Chapter 177 Trust Him! 2
His gaze was from her delicate face, but turned back and forth on her beautiful face in his eyes. Seeing that she was tightly hugged by him, even the tip of her nose was sweating, he couldn't help but chuckled, "It's very hot." Yes or no?"

"Of course it's hot! Isn't His Majesty hot?!"

Eyebrows pursed, Yuan Xiuyue curled her lips, moved her body again, and then muttered softly: "It's a hot day, the emperor hugs you so tightly, it's no wonder it's not hot!"

As the words fell, she lightly raised her eyes, but unexpectedly glanced into Nangong Haoling's fiery pupils.

She was startled, seeing his starry eyes narrowed slightly, she parted her red lips lightly: "You... what do you want?"

"Since it's hot, wouldn't it be hot if you take off your clothes?" Xie Mei smiled, not allowing Yuan Xiuyue to dodge, Nangong Haoling hugged her slender waist tightly, and moved her big hand down again. The jade belt was untied.


With a trembling heart, Yuan Xiuyue opened her mouth to make a sound, but Nangong Haoling suddenly leaned over and swallowed all the sound she hadn't spoken yet with a deep kiss.

The next day, when Yuan Xiuyue got up early in the morning, Nangong Haoling had already left for the previous court.

After being washed and changed by Ting Lan, she had breakfast and then lay back on the deck chair under the worry-free flowers to cool off.


Standing beside Yuan Xiuyue for a while, seeing Yuan Xiuyue's eyes narrowed slightly and the corners of her mouth raised, she didn't look like she was worried about Nangong Xiaoran at all, Ting Lan frowned tightly, and handed the already prepared medicine to Yuan Xiuyue, " The servant girl sees that you are doing well today, but yesterday you got the answer you want from the emperor?"

Hearing this, the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's slightly hooked lips rose again.

Slowly opening her eyes, meeting Ting Lan's slightly hesitant eyes, she twitched the corners of her mouth with some reluctance: "Do you think Bengong's complexion is getting better?"

Does she look good?
No wonder!
No matter how good her spirit is, she was almost exhausted by someone after tossing and tossing all night last night. Now she just woke up early in the morning, and her eyes are tired and drowsy, but this girl Ting Lan still said that she looks good ? !
Open your eyes and talk nonsense!


Knowing that Yuan Xiuyue had seen through her mind, Ting Lan smiled and looked at her slightly embarrassed face, and passed the soup in her hand forward: "After the court this morning, the general will come. Even if my son is sleepy, my mother It's better to drink this medicine first, and then go to bed later!"


Looking sideways at Ting Lan, Yuan Xiuyue frowned and took the decoction in her hand. After taking a sip, she secretly stuck out her tongue. Thinking of the pain of the poisonous wound on her body, she took a deep breath, and then drank the medicine in one gulp !
Seeing this, Qianqian at the side hurriedly handed over the candied fruit and tea in her hand.

Handing the medicine bowl back to Ting Lan, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, took the tea in Qianqian's hand, took a quick sip to rinse her mouth, then squeezed a candied fruit into her mouth, the sweet and greasy taste spread from the tip of her tongue, she He sighed infinitely satisfied, then cast a sideways glance at Ting Lan, and said, "Don't worry, sir is fine!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan's face turned reddish: "The servant did not ask the empress about His Royal Highness King Ning!"

Seeing her reddish face in his eyes, Yuan Xiuyue's thoughts sank slightly.

Nangong Xiaoran is worthy of the best woman in the world. Ting Lan has known him for a long time, so it's not surprising that she has feelings for him.

But now even Yu Xiuzhi is wishful thinking, Ting Lan's heart, this affection, I'm afraid she won't get any response!
Thinking to this point, deeply, she glanced at Ting Lan again, and she closed her eyes again: "I know, you didn't ask, it's what I wanted to say, and you can turn around and tell Yu Meiren, His Highness King Ning has nothing to say." No, the shadows sent by the emperor are all to protect him!"

After hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words, Ting Lan couldn't help but look happy.

When she looked back, she saw that Qianqian was looking at her, and her face was getting darker, she frowned slightly, thinking that Qianqian had a special liking for Nangong Xiaoran, she smiled lightly, and couldn't help saying: "Girl Qianqian, this time you can Don't worry, His Highness King Ning is fine!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, but never opened her eyes.

After a while, she heard Qianqian say to Ting Lan tentatively: "Sister Ting Lan, don't you also like His Highness King Ning?"

"What nonsense!"

Ting Lan's voice, full of embarrassment, fell on Yuan Xiuyue's ears clearly: "Hurry up, tell Yu Meiren what the empress said just now, if you don't keep it all, you can get a reward!"

Immediately afterwards, Qianqian went out of the yard directly without saying a word. For a while, no one spoke in the yard, only cicadas and birds sang, which could be heard endlessly.

It wasn't until a while later that General Yuan Wende entered from outside the courtyard, and the originally silent atmosphere was finally broken!


Calling Yuan Xiuyue softly, looking at Yuan Wende who was wearing an official robe and walking vigorously, Ting Lan hurriedly moved a round stool from the side and placed it in front of Yuan Xiuyue, and then blessed him slightly: "I have seen the general!"

"Free gift!"

Smiling faintly at Ting Lan, Yuan Wende looked down at Yuan Xiuyue, and seeing her drowsy look, he couldn't help but frowned slightly, and bowed respectfully in front of her: "I... Wanfu Jinan!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned lightly.

The corners of her lips curled slightly and she opened her eyes. The bright sunlight covered Yuan Wende's body with a layer of gold. She smiled and glanced at her dearest brother, leaned back on the reclining chair leisurely, and then said coquettishly: " I have been a queen for so long, and my brother has never bowed before, do you want to kneel and salute today?"

"Do you want to kneel? That minister kneeled!"

Slightly parting his lips, his lips were red and his teeth were white, Yuan Wende's eyes flashed, and he lifted the skirt of his robe lightly as if he was about to kneel down.

"Don't! Don't! Don't!"

After saying three other words in a row, Yuan Xiuyue lazily sat up from the recliner. Seeing Yuan Wende sitting down, she smiled lightly but complained in her words: "Brother seldom comes to see me recently, if I hadn't ordered someone to After passing the decree, do you have to wait until I and the emperor come back from Nanling before you have time to see me?"

With a smile in his eyes, Yuan Wende gently raised his hand, brushing off the flowers on Yuan Xiuyue's bun: "I don't want to see you, because you are now the sixth palace in the Li Palace, and I know you are doing very well. Besides, After a while, you will go out with the emperor, and the army will have to prepare the most elite imperial guards to escort you, plus family matters... I really can't get away!"

Hearing Yuan Wende mention home, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes brightened slightly, and she fell asleep after sweeping away: "What's wrong at home?"

Although, the place called An Guohou's Mansion, to her, did not have the warmth of home at all.

But in the final analysis, where she came from, everyone in the world knows that the queen of Liguo is the second lady of An Guohou's mansion!
Facing her eyes like black jewels, Yuan Wende smiled lightly, and sighed with some displeasure: "Actually, it's nothing, it's just that my father let the emperor cut off his title, and now it's nothing!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's beautiful eyebrows could not help but slightly frowned.

In the end, Nangong Haoling still didn't do what she said, so forget it!
His father was a person who valued power very much. He lost his military power because of her last year, and now he has been deprived of his title. Thinking about it... the situation will definitely not be too good!
" he okay?" After lingering in his heart for a long time, Yuan Xiuyue put his feet on the recliner with his eyebrows lowered, folded his arms, and rested his chin on his knees. superior.

Staring at her dark complexion, Yuan Wende raised his eyebrows lightly, and said with a sneer, "Except for three meals a day, he is just drinking, meat and women, do you think he is good?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, and couldn't help snorting coldly: "What he always valued was the power of the Yuan family, now that the military power has been taken away, and the Marquis has been sidelined, he probably already hates me, the chief culprit, in his heart! "

"I can't blame you at this time, you don't have to blame yourself!" Seeing Yuan Xiuyue's downcast eyes, Yuan Wende felt a pain in his heart, and couldn't help sneering: "You thought that the reason why the emperor dismissed his military power was because he treated you so poorly for a while. Interested?"

"elder brother?"

Slightly startled, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes and looked at Yuan Wende with uncertain expressions.

She always thought so.

But now that he said so, could it be...

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Yuan Wende sighed helplessly: "Father...he is an elder of the An clan! The emperor intended to cut his military power before, and now is the critical moment for the emperor to eliminate these elders!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help being shocked!
The An family?
His father was actually the elder of the An clan?
That also means that when Nangong Haoling went to An Guohou's mansion that day, he already had the intention of dismissing his military power, and just at that time, he treated her poorly, which gave Nangong Haoling a smooth sailing good chance!
Suddenly, Yuan Xiuyue thought of another possibility!
Nangong Haoling said that he would not hurt Nangong Xiaoran.

But people on his side definitely hope that Nangong Xiaoran will die!
Just imagine, if he dies, all hopes of the An clan will be cut off!

However, she cares about his life and death, so Nangong Haoling will definitely protect him, in other words, to protect him, Nangong Haoling will definitely wipe out the An clan in advance, because only those who destroy the An clan The foundation, the faction that protects the court, will temporarily let Nangong Xiaoran go!

Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but smile bitterly as her thoughts turned back and forth!
Even though others say that she is smart, she is far less considerate than Nangong Haoling, who was once a monarch, imagined when it comes to state affairs!

Sure enough, none of the people who could sit in that seat were simple characters!
"Silly girl!"

Looking up again, Yuan Wende frowned and said softly, looking at Yuan Xiuyue, who was beside him with a pensive face, "Although Brother Wei kept saying that I will fight for my own career, and I will definitely not rely on you to win favor in the harem to gain a foothold. , for my brother to be able to sit on the position of the great general, in fact, you should be the most grateful!"

"elder brother!"

Hearing the harshness in Yuan Wende's mouth, Yuan Xiuyue felt a block in her heart.

Yuan Wende smiled bitterly, then lowered his head again: "More than a year ago, the reason why the emperor transferred me back from Yunyang was that he had already decided to remove my father and my military power, but the world is unpredictable, and he never thought about it. , actually moved my heart to you!"

Raising his eyes again, looking deeply at his younger sister, Yuan Wende patted her shoulder affectionately: "Do you still remember that day before I went to see you in Lenggong, I went to see the emperor first?"


Slightly nodding her head, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't argue with the feeling in her heart!

(End of this chapter)

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