174 Chapter 3 What happened back then [-]
Her eyes flickered uncontrollably, Yuan Xiuyue and Nangong Haoling's gazes were entangled, and her heart tightened tightly, she still asked, "How did the emperor answer her?"

"I said... In this world, only the dead will not argue with you. If I were you, I would silence my mouth first, and then turn my threats into ashes!" Having said all that, Nangong Haoling felt relieved for a long time. With a sassy smile, he took a deep breath, raised his eyebrows, and sighed again: "I am half an executioner for the death of Xi'er's family!"


Under the heart, because of the smile on the corner of his mouth, there were bursts of pain, Yuan Xiuyue's red lips twitched slightly, and she stretched out her hand to hold Nangong Haoling's face, so that his eyes could meet her own, Yuan Xiuyue frowned and said: "The You may be young and vigorous, but you are just an unintentional mistake in the Zhuge family. I think Xi'er should know that you didn't really intend to kill her whole family. Now that a few years have passed, she also said that she no longer hates you, If you don't hate, you have already let go, since she has let go, you should let go too!"

"Actually, I've already let go..."

The corners of the slightly curved lips rose again, Nangong Haoling slightly loosened the hand holding her shoulders, hugged her on his lap, and kissed her lips lightly: "And the person who asked me to let her go It's you—Yuan Xiuyue!"


Pupils opened slightly, Yuan Xiuyue pointed at herself in a dazed and slightly surprised way.

"It's you!"

He nodded his head very firmly, and let her lean on his shoulder. Nangong Haoling frowned affectionately, and sighed leisurely: "I used to think that the love in my heart was always Xi'er, even if I knew With you, I still feel that I can’t let go of her. Therefore, I asked you to give me time that night in front of the lavender field, but you ran away the next day... Do you know that since you were injured last year Running away from me, what kind of life did I live? Only then did I suddenly realize that my self-righteous love for Xi'er turned into a responsibility at some point, and my My heart also disappeared with your departure!"

Hearing his affectionate words, Yuan Xiuyue's heart skipped a beat, and she just stared at him blankly, unable to say a word.

He has cherished Zhuge's feelings for more than ten years, and she never expected that he could let go of Zhuge's cherishment so quickly.

He never thought that he would open his heart to her now, and tell her all about the past that he and Zhuge cherished!
But now, he really told her that he really let go of that beautiful and indescribable woman, and he let go because of her... Does this mean that from now on, he will be only her alone? of? !

Thinking of this, the corners of her lips moved slightly, and finally raised high.

"Knowing that I have you in my heart, are you so happy?" In her daze, Nangong Haoling leaned closer to her lips and murmured: "You thief!"


The smile on his face was sweet to the heart, Yuan Xiuyue sat up from his arms, and said angrily: "Speak clearly, who stole whose heart? It's only been a short year since you lost your heart, but I I have been looking for you for several years!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling looked slightly stunned, but soon the corners of his eyes raised slightly, and he smiled again: "I know!"

"you know?"

Crescent eyebrows slightly twisted, Yuan Xiuyue's body moved slightly, staring straight at the man she loved in front of her.

"After you left last year, the emperor's sister-in-law told me!"

There were waves in his eyes, and he stretched out his hand to caress Yuan Xiuyue's slender waist. Nangong Haoling didn't allow her to move any more, and hummed softly with a little unsteady breath: "Since Anyang came back, you have always said that you are my savior, but now you see Come on, counting the time when I rescued you from the water, I have already rescued you twice, Yuan Xiuyue...you have to remember, now I don't owe you anything, but you owe me my life!"

"I knew you would speak like that!"

Possessing her small mouth, Yuan Xiuyue thumped his rising and falling chest coquettishly, twisting her body resolutely like a little girl.

"Stop twisting!"

Day and night change, time goes by day by day!

In the twinkling of an eye, more than one month passed in a blink of an eye, spring went to summer, and the weather in Liguo also became hotter.

After a month of careful recuperation, Yuan Xiuyue's leg injury has long since healed. With the presence of two genius doctors, Xuanyuan Tang and Imperial Physician Wang, the poison on her body has gradually faded away, and her legs and feet are gradually getting better than before.

Although, it is not as good as before the injury, but as long as it is not rainy, she can walk normally like a normal person.

And this, for Yuan Xiuyue, was already a very good result.

On this day, the clouds were light and the wind was light, and the weather was excellent.

After breakfast, Yuan Xiuyue asked Ting Lan to set up a table in the yard. She planned to make a pot of tea under the worry-free tree, and drink it after Nangong Haoling got off the morning, but she didn't expect that just as the teapot was sitting on the small stove, Qianqian would leave Come in through the gate.


Slightly blessed, Qianqian bowed her head in front of Yuan Xiuyue and said softly: "Ms. Yan Concubine is asking to see you in the front hall!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's hand that was holding the teapot couldn't help but froze!
Turning her eyes slightly, she glanced sideways at Qianqian, lifted the teapot off the small stove, and asked softly: "Concubine Yan, what can you say about asking to see me?"

Concubine Yan has never been to Fengluan Palace since she had a crush on Liu Meiren last time, but she wondered why she came here today? !

"The maidservant asked, but Concubine Yan didn't say anything, she only said that she would talk about it after seeing her!" Looking up at Yuan Xiuyue, Qianqian frowned and said, "Does your ladyship want to see her? If not, this servant will send her away! "

"Need not!"

After a little thought, Yuan Xiuyue filled up the tea cup in front of her, and Yuan Xiuyue took a sip and said, "Let her in!"

Concubine Yan was always deep and tactful.

If not, she would not have been prosperous in the palace forever!

Since what happened last time, she has something to say, so naturally she and Liu Meiren have never been to Fengluan Palace again. Now that she is here, she should go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing!
After a while, Qianqian led Concubine Yan to the gate of Jinlin Courtyard.

Today's Concubine Yan, dressed in snow-colored brocade spinning, set off her graceful figure. She stopped in Qina of Jinlin Courtyard, and she looked inward... When she looked at the golden worry-free flowers in the courtyard, , she couldn't help sighing in her heart!
Others may not know the meaning of Wuyou's two times to Nangong Haoling, but she... has always known it.

In addition, she has always known that the woman he loves is actually Zhuge Zhenzhen, the Queen of Chu!
But now, for Yuan Xiuyue, he moved to a yard, and planted this worry-free flower in the yard. From this, it is not difficult to see how much he values ​​Yuan Xiuyue!
It's important to see that he has done many things for her that he has never done for women before!

And this honor, even when she was the most favored, she never got it!

Taking a deep breath and gathering her mind, she finally stepped forward slowly, entered the Jinlin courtyard, stepped forward step by step, stopped under the worry-free tree, and cast a deep glance at Yuan Xiuyue who was drinking tea with a smile on her face. Hua Wei hangs down, respectfully blessing her body: "The concubine sees the empress empress, and the empress is blessed!"

"Sister Yan Concubine is here?"

With a faint smile on her lips, Yuan Xiuyue looked at Yan Ruxue, who was as beautiful as jade, and Yuan Xiuyue waved to Concubine Yan: "I heard from Qianqian that my sister has something to ask to see me?"


Nodding her head lightly, Concubine Yan Pingting stepped forward, but she did not follow Yuan Xiuyue's wishes and sat across the table with her, but Shi Shiran knelt down.

Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes darkened slightly.

Her eyes flickered slightly, and she put the teacup in her hand on the table, she frowned and asked, "Which song is Sister Yan Concubine singing?"

"The Queen Mother..."

The eyelids were always lowered, and she never raised her eyes to look at Yuan Xiuyue. Concubine Yan's red lips parted lightly: "The Three Kingdoms Summit will be held in Nanling in more than a month. Now counting the days, the emperor and empress should leave for the meeting in a short time. Now, the concubines know that they don't have the Sacred Heart, so naturally they won't have the luck to accompany you, but I only ask the empress to allow the concubines to accompany you this time!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly!

Her eyes were faint, and the corners of her lips curled slightly: "Sister Yan Concubine wants to go to Nanling?"


Gently nodding her head, Concubine Yan said in a choked tone: "The empress doesn't know something. Although my concubine's natal family is in Lidu, my concubine has lived with my grandmother in Nanling since childhood. Now, in a blink of an eye, in the snap of a few years, Chenqie's grandmother has been paralyzed in bed for several years, and has never come to Beijing to see her, now this opportunity, Chenqie asks the empress to allow Chenqie to accompany her this time!"

"So this is ah!"

Her eyes flickered, but she sighed softly. Yuan Xiuyue winked at the shadow beside her, and then said lightly: "Little sister, get up first, I will mention it to the emperor at this time!"

Hearing this, Concubine Yan looked overjoyed!
With Ting Lan helping herself to get up, she smiled and blessed Yuan Xiuyue again: "My concubine, thank you empress!"

"All right!"

Picking up the teacup again and taking a sip, Yuan Xiuyue lightly said: "If my sister has nothing else to do, I should go back earlier to prepare, and maybe I will leave in a few days!"


Nodding her head again, Concubine Yan got her wish, and finally withdrew from Jinlin Courtyard.

Seeing Concubine Yan leave, Ting Lan couldn't help frowning, she stepped forward and asked Yuan Xiuyue: "This Concubine Yan has a deep mind, and she doesn't know the truth of what she said, why did the empress agree to her so rashly?"

"Do you think I am rash?"

Looking up at Ting Lan, Yuan Xiuyue sighed and said: "I have been in the palace for many years, and I have never seen her kneel down to anyone, but when she entered the door just now, she knelt down towards me, so I don't want to let you go." It's hard to see that it's imperative for her to go to Nanling. Even if I don't want her right now, she will go to the queen mother or the emperor. Instead of rejecting her now, let the emperor and queen mother speak up. It's better to agree to her now, and save her from bothering the emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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