Chapter 178 Trust Him! 3
His elder brother had told her more than once that he had to rely on his own hard work to achieve his official career!
Seeing her expression, Yuan Wende resentfully said: "Because he was afraid that you would lose your mother's family and your status in the palace would be affected. When he saw Brother Wei that day, he directly confided in Brother Wei and said bluntly that even if he knew that his father was from the An family, You are an old minister, but you still want to stay as a brother, just to let me be your reliance!"

"Nangong Haoling..."

Her face froze slightly, Yuan Xiuyue's heart was rushing, and she was thinking again and again. After a while, she saw the corners of her lips slightly raised, but Nangong Haoling's name was muttering in her mouth.

She never knew that he had silently done so much for her!

never know...

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue's deeply thoughtful appearance, Yuan Wende sighed in his heart: "Girl, you know your temperament too well, so even though you know this well, when you were injured and wanted to leave the palace, you still helped you, because you Brother thinks that even if you leave, if you have him in your heart, you will come back after all, how good it is now, you are still back after all!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes slightly, and met Yuan Wende's gentle gaze: "Since my brother never told me these things at that time, why are you saying it now?"

Yuan Wende glanced at her, and then his eyes darkened again: "Because I know that King Ning has done a lot of things for you, and you also broke up because of the quarrel between King Ning and the emperor, and now the emperor wants to touch An's family." Family, even if this matter is to protect King Ning, it will inevitably involve him. Brother, I don’t want you to misunderstand your beloved and hurt yourself because of anyone... I just want you to know that no matter who you are, you are right. How good you are, no matter what step the matter develops, you should throw away all shackles and shackles, follow your own heart, and stand by the emperor's side!"

"My heart is originally for the emperor!"

Her heart has never been so firm as it is now. Yuan Xiuyue's eyes were bright, and she smiled at Yuan Wende: "Don't worry, brother, I understand what you mean, and I understand the emperor's heart. In the future... I will never Will do, hurt him...and hurt myself!"

"Since that's the case, you can rest assured, brother!"

The expression on Junyi's face was finally no longer heavy, Yuan Wende smiled lightly at Yuan Xiuyue, and stood up from the round stool: "It won't be long before you and the emperor will leave for Nanling, but brother What I said is that my brother will accompany me in this act."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue was overjoyed: "Really?"

"How dare I lie to the queen?" Yuan Wende smiled fondly at Yuan Xiuyue, and said with a light smile, "I'm going back to the army to prepare now."

"it is good!"

There was a smile on her pretty face, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but yawned, and said vividly: "I'm really sleepy, go back to sleep for a while!"

Ever since she asked Nangong Haoling that day, Yuan Xiuyue never asked him about Nangong Xiaoran again. She drank medicine on time and gave regular injections every day. In Luan Palace, the topics were all the same, his elder brother Xiao Ran was superior and elder brother Xiao Ran was inferior.

But every time, Yuan Xiuyue would answer her very firmly that Nangong Xiaoran would be fine, and he would definitely return from the Northern Territory in a short time!

This stems from the belief in her heart.

Also, it stems from her trust in Nangong Haoling!

She believed that the people sent by Nangong Haoling would definitely protect Nangong Xiaoran and let him return to Beijing safely.

In the blink of an eye, half a month of work flowed through the fingertips again.

It was night, and the night was sinking.

When Nangong Haoling returned from the imperial study, Yuan Xiuyue had already fallen into a deep sleep.

Lifting the bed curtain lightly, staring deeply at Yuan Xiuyue who was sleeping soundly on the couch, Nangong Haoling's thin lips hooked lightly, and then put down the curtain, signaling Ji Heng to put the unfinished paperwork on the side desk , then sat down again and continued to review!
When it was nearly three o'clock, Yuan Xiuyue woke up in a daze.

Squinting her eyes halfway, she caught a glimpse of Nangong Haoling who was still crouching at the desk reviewing the papers, and her heart ached.

Climbing up from the bed, with only a coat besides the middle coat, she stepped forward slowly, stretched out her hands to caress his shoulders, and gently kneaded: "The emperor thinks he is an iron man or a clay figure?" ? Unaware of sleepiness, sleepless?"

Her shoulders, which were already a little stiff, relaxed a little due to her kneading.

Putting the vermilion pen in his hand on the inkstone, Nangong Haoling sighed softly in satisfaction, leaned back on the back of the chair, raised his handsome eyebrows and said: "In a few days, we will leave Beijing for Nanling. After some approval, Brother Wang can relax a little bit!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue slightly curled her lips: "The relationship between the emperor and the prince is so good!"

Reaching out to take her hand, and sitting on his lap with her arms around her, Nangong Haoling's eyes darkened and said: "Brother Wang has a lot of bad luck, and he is dedicated to serving the country and the people. Naturally, I have to treat him better, otherwise the emperor's sister-in-law will die again." It's time to have some criticism!"

Hearing his words, Yuan Xiuyue smiled slightly, but remained silent!

Xuanyuantang...has a very personal character, and if there is something, she will say something to her.


Gently rubbing the back of Yuan Xiuyue's soft hand, Nangong Haoling never raised his eyes, and his voice was a little low: "I want to ask you one thing!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help frowning!

He is the emperor!

Who ever asked?
But at this moment, he said that he wanted to ask her for one thing!
Frowning deeply, she caressed the center of his tightly knit brows, and asked softly: "You are the emperor, why do you need to beg anyone, and... taking a step back, you and I are husband and wife, why do you use this word for begging?" ?”

"It's because you and I are husband and wife that I ask you for this!" Sighing sadly, Nangong Haoling finally raised his eyes to Yuan Xiuyue's crystal-clear pupils: "Back then, Brother Wang took that cup of poison for his mother. Even though neither Brother Wang nor Sister-in-law Huang have said anything clearly, I know clearly that they want a child!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's face changed slightly!

The virtuous king Nangong Haoyuan and Xuanyuantang have been married for more than six years, but they have not given birth to a son and a half daughter. I remember that when she woke up from poisoning, she asked Nangong Haoling at this time, but at that time he directly sent This matter is revealed.

And at that time, as smart as she was, she probably guessed that with Nangong Haoyuan's body, she was probably infertile.

Listening to Nangong Haoling's words now, her thoughts changed, and the color of her eyes gradually became darker.

Come to think of it, the reason why he begged her at this moment was to adopt their child to the Xianwang couple!
"Yue'er... the blood of the royal family should never be confused. I..." Seeing her dark complexion, Nangong Haoling tensed up and opened his mouth to speak, but Yuan Xiuyue suddenly reached out and covered his lips: "At this moment , I already understand what you want to ask me for, you don't need to say anything at this moment, I just ask you a question!"

His eyes were slightly fixed, Nangong Haoling nodded slightly: "Just ask!"

"In the emperor's harem, any woman you want can fulfill the emperor's wish. Why do you ask me at this moment?" Staring at his dark pupils, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes were full of deep inquiry: "Why do you have to marry me?" it's me?"

After hearing this, Nangong Haoling was silent for a moment before softly saying: "I have seen too many grievances and grievances of the previous generation, and I will not let our next generation repeat the same mistakes. Therefore, in this world, Nangong Hao can help me. There is only one woman who gave birth to an heir to Ling, and that person is you——Yuan Xiuyue!"

The thoughts in my heart, because of his words, finally returned to one point.

Yuan Xiuyue took a deep breath, and her eyes gradually filled with determination: "For the sake of your brotherly love, and for the sake of the emperor's sister-in-law who saved my life, I can promise you, but the premise is that I will only give them a second son." !"

Although she has suffered from separation since she was a child, if she relies on Nangong Haoling to hand over their children to King Xian and Xuanyuantang, it is not impossible!

Because they spend almost every day in the deep palace, and...she also believes that even if Xuanyuantang raises their children, they will definitely be well raised.

However, the premise is that they have to work hard as soon as possible to give birth to the child!


Deeply moved in his heart, Nangong Haoling held her hand and couldn't help tightening it suddenly: "Brother Wang and Sister-in-law Huang will definitely treat our children well."

"They dare not treat them well!"

Her heart was dark, but she had a narrow smile on her face. Yuan Xiuyue lowered her eyes slightly, and her eyes fell on the corner of the desk.

There, there was a letter that had never been sealed, and when she saw the familiar and easy handwriting on it, her heart couldn't help but secretly move!
She was too familiar with that handwriting.

At that time... Nangong Xiaoran's handwriting!

Following Yuan Xiuyue's line of sight, looking down at the letter on the table, Nangong Haoling smiled faintly, reached out and took the letter, "This letter just arrived tonight, I was going to give it to you, but You slept soundly, and it never disturbed your slumber!"

"In my dream, it's all about the emperor!"

Playfully smiled at Nangong Haoling, Yuan Xiuyue stretched out her hand to take the letter in Nangong Haoling's hand, she was secretly relieved for Nangong Xiaoran in her heart, the corners of her lips curled slightly, she lowered her head and tore the seal open, then unfolded the letter, concentrating on it Read carefully!
The letter was not long, but it was all written by Nangong Xiaoran.

Sighting slowly passed between the lines, the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips, which were originally slightly raised, couldn't help raising a beautiful arc.

Concentrating on the smile on her face, Nangong Haoling couldn't help but also bent her lips: "What was written in the letter? It made you look so happy?"

After reading the letter carefully, Yuan Xiuyue smiled and handed the letter paper to Nangong Haoling: "Mr. said, I am really relieved to know that I need to understand the medicine, let me have a good birth and take care of my health, and I will come back in the future and have a good baby with him." Two games of chess!"

(End of this chapter)

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