175 Chapter 4 What happened back then [-]

Looking at Yuan Xiuyue with a smile, Ting Lan let out a long sigh, and then nodded lightly: "So in the final analysis, the empress is afraid that she will go to the emperor!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, and her face suddenly sank: "Damn girl, she's getting smaller and smaller, you dare to make fun of me, you should slap her!"

"The servant knows his mistake, the servant knows his mistake!"

Pleading guilty one after another in her mouth, Ting Lan's mouth was slightly raised, but she couldn't stop laughing.

"soy Mujer!"

Couldn't help scolding Ting Lan softly, Yuan Xiuyue turned her head slightly, and looked at the entrance of Jinlin Courtyard where Concubine Yan had long since disappeared.

In her heart, she always knew that Concubine Yan was deeply scheming.

But I really can't see through, what is she thinking in her heart?
It is night, the summer night is quiet, the moon and stars are sparse.

After dinner, Nangong Haoling temporarily left Fengluan Palace due to temporary political affairs, and went to the imperial study to discuss with the virtuous king. Not long after she left, Yu Xiuzhi arrived at Fengluan Palace. The main hall of Fengluan Palace goes all the way inward, and all the money enters Jinlinyuan.

In Jinlin courtyard.

Yuan Xiuyue sat by the window, raised her head slightly, and looked at the vast night sky.

Raising her eyes slightly, seeing Yuan Xiuyue sitting in front of the window, looking at the night sky, Yu Xiuzhi couldn't help pursing her lips lightly, and stepped forward to salute: "I have met the empress in person, my mother is blessed and safe!"

"My sister is here!"

With a smile on her lips, she raised her hand to Yu Xiuzhi through the window, Yuan Xiuyue got up from the imperial concubine's bed and beckoned her in.

Pianran entered the front hall, blessed Yuan Xiuyue again, and Yu Xiuzhi walked slowly in front of her.

"sit down!"

Let Yu Xiuzhi take a seat, and ordered Ting Lan to serve tea. Yuan Xiuyue sat in the hall with her on the left and right, raised her hand slightly, and took the new tea from Ting Lan. Fengluan Palace?"

"The Empress!"

Raising her hand to take the tea from Ting Lan, Yu Xiuzhi frowned tightly: "Brother Xiao Ran, is there still no news?"

It had already been expected that Yu Xiuzhi's trip must be for the sake of Nangong Xiaoran, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes darkened, and then she shook her head lightly.

More than a month passed by, and Nangong Haoling sent people to the Northern Territory to look for Nangong Xiaoran, and they went there one after another, but up to now, Nangong Xiaoran is like a stone sinking into the ocean, without any more news!
Looking up slightly, seeing Yu Xiuzhi's glamorous little face full of worry, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly: "I asked the emperor earlier today, and the emperor only said that there are many snow peaks in the northern region, and the snow peaks in the Tianshan Mountains. Silkworms are mostly born in dangerous places, he may have gone up the mountain, even if the people of the shadows go, they will have to look for it for a while."

Although she didn't say anything, she was no less worried about Nangong Xiaoran than Yu Xiuzhi.

However, going to the Northern Territory is a long way, and the vast snow-capped mountains, as long as he goes up to the snow-capped peak, even if the shadows go to find it, it will always take some troubles. information!
After hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words, Yu Xiuzhi's black eyebrows, which were already tightly knit, couldn't help but knit even deeper: "Does the empress believe what the emperor says?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart shuddered!
With a slight turn of her thoughts, her eyes changed slightly, and she frowned at Yu Xiuzhi: "What do you mean by sister?"

Although Yu Xiuzhi is superficially favored and arrogant, in reality she is intelligent and smart. Now that she is asking this question, she must have a reason!
Sure enough, when Yuan Xiuyue's question came out, Yu Xiuzhi got up from her seat, and knelt down in front of Yuan Xiuyue with a plop, mist filled her charming eyes in an instant: "Mother...Brother Xiao Ran, I'm afraid he won't be able to come back !"


Her heart trembled suddenly, Yuan Xiuyue blurted out the scolding voice, and her complexion suddenly sank, she was about to reach out to help Yu Xiuzhi up, but she heard her tremblingly crying: "Your Majesty doesn't know, today I am honored by the Empress Dowager." , Going back to her natal family to visit relatives, I accidentally heard my father and brother tell a few ministers who were having tea at home that Brother Xiao Ran is the prince who the An clan wants to support. Big trouble!"

By the way, at the end, Yu Xiuzhi was already sobbing!
But hearing her words, Yuan Xiuyue felt a chill in her heart, and she just sat there in a daze, unable to recover for a long time!
Wasn't the shadow that Nangong Haoling sent to the Northern Territory to find Nangong Xiaoran, but to kill him?

But he, he went to the Northern Territory to save her? !
Do not!
She doesn't believe it!

Even for her sake, Nangong Haoling would definitely not attack Nangong Xiaoran!
"Empress Empress..." Biting her lips tightly, Yu Xiuzhi tugged on Yuan Xiuyue's sleeves with tears in her eyes, and tears were stained on her beautiful face: "Brother Xiao Ran is going to the Northern Territory with all his heart to save the empress. From the Northern Territory, the empress must find a way to save him, she must not let him die, she must not..."

"Ting Lan!"

Still staring blankly, Yuan Xiuyue never lowered her eyes to look at Yu Xiuzhi's teary face, but called Ting Lan in a daze: "Pick up Meiren Yu and send her back to her residence!"


Her complexion was not good either, so Ting Lan hurriedly responded, trying to lift Yu Xiuzhi up, but her strength was limited, and Yu Xiuzhi cried to the point of pain, no matter how hard she tried, she was still unable to lift her up.

Reluctantly, she frowned, raised her eyes to look at Yuan Xiuyue: "Young lady, look!"

Finally, she lowered her eyebrows, looked at Yu Xiuzhi with pear blossoms and rain, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly and said, "The emperor will arrive later, if you still want me to save him, get up obediently and go back to you! "

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard Ji Heng's voice singing from outside the courtyard: "The emperor is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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