Chapter 165 Meeting with him by chance 3
As soon as he finished speaking, Yuan Xiuyue's eyebrows twitched suddenly on the phoenix couch.

"it hurts!"

Right between Nangong Haoling and Ling Zhong, Yuan Xiuyue slowly opened her eyes, seeing him sitting beside her guarding, the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips curled up, a warm current flashed through her heart, she retracted the hand that was tightly held by him, The corners of her lips were slightly raised, wanting to smile at him, wanting him to feel at ease, but the next moment, she felt the bone-piercing pain on her right leg rushing into her mind again, so, She twisted her eyebrows, and she groaned like a child: "It hurts to death even in my dream!"


Nangong Haoling was overjoyed. Hearing her slightly playful words, a smile finally appeared on his handsome and refined face.

However, before the smile on his face faded from the corners of his lips, Yuan Xiuyue opened his mouth and vomited a mouthful of black blood on his body.

In an instant, on the bright yellow, it was as if winter plums had fallen, and it was dyed with a shocking color!
"Princess Xian!"

Before Nangong Haoling could make a sound, Ji Heng let out an exclamation, and hurriedly turned around and ran into the side hall, calling for Xuanyuantang who was resting there temporarily.


For the first time in his life, he hugged Yuan Xiuyue at a loss, but didn't know what he should do or what he could do for her. Nangong Haoling stiffened and lifted Yuan Xiuyue from the phoenix couch, letting him snuggle into her arms, while He wrapped his arms around her from behind, "You can't have anything, you must have nothing!"

"I haven't given birth a prince, how could something happen?" With trembling lips, Yuan Xiuyue's voice was hoarse and trembling, which made people worry, but she still wanted to reassure Nangong Haoling: "Don't worry... I If you didn't die yesterday, you will won't die today!"

Although he said so, the pain in his legs and body seemed to be hacked into pieces, which was really unbearable.


Wishing to pain for her, Nangong Haoling kissed her forehead lightly, trying to ease the pain on her body as much as possible.

"Ling..." Panting and taking a breath, Yuan Xiuyue held Nangong Haoling's hand with trembling hands, and said in a low voice, " only have Yue'er in your heart?"

"Yes! Only you!"

Without the slightest hesitation, she gave Yuan Xiuyue the answer she wanted the most. Nangong Haoling frowned, closed her eyes forcefully, and hugged her tightly: "Take a good rest, don't talk anymore."

"I want to say..."

Trembling, she stretched out her hand, caressing the stubble on Nangong Hao Lingjun's face, Yuan Xiuyue bit her lower lip tightly, crying softly: "I...want to be with you...really want to be with you..."

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling frowned and clenched his teeth, but his heart was in pain!

"You won't die, you definitely won't die..."

Just at this time, Xuanyuantang entered from the side hall.

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue and Nangong Haoling in such a state, her face changed slightly, she stepped forward quickly, and went straight to the phoenix couch wearing brocade shoes.

Kneeling down beside Yuan Xiuyue, she solemnly raised Yuan Xiuyue's hand to feel her pulse. After a while, she took a long and deep breath, and took a pain-relieving pill for Yuan Xiuyue to take.

"Scared me to death!" Between the lowered eyebrows, seeing Yuan Xiuyue's tears in the corners of her eyes, and the appearance of saying goodbye to Nangong Haoling, she couldn't help laughing angrily, and couldn't help but pat Yuan Xiuyue's injured leg: "You know that It’s not that I don’t know about medical principles. What I just vomited up was the poisonous blood that I couldn’t finish vomiting earlier. No one under my command has ever died, so where did they come from? Don’t ruin my reputation!”

Because of Xuanyuantang's slapping, Yuan Xiuyue only felt a sharp pain coming from her right leg.

"It hurts!"

The tears in her eyes were glistening, but her eyes were still dim, Yuan Xiuyue gave Xuanyuan Tang a very weak look: "Did I never say I would die?"

Seeing the two of them like this, and listening to their conversation, Nangong Haoling couldn't help but froze for a while, and could only lie stiffly on the phoenix couch.

His eyes were lowered, looking at Yuan Xiuyue who was no longer dying although his brows were tightly frowned because of the pain, his heart moved and he couldn't help laughing angrily.But he didn't get angry, he only breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, then tightened his arms again, hugging Yuan Xiuyue's very weak body tightly: " little wild cat, how dare you lie to me! "

"Heaven and earth conscience, when did I lie to you?"

Letting him hold her weakly, Yuan Xiuyue wanted to laugh, but frowned tightly because of the pain in her leg, and sighed bitterly, "I told you just now that I couldn't die last night, and I definitely won't die today ……it hurts……"

At the end of the conversation, because of the severe pain in her leg, Yuan Xiuyue lay on her back weakly in his arms, frowned and closed her eyes again.

At this moment, she is really in pain!
Seeing her like this, Nangong Hao Lingjun frowned, couldn't help but kiss the fine sweat on her forehead, and prepared to let her lie down, after all, she would be more comfortable in this way.


With a reddish complexion, Xuanyuantang couldn't help coughing slightly in embarrassment, turned around, got up from the phoenix couch and got off the ground.

At this moment, Lin Sheng entered from outside the hall, "Report to the emperor, the empress dowager is here!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's limp body couldn't help but froze suddenly!
Sensing the change in her body, Nangong Haoling's heart twitched, and the hand that was about to let go of her just now was taken away, and he hugged her tightly again: "If you don't want to see me, I can let the queen mother go back!"

Hearing Nangong Haoling's words, Yuan Xiuyue's tense heartstrings broke with a snap.

Although the pain in her leg was like bone erosion, she still opened her eyes lightly, trying to make herself look more relaxed: "I have never paid my respects to the Queen Mother since entering the palace. Since she came here in person today, we Is there any gift of not seeing?"

As far as she is concerned, as long as she wants to stay by Nangong Haoling's side, whether or not the Empress Dowager Zhong can't imagine seeing her, she will always see her sooner or later!
Since at this time, her old man came to the door in person, if she didn't see her, wouldn't it be even more rude? !

Therefore, although she still has a grudge against what happened last year, at this moment, she still needs to meet the Empress Dowager Zhong!
Who let her be the mother of her beloved? !

Seeing that Yuan Xiuyue did not refuse to meet the Empress Dowager, Xuanyuantang couldn't help but smiled with relief: "The empress mother has always been a very good person, but the body of the prince is the biggest pain in her heart, and it is precisely because of this that she treated you like that last year... ..."

"I know!"

Smiled lightly, Yuan Xiuyue took a deep breath and looked at Nangong Haoling.

And Nangong Haoling caressed her slightly damp hair, and whispered to Ji Heng: "Please come in, Queen Mother!"


Ji Heng responded and was ordered to leave the hall.

A moment later, Empress Dowager Zhong came in from the outer hall in a deep purple cloud brocade dress, but this time she was not supported by Aunt Bi Qiu, but respectfully by her side, helping Luang Po all the way into the bedroom!

When seeing the dragon mother-in-law, it was like seeing a relative, Xuanyuan Tang smiled happily and walked forward quickly.Armed with Empress Dowager Zhong on the left and right, she greeted Empress Dowager Zhong with a clever smile: "My son, my mother, please greet me!"


Nodding slightly, Empress Dowager Zhong stretched out her hand to caress her shoulder: "Empress Mother has heard about what happened last night, thank you for your hard work!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuantang's expression darkened, and he turned to look at Yuan Xiuyue who was on the phoenix couch: "It's actually the empress who has worked the hardest!"

In front of the phoenix couch, Nangong Haoling raised his eyes and put Yuan Xiuyue on the couch, then he stood up and saluted the two of them respectfully: "My son has met his mother, he has seen his mother-in-law!"

"The emperor is free!"

With her slender and delicate eyebrows slightly frowned, the Empress Dowager Zhong nodded to Nangong Haoling, helped the dragon mother-in-law to step forward slowly, and slowly stopped her gaze on the phoenix couch.

On the phoenix couch, Yuan Xiuyue's face was pale and her brows were tightly furrowed. It was not difficult to see at a glance that she was enduring great pain at the moment. Seeing her like this, Empress Dowager Zhong's heart tightened, and she couldn't help but hurried forward to the phoenix couch.

Sitting in front of the couch, she took a look at Yuan Xiuyue's injured leg. She leaned forward and tremblingly caressed Yuan Xiuyue's pale and pretty face. She couldn't help frowning: "Child, the pain is severe, isn't it?"

As soon as she softly called her child, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help trembling in her heart!
There was a cloud of mist in her eyes, she pursed her lips lightly, and shook her head firmly: "With the Queen Mother's words, the concubine will not feel so hurt!"

Hearing this, Empress Dowager Zhong's eyes flashed, and her heart seemed to be touched.

Turning her head slightly, she glanced at the dragon mother-in-law beside her, and she smiled lightly at Yuan Xiuyue, "You are the daughter-in-law of the Ai family, so don't call yourself the queen mother of the Ai family anymore!"

"The Queen Mother..."

Although Queen Mother Zhong said that she was not allowed to be called Queen Mother, when Yuan Xiuyue frowned, she finally called her Queen Mother with some panic!
"You are usually so clever, but now you are so hurt?" Seeing Yuan Xiuyue's pale face, Long Po stood behind the Queen Mother for a long time, and finally couldn't help but smiled lovingly: "Just like the emperor, call the Queen Mother to be the mother queen! "

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes froze!

Looking sideways at Empress Dowager Zhong, Nangong Haoling groaned in his heart, and called Empress Dowager Zhong first.

"is it okay?"

Staring deeply at the Empress Dowager Zhong, Yuan Xiuyue blinked her dry and chapped lips, and looked up at the Empress Dowager Zhong.

The etiquette system in the palace is comprehensive, and the levels are naturally strict!
In this harem full of interests and strife, it cannot be like ordinary people's homes. A son is a son, and a daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law.

Therefore, since entering the palace, she has always regarded herself as a concubine and respected her as the empress dowager two years before the death of Empress Dowager Zhong.

This is the etiquette system!

And Empress Dowager Zhong, from the beginning to the end, only regarded her as a queen who could rule the six palaces, not her daughter-in-law!
But at this moment, she asked her to call her mother...

(End of this chapter)

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