Chapter 162 Who is whose robbery? 4
The queen is the emperor's woman with her, but he can do everything for her without hesitation!
This really made her envious!
Watching Nangong Xiaoran leave, Xuanyuantang straightened her expression, turned her head to look at Nangong Haoling again, she said coldly, "Your Majesty!"

"I know what you're going to say!"

Gritting his teeth tightly, Nangong Haoling's elegant face showed a murderous aura, and his whole body also exuded a vast ocean of murderous aura: "I will definitely investigate the matter of the Queen's poisoning from the beginning, and peel off the cocoons everywhere... ...I must find out the person who secretly poisoned him from behind the scenes!"

Xuanyuantang raised the corners of his lips coldly: "Since the person who poisoned could think of spitting poison with a silver needle, it can be seen that he must be extremely cautious in his actions. The concubine knows that this case must be difficult to investigate, but the concubine still wants to ask the emperor to find him." Find the real poisoner, because only the poisoner will know how to make the antidote!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's slightly squinted pupils revealed a biting cold light!

At this moment, I saw Lin Sheng running in from outside the hall: "Your Majesty, it's not good!"

His eyes narrowed, Nangong Haoling sneered and said, "The queen is poisoned today, will there be any worse things in Fengluan Palace?"

Hearing Nangong Haoling's words, Lin Sheng was suffocated!
Bowing his head and respecting himself in the main hall, he said in a trembling voice: "The lotus girl of Fengluan Palace was just discovered by the palace people and drowned in the lotus pond in the imperial garden!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's condensed expression suddenly sank!
Xuanyuan Tang beside him smiled and said, "It's all right now, there is no proof of death!"

There are only two possibilities for He'er's death at this time, either she is the person who poisoned her and committed suicide in order to protect the people behind her, or she discovered the person who poisoned her and was silenced!

Concentrating on the sneer on Xuanyuantang's face, Yu Xiuzhi frowned slightly, and couldn't help saying to Nangong Haoling: "When my concubine came, I saw that Miss He'er went out by herself!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's eyes turned cold, and after looking at Xuanyuantang, he said to Ji Heng in a deep voice: "Check it carefully for me!"


His heart tightened, and Ji Heng bowed his head in response with a heavy expression!
The night is endless.

Different from the tense atmosphere in Fengluan Palace, in the front hall of Xingyue Pavilion, there was silence, only Duguchen was sitting at the table in a daze, drinking alone, beside him, Lei Luo frowned, his face was gloomy, Several times I wanted to speak to persuade, but I didn't know what to say.

Helpless, all he can do is stand respectfully on one side, wait quietly for his master to finish drinking a glass of wine, and fill another glass with him himself!
Dressed in a snow-white dress, like lotus petals falling, Yuan Mingyue let her long hair hang down on her chest, and came out of the inner hall. What she was holding in her hand was the letter sent by Concubine Yan earlier!
Yuan Mingyue narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the letter in her hand. She stood in a daze for a long time, thinking of her own mother, her heart sank, and Pin Ting stepped forward to kiss Dugu Chen slightly. Shouting to Duguchen timidly: "My lord..."

With drunken eyes, Duguchen raised his eyes and glanced at Yuan Mingyue. Thinking of her and Yuan Xiuyue's identities, his thin lips curled up slowly, and his tone was gentle and low: "Aren't you afraid of me? What are you doing out here now? "

"My concubine... I have something to tell the prince!"

Yuan Mingyue's voice was very soft, so soft that it sounded like mosquitoes buzzing in Duguchen's ears, it was not real at all!
Tilting his head slightly, he drank the contents of the cup in one gulp, looked at Yuan Mingyue sideways, frowned, and asked softly, "What did you say?"

Facing his gaze, Yuan Mingyue's heart couldn't help beating a few beats instantly!
She timidly opened her lips, she wanted to speak, but in the end she lowered her eyes to look at the letter in her hand, and said to Duguchen: "My lord will know it after reading this!"

The frowning eyebrows never relaxed, Duguchen lowered his eyebrows and squinted at the letter in Yuan Mingyue's hand. Seeing that the letter was written by Yuan Mingyue himself, he smiled coldly, his mouth full of alcohol: "Others wrote it with the same name as you." Yours, this king doesn’t bother to look at it!”

Hearing this, Yuan Mingyue's hand holding the letter couldn't help trembling slightly!
"My lord!"

Calling each other softly again, she stretched out her hand to hold Duguchen's arm.

Feeling her touch, Duguchen's body stiffened slightly, and a feeling of disgust rose in his heart instantly!
However, before he raised his hand and waved Yuan Mingyue's hand away, she bit her lips tightly and said with a slightly cold look: "My lord... I want to let you know that the Chuxiu girl you are looking for is In fact, it is in the palace, she is the younger sister of the concubine... the empress of the dynasty!"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen's eyes were slightly cold.

Staring eyes narrowed slightly, and he raised his eyes to look at Yuan Mingyue beside him, a trace of coldness flashed across his beautiful face!
In just a split second, thoughts in his mind raced, and countless possibilities quickly passed through his mind!

The bitch in front of her has long known that Yuan Xiuyue is Long Chuxiu, but she has been hiding it from him and never letting him know!
There is another possibility, and that is that she climbed into her bed that night, it was simply a game that the two sisters had discussed in advance!

Facing Dugu Chen's uncertain expression, Yuan Mingyue couldn't help trembling slightly!

"My lord... my lord..." Some words called him awkwardly, and just as she was about to speak, his big hand suddenly strangled her neck.


Breathing was extremely obstructed, and Yuan Mingyue couldn't help but blushed instantly when she couldn't utter a sound.

The letter in her hand fell to the ground, and she tried her best to wave her hands, trying to push Duguchen away, but she couldn't shake his strong and powerful arms no matter what.

Duguchen turned around abruptly, strangled her neck with one hand, and pressed her on the table, not caring at all whether she overwhelmed the food and drink he had just eaten. Like an iceberg: "So, you have always known her identity!"


Unable to make a sound, and her mind still faintly swollen due to her breathing being blocked, Yuan Mingyue's cherry lips parted and she shook her head with great difficulty.


With a sneer in a low voice, Duguchen's subordinates increased their strength, and asked in a cold voice: "You bitch, these days, you know that this king has been looking for her like a headless chicken, but you have never told this king that her The whereabouts, so that this king is like a fool, being played around by them! And you tell this king now, you know that the matter has been exposed, don't you?!"

"Do not……"

Her complexion turned from swollen red to purple, Yuan Mingyue struggled hard, raised her leg, and kicked Duguchen's lower body.

Stretching out his hand suddenly, grabbing her slender ankle, Duguchen's eyes were burning with anger!

"My lord..."

Fearing that he would miss Yuan Mingyue and strangle Yuan Mingyue to death, Lei Luo dissuaded him without hesitation: "Anyway, she is also Li Hou's older sister, Li Guo's great general Yuan Wende's younger sister..."

"You don't need to remind this king!"

With dark eyes, he raised his eyes and glanced at Lei Luo. Duguchen contemptuously looked down upon Yuan Mingyue, who was about to be strangled to death by him, and finally let go of his five fingers, giving her free air!

The long-lost air was like a throat, Yuan Mingyue didn't care to get up, so she breathed in extremely greedily.

Breathing finally became smoother, Yuan Mingyue panted slightly, and made a gesture to get up from the table.

However, when she raised her eyes, she caught a glimpse of the deep desire in Duguchen's eyes, and couldn't help trembling, and her whole body couldn't help trembling violently.

"My lord..."

Seeing his big hands coming towards her again, Yuan Mingyue stretched out her hands to protect her front, tears slipped from the corners of her eyes like broken pearls: "Don't..."

In this case, she really lost even the last trace of dignity!
Seeing this, Lei Luo frowned slightly, but turned away with a cold face.

"You don't want it if you don't want it? Today, the king wants you to know that here... the king has the final say!"

The tears in the corners of her eyes slipped down again. She trembled and clung to the edge of the table, crying helplessly and begging for mercy: "Don't...please..."

"When you calculated this king, you should have thought that you would end up like this today!"

Yuan Mingyue couldn't help but wryly smiled and sarcastically said: "My lord... I plotted against you, and now you have become my calamity, then... my sister also plotted against you, why did she become your calamity?"

She is full of fear for the man behind her, but at this moment, she is not convinced!

She is not as good as Yuan Xiuyue in any way, but why is she the queen, even Duguchen falls in love with her?

(End of this chapter)

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