Chapter 170 Treat Him Sincerely 3
Without waiting for Nangong Haoling to respond, Xuanyuantang turned around with a chuckle, and left the dormitory gracefully.

After a while, Nangong Haoling's hearty and cheerful laughter finally came from the bedroom.

Hearing his laughter, the smile on Xuanyuantang's face couldn't help but deepen!

Although, Xuanyuan Tang laughed, but in the dormitory, Yuan Xiuyue, who was sleeping sweetly, frowned, and was disturbed by Nangong Haoling's loud laughter!
"very noisy!"

Staring eyes half-closed, but turned around, Yuan Xiuyue reached out and grabbed Nangong Haoling's sleeve, and tugged lightly, "If the emperor only cares about being happy, then go back to your Yexi Palace, don't bother me here... It's hard for people to sleep soundly."


The smile on the corner of her lips was as gentle as water, Nangong Haoling leaned over and kissed her cheek, then took off her dragon boots, got into the brocade quilt directly under her, embraced her in her arms, and said with concern: "I I heard from Ji Heng that you vomited blood today, are you feeling better now?"

"Don't listen to his nonsense, it's so serious!"

Leaning against Nangong Haoling's chest, Yuan Xiuyue raised her hand gently without opening her eyes, and she stretched out her hand to wrap his arms around his neck: "I only felt that it wasn't so good before going to bed, but now my legs don't hurt anymore, and my chest doesn't hurt anymore. , everything seems to be fine!"

Hearing Yuan Xiuyue say that she was talking nonsense, the corners of Ji Heng's mouth twitched slightly, but he dared not speak out.

Conscience of heaven and earth, he is on duty by the emperor's side, and he never speaks nonsense!

When he raised his eyes, he saw that Ting Lan couldn't help covering his lips and smiling. He and Ting Lan smiled acquaintedly. They put down the red silk curtains on the bed in a very tacit understanding, and then both exited the bedroom.

When the rustling footsteps went away, Nangong Haoling couldn't help pecking Yuan Xiuyue's lips lightly: "Just now the emperor's wife said that the poison on your body will take two or three months to heal, and you feel better now. It's really easy to satisfy!"

"My life was saved, the emperor's heart was won, and the feud with the queen mother was settled. Although I suffered a lot in this battle, it finally paid off. Shouldn't I be satisfied?"

Smiling, Nangong Haoling nodded lightly: "Hearing what you said, you really made money!"

"I think so too!"

Slightly raising her head, she found a comfortable position on Nangong Haoling's arms. Yuan Xiuyue's eyebrows twitched slightly, and her eyes closed again: "Speaking of which, the emperor has no state affairs to deal with in this clear sky and daylight? Why did he only walk for half a day? Then run back again?"

"Brother Wang is here, so I don't have to deal with it. Right now... I just want to be with you!" The voice was soft and soft, but it was very comfortable in Yuan Xiuyue's ears.

Her lips were pursed tightly, and a happy smile appeared on her slightly pale face. Yuan Xiuyue shrugged to avoid the hot air blowing in his nose, and whispered softly: "The emperor's sister-in-law also said today that the emperor's temper recently Not too good, brother Wang who is always tired sleeps in the royal study."

"It seems that the emperor's sister-in-law is quite critical of me!"

With a faint smile, Nangong Haoling squeezed Yuan Xiuyue's body, closed his eyes and said, "I know you haven't slept well these days, and I can't sleep well either. Since you can sleep well today, I will I'm going to be lazy this time, and when I treat you better in the future, I will naturally take over the big and small state affairs, so that Brother Wang can get closer to the Queen's Sister-in-law!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but smile!
Her mind turned slightly, thinking that the relationship between Xuanyuantang and Nangong Haoyuan had been gluey for several years, she slowly opened her eyes: "Brother Wang and Sister-in-law Huang have been married for many years, and they are no different than us, always stumbling, why? Haven't you been happy?"

Hearing her words, Nangong Haoling's figure froze slightly!
Feeling his stiffness, Yuan Xiuyue's heart was startled, and suddenly sank!
In my mind, I suddenly remembered what Yuan Mingyue said to her that day.

Come to think of it, it must have been the glass of poisoned wine that Empress Dowager An gave to the King Xian!

After a long time, a bitter sigh escaped from Nangong Haoling's mouth, and instead of trying to explain Yuan Xiuyue's doubts, he lowered his eyebrows and kissed Yuan Xiuyue's forehead lightly, then smiled wickedly, the smile was extremely charming~confusing.

With his hands moving up and down her waist, he changed the subject in a low voice: "What's wrong with us? Isn't it very harmonious?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart felt hot!
Reaching out to hold his restless big hand, she blushed and said, "I'm in this state now, why do you still have the mood to bully me..."

"What's wrong with me?"

With a smirk, he hugged Yuan Xiuyue's slender waist, clearly feeling her thinness, Nangong Haoling's eyes darkened, and he asked with a light smile, "Do you know how hard I've endured these days? "

"Who told you to bear it? Don't you still have Concubine Yan and Beauty Liu?" Yuan Xiuyue took off his big hand on his waist with a blushing face, "If you really can't help it , go find them!"

"Then I'll go find them, don't regret it!" Nangong Hao Lingjun's face darkened, and he lifted the brocade quilt and got up from the phoenix couch!
It was originally a joke, but Nangong Haoling took it seriously.

Seeing him making the gesture to leave, Yuan Xiuyue was startled, she stretched out her hand and grabbed his cuff, tugging desperately: "If you dare to go today, I will immediately leave the palace with my mother-in-law, this time I will definitely hide far away. , so that you will never be able to find it for the rest of your life!"

If it was said that it was just to tease Yuan Xiuyue, then at this moment, Nangong Haoling's face really turned dark when she heard her say that she was going to leave.

Frowning, he turned over and pressed her under him, carefully avoiding her injured right leg, with a vicious expression, but stretched out his hand to scratch her armpit, and said threateningly: "Yuan Xiuyue, will you Dare to give me a try!"

"Hehe... Itches..."

Giggling non-stop, causing herself to gasp for breath, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but started coughing again.

Seeing her coughing non-stop until her face turned red, Nangong Haoling was startled, and hurriedly reached out and patted her on the back to comfort her.

"I'll ask Ji Hengchuan's sister-in-law to come over!"

Seeing that she still couldn't stop coughing for a long time, his expression changed and he wanted to stay on the bed.

"Need not!"

Suddenly, Nangong Haoling tightened his cuffs, looking back, he saw Yuan Xiuyue shaking her head lightly, panting slightly and pulling his hand, she stared deeply and greedily at his handsome face: "Just stay with me now !"

Seeing that she finally stopped coughing, Nangong Haoling's tense heartstrings couldn't help but relax a little!
Sitting back on the phoenix couch again, caressing her pale pretty face with infinite love, he said with distress and tenderness: "I wish I could be with you day and night!"

"Then I have become a demon queen who charms the emperor and makes him neglect government affairs?" With a playful smile, Yuan Xiuyue winked at him, pulled him back to the present moment cutely, and leaned sideways on his arms, she was very satisfied He sighed, "You just need to sleep with me!"

I wanted him to know that sleeping with her was really a test of his self-control!
But with lowered eyebrows and lowered eyes, staring at her satisfied smile, Nangong Haoling's heart eased, he only smiled lightly, and stroked her satin-like cloud hair: "Aren't you sleepy? Go to sleep quickly, and wait until you wake up." , I will have dinner with you!"


Gently, Yuan Xiuyue closed her eyes lightly, but soon, she looked up at him again: "Ling... Now that there is an antidote, you should send someone to find Mr. back sooner! "

How could she forget, how dare she forget, at this moment in that remote and extremely cold northern region, there is a person who is braving the wind, snow and extreme cold, just to fight for a chance with her!
Slightly drooping eyelids, meeting her slightly worried eyes, Nangong Haoling didn't show any displeasure on his face, instead he turned around and called outside the hall: "Dark cloud!"

"Your subordinate is here!" When the voice fell, only a moment later, An Yun had already entered the bedroom, and was bowing in front of Fengtang: "What is the emperor's order?"

Taking a sideways glance at the dark cloud, Nangong Haoling ordered softly: "Send someone to the Northern Territory to find King Ning as quickly as possible, and tell him that the poison on the Queen's body has been cured. Please return to the palace as soon as possible!"

"Subordinates obey!"

Respectfully receiving the order, An Yun quickly exited the bedroom.

Seeing An Yun leave, Yuan Xiuyue's heart lightened suddenly.

Qiao smiled and snuggled into Nangong Haoling's arms, she sighed contentedly, closed her eyes again, accompanied by Nangong Haoling, and fell into a deep sleep.

Staring at her sleeping state, Nangong Haoling frowned slightly, and a smile slowly rose from his lips.

This smile, light and indifferent, is just like what she said earlier, very satisfying!


In the afternoon, the two on the phoenix couch slept with their necks crossed. They were sleeping very sweetly, but unexpectedly Ji Heng entered the bedroom with a serious expression on his face.


Respecting himself in front of Feng's couch, Ji Heng softly called Nangong Haoling through the red silk tent!
"What's the matter?"

Frowning slightly with thick eyebrows, she lowered her eyes to look at the sleeping Zhengxiang Yuan Xiuyue, while Nangong Haoling turned her head to look at Ji Heng who was outside the tent.

Seeing Nangong Haoling's response, Ji Heng hurriedly bowed his head respectfully and said, "My Majesty, King Yue has come to ask for his resignation. He is going to leave the palace right now and go to the Kingdom of Chu..."


The eyebrows were tightly drawn together, and Nangong Haoling's voice couldn't help but raise slightly, causing Yuan Xiuyue to move slightly in his arms.

Gently, placing her on the luan pillow, he tiptoed up from the phoenix couch, and went to the main hall with Ji Heng.

After Nangong Haoling left, the person who had closed his eyes on the couch slowly opened them.

Staring at the door of the dormitory that was already empty, she finally let out a long sigh!
It was within her expectation that Duguchen was going to leave.

However, once he left, Yuan Mingyue followed suit.

It's just that he doesn't hate her, but will he treat Mingyue kindly?
After all, no matter whether it is good or bad, blood relationship will never change!

At this point in her thoughts, thinking of Yuan Mingyue's biological mother and her own gloomy childhood, Yuan Xiuyue's heart suddenly became confused, and she no longer felt sleepy!

Above the main hall, Dugu Chen had already changed out of the dark purple robe that was stained with Yuan Xiuyue's blood, and changed into a moon-white robe embroidered with golden pythons. At this moment, he was still wearing a purple gold crown on his head. Jin Guan, his handsome features, elegant and handsome features, seems to have returned to the appearance when he first met Yuan Xiuyue.

Raising his eyes slightly, seeing Nangong Haoling coming out of the inner hall, his thin lips curled up slightly, and he bowed his hands slightly: "See Emperor Li!"

"Yue Wang is free!"

At this moment, seeing Dugu Chen again, Nangong Haoling's face was warm and peaceful, no longer gloomy earlier, sitting on the jade seat in the main hall, he smiled lightly: "I heard that you are leaving now? "

(End of this chapter)

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