Chapter 176 Trust Him! 1
Ji Heng's sound of the emperor's arrival made Yu Xiuzhi's heart tremble!
On the other hand, Yuan Xiuyue looked down at Yu Xiuzhi's reddish eyes, frowned slightly, and told Ting Lan, "Take Mei Yu from the back!"


Gently nodding, Ting Lan hurriedly supported Yu Xiuzhi's slender arm, "Mei Yu, hurry up, you are the emperor's concubine, but you are crying here for His Royal Highness Ning Wang, if the emperor comes in and sees you like this, he must Will fly into a rage!"


Facing Yuan Xiuyue's slightly deep eyes, Yu Xiuzhi bit her lips tightly, but she still stood up and walked in with Ting Lan.However, she had just walked a few steps before she turned her head again and said to Yuan Xiuyue with a weeping face: "My empress, I know that you are the emperor's queen, so your heart is naturally toward the emperor, but brother Xiao Ran is leaving here." The Northern Territory is extremely dangerous, all to save your life, Empress Empress. I don't know how Empress Empress wants to save him, but today in the prime minister's mansion, I heard from those people that the shadows sent by the emperor to the Northern Territory have all died. There were 13 people..."

Because of Yu Xiuzhi's words, Yuan Xiuyue's heart suddenly jumped!
Thinking that Nangong Xiaoran might face thirteen well-trained shadows alone, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help feeling a chill in her heart!
Frowning tightly between her brows, she turned her gaze to one side, and happened to see Nangong Haoling had entered the yard from the window. Under the light of the cage, he was wearing a bright yellow uniform, which gradually turned red and yellow. Yuan Xiuyue only spoke in a low voice. Squeeze out a word: "Let's go!"

Seeing her like this, Yuan Xiuzhi didn't say much anymore, but pursed her lips tightly, her pretty face sank, and she followed Ting Lan out of the front hall and walked towards the back door.

On this side, just as Yu Xiuzhi left, Nangong Haoling had already arrived at the door in the front yard.

Raising her eyes slightly to meet his smiling pupils, Yuan Xiuyue calmed down slightly, got up from her seat, and said with a slight blessing, "See Your Majesty!"

She didn't know if what Yu Xiuzhi said was true or not!

But she knew that Nangong Xiaoran went to the Northern Territory to save her. If he was in trouble, she would save him at all costs, but... even so, Yu Xiuzhi was right, her heart, It is towards the emperor!
Therefore, at this moment, before she finds out the truth of the matter, she will never doubt her man!

There was a smile on his face, looking at Yuan Xiuyue who was facing her blessed body, the smile on Nangong Haoling's lips couldn't help but deepen a little.

I saw him stepping forward a few steps, holding Yuan Xiuyue's hands, and helped her up with a little force, and looked down at her with a chuckle, seeing that her eyelids were always drooping, he couldn't help but slightly frowned, bent his lips and asked Said: "Why do you think of saluting with me today?"

Just like him, with the corners of her lips slightly bent, Yuan Xiuyue raised her hand to hold his arm, "I'm afraid I'm not used to the rules, and I'll do the same when I'm in front of my mother. If that's the case, I don't know how she can say I'm not!"

"It's okay! As long as you give birth to a prince for me earlier, it's too late for the empress to hurt you!"

Holding her hand on his arm, she actually felt that her hand was a little cold in the summer night, Nangong Haoling's eyes changed slightly, and he raised his hand to touch her forehead.

"What is the emperor doing?"

Smiling lightly and raising her head, avoiding his protruding hand, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes to look at him.

Gently stroking her hand, Nangong Haoling lowered his head slightly and stared at her: "Are you uncomfortable? It's summer, and your hand is so cold?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart moved slightly.

Now, he treats her like holding her in his hand for fear of falling, holding her in his mouth for fear of melting, he is always so considerate, even if it's just this little change, he can always detect it!

Sighing secretly in her heart, facing his concerned eyes, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, and she shook her head with a light smile: "I just thought it was too hot, so I ordered Lin Sheng to bring some ice. Touched twice more!"


Staring at her chuckle, Nangong Haoling's eyes flickered slightly, and his slightly frowning brows couldn't help but frown even tighter.

Gently pinching her face, he sighed softly, took her hand, turned around and walked towards the bedroom: "Go, I'll warm you up!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she froze on the spot for a moment and did not move forward.

Seeing this, Nangong Haoling was unambiguous, turned around, picked her up by the waist, and then quickly walked towards the bedroom...


In the dormitory, because of the ice cubes placed all around, the heat was a little less, and it was a little more cool.

As soon as he came in, seeing that Ting Lan had already made the bed, Nangong Haoling walked up to Yuan Xiuyue in his arms, first put her on the couch, and then leaned over to press her down.

With a light hook on the corner of her lips, she put down the gauze curtain on the couch, Ting Lan silently blessed her body, and quickly stepped back.

Staring at her with eyebrows, Nangong Haoling pecked her red lips again, then rolled away from her just now, grabbed her hand and put it into his arms: "Woman, don't always want to be on a man." Find the word fair! You have to know that men like women who are as tender as water..."

"But I think that what the emperor likes is me like this..."

Turning up and pressing against his chest, staring deeply at Nangong Haoling's elegant and delicate handsome face, Yuan Xiuyue curled her lips lightly and caressed his heart: "In this huge palace, there is a woman as tender as water Is there still less? Even if she is as gentle and considerate as Concubine Yan, wouldn't she still be able to win the emperor's heart?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help asking angrily: "Do you think anyone can enter there if they want?"

After hearing his words, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help laughing proudly: "But I went in!"


Smiling faintly, but his eyes darkened again, Nangong Haoling stretched out his hand to caress Yuan Xiuyue's smooth face, his long and slender fingers gently lifted a lock of her hair, entangled with his own hair, Nangong Haoling Ling raised his eyes to meet hers, and said in a deep tone: "Yue'er, do you still remember what I said after you were injured?"

Dazed, looking at the entangled hair in the palm of his hand, Yuan Xiuyue's heart moved, and then her eyes flickered slightly: "Tie hair as husband and wife, there is no doubt about love and affection!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling smiled.

He stretched out his hand to wrap Yuan Xiuyue's shoulder and let her rest on his arm. He sighed softly and said slowly: "Now you are unique and the most important thing in my heart. I don't want and don't want to be with you. Any suspicions, so..." His tone paused slightly, and he lowered his eyes to look at the woman in his arms: "At this moment, if you have something on your mind, you can ask me directly! Don't hide it in your heart and think about it yourself!"


Between the heart and mouth, there seemed to be something stuck there, full and warm, making Yuan Xiuyue's eyes dim, and she felt like crying for a while!
"I've noticed that you've been wanting to cry from time to time these days. Where did that fierce Yuan Xiuyue go?" Holding Yuan Xiuyue's face in reproach and a little funny, Nangong Haoling slightly raised his chin, and branded a deep kiss Between her brows, she smiled faintly and said, "Just now I was outside, and I saw Yu Meiren's personal maid, and she came to you so late, and she kept sneaking through the front door, so don't say that she is Came to talk to you..."

Hearing his words, Yuan Xiuyue clicked her tongue slightly.

A flash of understanding secretly flashed in her heart, and she whispered in Nangong Haoling's ear in a low voice: "She was granted the Queen Mother's permission to return to the prime minister's mansion to visit her relatives today, and I have no objection to hearing the left prime minister and several court ministers discussing in private that The emperor should take this opportunity to get rid of King Ning, and the emperor also sent a lot of shadows to the northern region as she thought!"

"This Yu Xiuzhi has become my concubine, but she only thinks about other men..." With a wry smile, she frowned and sighed, but there was no trace of anger on her face. Nangong Haoling hugged Yuan Xiuyue again, her voice gradually changed Darkness: "Do you believe her words?"

"Brother Ning's identity and existence are already a threat to the court. If the emperor wants to get rid of him, he can do so as early as the day he ascends the throne, and he will definitely not wait until today!" The corners of her lips curled slightly, Yuan Xiuyue said with a faint smile: "I believe that the emperor still cares about the brotherhood!"

Hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words, Nangong Haoling's heart warmed slightly!

Sighing freely, the brilliance flickered in his eyes, he frowned and said in his heart: "In terms of what Queen Mother An did back then, she really shouldn't have lived, but Brother Ning has always been gentle and non-controversial since he was a child. Even Brother Wang, the most direct victim, said on the day I ascended the throne that he is our brother after all, the son of the Emperor Father, and the warmest Brother Wang in his childhood memory. , he should be left alive!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue lightly curved her red lips: "Although brother Xian Wang was deeply hurt by Queen Mother An, he understands righteousness and is a modest gentleman!"

"Brother Wang is indeed!" Responding to her praise for Nangong Haoyuan, Nangong Haoling sighed helplessly: "But... as long as the royal family is involved in the affairs of the world, there will be too many things that you can't do yourself. It’s up to you, Brother Wang and I don’t want to kill him, but the forces that are hostile to the An family in the court will not tolerate him, and the royalist faction will definitely not give up!”

Hearing this, the boulder that had just landed in Yuan Xiuyue's heart immediately weighed down on her heart again.

Turning her mind, she seemed to have figured something out, she cast a deep glance at Nangong Haoling, and said in a low voice, "The shadow sent by the emperor to the Northern Territory should be to protect him!"

"The one who knows me is Yue'er!"

Gently stroking Yuan Xiuyue's back, Nangong Haoling said in a hoarse voice: "He went to the Northern Territory to save you, how could I allow him to have an accident? If there is no accident, he should come back in another month .”

Hearing Nangong Haoling's words, Yuan Xiuyue's tense heartstrings for Nangong Xiao finally relaxed a little.

Thinking of that gentle and elegant person, although he seems to be chic and free and easy, but he has been living a difficult life for so many years, she felt a little pain in her heart.

With many thoughts, after a moment of silence, she finally whispered softly: "Your Majesty, if he falls in love with Yu Meiren in the future, you can fulfill them!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling frowned lightly!
There was a faint smile on the corner of his lips, and he said with a light smile, "If Yu Xiuzhi is willing to give up the glory and wealth in the palace and her own family, I think it's okay?"


She suddenly raised her eyes and looked at Nangong Haoling's handsome face, seeing that he seemed to be joking, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but smile slightly: "Then I will be the emperor and agree, and thank the emperor on behalf of them here first! "

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling frowned, with an expression of being unable to stand her: "Then Brother Ning must be tempted first, right?"

After saying that, he couldn't help sighing secretly in his heart!
How deep Nangong Xiaoran's love for Yuan Xiuyue is, as a love rival, he knows best!
If you want him to empathize with someone's difficult!


Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help laughing out loud: "Then I'll make Yu Meiren more courteous!"

"Hey! You are my queen, okay? You actually let my favorite concubine seduce my brother Wang!" Nangong Haoling lowered his eyes slightly when he raised his voice, and stared at the smile on Yuan Xiuyue's lips. Can't help but move slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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