Chapter 163 Meeting with him by chance 1
Because of Yuan Mingyue's sarcasm, Dugu Chenyuan's body, which was still moving rapidly, couldn't help but froze slightly!
There is no doubt that Yuan Mingyue's words are the interpretation of his complicated state of mind at this moment!
It was only at this moment that he suddenly realized something in his heart!
Whether it's Yuan Xiuyue or Long Chuxiu, from the beginning to the end, they are a calamity in his heart!

However, one is catastrophe and the other is love catastrophe!
But now, these are no longer important to him!

Because, they are the same person, a person who moved his heart!


Thinking that at this time, that person might have passed away, Duguchen snorted gloomyly, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "To me, you are just a tool to warm the bed, why are you talking so much nonsense!"

Finally breaking free from his restraints, Yuan Mingyue's legs trembled, and she slumped from the table weakly to the ground.

With a beautiful face, poignant and graceful, showing a bit of despair, she stared blankly at her messy clothes, and the tears in her eyes fell faster!
Lowering his eyebrows coldly, he glanced at Yuan Mingyue, who had pear blossoms and rain on his face, and Duguchen squatted down disapprovingly.

Picking up the letter she dropped on the ground just now, opened it and looked at it carefully, his handsome eyebrows frowned slightly, and then he closed his hands together, crumpling the letter in his hand!As soon as he stretched out his hand, he squeezed her beautiful chin hard, forcing her to meet his eyes. Dugu Chen's lips curled up slightly, and he sneered: "Didn't you ask me, why did you plot against me? This king has become your robbery, and your sister has plotted against this king, but she has become my robbery?"

Facing Dugu Chen's eyes as deep as the sea, but extremely cold, Yuan Mingyue couldn't help feeling extremely terrified.

"My lord... let me go!" Biting her cherry red lips tightly, she shook her head slightly and murmured tremblingly: "I...I said the wrong thing, I shouldn't..."

"No! You're right!"

The sneer on his face became deeper and deeper, Duguchen shook his head lightly, and said to Yuan Mingyue: "This king will tell you why now?"

Hearing this, Yuan Mingyue's delicate body trembled, and she stared at him blankly with a pale face.

"Because, she saved my king's life, she is my savior! And you..." Under her gaze, the sneer on Duguchen's lips gradually faded away, replaced by an unfathomable expression : "So what if you are extremely beautiful? In the eyes of this king, you are not worthy to be compared with her!"

When the words fell, he patted Yuan Mingyue's pretty face vigorously, stood up with a sneer, and walked in from her body.

Seeing his master entered the inner hall, Lei Luo naturally wouldn't stay in the front hall anymore.

Looking back at the disheveled and disheveled Yuan Mingyue with some embarrassment, his face froze and he quickly walked into the inner hall.

After the two left, only Yuan Mingyue was left alone in the front hall.

Sitting on the ground in a daze, she bit her lip with a wry smile!

How sad is she at this moment? !

She and Yuan Xiuyue also plotted against Duguchen!

But Duguchen said that she is not worthy to be compared with Yuan Xiuyue at all!
Just like at the beginning, in Nangong Haoling's eyes, Yuan Xiuyue was the only one. Now that she has endured all the humiliation and finally curry favor with Duguchen, her younger sister is still like a haze that she will never be able to get rid of!

At this moment, she began to regret it.

He regretted that he had tried everything possible to stay with the devil, Duguchen.

But, even if she regrets it, is there any way out for her?
A cold look gradually flashed in her eyes, she shivered and stretched out her hands to cover her lapel, she stood up somewhat staggeringly, and quickly escaped from the place where she was about to suffocate!
Entering the dormitory, Duguchen's expression was still gloomy and frightening.

Knowing that Lei Luo was following behind him, he tugged at his lapel and shouted at him without looking back: "Why are you following me? Send someone to Fengluan Palace to see what's going on there? "

Hearing this, Lei Luo's complexion changed slightly!
Knowing that Duguchen wanted to know whether Yuan Xiuyue had been poisoned or not as soon as possible, he hurriedly agreed, and then turned around quickly, following Duguchen's instructions, sent someone to Fengluan Palace, and then turned around again Into the bedroom.

Entering the dormitory again, Duguchen had already taken off his outer robe, and was sitting on the recliner with his eyes closed, looking rested.

However, the frown between his brows revealed his extremely unstable mood at the moment.


After standing by Duguchen's side for a long time, Lei Luo finally couldn't help but said softly: "I have something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not!"

His voice fell behind, and Duguchen didn't make a sound for a long time.

After being suffocated for a long time, he sighed leisurely, "If you know what to say, don't say it!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo lowered his eyes slightly, staring at the gloomy look on Dugu Chen's handsome face, his heart sank, and finally he said softly: "As the saying goes, there is no place in the world where there is no fragrant grass... , there are countless beauties, and there are tens of thousands of women who are more beautiful than her. As long as the prince looks at them or hooks their fingers, they will automatically fall into his arms. Why should the prince..."

"To shut up!"

A cold light burst out from the long and narrow phoenix pupils. Duguchen slowly opened his eyes and met Lei Luo's eyes. His tone was a little low, but he asked something that made Lei Luo slightly startled: "Lei Luo , have you ever treated anyone sincerely?"

"My lord!"

As soon as Duguchen's voice fell, Lei Luo lowered his eyes again, his handsome face was dignified, and he said coldly: "This subordinate is only used by the emperor and the prince in this life. The prince and the emperor are the subordinates who swear to be sincere." treat people!"

To Lei Luo's words, Duguchen narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he ignored Lei Luo's words.

"As far as you are concerned, there is this king and the emperor, but what about this king? For this king, the emperor is a responsibility and someone who must be protected, but..." He raised his hand slightly, looking at himself fair and slender, graceful Ruo had a woman's delicate big hand, and sighed softly with a desolate expression: "She is the first person I want to treat sincerely, but she is very likely to die under my hands tonight..."

Hearing this, Lei Luo's heart shuddered!
He has followed Dugu Chen for several years, and he may know his character better than those women in his palace.

At this moment, since he spoke like this, it showed that even though he knew Long Chuxiu's true identity, he was still reluctant to let her die!
Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh bitterly again in his heart!
It seems that their prince is really in love.

And this love is already deep in the bone!
However, he couldn't figure out why she didn't fall in love with Yuan Xiuyue at the beginning, but she treated Long Chuxiu so kindly in just a few days?
"My lord..." Lei Luo's complexion changed slightly as his thoughts turned back and forth, and he finally said: "My subordinates have heard that Concubine Xian is a master of medicine. There has never been a dead person under her hands. Maybe tonight , there is not necessarily a glimmer of life after leaving!"

"is it?"

Somewhat uncertain in his heart, but hoped that what Lei Luo said was true, the corners of Dugu Chen's lips curled up coldly, and he secretly laughed at himself in his heart: "I hope her medical skills can be more advanced than this king's proficient poison theory!"

I wish? !
Repeating Duguchen's words in his heart, but never said it again, Lei Luo secretly sighed with a heavy heart: "I hope, that woman will die tonight, because as long as she dies, their prince will still be the old one." The king of Yue who has planned everything!"


Not long after, the guards who went to Fengluan Palace to inquire came back.

Eyes raised slightly, and he glanced at the guard, Duguchen held the arm of the reclining chair, and couldn't help clenching it tightly: "How is the situation after leaving?"

"Report to your lord!"

First of all, he paid respects to Dugu Chen, and the guard replied in a deep voice: "Fengluan Palace is in a mess at the moment, and the subordinates only know from the palace population that the poison of Empress Li has not yet been cured, but Emperor Li's actions are very fast. Hurry up, we have already started to thoroughly investigate the poisoning after Lihou!"

At this point, the guard raised his eyes slightly, glanced at Dugu Chen, then lowered his head again and said: "But don't worry, my lord, this time the matter of leaving the palace, the subordinates did it very cleanly, and no one will find us!"

"Haven't figured it out yet?"

After hearing the guard's report, Duguchen frowned slightly, his face stern.

What he was thinking at the moment was not whether Nangong Haoling could find out that he had poisoned him, but what the guard said just now, the poison of leaving the empress has not yet been cured!

This also means that her attendants may be poisoned?
He raised his head and glanced at Dugu Chen again, the guard's expression was a little ugly: "Although he has not been cured yet, I heard from the palace servant that the poison on Li Hou's body can already be controlled, Princess Xian has already said, now we have to cure it." The poison on Li Hou's body is only short of a single dose of medicine, and King Ning Nangong Xiao Ran has already gone out of the palace to look for it, it's only a matter of time before detoxification is taken care of!"

Hearing this, he didn't jump like thunder as the guards thought, Dugu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was still sitting on the reclining chair with the old god, but he secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that the medical skills of the Xian Wangfei are really good. Smart enough! Go ask again, what medicine are they missing!"

"Subordinates obey!"

After paying respects to Duguchen again, the guard bowed his head and exited the dormitory.

"My lord!"

Seeing Dugu Chen relieved, Lei Luo's heart gradually let go: "You should rest earlier!"


Responding softly, Duguchen closed his eyes again: "You go back first!"


Lowering his eyes slightly, Lei Luo also backed out.

Just when Lei Luo was about to go out, Dugu Chen's figure faintly came from the room again: "Lei Luo, go and tell the Xian King tomorrow that the King has contracted a cold and is not feeling well, and will not be able to leave in three days."

Hearing that Duguchen wanted to postpone the trip, Lei Luo was slightly suffocated, but still bowed his head respectfully: "This subordinate understands!"

(End of this chapter)

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