Chapter 169 Treat Him Sincerely 2
The bright blood gushed out from her mouth and nose, soaked her fair and slender fingers, instantly dyed the snow-colored cloak on her body red, and made her body shake, and she fell off the chair.

Seeing this, Xuanyuantang, who was hiding in the pavilion in the distance, changed his expression, and immediately ran towards Yuan Xiuyue's direction.

"Dragon out of Xiu!"

Going forward, watching Yuan Xiuyue vomit blood and fall off the chair, Duguchen's eyes widened, and he still called her to be Xiu!His complexion suddenly changed, he stepped forward in twos and threes, picked up her body that was about to fall to the ground, and embraced her in his arms.

"Yue Wang!"

Because of the pain in her body, her brows were furrowed tightly, Yuan Xiuyue looked at Dugu Chen who was frowning handsomely in a daze!

She moved her body slightly, and she wanted to leave his embrace, but she couldn't hold back his strong and strong arms. In desperation, she could only put her forehead on his chest with a wry smile, and coughed a few times before breathing hard. Said: "The matter is... so far, I... what I should say, what I want to say... I have finished. Since you think... I lied to can leave a few days ago... Here... to complete you have not yet completed... the Three Kingdoms Summit, why have you...not left?!"

Finally breathed a sigh of relief, intermittently said what he wanted to say, and asked the question he wanted to ask, just as Yuan Xiuyue's heartstrings loosened, he opened his mouth and spit out another mouthful of blood, which sprayed directly on his heart.

His figure froze suddenly, feeling her pitiful lightness, Duguchen frowned tightly, his unparalleled handsome face finally revealed a look of utter pain!

"I'm not leaving until now, but there is something I've always wanted to ask you, but I haven't had a chance to ask it!"

The hand around Yuan Xiuyue's waist tightened slightly, and he lowered his head slightly, approaching her ear, his Adam's apple moved slightly, and said in a low voice: "Besides your identity, have you ever treated me sincerely?"

For him, the battle of Anyang was the greatest shame in his life!

In Juxianlou back then, if Yuan Xiuyue had revealed her identity directly, he would have killed her immediately!
Therefore, it was reasonable for her not to reveal her identity to him, and he didn't have to worry about it in his heart!
However, to this day, he still stays in the Li Palace, just to ask this woman in front of him, who accused him of never treating anyone sincerely, if she has treated him sincerely?

This is what he wants to know the most!

It seemed that she had already expected that what Dugu Chen cared about all the time was actually this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but smile bitterly!
Has she ever treated him sincerely?
If possible, she wants to treat everyone with sincerity!

However, things often backfire!
The blood slowly flowed down the corners of his mouth until it dripped onto his dark purple robe, smearing an extreme blood flower on his robe, panting and slowly raised his eyes, looking at him approaching Yuan Xiuyue said in a difficult voice, "From Juxian the imperial palace...I always thought of you as Duguchen, not...Yue Wang!"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen's eyebrows moved slightly.

Is it just Dugu Chen, not Yue Wang?
Deep in my heart, all the knots are suddenly solved in an instant.

At the corner of his lips, there was an astonishing smile, and he ignored Xuanyuan Tang who was close in front of him. He took a deep look at Yuan Xiuyue, took out a white porcelain bottle from his lapel, and tucked it into Yuan Xiuyue's blood-stained hands!
The hand holding the medicine bottle curled up slightly, looking at the gorgeous smile on the corner of Duguchen's mouth, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help trembling slightly in her heart, and there were ripples in the end!

This man is indeed a monster enough!

If she had a nicer heart, she might be fascinated by thousands of girls in the world!


While raising his hand to seal the two big acupuncture points on Yuan Xiuyue's body, Duguchen whispered in her ear: "The poison on your body has already entered the internal organs. Even with this antidote, it will take two or three months to recover completely." I understand, I hope that when the Three Kingdoms Summit is held, I can see that cunning and agile Long Chuxiu again in Nanling!"


Suddenly, she felt as if she had moved something that shouldn't be moved again. Facing Dugu Chen's handsome face so close, Yuan Xiuyue frowned tightly, and whispered, "Don't fall in love with me!"


Few people would call his full name like this on weekdays, but at this moment when Yuan Xiuyue called him, Duguchen felt a warm current flow through his heart, but when he heard her tell him not to fall in love with her, his heart seemed to sink into it instantly. into the abyss!
"It's too late for this king to hate you, so how could he fall in love with you?"

Speaking so resolutely on his mouth, but secretly sighed in his heart, Duguchen leaned over and picked up Yuan Xiuyue from the ground, and then put him back on the push chair.

Frowning and staring at her deeply, he finally turned around and strode away in a cool and unrestrained way...

Seeing this, Xuanyuantang stepped forward quickly.

An antidote was everywhere in the Zibai porcelain bottle, and she stuffed it into Yuan Xiuyue's mouth without any delay. , you have been urging it desperately, do you know that if he doesn't give this antidote, today is your death day?"

Holding her breath for a moment, Yuan Xiuyue felt the pain in her heart subside slightly, and then raised her eyes to look at the beautiful man who had gone away and was about to disappear into the sea of ​​flowers: "I'm just betting that he's not human. It's so cold-blooded and ruthless!"

Following her words, Xuanyuantang followed her gaze and looked over.

Seeing that Duguchen was moving forward without looking back after all, she curled her red lips lightly, quite playfully: "It seems that there are always exceptions to everything, but he is also a real man!"


In the blurred vision, the dark purple figure was no longer there. Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, and her vision gradually blurred: "Sister-in-law, I'm so tired... For a while, I'm always afraid that if I fall asleep, I won't wake up again. This time, can I sleep peacefully?"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Xu frowned slightly, turned around, and saw her slowly closing her eyes, Xuanyuan Tang couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat!
Stretching out his hand to feel Yuan Xiuyue's pulse, he felt that her pulse was gradually improving. The smile on the corner of Xuanyuantang's lips couldn't help but deepened!
Taking off the veil around her waist, and wiping off the bright red that remained around Yuan Xiuyue's mouth, Xuanyuantang looked down at the blood on her body, couldn't help shaking her head and sighing with distress, her mind was slightly restrained, and she walked behind her , was about to push her back, but Ting Lan rushed over with a tea set.


Seeing Yuan Xiuyue's body covered in blood, Ting Lan was shocked, the gap in her hand fell to the ground with a bang, and she fell to pieces!

After noon, Long Nian, who left Fengluan Palace early in the morning, returned here again.

Stepping down from the dragon chariot, Nangong Haoling looked stern, and strode straight towards Yuan Xiuyue's bedroom.

In the sleeping hall, according to Xuanyuantang's request, the furnace in the shape of a crane has already been replaced with a medicinal fragrance that can nourish the spirit.

At this moment, although Yuan Xiuyue was still asleep, Ting Lan had already changed into a clean dress with Qianqian. When she saw Nangong Haoling striding forward from outside the hall, her heart shivered and she hurriedly lowered her body. Come: "Slaves see the emperor!"

Hearing her greetings, Xuanyuantang, who was sitting in front of Fengtang, changed his expression slightly, and he quickly stood up, and bowed respectfully to Nangong Haoling who had already walked in front of him: "My concubine sees the emperor, my majesty, best wishes! "

Frowning tightly, he glanced at Xuanyuantang faintly. Nangong Haoling sat down in front of the phoenix couch, staring down at Yuan Xiuyue who was sleeping peacefully on the phoenix couch like an ordinary person. He was secretly relieved, and spoke to Xuanyuantang in a cold voice. Said: "Just now I heard that the emperor's sister-in-law took her to the imperial garden?"

Hearing this, Xuanyuantang's eyebrows moved slightly.

She seemed to have expected that in this palace, nothing could be hidden from Nangong Haoling, she didn't have much expression on her face, she just nodded lightly, and replied softly: "If you go back to the emperor, the concubine will indeed bring the empress I went to the imperial garden, but the concubine's trip is at the imperial edict of the empress!"

Hearing from Xuanyuan Tang that Yuan Xiuyue meant to go to the Imperial Garden, Nangong Haoling's face darkened slightly!

Turning his head to look at Yuan Xiuyue, who was asleep at the moment, but with a calm and calm expression, he was silent for a moment, and then said leisurely: "The queen is self-willed, and the emperor's wife is no better than her. If she has something good or bad today, how do you make me face it?" right?"

Although the meaning in his words was somewhat of a complaint, it was more of a concern for Yuan Xiuyue!

Hearing the worry in his words, Xuanyuan Tang couldn't help but paused slightly.

After a while, she lowered her eyebrows and couldn't help sighing softly: "The concubine knows what the emperor is worried about, but similarly, the empress must also know what the emperor is worried about. Although I don't agree with her acting like this, some Sometimes, she did it this way, without denying it, it was the best and most direct way..."

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's face turned cold: "She never thought, would that person kill her?"

"Of course she thought about it!"

Looking at Nangong Haoling's slightly cold face calmly, Xuanyuantang said softly: "But she believes that since that person can travel thousands of miles to leave the country to seek peace, he will be like the emperor and put state affairs first! Absolutely not Openly do things that will make the two countries turn against each other!"

Hearing her words, Nangong Haoling couldn't help being silent!

Seeing him sitting in a daze, with a serious expression on his face, Xuanyuan Tang pursed his lips lightly, and said to him again: "Your Majesty, my concubine is here to congratulate you!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling frowned.

Turning his head to look at Xuanyuantang, he asked suspiciously: "Now that Yue'er's life and death are still uncertain, why should I be happy?"

"The concubine knows that the emperor is always worried about the safety of the empress!" With her lips pressed together into a straight line, Xuanyuantang smiled lightly and said, "After today, the emperor doesn't have to worry about anything."

Sitting on the phoenix couch facing her body, she froze slightly because of her words, Nangong Haoling raised her eyes slightly to meet Xuanyuantang's eyes: "What does the emperor's wife mean by this?"

"The emperor should understand what the concubine said, so why bother to ask?" Facing Nangong Haoling's eyes, Xuanyuantang smiled faintly, then looked down at the sleeping Yuan Xiuyue: "That man Said that the poison on her body has already penetrated into the internal organs, and even if she needs to understand the medicine, it will take two or three months to recover, the concubine will take advantage of this opportunity and Wang Taiyi will try to save the empress's legs as much as possible!"

While speaking, he caught a glimpse of the ecstasy in Nangong Haoling's eyes, Xuanyuantang's lips curled up slightly, and he blessed his body slightly, "In the past few days, my concubine has also been a little tired, so I'm going back to rest."

(End of this chapter)

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