Li Palace's elegance shocked the world: the goddess is blessed

Chapter 181 The one who should come, has come 2

Chapter 181 The one who should come, has come 2
Just like one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

Leaving the country, with only Nangong Haoling around, it is impossible to accommodate the An clan!
And even though she didn't want to, she still got involved with the An family!

Thinking of this, she sighed softly in her heart, stretched out her hand to wipe away the new tears from the corners of her eyes, and said in a choked tone: "Your Majesty, even now, you have dismissed my father's military power and cut down his An Guohou Mansion." I don't know what the relationship between them is, but there is no impenetrable wall in this world, even the old officials of the royalist faction today I don't know, but one day, someone will know that although the empress of the court is from a famous family, she is from the An family! At that time, not to mention them, even the queen mother will not tolerate me!"

In recent days, she has been thinking, since her father, Yuan Wende, is an elder of the An family, why did the emperor and the queen mother agree to be elected in the An Guohou's mansion!

After thinking about it, she only thought of one answer!
That is, although his father is a member of the An family, he acted in an extremely secretive manner. He has never been noticed by the royalist faction, and even concealed it from the Empress Dowager Zhong and the emperor. The reason why the emperor knew his identity was probably within a year. Many years ago, in Anyang.

At that time, instead of joining forces with Nangong Xiaoran, Duguchen teamed up with the An clan, but in the end he was betrayed by Nangong Xiaoran!

And the person who connected with Duguchen might not be her father, but if she guessed right, that person should be appointed by his father.

And Nangong Haoling followed the clues, and finally found him!
Coincidentally, maybe it is God's will in the dark!

At that time, she unexpectedly rescued Nangong Haoling by mistake, and it was this mistake that saved him... His heart was moved, so he once again pulled away everything that was already a foregone conclusion. The original trajectory!
So much so that, in the future, she might become him... the emperor of Changning who left the country, the heaviest burden!
The room fell into silence because of Yuan Xiuyue's words. At this moment, in her world, it seemed that there was only the sound of Nangong Haoling's heartbeat!

"More than a year ago, you severed the father-daughter relationship with Yuan Chenghai, and now you are just you, my queen..." After a long silence, he finally spoke again, but his voice was firm and kind. Resolute: "Even if Yuan Chenghai's identity is exposed in the future, no one will touch you!"


Between the lips and teeth, there was a faint smell of blood, and the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips were full of helplessness and bitterness, and she reached out to caress his chest: "From the battle in the harem, to the battle between factions in the court, if all the ministers are forcing each other, what should you do?" ?”

Hearing her question, Nangong Haoling snorted lightly!
Slightly raising his chin, his thin lips gently traced an extraordinarily cool smile, he smiled slightly, and said freely and unrestrainedly: "If there is anyone in the country, whoever will go, I, Nangong Haoling, only want you!"

The hand placed on his chest clearly felt the vibration of his chest when he spoke, listening to his deep and steady voice, imprinting his words word by word in his heart, Yuan Xiuyue lightly pursed his lips: "There are your words, Yue Even if my son dies, there will be no regrets!"


He stretched out his hand suddenly, but still didn't have time to cover her lips. He frowned tightly and held her face coldly, forcing her to look directly at him. Nangong Haoling stared at her affectionately with piercing eyes, "I won't let you say Those unlucky words will last a long time in the future, I want you to bear children for me and accompany me for the rest of my life!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue lowered her eyes and bent her lips with a wry smile.

She, why didn't she want to? !

Seeing her wry smile, Nangong Haoling couldn't help frowning, feeling heartbroken and anxious at the same time!
"The meaning of the emperor, I understand!"

With an inexplicable bitterness in her heart, Yuan Xiuyue gently raised her hand, and took off his big hand holding her face. With a sigh of resentment, she raised her eyes slightly, and said to him in a low voice, "Everyone is human, and you want to see people." , death will see the corpse, the water of Wujiang River is very icy, very cold... You must order people to continue to search for the whereabouts of Mr.


In a word, he only started, but remained silent for a long time, Nangong Haoling paused for a while, then lowered his eyebrows and smiled wryly at Yuan Xiuyue: "As long as I don't see the body for a day, I won't believe that he is dead!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue was slightly startled, and stared at him.

The smile on the thin lips was bitter, but it was deeper. Nangong Haoling's eyes flickered slightly: "I dare not give you any hope, but... I have heard from Brother Wang that Brother Ning has been very watery since he was a child... ..."


My heart couldn't help trembling slightly, Yuan Xiuyue's originally dull heart suddenly had a ray of dawn.

Now, in her heart, there is only one belief.

I only wish that he, who is dressed in white, is really still alive!

Even though this world is full of fighting and bloodshed, she still hopes that he can still live in a certain corner of this world!
If only so!
However, I don't know if it is possible?

People say that illness comes like a mountain!
Yuan Xiuyue is like this!

There was already a lingering poison in her body, and after a night of heartbreak and crying, she developed a high fever in the middle of the night. The heat on her forehead was just like the enthusiasm that hoped that Nangong Xiaoran would still be alive. It lingered for a long time and made Nangong anxious. Hao Ling also tossed away Imperial Physician Wang!

The next day, when the sun was rising in the east, only one precious chariot was left behind for Emperor Li's guard of honor and troops, while the rest left from Nanling City and went straight up Weishan Mountain!
When Yuan Xiuyue woke up, Nangong Haoling had already personally carried her to the bumpy carriage.

Inside the chariot, there is a high bed with soft pillows, filled with incense.

Slowly opened her eyes, raised her eyes slightly, and stared at Nangong Haoling who was resting with her eyes closed. Her eyes were dim, and she wanted to reach out to caress his handsome face!

However, just as she raised her hand, she slumped down because she didn't want to wake him up.

Just as her catkin slipped down, Nangong Haoling, who was supposed to be asleep, took her slender hand into his first.

His hands are big and warm, but in the palms, there are thick calluses from when he usually holds weapons tightly, and his dry lips are slightly curved. Yuan Xiuyue's brows meet his eyes that are as deep as a pool, but relieved: " The emperor is awake?"

"It's me who should say that!"

The handsome face was full of exhaustion, and Nangong Haoling's eyes were bloodshot: "Do you know that you scared me to death last night?"

"It is my fault!"

Her lips were pale, and her face was also pale. Yuan Xiuyue caressed his handsome face, and wanted to smile at him, but in the end she just pulled the corners of her lips reluctantly: "Let the emperor worry!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling frowned slightly.

Holding her hand back, his eyes were dark, he wanted to ask her when she became so unfamiliar with him, but after all he only sighed lightly, stroked her cool forehead first, then whispered softly Yu said: "I have been burning all night, and finally the fever has subsided. Let's eat first. After eating, it's time to drink medicine!"

"it is good!"

Faintly, only uttered one word from dry lips, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes slightly, watched Nangong Haoling get up, and saw that Ji Heng was preparing a meal, and then returned to his side again.

It's clearly breakfast, but it's almost noon after eating it.

Here, just as Yuan Xiuyue put down her chopsticks, Nangong Haoling beside him put a bowl of black soup in front of her.

However, this time, she didn't smile coquettishly and yell about the bitterness of the medicine as before, but she picked up the medicine bowl very obediently, and drank the soup and medicine in the bowl with a calm expression!

Seeing her like this, Nangong Haoling frowned slightly, but didn't make a sound, just reached out to take a candied fruit and brought it to her mouth!

"no need!"

Looking up at the candied fruit in his hand, Yuan Xiuyue shook her head and said without opening her mouth to eat the candied fruit, "Today's medicine is not bitter!"

With such words, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but secretly smiled bitterly in her heart!

In fact, it is not today's medicine, not bitter!

But at this moment, her heart is more bitter than this medicine!

And this candied fruit can only relieve her bitter taste for a while, but it can't sweeten her heart!
If so, it is better not to!
"Isn't it bitter? Don't people say that bitter medicine is a good medicine?"

With a low voice, easy-going like the wind, Nangong Haoling asked suspiciously. Seeing Yuan Xiuyue was about to shake his head again, he suddenly leaned over and kissed her cherry lips, savoring the sweetness hidden deep in the sweetness. bitter!


Unable to restrain herself from moaning, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, her originally pale face was gradually stained with pink.

After a while, Nangong Haoling reluctantly left her lips, pursed her thin lips, lowered her brows and smiled lightly, but never met her eyes: "This clearly bitter!"

As the words fell, he lifted his hand holding the candied fruit slightly, and brought it to her lips.

This time, Yuan Xiuyue did not refuse, but opened her lips obediently, and opened her mouth to swallow the candied fruit.

After eating and drinking the medicine, Yuan Xiuyue lay back on the couch again, feeling drowsy again.

Sitting in front of the bed in a daze, looking sideways at her slightly lonely and slender back, Nangong Haoling pursed his lips lightly, and couldn't help sighing bitterly in his heart!
He was used to that stubborn, lively, intelligent Yuan Xiuyue.

But he couldn't see her in front of him!

He couldn't say how unexpected it was that Nangong Xiaoran threw himself into the Wujiang River, but Yuan Xiuyue in front of him turned into this appearance overnight, which was beyond his expectation!
It was only at this time that he realized that even if she had never loved, Nangong Xiaoran was still indispensable to her!
What he didn't know was that even though Nangong Xiaoran's death was a heavy blow to Yuan Xiuyue, for her, the bumpy relationship between her and him in the future made her, who had never been afraid of anything, start to hesitate!
After a long time, Nangong Haoling and An Yun went outside the chariot due to business.

Ting Lan came to Yuan Xiuyue.


Looking at Yuan Xiuyue's current appearance, Ting Lan's eyes were red and swollen, and she bit her lips tightly and asked, "Do you still remember the wish of His Highness Prince Ning?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue stiffened slightly with her back to Ting Lan!
Sighing softly, knowing that she was listening to her, Ting Lan opened her lips again: "Now that Prince Ning has gone down, we can no longer reunite with Empress Dowager An. This wish is hereby given up, but the second wish, the empress should be able to make it." ah!"

Hearing Ting Lan's words, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes turned hot!
Nangong Xiaoran's second wish is to hope that Tian Xiao will always be with her!


Seeing that Yuan Xiuyue remained silent for a while, Ting Lan couldn't help saying again: "Your Majesty once promised that you will be happy! So, you must not be like this now, you must... be happy!"

"I remember!"

The tears that melted in the eyes finally rolled down, Yuan Xiuyue's tightly closed eyelashes trembled slightly...

She wants to be happy!

It's just that this happiness seems to have just arrived, but it's so far away...


As its name suggests, the mountain is as majestic as a cloud.

Weishan is very high, but it is not like other mountains. When you reach the top of the mountain, there are peaks. The top of the mountain, in sight, is still a smooth road!
(End of this chapter)

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