Chapter 171 Treat Him Sincerely 4

Nodding again, Duguchen said with a smile: "The matter of the Three Kingdoms summit has been decided now, if not for the fact that the king has been unwell for the past few days, he should be on his way to Chu now!"

Nangong Haoling took a look at Duguchen, and then said with a light smile: "Since that's the case, then the emperor will not keep you anymore. I hope that Nanling will see you again in three months' time!"

Although, regarding Dugu Chen's poisoning of Yuan Xiuyue for a while, he already hated him in his heart.

However, under the premise of not touching the interests of the two countries, it is the best solution for him to come up with the antidote himself!

Thinking about the infatuated things that Dugu Chen did when he didn't know that Yuan Xiuyue was Long Chuxiu, it's not easy for him to pursue anything because of this matter.

After all, such a result is what Yuan Xiuyue is most happy to see!
"Then... the king is retiring!"

With a smile on his lips, his eyes were as clear as ever, Dugu Chen glanced at the door of the inner hall, and then turned to look outside.

"Yue Wang!"

Eyes drooping slightly, Nangong Haoling lowered his eyebrows and played with the jadeite finger on his thumb, and said in a low tone: "At this moment, she is still sleeping, and the Emperor is reluctant to wake her up!"

"Since you can't bear to leave the emperor, you don't have to!"

With a low smile, the unruliness between his brows flew freely, Duguchen turned his eyes to Nangong Haoling and said: "It's good for you to treat her like this, if one day you treat her badly, this king will definitely fight with you." Compete!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help but frowned!
With a fearless smile, Duguchen didn't stay any longer, and walked towards the outside of the hall.

After he left for a long time, Nangong Haoling was still stunned on the main hall.

After a while, he couldn't help laughing: "One Nangong Xiaoran is not enough, now there is another Duguchen, Yuan Xiuyue, you really have the ability to attract bees and butterflies!"

The next day, the originally sunny weather suddenly turned dull and frightening.

At the fourth watch, it was the time when Nangong Haoling went to the morning court. Seeing that Yuan Xiuyue was fast asleep, he didn't bother her. He only kissed her forehead lightly and affectionately. People wait and change clothes in the outer hall.

At about [-]:[-], Yuan Xiuyue finally woke up.

However, she didn't sleep until she woke up naturally, but was woken up by the pain in her leg.

She did it herself, removed the gauze on her leg, and saw that the wound had scabbed over, she frowned and pondered for a moment, then told Ting Lan: "Princess Xian, please come here!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan was slightly taken aback, then smiled wryly: "Your Majesty doesn't know, the Emperor allowed His Royal Highness King Xian to leave the palace last night."

As a matter of course, Xuanyuan Tang, Princess Xian, followed her husband back to Prince Xian's mansion!


Frowning slightly, Yuan Xiuyue said to Ting Lan, "Please come over, Doctor Wang!"


Slightly blessed, Ting Lan hurried to ask for Doctor Wang.

Not long after, Imperial Physician Wang followed Ting Lan into the inner hall.

At this moment, Yuan Xiuyue was already fully dressed, leaning on the imperial concubine's couch and waiting.

Seeing this, Imperial Physician Wang stepped forward and gently cupped his hands: "The old man sees the empress!"

"Imperial Physician Wang is the savior of this Palace, so there is no need to be so polite, it is better to excuse yourself!" Wei Wei raised her hand, signaling Ting Lan to bring a stool for Imperial Physician Wang, Yuan Xiuyue picked up the bird's nest porridge at hand, took a sip and said: " Can Imperial Physician Wang eat too early?"

"The old man is getting older, and there will be less time to fall asleep. Naturally, I have eaten breakfast at this time." Slightly raised his eyes, looked at the more leaks in the palace, Wang Taiyi looked back at Yuan Xiuyue and said with a light smile: " Does empress have a comfortable place?"


Nodding lightly, Yuan Xiuyue put down the bird's nest porridge, turned her head and looked at Imperial Physician Wang with a smile: "It's cloudy and rainy today, and my legs started to hurt early in the morning."

Hearing this, Imperial Physician Wang was startled slightly, and glanced at Yuan Xiuyue's still bandaged leg with lowered eyebrows, and he sighed softly without a trace of concealment: "Your Majesty's old injury, it hurts the bones and muscles, and if you say a little bit of ills, it will not be left behind." That's a lie, but in this cloudy and rainy day, anyone with an illness will respond to it. If the empress is in severe pain, she will take some pain-relieving pills to make her legs feel hot. Don't worry too much about it. Already!"

Understanding the meaning of Wang Taiyi's words, Yuan Xiuyue nodded lightly, then her eyes flashed, and she stared at him deeply: "Wang Taiyi, I know all this, and I have asked you to come over this trip, in fact, I just want to ask you something. thing!"

Slightly frowning, probably guessing what she was going to ask himself, Imperial Physician Wang smiled lightly and said, "Your Majesty wants to ask this old man, will your Majesty's legs return to their original state?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's brows moved slightly, and she immediately nodded with a chuckle: "Prince Wang is a sensible person, and he doesn't speak dark words in front of sensible people. I also ask Imperial Physician Wang to tell me the truth!"

At the beginning, Xuanyuantang said that her leg could be healed, so she believed it.

Because she always wanted her legs to be as good as ever!

But today, after so many things, she has a more and more bad premonition in her heart, that is, Xuanyuan Tang may not have told her the truth!

The reason why she said her leg could be cured was because she wanted to keep her in the palace!
And her leg, very likely, is really useless!
"The Empress!"

Looking up at Yuan Xiuyue, Imperial Physician Wang stretched out his hand to stroke his long beard, and said with a smile: "This leg is your mother's leg. Your mother knows the current situation best. If the old man tells your mother now that you and your leg can be cured, you Surely you won't believe it?"


Smiling and nodding, Yuan Xiuyue sighed softly, and stared down at her injured leg: "This leg, on Bengong's body, of course, Bengong knows best!"


The smile in his eyes became deeper and deeper, and Imperial Physician Wang continued: "If the empress can let the old man have a try, maybe there is still a [-]% certainty?"

"Fifty percent?"

Yuan Xiuyue was slightly taken aback, and looked up at Doctor Wang in surprise.

She thought her legs were hopeless.

But at this moment, did he tell her that there was a half chance?
"Doctor Wang!"

Raising her eyes lightly, the eyes flickered, she had too many uncertainties in her heart.

In her heart, she had already prepared the worst plan!

But she never thought that at this moment, Imperial Physician Wang would actually give her this glimmer of hope!
"Empress, you are in the midst of great honor and favor, and it is the time when you are lucky, why can't you give yourself some hope?!" Smiling at Yuan Xiuyue, Doctor Wang stood up, respectful to her and said: "The old man is now I am reading an ancient book, so I can help my mother heal her legs this morning, so I will take my leave first!"


Nodding her head lightly, Yuan Xiuyue ordered Ting Lan to send Imperial Physician Wang out without further words.

Yuan Xiuyue was in a good mood after Imperial Physician Wang left.

Even though it was cloudy and rainy outside the hall, and her legs ached faintly, there was always a slight smile on her face.

In the blink of an eye, a few more days passed.

The wound on Yuan Xiuyue's leg has been permanent, and it only itches in the middle of the night from time to time. She knows that it is growing new flesh, so she doesn't pay much attention to it.

On this day, it rained for many days and finally stopped.

When Huayang first rose, the soft sunlight fell on the sky and the earth, and above the imperial garden, a rainbow crossed the sky, making everyone in the palace stop and watch.

In the bedroom of Fengluan Palace.

After Yuan Xiuyue had breakfast, she quietly studied medical books as usual, waiting for Nangong Haoling to return early.

These days, in order to accompany her conveniently, Nangong Haoling moved all the books from the imperial study to Fengluan Palace at other times except for the morning court, and directly regarded this place as his residence!
And she, under his careful care, finally wiped away her pale face earlier, and her whole body gradually became mellow.

According to Nangong Haoling's words, this kind of her is more to his liking and more attractive!

At about three quarters of the hour, Nangong Haoling finally went to court.

As soon as she entered the hall, she saw Yuan Xiuyue lowering her eyes, concentrating on the book in her hand.

He hooked his thin lips lightly, then slowed down and came to behind her step by step, then suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged her from behind!


A blissful smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and the beloved behind Yuan Xiuyue hugged her tightly, and couldn't help laughing out: "You scared me!"

"I didn't see you jump up in fright, but you laughed happily!"

Kissing Yuan Xiuyue's ears and lips lightly, and resting her chin on her shoulder, Nangong Haoling raised her eyes to look at the medical book in her hand, frowned and asked, "What are you looking at, so fascinated, you never even came here?" Discover?"

"Doctor Wang gave me the medical book!"

Putting down the medical book with a chuckle, Yuan Xiuyue turned her head and looked up at him: "Can I eat too early?"

"That's not in a hurry!"

With twinkling eyes, Nangong Haoling couldn't help kissing her lips lightly. He stood up, reached for the cloak on the screen, put it on her shoulders, and then tied the soft belt carefully: "I'll take you to a place!"

"Where to go?"

Still looking up at her, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes were shining brightly, and her heart was full of curiosity.

"A good place, you will know it when you go there!"

Smiling slightly, Nangong Haoling bent over and picked her up, and then walked out of the dormitory amidst her screams.

After leaving the dormitory, he didn't hold him and walked out. Instead, he turned around and walked straight along the long corridor leading from the main hall to the backyard, all the way inward.

It didn't take long, and finally reached the end of the corridor. Nangong Haoling carried Yuan Xiuyue all the way down the corridor and walked to the lower courtyard behind.

After a while, he finally stopped in front of a courtyard.

Looking up, seeing Ji Heng waiting at the gate of the courtyard with a smile on her face, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly, then turned her head to look at Nangong Haoling who was slightly sweating: "Didn't the Emperor bring me here to surprise me? "

"You'll know it after you've seen it!"

Nangong Haoling nodded slightly to Ji Heng, and saw Ji Heng stepping forward, stretching out his hand to push the closed door of the courtyard to the big open with a creak!
Turning her head slightly, looking into the depths of the courtyard, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help her heart trembled when she saw the scenery in the courtyard, and tears filled her eyes after only a moment!
Worry-free tree! ! !
The branches are full of the worry-free tree with the worry-free flowers!
And the familiar buildings and houses.

He actually moved Jinlin Courtyard to Fengluan Palace!

Realizing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart suddenly jumped for joy, and her eyes were full of shock and surprise!
"Fool! Why are you crying? You should be happy, shouldn't you?"

Kissing the tears at the corners of her eyes with a light smile, Nangong Haoling lightly weighed her slightly heavier body before stepping forward: "Let's go in and have a look!"


Gently calling his footsteps, Yuan Xiuyue held his hand tightly around his neck, with a little force, raised his chin, and kissed his slightly curved lips as a reward.

Yuan Xiuyue's sudden action made Nangong Haoling stiffen!
But soon, his eyes softened, he turned his back on the guest, and sucked her lips deeply, deepening the kiss a little.

For a long time, Yuan Xiuyue was already panting, and finally left her reluctantly. Nangong Haoling was about to hold her and carry her in, but he heard a slightly lower voice from behind him: "Your Majesty, Anyang is here!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue was stunned for a moment, and then her expression changed slightly.

And Nangong Haoling hugged her arm, and couldn't help tightening it a bit...

(End of this chapter)

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