172 Chapter 1 What happened back then [-]

Feeling the slight tightening force on Nangong Haoling's arm, Yuan Xiuyue's heart couldn't help but feel a little chill.Raising her eyes slightly, she saw him looking at her peacefully, she lifted her lips lightly, her eyes darkened, and she smiled wryly: "Put me in the yard and go meet the people from Anyang!"

"What's your expression like?"

Frowning lightly, he kissed Yuan Xiuyue's slightly raised lips from a wry smile. Nangong Haoling still held her in his arms and walked in. As he walked in, he asked An Yun behind him without looking back: "Anyang?" The person who came here brought a letter? Just ask the person to leave the letter!"

Hearing this, An Yun was startled, and then said: "Your Majesty... the one who came this time is not from us, but... the great general of the Chu Kingdom!"

"Ruan Haoran?!"

Stepping forward, there was a sudden pause, Nangong Haoling turned to look at An Yun.Seeing An Yun slightly nod his head to him, his eyes lightened slightly, and after pondering for a moment, he said again: "Bring him here!"

"Subordinates obey!"

Respectfully, An Yun turned and left.

Looking up at Nangong Haoling, she saw that his brows were slightly frowned, as if he was also thinking about something, Yuan Xiuyue leaned against Nangong Haoling's arms, her mind was full of thoughts for a moment!

As far as she knew, according to Ruan Haoran, the General of Chu State, and Xuanyuan Yang, King Qi of Chu State, were the right and left hands of the Emperor Chu respectively!
Now that he came from Anyang, does it mean that Emperor Xuanyuanxu of Chu is also in Anyang now?
Thinking of a certain possibility, Yuan Xiuyue's slightly restrained eyes could not help but suddenly brighten up!
Suddenly, she felt that the silence around her was too much, she raised her head slightly, and saw that Nangong Haoling had already returned to her senses, and was looking at her with warm eyes. Worrying about the flowers, she couldn't help sighing: "This flower is so beautiful!"

"In my eyes, you are more beautiful than them!"

Without asking what Yuan Xiuyue was thinking just now, Nangong Haoling murmured in Yuan Xiuyue's ear without blushing, and sniffing the quiet medicinal fragrance emanating from her body, he slightly raised the corner of his lips and said, "In order to hide You really took great pains to get rid of the smell of lavender!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, but smiled wryly: "Does the emperor like the smell of me, or me?"

"Of course it's you!"

Raising her handsome eyebrows lightly, and giving Yuan Xiuyue the answer she wanted, Nangong Haoling hugged her all the way in until she entered the front hall.

As soon as she entered the front hall, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help covering her lips with her hands and looking surprised when she saw the familiar and no longer familiar furnishings in the hall!

Just as she thought, Nangong Haoling indeed moved the entire Jinlin Courtyard into the imperial palace. I don’t know if it’s the worry-free tree in the courtyard, but even the tables and chairs in the front hall are the same as before she entered the palace. They look almost identical!
All mahogany furniture, classic and simple furniture, and the emerald green vase that Yin Tinglan accidentally knocked off a corner... Eyes trembling slightly, she had a panoramic view of all these. A layer of mist floated faintly in his clear pupils.

"It's touching, isn't it? Sit here!"

Leaning over to place Yuan Xiuyue on the concubine's couch that was placed alone in front of the bed, Nangong Haoling's thin lips hooked lightly, and he raised his finger to point at the beautiful worry-free flowers blooming outside the window: "I heard people say that you often sit on the worry-free flowers You can forget about the troubles and sorrows in the world, let Ting Lan move all your things here, and I will stay here with you for a long time, and live a happy and carefree life under the worry-free flowers!"

In his heart, he had already started to throb deeply because of this surprise he gave.

Yuan Xiuyue slightly raised her eyes, and looked in the direction he pointed.

What came into her eyes was the clusters of worry-free flowers the size of fingernails. She stared sideways at Nangong Haoling in front of her, and whispered his name with flickering eyes: "Ling..."


Frowning slightly, Nangong Haoling turned to look at her. Because he was too close to her, when he turned his head, Yuan Xiuyue's warm red lips just brushed against his cheek... His heart tightened suddenly, and he looked up at her. She was full of moving eyes, he couldn't help biting her lips lightly, and said coldly: "I'm giving you this surprise just to make you show off, it's good for you, I was crying just now, and now I am like this again... If you dare to cry again, I will have people cut down all the trees outside immediately!"


Reluctantly groaned, thinking of how thoughtful and doting he has been to her in every detail these days, Yuan Xiuyue's heart warmed up in response to his gentle breath, and she pouted for a while, actually a little eager to try and kiss him. lip.

However, just as her lips were about to touch Nangong Haoling's thin lips, An Yun's voice sounded outside the door again: "Your Majesty, General Ruan has arrived!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling froze!
On the other hand, Yuan Xiuyue pouted and said: "The emperor has a lot of affairs to deal with every day, and there are state affairs to be taken care of every day. How can we live a carefree and happy life with the ministers and concubines under the worry-free flowers?"

After she said this, Nangong Haoling frowned slightly.

But only for a moment, he met Yuan Xiuyue's lips, kissing and entangled with her greedily.


Unable to groan softly, Yuan Xiuyue exerted a slight force on the hand on his chest, and her whole body leaned back.

A deep smile slowly escaped from the corner of his lips, Nangong Haoling curled his lips slightly, and left Yuan Xiuyue's lips in a funny way, with a deep and evil smile: "The person who wants to be is you, and the person who pushed me at this moment is also you... ..."

Her face was flushed, she glanced sideways from the window, and there was a dark cloud outside the door, and saw that beside him was waiting for a handsome man who was dressed in ordinary clothes, but still looked imposing, she reproached and pushed Nangong again. Hao Ling: "General Ruan is still waiting outside!"

Seeing her blushing with shame, Nangong Haoling couldn't help but smiled again.

No longer teasing her, he turned around and told An Yun outside the door: "Tell General Ruan to come in!"


After An Yun's light reply, Ruan Haoran, who had been standing beside him, lightly brushed his navy blue robe, and stepped into the front hall.

As soon as he entered the front hall, Ruan Haoran raised his eyes upwards and saw that there was no shadow of Nangong Haoling on the main seat of the hall. He frowned, then turned his eyes slightly, and looked towards the window. The four eyes met, the corners of his lips curled slightly in a slight respect, and his hands lightly arched: "Ruan Haoran sees Emperor Li!"

"General Ruan is free!"

The smile on his face was faint and gentle, Nangong Haoling twitched his eyebrows and said, "Actually, I'm more used to you calling me Lord Hou!" In the past in Chu State, he had a good personal relationship with Ruan Haoran, so , Seeing him at this moment, he has an easy-going attitude, and he has not put on the majesty and posture of a monarch of a country!
Hearing Nangong Haoling's words, Ruan Haoran smiled gently, and said helplessly: "The former Marquis is now the emperor of the Li Kingdom, and now Haoran is in the Li Palace, the rules that should be observed, of course, must be followed! "

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling didn't force him, anyway, the word "Hou Ye" is not an honorable title for him!

Thinking of the past, he couldn't help sighing in his heart. He turned around and walked to the side cabinet, opened the cabinet door and took a brocade quilt from inside. He returned to Yuan Xiuyue's side and gently placed the brocade quilt on her lap.

Because of his gentle actions, Ruan Haoran couldn't help clicking his tongue secretly!
Only then did he notice that there was a woman with fair appearance but not too outstanding on the imperial concubine's bed in front of the window.

You know, when Nangong Haoling was in Chu State in the past, although he boasted that he was romantic, he was just the kind of person who lingered among the flowers without touching his body.

In the world, he has only seen one woman who he can treat so tenderly!
That person is, their Queen of Chu—Zhuge Zhenzhen!
But at this moment, he was so gentle to this unattractive woman in front of him!
Is it...

Meeting Ruan Haoran's eyes, knowing what was surprised in his heart, Nangong Haoling smiled Wenwen, and lightly embraced Yuan Xiuyue's shoulder: "This... is my queen!"

Hearing this, Ruan Haoran was shocked!
Yuan Xiuyue, on the other hand, smiled lightly, with a gentle smile: "Didn't General Ruan say that in this palace, the rules that should be observed are still to be followed? Why are you not polite when you see me at this moment?"

Hearing this, Ruan Haoran couldn't help frowning slightly.

Looking deeply at Yuan Xiuyue for a few times, the shock on his face faded away, replaced by a meaningful smile. With a slight smile, she Yuan Xiuyue saluted respectfully: "Ruan Haoran sees the departed empress, the empress is blessed and safe!"

"General Ruan is free!"

With a faint smile, she slightly raised her hand to Ruan Haoran, and Yuan Xiuyue turned to look at Nangong Haoling.

The family, who trekked here from Anyang, did not come to see her.

Seeing her looking at him, Nangong Haoling smiled lightly again, then turned around and asked Ruan Haoran: "Tell me, what are you doing all the way to my country instead of serving Axu?"

After hearing this, Ruan Haoran couldn't help smiling again.

Taking out a letter from his pocket, he slightly presented it: "Hao Ran's trip is at the emperor's order to deliver a letter to Emperor Li!"

Seeing this, Ji Heng hurried forward.

After receiving the letter from Ruan Haoran, he stepped forward and handed the letter to Nangong Haoling.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he lowered his eyes to look at the letter presented by Ji Heng. Nangong Haoling raised his hand to take it, but handed it to Yuan Xiuyue instead, and then raised his head and asked Ruan Haoran: "Just now, I heard from An Yun that you should Are you from Anyang? Axu...he went to see Xi'er?"


Looking down at Yuan Xiuyue who was reading the letter, Ruan Haoran nodded and said: "The emperor and the queen have met each other. When Haoran left, Sheng Jia was going to the Queen Mother's Temple, and now it's time to return to the palace!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's eyes flickered slightly, but the string in his heart that had been tense all the year round broke with a snap.

After suffocating for a moment, his eyes dimmed and he sighed softly: "Have you gone back? Just go back!"

(End of this chapter)

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