Chapter 168 Treat Him Sincerely 1
For Yuan Xiuyue, in this world, at this time, there is only one person who can still call her Long Chuxiu!

Knowing that it must be him, Yuan Xiuyue lowered her eyelids and sat motionless on the push chair, as if she had never heard his soft call, and only quietly fiddled with the bright red rich peony in front of her.

From a distance, looking at the blooming peony garden, sitting on a push chair, never facing the woman he had never looked back, Duguchen lightly frowned, walked forward slowly, and finally reached the blue stone beside her. Sit up and down.

Today, he is dressed in gorgeous dark purple, his thick hair is pulled up high with a purple gold crown, he is as handsome as before, but it is only on his well-defined facial features that people can't see too much emotion!
"His Royal Highness Yue Wang, I'm in a good mood today, and I came to the Imperial Garden for an outing!" Before going to see him, Yuan Xiuyue sighed softly, the peony on her fingertips bounced back slowly, and her slightly pale face also surfaced Shallow smile.

"You are sitting here alone at the moment, aren't you waiting for this king?" Fixed, staring at her thin and disfigured side face, Dugu Chen finally lifted his thin lips lightly, and in his eyes A trace of indistinguishable emotion flashed across: "It's ridiculous to say that it's only been a few days. When I see you again, I don't know whether I should call you Long Chuxiu or Yuan Xiuyue?"

He thought that if he saw her again, he would be furious, and then question her loudly, wishing he could strangle her neck and call her a liar!
But, looking at the thin and pale woman in front of him at this moment, he didn't do any of the things that he had to do, just like this, he looked at her lightly, and asked her lightly, what should he call her.

"It's just a name!"

Gently gathering the cloak on her body, Yuan Xiuyue put her hands on the handle of the chair, and smiled casually but softly: "Your lord can call me whatever you like!"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen smiled slightly!
Faintly, he turned his eyes to the distance, his eyes were deep, and his voice trembled slightly: "That night, since you left Xingyue Pavilion, this king was afraid that you would have an accident, and looked for you like crazy. Wang once knelt down with Nangong Haoling, and also went to Fengluan Palace to beg you...Yuan Xiuyue, maybe you are the nemesis of this king, no matter in Anyang in the past, or in Lidu now, you can always take my anger to internal injuries, and even vomiting blood!"

Even now, Duguchen still has the urge to vomit blood as long as he thinks about his mood when she was poisoned and left!
She was afraid that she would die from poisoning, and she was also afraid that she would give her body to someone else!

But thinking about it now, he really thinks it's a little ridiculous!

Thinking about it, the person who detoxified her must be Nangong Haoling.

And he is the number one fool in the world!
"My lord...hasn't he already taken revenge?"

In the end, she looked back slowly and stared deeply at Dugu Chen, Yuan Xiuyue sighed lightly again, covered her lips and coughed a few times with some discomfort, she slowly lowered her head, and said to herself: "In this world, really In the past, you said that you are proficient in medicine, I just listened to it casually, but now I really know how extraordinary your so-called mastery of medicine is!"

After the words fell, she coughed lightly again, and she coughed continuously. Because of the severe cough, her already thin body trembled like a willow in the wind!

Seeing this, Duguchen's heart couldn't help but suffocate lightly!
The hand on his lap was clenched quickly, suppressing the urge to please her, he pulled a sneer from the corner of his lips, and looked at the haggard and pale Yuan Xiuyue in front of him: "Since you know that this poison is my king Why didn't you tell Emperor Li? Now that the king has not left the palace, it is easy for you to take me!"

"Do you think that the emperor doesn't know that you are the one who poisoned this? Or do you not know why the Han family was ransacked in the first place?" Taking a deep breath and finally coughing, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly, her eyes a little blurred: "Now, leave The two countries of Yue have just decided on the time and place of the Three Kingdoms Summit. This is the purpose of your coming here, and it is also the opportunity for peace that the emperor wholeheartedly wants. Of course he can take you down at this moment, if you don’t hand over the antidote , he can also use your life to come to this palace, but such an ending is not what you would like to see, and it is definitely not what the emperor wants!"

Hearing her words, Duguchen's expression couldn't help changing slightly!
Under the premise that he and Yuan Xiuyue were the ones who poisoned Nangong Haoling, he chose to put the overall situation first and work for the common people!

So, why does he look at his woman and her?

Pausing for a moment, seeing Duguchen remained silent for a long time, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes to look at him again, meeting his slightly cold gaze, pretending that she didn't see his slightly changed face, she coughed lightly again, and stroked him with her hand. With a choked voice on his chest, he said: "I know what you are thinking, but... taking the safety of the people as a career, this is what an emperor should do, and I... no matter how much I want to live, I always want to live." I think he's doing the right thing!"

"What a righteous woman!"

Looking at Yuan Xiuyue, who hasn't moved for a long time, Duguchen's words are mixed with praise and criticism, but he is still faintly angry!
He chose the former between the people and her, but she just felt that he chose the right one.

Did she ever think that in this way, she would most likely die of pain!

"Yue Wang!"

It's not that she didn't notice the change in Dugu Chen's mood, but Yuan Xiuyue could only choose to ignore it, sighed softly in her heart, then raised her hand lightly, she pointed in the direction of Leng Gong and said: "Last year, when I returned from Anyang, I lived there! "

Hearing this, Duguchen frowned slightly, but still looked in the direction she pointed.

But, even so, in his eyes, there is nothing else but the majestic imperial palace.

"There... is the cold palace!"

The corners of her lips were slightly raised, Yuan Xiuyue clenched her chest, and said calmly: "Everyone will have his own story. Naturally, I also have one!" on his right leg.

Without making a sound, just keeping silent, Duguchen lowered his head and looked at her legs covered under the cloak with a condensed expression, and then glanced at her lightly, recalling that she once told her that her legs were dropped when she was a child He couldn't help his eyes turning slightly cold, and then sneered: "Everyone knows that the queen who left the country burned her leg because of a fire more than a year ago!"

"Hearing this, the lord started to gloat over others' misfortune?" Seeing the sneer at the corner of Duguchen's mouth, Yuan Xiuyue smiled bitterly: "If the lord knows, this leg of my palace has already been disabled, and I will never be able to walk normally. Don't you want to laugh out loud?"

Hearing this, the expression on Duguchen's face froze suddenly!
After a moment of silence, he sneered again and said, "Actually, you don't have to be ashamed, because even if you hurt your leg and become a cripple, you are still the Queen of Li Country!"

"Cough cough..."

The coughing sound that had stopped for a moment resounded again, Yuan Xiuyue pressed her chest with one hand and covered her mouth and nose with the other.

Seeing her like this, Duguchen's figure moved slightly, but in the end he didn't let himself get close to her!

"If the prince were me, knowing that I would never be able to walk like a normal person, would I still stay in this magnificent palace full of beauties?" Turning to look at Dugu Chen, Yuan Xiuyue wryly smiled unsteadily. Then, no longer calling herself Bengong, she frowned slightly and said: "When I knew that I would only be able to limp on one leg in the future, I made up my mind to leave the palace. Therefore, no matter how prepared the emperor is, I still secretly slipped out!"

"do not talk!"

It seemed that she really didn't want to listen to Yuan Xiuyue's nonsense, and it seemed that she was afraid that she would cough too much because of her unsteady breathing. What is the king doing? This king doesn't want to hear your nonsense!"

"Since it's nonsense, the prince will listen to it with one ear and catch it with the other!" With a slight smile, ignoring whether he wanted to continue listening, Yuan Xiuyue coughed hard again, and was ready to continue talking.

Seeing that she still wanted to continue talking, Dugu Chenjun's face darkened, he got up from the bluestone, turned around and strode to leave.

Without looking back, Yuan Xiuyue let him go, Yuan Xiuyue still said to herself: "Since I left the palace, I was afraid of being found by him, so I have been hiding in Juxian Building. In the past year, I have never set foot on the Passing the place other than Juxian Tower, it was Lei Luo who found me that night and asked me to heal with you, if not, there will be no more mistakes in the future!"

After she finished speaking, she coughed again, and Dugu Chen, who had strode away just now, stopped abruptly when he heard her words, and turned around to look at her.

Turning around slightly, looking back to meet his deep eyes, Yuan Xiuyue said with a flat expression: "At that time, you were poisoned, I might not have saved you, but in the end I still saved you, not only you, but also There is Lei Luo..."

Hearing this, Duguchen slowly raised the corners of his lips, clenched his teeth tightly, and said word by word: "You don't have to remind me again and again, you saved my life!"

Hearing the sound of his gnashing of teeth, Yuan Xiuyue was slightly startled, and realized the meaning of his words, as if she thought she was begging him for life-saving grace, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, and her tone became a little anxious: " Duguchen, I know what you are struggling with in your heart, but you better understand that not everyone in this world is like you, you have to calculate everywhere to get by! When you were in Anyang, it was you who designed the emperor and me first, At that time, I did everything to protect myself. No matter how miserable you were, you couldn’t blame me! Later in Juxian Tower, I knew your identity, but I still saved you, and after healing your wounds, I I plan to stay away...Actually, from the beginning to the end, I never thought of lying to you again. If you hadn't asked Lei Luo to chase me back, I wouldn't return to this palace in such a state now..."

Having said that, Yuan Xiuyue was short of breath for a moment, and the pain that had been undercurrent since the beginning just now reached all limbs and bones in an instant!

There was a sharp pain in the chest, that kind of pain, as if suddenly, a sharp knife was inserted into it!
She couldn't help coughing again, her complexion changed drastically in an instant, although she held her mouth and nose tightly with her hand, she still trembled, and saw a warm fishy sweet gushing from her mouth and nose. out!

(End of this chapter)

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