Li Palace's elegance shocked the world: the goddess is blessed

Chapter 180 The one who should come, has come 1

Chapter 180 The one who should come, has come 1
"Who did you say is gone?"

Hearing Ting Lan's words, Yuan Xiuyue was stunned, then frowned, got up from the couch, and came to Ting Lan barefoot: "You tell me clearly! Who is gone?"


Ting Lan frowned tightly and shook her head in pain: "Just now, the servants went to the doctor Wang to get medicine from the empress, and I don't want to see Lord Anyun bring the medicine that just came from the capital. The envoy who rushed over, the slaves heard the envoy whispered a few words to Lord An Yun, and mentioned His Royal Highness Ning Wang, so they moved up to listen to one more sentence, and they said..."

"what did they say?"

Frowning brows tightened again, Yuan Xiuyue asked anxiously.

After Yuan Xiuyue asked this question, Ting Lan's tears fell even more fiercely: "They said that His Highness King Ning was imprisoned by the An clan on the way back to Beijing, and then he was besieged by the royalist faction, and finally slipped and fell into the Wujiang River... Your Majesty, The Wujiang River is bottomless, the turbulent Wujiang River is so cold in the northern region, and the water in the Wujiang River is so cold...His Royal Highness Ning is gone...Mr. Xiao Ran is gone, gone..."

At the end of Ting Lan's words, she was sobbing!

As for Yuan Xiuyue, after hearing her words, she seemed to be in a daze, and took a step back in a daze.I saw her soft body, trembling slightly, finally fell to the ground with a thud: "How is this possible? How is it possible? He wrote a few days ago that he would go back to the palace to play chess with me..."

She always believed it!

I believe that Nangong Haoling will protect Nangong Xiaoran well,

Therefore, ever since she received Nangong Xiaoran's letter, she has been living a happy life in the company of her beloved in recent days, but at this moment, Ting Lan's words knocked her down from heaven to hell in an instant.

Nangong Xiaoran is dead? !
Suddenly, scenes from the past in An Guohou's Mansion seemed to appear in front of his eyes.

That gentle and jade-like man, although he was unappreciated in the end, was always smiling contentedly.

That faint smile, like a spring breeze, is flowing... Accompanying her through the three empty and lonely years!

Even though, later on, after she entered the palace, he still silently helped her and protected her in the dark, but at this moment he is gone... Thinking of that windy man in white, in the Northern Territory, Falling into the bottomless Wujiang River, thinking of the extremely cold water that swallowed his life and took away his last trace of consciousness, Yuan Xiuyue felt a sudden chill all over his body, as if an invisible big hand was exerting force in his heart Her heart was torn apart, she was in so much pain, she got up in a panic, and ran towards the door of the room quickly.

However, just as her bare and white feet stepped over the threshold, the ruthless feeling of tearing in her chest came again, until she spit out a mouthful of bright blood with a puff!


Shouting shrilly, Ting Lan hurried forward, but only cared about supporting Yuan Xiuyue's crumbling body.

Hearing the sound, a shadow flashed in from outside the door.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Ting Lan supporting Yuan Xiuyue who was on the verge of collapse, she was startled when she saw the blood on Yuan Xiuyue's chest, and hurriedly turned to the outside: "Subordinates, go and invite Doctor Wang!"


Calling out the shadow unsteadily, Yuan Xiuyue took a deep breath, biting her blood-stained lips tightly: "I want to see the emperor!"

She wants to find out what's going on!


The voice trembled uncontrollably, Ting Lan frowned, turned her head to the shadow and said: "Invite the Imperial Physician Wang and the Emperor together!"

Hearing this, Shadow twitched his brows lightly, turned around and left the dormitory...


When Nangong Haoling heard the news, Imperial Physician Wang was already checking Yuan Xiuyue's pulse.

When he first entered the dormitory, seeing her bloodless face, his heart ached, his eyes turned cold for an instant, and he glanced at everyone in the room one by one: "Who is talking too much?"

Hearing this, Ting Lan trembled!
Kneeling down on the ground with a plop, she lowered her eyes and cried: "The emperor forgives you, it's a slave! A slave deserves death!"


Staring at Ting Lan with gloomy eyes, she couldn't help shivering, Nangong Haoling's eyes showed murderous intent towards her for the first time.

Sensing the murderous intent in his eyes, Ting Lan's heart trembled, she could only bite her lips and close her eyes tightly: "Your Majesty, please kill this servant!"

"Do you really think that you will be reluctant to kill you?"

The murderous intent in the eyes was even worse, Nangong Haoling took a step forward while speaking!
"Do you think that even if she doesn't tell me, I will never know?" With her arms slightly retracted, and her wrist raised to avoid the hand of Doctor Wang who was checking her pulse, Yuan Xiuyue turned her head slightly, staring at Nangong Haoling coldly, trembling slightly Her lips trembled, and she choked up, "He... is dead, isn't he?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's eyes darkened.

Facing Yuan Xiuyue's eyes, his eyes flickered, during which various complex emotions emerged vividly.


Looking down at Yuan Xiuyue, Imperial Physician Wang got up from the bed, respected Nangong Haoling, and said softly: "The residual poison on the empress's body has not been completely removed, and the reason why she vomited blood today is only because of the empress. The mood fluctuated violently, which temporarily aroused the residual poison in the body!"

Hearing the words of Imperial Physician Wang, Nangong Haoling's heartstrings relaxed slightly, but he still met Yuan Xiuyue's eyes, entangled with his eyes: "Is there a serious problem?"

"It's not a serious problem!" Imperial Physician Wang shook his head lightly: "Your Majesty, just rest and recuperate, and you must control your emotions in the past two days."

"I understand!"

After a long, breathless breath, Nangong Haoling lifted his steps slightly, "Yue'er..."

His thin lips moved lightly, he wanted to explain something to her, but when he met her slightly cold and resentful eyes, he couldn't make a word.

Dazed, she bit her lip and looked at Nangong Haoling in front of her, a sad smile slowly appeared on Yuan Xiuyue's lips, after this smile, she suddenly burst into tears: "It turns out...he is really dead! "

How she wished that at this moment, Nangong Haoling could shake his head at him and tell her that Ting Lan had misheard and that Nangong Xiaoran was fine!
But at this moment, he was speechless for a while, and that was the best answer!

And the news that was extremely cruel to her should undoubtedly be true!

She clearly knew that the man she loved was not him, but the person in front of her.

But, why did her heart hurt so much when she heard the bad news, the pain was so painful that she couldn't bear it anymore, and she burst into tears in front of Nangong Haoling!

Because, he is the first person, other than his elder brother, who treats her sincerely!

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue crying, Nangong Haoling felt pain in his heart, gritted his teeth tightly, and finally sighed softly: "The news of his death arrived in the capital after I left Beijing. The messenger traveled all the way quickly." Hurry up, until today."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, with a sad expression on her face!
He has been dead for many days!
But she didn't know until today!

"At the beginning...if it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have gone to the Northern Territory. If he hadn't gone, those people wouldn't have had the chance to attack him. If..." For a while, there were too many assumptions in my heart that couldn't be realized. Really, Yuan Xiuyue cried bitterly, no longer made contact with Nangong Haoling's eyes, and closed her eyes slowly and with difficulty: "It was I who killed him!"


Looking up at Nangong Haoling who was standing in front of him, Yuan Wende, who had been standing aside, couldn't help stepping forward.Standing still in front of Yuan Xiuyue's bed, he frowned, staring at his younger sister who was in front of the emperor, but was saddened by another man: "The death of King Ning was just an accident. It was the An clan's attempt to control him. He used the flag to plot chaos and usurp the government, and it was King Ning himself who jumped off the Wujiang River to get rid of all this... This matter is not what the emperor wants, and it has nothing to do with you!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart tightened, and the tears in the corner of her eyes fell even more fiercely!
She never expected that it was Nangong Xiaoran who chose to throw himself into Wujiang River!
She couldn't guess how entangled he was in his heart at the beginning, so he chose this road of no return!
Is it all just to get rid of all this?

Or, he has no nostalgia for this world anymore, and he no longer wants to see the intrigues and family strife in this world? !

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue's closed eyes, Yuan Wende said again: "I can't blame the emperor for this matter!"

"Brother, don't say anything!"

The voice was hoarse and desolate. Yuan Xiuyue never opened her eyes, but covered her ears with both hands, and shook her head vigorously: "You all go out, I want to be alone!"

Nangong Haoling once said that he would never do anything to hurt her!
She has always believed in this sentence, and until now, she still believes in it.

However, even if this matter was an accident, it could not be missed after all, the fact that the man died because of her.

How could she accept the death of a living person who treated him so well? !
Deeply staring at Yuan Xiuyue's pale face, Nangong Haoling clenched his fists tightly and said to everyone in the room: "Tomorrow morning, I have to go up to Mount Wei, all of you back down!"



Responding in unison, everyone respectfully exited the dormitory.

After everyone left, only Nangong Haoling and Yuan Xiuyue were left in the dormitory.

"You go out too!"

Before raising her eyes to look at Nangong Haoling, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, turned around, and turned inward.

Not responding to her words, he stepped forward, lightly lifted the skirt of his robe, and slowly fell on the side of the bed: "Yue' you hate me right now?"


A simple and direct word of hate burst out of Yuan Xiuyue's mouth, Nangong Haoling's stalwart figure couldn't help but tighten slightly, and before he could speak, Yuan Xiuyue's tears were seen in the next moment, like pearls with broken strings , One by one fell from the corner of her eyes: "But I hate myself even more! I hate the imperial power that countless people are desperately fighting for!"

If Nangong Xiaoran was born in an ordinary family, maybe his life would not be so miserable!


Feeling pain in his heart, Nangong Haoling reached out to pick up her trembling body, and hugged her tightly: "It's my fault that I failed to protect him!"

He had promised her!
Will save that person, but the world is unpredictable!
They all forgot that even if that person is gentle and non-controversial, he still has his own will!

"No! Brother is right, you are not to blame for this matter, his own choice!"

The thoughts in her mind were full of twists and turns, and her mood was finally a little stable. Yuan Xiuyue slowly opened her eyes, and a trace of tenacity and stubbornness flashed in her big watery eyes. With an extremely difficult face, she said: "Your Majesty, you must remember that if one day my existence threatens your imperial power, you must not worry too much, just kill me directly!"


Her heart skipped a beat, and Nangong Haoling trembled her lips while staring at her firm eyes: "That day will never happen!"

Hearing this, the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips curled up slightly, feeling bitter in her heart!
Although, she has always known that the royal family battle is cruel and ruthless, but she never thought that Nangong Xiaoran would die as soon as he said he would die.

But today, the sudden thunderbolt from the blue sky completely awakened her who was still in a hazy dream!
(End of this chapter)

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