Chapter 164 Meeting with him by chance 2
In the end, only Duguchen was left in the dormitory!
After closing his eyes on the recliner for a long time, he finally slowly opened his long, narrow, gorgeous eyes, which were somewhat cold!

Slowly getting up from the reclining chair, he walked to the front of the bed, with his hands behind his back, looking up at the moonlight in the night sky that had quietly fainted from behind the clouds at some point, without moving for a long time...

The next day, at four o'clock, the sky was getting brighter.

When the palace gate was wide open, Nangong Haoyuan, the virtuous king who stayed in Juxian Tower last night, took a carriage and entered the imperial city at the south gate!

At this moment, in the carriage, the person walking with him, with hair full of hair and wrinkled face, is the owner of Juxian Tower - Long Po!
From the Nangong Gate all the way inward, it finally stopped outside the main hall of Fengluan Palace.

Clenching his hands into fists, he couldn't help coughing lightly. After the coachman opened the door, Nangong Haoyuan got out of the car first, and then turned around to help the dragon lady step off the carriage.

The two of them just got out of the carriage when they heard the sound of horseshoes coming from far and near!

Thinking about how ordinary people would dare to ride a horse in the palace at this time, Nangong Haoyuan frowned slightly, and turned his head together with Long Po and looked behind him.

Sure enough, after a while, the visitor got off his horse in front of Fengluan Palace.

This person is none other than Yuan Xiuyue's elder brother, General Yuan Wende!
"I have seen the virtuous king! I have seen my mother-in-law!"

The handsome face was full of worry, Yuan Wende glanced into Fengluan Palace, and then saluted Nangong Haoyuan and Long Po.

"You don't have to be polite, the general!" Nangong Haoyuan knew that he cared about his own sister, and said directly, "Hurry up and go in and see the queen!"


Slightly nodding his head solemnly, Yuan Wende nodded to Nangong Haoyuan and Long Po respectively, then stepped ten steps up quickly until he entered the main hall of Fengluan Palace.

Seeing this, Luang Po couldn't help but jokingly said: "This kid, bully my old lady to run slowly!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoyuan couldn't help but chuckled lightly, leading the way for the dragon mother-in-law with one hand, and supporting the dragon mother-in-law with the other. Nangong Haoyuan lowered his figure and wanted to help her up: "Mother-in-law, please!"

"You go on your own, my old lady should be strong and able to walk by herself!" Swiping Nangong Haoyuan's hand away, the dragon mother-in-law propped it on the ground with a dragon-headed crutch, then turned and looked up at the majestic palace high above, lightly Sighing, she slowly stepped up the steps: "I knew this child would suffer so much when she returned to the palace, and my old lady would drag her along no matter what she said!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoyuan couldn't help but smiled wryly,
If she had grabbed her early, how could there be trouble today?

However, he only dared to think about these words in his heart, but never said them out loud. On the surface, he only sighed lightly, and then went up with Long Po and entered Fengluan Palace.


Because of Yuan Xiuyue's poisoning, the atmosphere in Fengluan Palace had already froze to the extreme.

Seeing Yuan Wende, Nangong Haoyuan and others entering the hall one after another, Ji Heng rushed forward to meet them, but did not let them enter the inner hall immediately.

"This servant has seen His Royal Highness, the Great General, and Grandma Long!"

"Free gift!"

Seeing that Ji Heng stood in front of him, and didn't intend to let people in, Yuan Wende couldn't help but his brows sharpened, and his handsome eyes were full of anxiety: "Director Ji, please report on your behalf, this general wants to see the empress! "

Ji Heng smiled dryly at Yuan Wende, and Ji Heng had a troubled expression on his face: "General... the poison on the empress has been completely cured now, but she has not yet woken up. The emperor has a decree, and the time and place of the Three Kingdoms Summit have been set yesterday. , Today in the morning court, there are still many details that need to be discussed, and this slave also asks the general to be calm, and come to visit after the morning court!"

Hearing this, Yuan Wende smiled wryly, and a trace of coldness flashed across his elegant face: "Boss Ji, do you think this general is still in the mood to go to court at this moment?"

Even if you are a big man, you should put state affairs first.

But now, in the Marquis of Anguo's mansion, the family does not become a family, and the father does not become a father. He only has Yuan Xiuyue, this younger sister, and a relative!

Even though he has been on the battlefield and has experienced hundreds of battles, no one knows how frightened he was when he heard the news of her poisoning after entering the palace just now!
At this moment, her body was poisonous, and her life and death were uncertain. His heart was naturally hanging high, and he couldn't do anything with peace of mind at all!

"The slave knows the general's mood at the moment, but the emperor's order is that no one should disturb the empress's rest before the end of time!" With a light smile, the wrinkles on his face were slightly piled up, Ji Heng turned his head and said to Nangong Haoyuan: "Concubine Xian was tired all night yesterday and is resting in the side hall at the moment. If the prince misses his wife, he can go in and take a look. But what the emperor means is that today, His Highness Xian Wang will be invited to discuss the Three Kingdoms with all the court elders on behalf of the early court today. The specific matters of the summit!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoyuan frowned slightly!
It has been nearly six years since Nangong Haoling ascended the throne. In the past six years, except for him going out of the palace in low clothes, the rest of the time, as long as others are in the palace, they will definitely go to court on time, but today he made an exception. !
Thinking that Yuan Xiuyue's current situation must be bad, Nangong Haoyuan slightly nodded and said: "Let the princess rest, the king will go to the court first!"

"Thank you, my lord!"

Smiling respectfully at Nangong Haoyuan, Ji Heng smiled and glanced at Yuan Wende who had never moved.

Seeing this, Nangong Haoyuan smiled faintly, stretched out his hand and patted Yuan Wende's shoulder twice: "What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and go to the morning court, and I will accompany you to see the empress later!"

Hearing this, Yuan Wende frowned slightly, but finally heaved a heavy sigh, and reluctantly followed Nangong Haoyuan out of the hall.

At this time, only Long Po was left among the visitors in the hall.

For her, both the queen mother and the emperor should respect her, let alone Ji Heng!

I saw Ji Heng respecting the dragon mother with a charming smile, and was about to say something, but... before he could speak, the dragon mother took the lead and said: "Since the emperor has a decree, my wife also wants to say something." It’s not good to force your way in, that’s all, my old lady is just waiting here!”

After the words fell, she sat safely on the chair beside her, and said to the palace man next to her, "You... go and pour me a cup of hot tea!"


The smile on his face almost reached the corner of his eyes, Ji Heng hurriedly stepped forward, and said beside Long Po: "The emperor said that since last year, the empress dowager has never left Funing Palace, and now that the empress is back, Naturally, I also want to clear up the past... I just want to say that the timing is right now, if my mother-in-law arrives, I will ask my mother-in-law to take a trip to Funing Palace on my behalf!"

Hearing this, Long Po couldn't help frowning deeply!

Facing Ji Heng's face full of smiles, she turned her mind, thinking that Nangong Haoling was quite calculating, she raised her eyebrows lightly, and smiled kindly: "Since the emperor has said so, my wife is like If you don’t go, wouldn’t it be a disobedience?”

Hearing this, the corners of Ji Heng's mouth couldn't help twitching slightly: "Grandma is the first person who dares to attack the emperor, the emperor dare not punish Granny Long!"

"That's it!"

Standing up on crutches, Luang Phor turned around and walked out with a smile: "I'd better go see my goddaughter!"


Fengluan Palace, in the bedroom.

Nangong Haoling had already pushed everyone away, and stayed alone in front of Yuan Xiuyue's bed. All night, he just stared at her obsessively, restlessly, for fear that she might make a mistake!
After a while, Ji Heng entered from outside the hall and walked slowly to Feng's couch.

Without looking back, Nangong Haoling said lightly, but his voice was extremely hoarse: "Brother Wang and Yuan Wende both went to court?"


Gently respecting his body, Ji Heng glanced sideways at Nangong Haoling's expression, seeing that his eyes were dim, and the new stubble on his chin was densely packed, his lips were trembling, and he opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he just lightly Said: "Grandma Long was walking with His Highness Xian Wang just now, and the slave has already followed the emperor's order and asked the old man to move to Funing Palace."

"I know!"

His eyes were bloodshot, Nangong Haoling stretched out his hand to gently pinch the center of his brow, turned to Ting Lan who was already crying and said: "The empress likes your porridge the most, so you can cook it right now. When she wakes up, she can drink it!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan felt sore, and took a deep look at the bloodless Yuan Xiuyue on the phoenix couch, she pursed her lips and nodded and said, "Young servant, let's go!"

Seeing Ting Lan go out, Ji Heng turned his gaze to Nangong Haoling again, his brows were tightly frowned, and he persuaded with distress: "Your have been on for a whole night, and it is only four o'clock now. You won't be able to wake up for a while, or you can rest on this phoenix couch for a while!"

"I can't sleep!"

Gently waving at Ji Heng, indicating that he needn't say more, Nangong Haoling stared deeply at Yuan Xiuyue's bloodless face on the phoenix couch.

Looking at her haggard face, and then to her right leg, which had already been wrapped in gauze, Nangong Haoling's eyes flickered slightly, and the bottom of her heart was already numb from the pain.

He thought that the heartache he felt when he met Zhuge's cherishing Jueran gaze back then was already the ultimate pain.

But he never thought that the woman in front of him made his heart feel as if it had been cut by a knife, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't feel a trace of it!

Seeing Nangong Haoling like this, Ji Heng frowned slightly, and shook his head helplessly and sighed!
The word love hurts people the most!
From Zhuge Zhenzhen many years ago to Yuan Xiuyue now, he hopes that his master can reap the happiness he wants.

However, this road is always so bumpy.

It was so rough that he watched all the way, but he couldn't help him, he could only worry about him behind his back!


Gently, stretched out his hand, and held her warm and boneless hand together, Nangong Haoling leaned down, kissed her dry and ugly lips, and complained in a low tone: "Little lazy cat, I I know, it won’t hurt in the dream, but even if it doesn’t hurt, I’m still here, so don’t snooze!”

(End of this chapter)

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