173 Chapter 2 What happened back then [-]
Hearing the helplessness in his words, but more like the sadness of relief, Yuan Xiuyue, who was reading the letter seriously, couldn't help frowning slightly, and even the hand holding the letter trembled slightly!


Slightly raising his eyes to speak, and staring at his dark eyes, Yuan Xiuyue's heart suffocated secretly.

"I'm fine!"

Lifting her hand lightly to remove the wrinkles between Yuan Xiuyue's eyebrows, Nangong Haoling lowered her eyes to glance at the letter in her hand: "That fellow Axu, what did you say?"


Looking down again, looking at the contents of the letter, Yuan Xiuyue frowned and replied: "Emperor Chu said that Xi'er is fine, and now he has returned to the palace with him, so that the emperor does not have to go to Anyang this year, and don't read anymore!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's eyes froze!
"This kid, are you afraid that I will steal his?" Nangong Haoling muttered in displeasure, turning his eyes again to Ruan Haoran who was on the side: "Go back and tell Axu that I already have my own queen now." , I don’t plan to go to Anyang again this year, let him put his heart in his stomach!”

Hearing his words, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes sparkled!
It turned out that he didn't intend to continue going to Anyang this year!

Hearing Nangong Haoling's words, Ruan Haoran's lips curled up, and he nodded with a bit of irony: "Hao Ran has written down what Emperor Li said, and he will definitely tell the emperor about it when he turns back!"

"So much the better!"

Nodding slightly with a smile, Nangong Haoling sighed lightly, and then finally asked the question that had been circling in his mind for a long time: "Axu took her back to the palace on this trip, but is everything going well?"

"Except for an extra trip to Nanling on the way, everything else is going well!" Responding to Nangong Haoling's question, Ruan Haoran frowned slightly, and said softly: "When the emperor sent me on this trip, the queen empress ordered me to go with you. You bring a word!"

Hearing Ruan Haoran say that Zhuge Zhenzhen had something to say to him, Nangong Haoling's heart skipped a beat!
Feeling the trembling of his body, Yuan Xiuyue pursed her lips and raised her hand to caress the big hand on her shoulder.

Slightly drooping eyes, facing Yuan Xiuyue's eyes, Nangong Haoling slightly hooked his lips, held the hand on her shoulder, exerted a little force, and after a moment of silence, he asked leisurely: "Since she asked you to speak, you Just say it!"

"The empress said..."

His eyes lightly swept over the hands that were clasped by the two on Yuan Xiuyue's shoulders. Ruan Haoran cast a deep glance at Nangong Haoling with slightly warm eyes, and said: "The years have been turbulent, and she has never forgotten. The Marquis has always been to her. The warmest person, so...she doesn't hate you now!"

Hearing what Ruan Haoran said, Yuan Xiuyue's heart skipped a beat this time!

She didn't understand, since Nangong Haoling was the person who cherished the warmest with Zhuge, why did she hate him? !
Thinking so in her heart, she raised her eyes slightly, but saw Nangong Haoling's warm eyes with a wry smile escaping from the corner of her lips!

Looking at the smile on the corner of Nangong Haoling's mouth, Yuan Xiuyue's heart suddenly felt a little painful, she opened her lips slightly, but she didn't know what to say for a while, so she could only sigh vaguely, and in front of Ruan Haoran, stretched out her arms to wrap his arms around him waist.

"I thought she would hate me for the rest of my life..." Taking a deep breath, Nangong Haoling sighed and raised his chin slightly. For a moment, the haze in his eyes seemed to dissipate. Turning around slightly, he turned his eyes again Landing on Ruan Haoran, he smiled lightly and said, "A few days ago, King Yue just set off from Li Palace and went to Chu State to discuss the Three Kingdoms Summit with Axu. If there is no accident, three months later, I will definitely meet Set off for Nanling... At that time, I want Axu and Xi'er to meet my queen!"

Hearing this, Ruan Haoran lowered his head in a low voice: "Haoran has written down the words of Emperor Li, and he must bring them with him!"

Raising his eyes again, taking a deep look at Yuan Xiuyue, Ruan Haoran cupped his hands and said, "If Emperor Li has no other orders, Haoran will be on his way back."

Yuan Xiuyue's expression changed when she heard the words: "General Ruan just arrived today, why did he leave in such a hurry?"

Ruan Haoran sneered slightly, and blinked at Yuan Xiuyue, "Didn't you just say that Emperor Li just now? The King of Yue had already left for the Kingdom of Chu earlier, if I return now, maybe I can give him another big gift!"

Seeing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help being angry: "Ruan Haoran, give me a try by blinking again!"

Hearing this, Ruan Haoran's eyebrows twitched, and then he smiled foolishly!
Seeing him laughing, Nangong Haoling couldn't help laughing too!

In the ears, hearing the unruly laughter of the two, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help thinking!
Thinking of Dugu Chen being chased and killed before entering Li Palace, the corners of her lips twitched lightly, and she couldn't help muttering: "Maybe General Ruan wants to assassinate King Yue..."

"My empress, the Buddha said, don't say anything!"

Bowing his head again, Ruan Haoran bowed slightly to Nangong Haoling and Yuan Xiuyue: "Ruan Haoran resigns!"

"Safe travels!"

Nodding his head lightly, Nangong Haoling lightly instructed Ji Heng to send Ruan Haoran out.

After Ruan Haoran left, only Nangong Haoling and Yuan Xiuyue were left in the front hall.

With both hands still around Nangong Haoling's waist, Yuan Xiuyue leaned on his chest and sighed softly: "King Yue's trip from Nanyue to Liguo, and from Liguo to Nanyue, is really full of disasters!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling frowned slightly.

Pushing her away from his chest a little, he frowned and lowered his head, asking her with a calm expression: "What? Are you distressed?"


A hint of amusement flickered in the bottom of her eyes, and Yuan Xiuyue snuggled into his warm embrace again: "He caused me to suffer from poisoning, I can't wait to cram his tendons and tear his bones!"

After he forced her because of Nangong Xiaoran in Yexi Palace, she has already understood a truth, that is, the man in front of her is a man with the world in mind, but he is very narrow-minded and jealous when it comes to her problems. So, as smart as she is, how could she not know that if she speaks for Duguchen at this moment, if she can't keep the dark cloud tonight, she will bring the assassin on the road again.

Therefore, for the good of Duguchen.

She still had to hate him!

Looking at Yuan Xiuyue with lowered eyebrows for a moment, Nangong Haoling raised his eyes and stopped his gaze on the worry-free flowers in the courtyard. He sighed softly and said quietly, "Why does Xi'er hate me if you don't ask me? "

Lifting her eyelids slightly, looking at his somewhat lonely side face, Yuan Xiuyue imitated his tone and sighed softly: "There are some things, if you want me to know, even if I don't ask, you will still say..."

"Can't you be a fool again?" Nangong Haoling felt a little helpless as he frowned slightly and looked at her with a slight smile on his lips.


Facing his smiling handsome face, Yuan Xiuyue was slightly startled, blinked lightly, and then closed her eyes, she acted indifferently: "Okay, now I'm a fool, fool, fool."

Seeing her like this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help laughing!
Hearing his laughter, Yuan Xiuyue's lips couldn't help but bend.

Rubbing her bare forehead lightly with his chin, he raised his eyes again to look at the beautiful scenery in the courtyard, but his tone was very low: "In this palace, it is about imperial power and honor, and there are always such and such battles that make people unable to hide." You can hide, you can't escape!"

Hearing his words, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but froze slightly.

But even so, she only frowned slightly, waiting for Nangong Haoling to continue.

Sure enough, after a moment of stagnation, he spoke again: "Xi'er was Axu's savior at the beginning, but because of saving him, she ended up with a miserable end where her whole family was executed. Back then, after she and Axu were separated At that time, I was the one who saved her, and at that time, I, who had never been tempted by any woman, fell in love with her the first time I saw her!"

"Love at first sight?"

In the end, she couldn't help opening her mouth lightly, but she never opened her eyes from the beginning to the end. Yuan Xiuyue's mind appeared in Yuan Xiuyue's mind, Zhuge Zhen's face that is so overwhelming, she couldn't help saying softly: "She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. , the emperor fell in love with her back then, so naturally it was reasonable!"


Sighing lightly, without hiding anything from Yuan Xiuyue, Nangong Haoling continued: "As long as she wants something, I will do it for her unconditionally and fight for her, even if she wants to find another man , I wanted to enter the palace, and I helped her do it."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, and sighed softly: "The emperor has so much affection for her!"

Slender and delicate fingers lightly brushed Yuan Xiuyue's beautiful nose, Nangong Haoling smiled wryly and said: "I don't want to hide the past with her from you, so at this moment you say so, I can only nod my head, because I did it back then. I really have deep affection for her, even if she became A Xu's concubine, became his queen, and gave birth to a child for him, I still can't let her go in my heart!"

Hearing his words, Yuan Xiuyue smiled slightly, but remained silent!

Because, even last year, he still couldn't let go of Zhuge's cherishment.

If you let it go, you won't have the last trip to Anyang.

"Yue'er... I can't let her go, not all because of love, but more importantly, because of the guilt in my heart!" After a moment of silence, seeing her but smiling, Nangong Haoling's mouth curved slightly, but his eyes were dark. He asked in a dark and soft voice: "Do you know...the reason why her whole family was destroyed in the past was because I had a word with Princess Chu!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyelids moved lightly, and finally raised her eyes to look at Nangong Haoling.

With just this one glance, seeing the pain in his dark eyes, her heart skipped a beat!
Facing her eyes, Nangong Haoling smiled softly, but the smile was extremely bitter: "Back then, Princess Chu also married to Anyang, and the Empress Dowager Chu only said that her son-in-law was looking for flowers and willows, which was disrespectful to the royal family. So he instructed me to go to Anyang to resolve this matter for the eldest princess. I only regarded this matter as a family matter of the princess mansion... At that time, the eldest princess asked me, if a man is so infatuated with a woman that he can give up all his glory and wealth, how should she act? , to make that man turn back?"

(End of this chapter)

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