Chapter 166 Meeting with him by chance 4
"of course can!"

The effect of Zhizhi Pain Pill has been exerted, and seeing Yuan Xiuyue forgetting the pain for a while, Xuanyuantang couldn't help but interjected with a smile: "You didn't see me, did you call me the Queen Mother?"

Looking up at Xuanyuantang with a smile, Empress Dowager Zhong nodded to Yuan Xiuyue: "In the past, it was the Ai family who made mistakes, and was bewitched by people in the name of Empress Dowager An, and did something you shouldn't do. You, even the adoptive mother of the Ai family regards you as their own granddaughter, if the Ai family keeps their hearts away from you, wouldn’t the congregation be betrayed?”

Hearing the empress dowager's sentimental words, Yuan Xiuyue looked up at Nangong Haoling, and couldn't help but burst into tears!
Once upon a time, she lost her own home.

Nangong Haoling told her that he would give her a complete family!

Now here, his mother finally opened her heart to her, she thought... Maybe this family really won't be a dream!
Raising his hand to caress the teardrops at the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's eyes, Nangong Haoling focused on her pale face and urged softly: "What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and call!"

"Hmm! Call!"

Gently nodding, Yuan Xiuyue turned her head to meet the eyes of the Empress Dowager Zhong, and with trembling lips, she murmured, "Mother Queen!"


Caressing the hair on her forehead, Empress Dowager Zhong's eyes were also moist: "Good boy, take good care of your body, the Ai family is still waiting for you to have a white and fat grandson with the Ai family!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's face turned reddish, and she blushed for a while!
"Ah... it hurts!"

Carried away for a while, she pulled her injured leg, and couldn't help but screamed again!
Seeing this, Nangong Haoling's heart tightened.

After seeing her cry out in pain, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, and his handsome face finally raised a warm smile again.

For a while, the melancholy clouds in the dormitory dissipated, and laughter kept coming and going.

It was this laughter that temporarily wiped away all the haze in Yuan Xiuyue's heart, and also made her legs no longer hurt so much...

When Yuan Wende and Nangong Haoling entered the bedroom, what they saw was laughter.

In the distance, staring at Yuan Xiuyue's pale but smiling face, Yuan Wende couldn't help but also had a slight smile on his face!
Although, because of the poisoning, his younger sister suffered a lot this time, but in the end, she was able to settle down with the Queen Mother!
It seems that his girl is a blessing in disguise this time!
In the blink of an eye, a few days passed by.

In the past few days, Yuan Xiuyue has been recuperating from her injuries, and Nangong Haoling, apart from being by her side from time to time, has been thoroughly investigating He'er's origin and the real culprit behind her poisoning!

However, the murderer did things very cleanly.

Whether it was He Er's residence, or the people she had contacted in the palace, there was not even a single trace left behind!

In this way, if the real culprit cannot be found out, the poison on Yuan Xiuyue's body cannot be fully cured.

Therefore, Nangong Haoling is a kind and gentle man in Fengluan Palace, but as soon as he leaves Yuan Xiuyue's sight, he seems to be a different person, becoming very deep, and there is no trace of a smile on his handsome face !
Therefore, as soon as he leaves Fengluan Palace, all the servants who are on duty by his side will be more careful, for fear of accidentally offending Longyan and even losing his head!

It's fine for him to do this for a day or two. If the days are longer, it will still be heard by Yuan Xiuyue...


In the past few days, Yu Meiren has nothing to do, so she comes to Fengluan Palace every day to sit.

Ever since Nangong Xiaoran left the palace overnight, he seemed to have disappeared.

Although she knew that it was a long way for him to go to the Northern Territory, she would go to Fengluan Palace every day, hoping to get some news about Nangong Xiaoran from Yuan Xiuyue.

Naturally, Yuan Xiuyue understood the thoughts of her little daughters.

But thinking of Nangong Xiaoran, she couldn't help feeling desolate and sad in her heart!

Since she woke up, she asked Xuanyuantang more than once, didn't she ask Nangong Xiaoran to pick her up and return to the palace?Why is it that she is here at this moment, but there is no shadow of Nangong Xiaoran.

Every time she heard her ask, Xuanyuantang would always slightly raise his eyebrows, and then sigh quietly, but he would not say where he went!

It wasn't until she couldn't bear it anymore that she asked Nangong Haoling, and he told her that Nangong Xiaoran had traveled all the way to the Northern Territory in order to find the Tianshan snow silkworm that could cure her of the poison!
To be honest, when she heard the news, bursts of sadness suddenly surged in her heart, which was quite unpleasant!

She has always known Nangong Xiaoran's feelings for her.

But never reciprocated, and can't repay!

But, even so, he did it for her!
This makes her, how can she not be moved? !

Slightly raising her eyes, she saw Yu Xiuzhi was looking out the window with her chin resting on her elbows, her pretty face was full of lovesickness, Yuan Xiuyue sat on the imperial concubine's couch, she couldn't help pursing the corners of her lips, and asked with a light smile: " Is my sister thinking about the emperor right now?"

Hearing this, Yu Xiuzhi was startled!
She turned her eyes to Yuan Xiuyue, and she couldn't help sighing slightly sadly: "The emperor belongs to the empress, and the only thing he thinks about is the empress, so I should stop being sentimental! "

Hearing her words, Yuan Xiuyue sneered slightly: "Sister, at the moment, is thinking about the emperor, so the person you are thinking about at the moment is the person who deserves to die!"

Hearing this, the corners of Yu Xiuzhi's mouth twitched, she wanted to laugh, but in the end the corners of her mouth drooped uncontrollably: "Is the Empress willing to let a person who is willing to give everything for you die?"

Hearing that she finally told the truth, Yuan Xiuyue just smiled and didn't answer!

Raising her eyes, she looked out of the window, looking at the bright sunshine outside, although the corners of her lips were slightly hooked, but there was endless bitterness in it: "In this life, I have no destiny for him, even if he has done so much for me... , but I can only owe it first, and pay it back in the next life!"

Nangong Xiaoran, that windy man, was always willing to do everything for her when she needed it most.

But he did, and she felt more and more burdened in her heart.

Because she couldn't give what he wanted...

"Empress Empress..." Hearing the bitterness in Yuan Xiuyue's words, Yu Xiuzhi thought she was worried that the poison on her body would not be completely cured, Yu Xiuzhi frowned slightly: "Empress, you will be fine, brother Xiao Ran will definitely find the Tianshan snow silkworm. The poison will definitely be cured.”

"Of course I know, the poison on my body can definitely be cured!"

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the sadness in her heart, Yuan Xiuyue lowered her eyes and smiled, looking intently at Yu Xiuzhi, who was as beautiful as a flower but with clear and pure eyes. She frowned and said earnestly: "If you like him, you can go after him." , if you can make his heart turn to you, I will definitely make the decision for you!"

Hearing what she said, Yu Xiuzhi's expression froze!
A burst of ecstasy suddenly surged in her heart, and she stood up from her seat. She leaned on Yuan Xiuyue's lap with an excited expression, supported Yuan Xiuyue's hands, and asked in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, can you really make decisions for me?"

Because of Yu Xiuzhi's touch, Yuan Xiuyue's leg couldn't help feeling a sharp pain!
Looking down at Yu Xiuzhi's pretty face full of hope, she frowned, and finally laughed again: "That depends on whether you have the ability to impress him!"


Her red lips parted slightly, and Yu Xiuzhi was about to express her heart to Yuan Xiuyue, saying that she would definitely be able to do it herself, but Xuanyuan Tang's slightly low and dissatisfied voice came from the hall door: "I don't know if Yu Meiren has the ability to make that person fall in love with her?" , but at this moment, if she touches your leg again, if one accidentally causes poisonous hair, you will die of pain!"

Hearing the sound, Yu Xiuzhi's heart trembled!
She lowered her eyebrows and saw that she was pressed on Yuan Xiuyue's legs in a moment of urgency, her face changed and she stood up quickly.

Raising her eyes slightly, she looked at Xuanyuantang, who was standing at the gate of the palace, carrying a medicine box. Facing her slightly annoyed eyes, Yuan Xiuyue arched her eyebrows, and chuckled softly, "I'm not made of paper, where is it?" So vulnerable?"

"You're not a paper doll, how could the paper doll be poisoned to death?" Xuanyuantang frowned, and went forward with the medicine box, ready to change the medicine with her.

"The concubine is resigning first!"

Seeing the least bloody scene, Yu Xiuzhi retired before Xuanyuantang and Yuan Xiuyue untied the gauze.


She waved to Yu Xiuzhi and watched her go gracefully. Yuan Xiuyue lowered her eyebrows and looked at Xuanyuantang, who clearly said that I was in a bad mood, and then blinked lightly. The expression was so cute: "Who eats the bear's heart and leopard's guts? Dare to provoke our Princess Xian to be angry?"

"Who? Who else? Your Majesty!"

With a look of helplessness on his face, Xuanyuantang squatted down and began to untie the gauze on Yuan Xiuyue's leg.After a short time, the gauze was untied, revealing her still slightly dark wound, her eyes turned cold, and she said displeasedly: "He'er, that damned girl, she died so easily that she didn't leave any clues behind. To this day, if you can't find the real culprit behind the scenes, the poison on your body cannot be cured. As long as the poison on your body is not cured for a day, the emperor's temper will not return to normal for a day. Sleeping in the royal study."

"It turns out that your prince has no time to accompany you every day!"

Finally hearing the content of her words, Yuan Xiuyue narrowed her staring eyes, her eyes gradually darkened, and she changed the topic: "I told you before, that person is also proficient in medical science, even if no clues can be found, the truth behind that scene is true." Who is the murderer, you and I know very well, don’t we?”

Back then, He'er had been working under Concubine Han's errand in Lancui Palace, and the crime committed by Concubine Han had harmed the whole family.

But she always felt that there should be another reason why the Han family was wiped out, and this reason should be related to Yue Wang Duguchen!

Although Yuan Mingyue said at the beginning that she and Concubine Han planned to frame her and Nangong Xiaoran, but there are still many doubts in this matter!

For example, how did she know what happened between herself and Nangong Xiaoran at Lishan Temple?
(End of this chapter)

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