xiao Ran frowned, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, after Xuanyuantang and Yuan Xiuyue were bandaged, she first ordered Doctor Wang to guard Yuan Xiuyue in front of the phoenix couch, and then she raised her eyes to look at the two handsome men in front of her who were equally outstanding but also deeply in love with the same woman: "Please move the emperor and Brother Ning to the hall!"

Hearing this, both Nangong Haoling and Nangong Xiaoran's expressions changed slightly!

Looking at each other with Nangong Xiaoran, he gently placed Yuan Xiuyue on the phoenix couch. He stood up and went to the main hall with Xuanyuantang.

in the hall.

Lavender incense is burning!

Yu Meiren brought her personal maid, Bier, who had already been waiting in the hall for a long time.

Finally, seeing Nangong Haoling and Nangong Xiaoran coming out of the inner hall, she was overjoyed, she got up and wanted to ask about Yuan Xiuyue's situation, but unexpectedly Nangong Haoling came out of the inner hall, and as soon as she entered the main hall, she hurried Frowning, he asked Xuanyuantang: "Sister-in-law, has the poison on Yue'er been completely cured?"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Xu raised his eyes to meet his reddish eyes, his delicate face was full of bitterness: "Just now, the process of the detoxification process between the concubine and the empress, the emperor has seen it in his eyes, at this moment your heart is like a mirror, Why do you need to ask more questions!"


With a premonition in his heart that the proof was confirmed, Nangong Haoling let out an angry roar, raised his hand and slapped the imperial table next to him hard, shaking the teacup on the table for a while!
Taking a sideways glance at Nangong Haoling, Nangong Xiaoran's handsome face, which had always been gentle and flawless, suddenly sank: "Wangfei means that the poison on the empress's body has not been completely unraveled, so her life wouldn't be..."

Facing Nangong Xiaoran's slightly gloomy face, Xuanyuantang sighed bitterly, and said: "The poison on the Queen's body was injected into the blood with a silver needle, but it became fierce. Fortunately, the Tianshan Snow Silkworm has temporarily sucked out most of the poison. Now this palace is still Some methods can be used to temporarily suppress it, but if it goes on like this, it will not last long... If the poison breaks out someday, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling clenched her hands on the imperial table: "If you want to completely detoxify her body, what should I do?"

"If there were two Tianshan snow silkworms just now, maybe the poison on the queen's body can be completely cured, but it's a pity that this kind of thing grows in the extremely cold place of the northern region. , only found one, and this one has been poisoned to death now..."

Staring at Xuanyuantang's eyes, Nangong Xiao Ran frowned and asked, "How long can the princess suppress the poison on the empress's body?"

His eyes darkened, Xuanyuantang replied: "Maybe a year, maybe three months, or even shorter!"

Hearing this, Nangong Xiao Ran's eyes narrowed slightly, and his thoughts raced!

"Three months is enough, and I ask the concubine to suppress the poison on the empress's body!" After a while, Nangong Xiaoran turned his eyes slightly, and stared at Nangong Haoling. He cupped his hands and said, "Please leave the palace immediately. North Territory!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling was startled!
How could he not know that Nangong Xiaoran was going to that extremely cold place to find Tianshan Snow Silkworms for Yuan Xiuyue!

But before he could say anything, Xuanyuan Tang frowned and said: "It's useless, Brother Ning, don't say it's a long way from the capital to the Northern Territory, even if you arrive at the Northern Territory as fast as you can It may not be possible to find the trace of the Tianshan Snow Silkworm!"

"It's up to people!"

Saying this to Xuanyuan Xu with an extremely firm tone, Nangong Xiaoran raised his eyes again and looked at Nangong Haoling.

For sure, looking at Nangong Xiaoran, Nangong Haoling's state of mind suddenly became mixed!
Yuan Xiuyue is his woman.

Going to the Northern Territory, he should have taken the lead!

But as the king of a country, he couldn't say that he couldn't leave, even if he walked away, he couldn't bear to leave Yuan Xiuyue, who might get angry at any time, alone in the palace!
"Brother Wang!"

After suffocating for a while, Nangong Haoling finally opened her thin lips lightly. The tone of Nangong Haoling's voice was full of gratitude: "It's been a difficult journey to the Northern Territory. I'm here...Thank you!"

"The emperor does not need to thank his ministers!"

Smiling lightly at Nangong Xiaoran, the corners of Nangong Xiaoran's lips curled up slightly, and a spring-like smile appeared on his handsome face again: "I didn't do this for the emperor!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help frowning deeply!
Without looking at his expression, Nangong Xiao Ran turned around with a smile, and stepped down the high platform quickly.

He has a heart for Yuan Xiuyue.

But now, she is poisonous, but he can't get close to her!
That being the case, he would rather go to the Northern Territory to find for her the Tianshan snow silkworm that can prolong her life!

Because only in this way, by doing something for her, can his heart be at ease.

"Brother Xiao Ran..."

In the lower position, Yu Xiuzhi saw Nangong Xiaoran approaching quickly and was about to pass him by, so he couldn't help calling out to each other eagerly!
Pausing her footsteps, she finally turned her eyes to Yu Xiuzhi, who was elegant and refined. Nangong Xiaoran's pretty lips curved slightly, "Yu Meiren, it's getting late, let's go back and rest earlier!"

After the words fell, he stepped up again, this time he never stopped, just like the wind, he left quickly...

Staring at his leaving back, the corners of Yu Xiuzhi's delicate lips couldn't help but give a slightly bitter hook!
He will always be like this to her.

There is a little alienation in the faint smile!

At first, she thought he was treating her like this because she was the emperor's woman.

But at this moment, just now, the last words he said to the emperor caused her little girl's thoughts hidden in her heart to be hit hard!
(End of this chapter)

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