Li Palace's elegance shocked the world: the goddess is blessed

Chapter 183 The one who should come, has come 4

Chapter 183 The one who should come, has come 4
Yu Luo, before Yuan Mingyue could make a sound, she gently put down the hand holding the gauze curtain, and said to Shadow: "Send her out!"

"Subordinates obey!"

With a slight respect, the shadow directly pushed Yuan Mingyue.

She is not a man, so naturally she would not treat her with pity. Therefore, Yuan Mingyue was directly pushed out of the big tent by her, and finally fell on the grass outside the tent...

At dusk, when the sun was setting on the west mountain, Nangong Haoling was alone, standing on the top of the Weishan mountain, watching the sun go down on the west mountain, but felt that there was something different about it.

At this moment, on the south side of Weishan Mountain, in the big tent of Nanyue, there are singing, singing and dancing, and the sound of silk and bamboo.

In the tent, there are dancers with enchanting figures, wearing ribbons, dancing their bodies alluringly, just to attract the superior, that man in a royal blue cloud brocade gown with a cold face as charming as an evildoer can get more Take a look at yourself!
This person is none other than King Yue - Duguchen!

At this moment, beside him, there are all beauties on the left and right, but he never even glanced at him, and just lowered his eyebrows and drank his favorite fine wine!

But today, in his mouth, this most beautiful taste is tasteless!

Standing by his side with his head bowed, seeing that he only looked up at the dancers who were dancing their bodies from time to time, and then drank again, Lei Luo's face darkened.

At this moment, a voice came from outside the big tent: "The emperor is here!"

When the sound came, the sound of silk and bamboo stopped, and all the dancers stood respectfully to one side with lowered eyebrows and narrowed eyes.

After a while, with a touch of black blue color, he walked in quickly from outside the big tent.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the tent shouted: "Long live the emperor!"

"Brother Wang!"

Turning a blind eye to everyone, Dugu Jiang Junya had a slight smile on his face, stepped forward a few steps, and met Dugu Chen who had been sitting on the high seat without moving!

"Where did the emperor go?"

Looking up at his younger brother, Duguchen raised his head slightly, and drank the fine wine in his glass!

Seeing this, the beauty beside her quickly picked up some food and brought it to his mouth!

Seeing him drinking and having fun, Dugu Jiang smiled lightly, turned away a beauty, and sat down beside him.

Signaling the dancers to continue, he danced again in the tent for a while, then he lowered his eyebrows and smiled at Duguchen: "Just now I wanted to visit Weishan, but I saw Emperor Li's ceremonial guard arrived, so I went to meet him!"

Hearing this, Duguchen gave a slight pause to the hand holding the glass cup!
In just a split second, Yuan Xiuyue's pretty face flashed in his mind!

"Emperor Li has arrived, and at this moment, Emperor Chu is the only one missing!"

The thin lips hooked slightly, and a stunning smile appeared on the corner of the lips. Duguchen raised his glass again, drank the fine wine in the glass, and asked casually: "Is the trip going well for Emperor Li?"

"It's pretty smooth!"

Picking up the fine wine that the beauty had just poured and brought it to his mouth, Dugu Jiang raised his eyebrows slightly: "I don't seem to be in good health after leaving, and I have been bedridden all the time!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the glazed cup in Duguchen's hand unexpectedly shattered with a bang.

Seeing this, the beauty on the side was startled, hurriedly took the handkerchief, and bandaged Duguchen's bleeding palm.

"Brother Wang, why are you so careless?"

Frowning slightly, Dugu Jiang took a deep look at Dugu Chen, and Dugu Jiang seemed to think of something: "Brother Gu Zhi Wang has a feud with him, if you see that she even asks Nangong Haoling to feed her tea at this moment, then she won't be like this again Annoyed!"

After hearing Dugu Jiang's words, Dugu Chen couldn't help but change the color of his eyes!
Didn't he give her the antidote?
Why is she still bedridden now? !
Seeing Dugu Chen's appearance, Dugu Jiang smiled lightly, and said, "How about Gu and Brother Wang?"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen frowned slightly: "Who?"

"Yuan Mingyue!"

His eyes were moist, and he looked at Dugu Chen with a smile. Dugu Jiang sighed softly: "It would be a pity if you don't take it into Gu's palace with such a beautiful country?"

Hearing this, Duguchen raised his eyes slightly coldly and glanced at him!
He lowered his eyes and sighed softly, just seeing Yuan Mingyue entering from outside the tent, his eyes darkened, and his gaze swept over Yuan Mingyue sharply, "Your brother, you are becoming more and more unscrupulous, even wanting to mess with Brother Wang's woman." go in!"

Looking up, seeing his cold gaze, Yuan Mingyue's heart shuddered, and her frail body couldn't help shivering.

"Brother Wang, if you don't give it, you don't want it. Why do you look at Gu with that kind of eyes?" Seeing his slightly cold eyes, Dugu Jiang couldn't help being startled. Following his gaze, he caught a glimpse of Yuan Mingyue who had just entered the door. , He stood up with a slight frown on his brows: "People say that the empress of Emperor Chu is also a beautiful woman, go alone and see if they have arrived!"

At the end of the sentence, he bent his lips, quickly got up and got into the big tent!
He clearly remembers!

Last time at a banquet in the palace, his elder brother also looked at him in this way, but afterwards he killed his slanderous minister!
Naturally, he knew that he was doing it for his own good!

I never wanted to blame him!

Because, as far as he is concerned, his brother Wang is a brother and a father who has always protected him from growing up, but has always been angry at him for neglecting state affairs and lusting after beauty!

Therefore, he is not afraid of him, but awe, deep awe!

This awe comes from the heart!
However, seeing his eyes like this again now, and seeing Yuan Mingyue's alluring face again, he felt in his heart that if he killed Yuan Mingyue in a fit of anger, it would be a pity for her beautiful and beautiful girl Beautiful face!


Seeing Dugu Jiang only glanced at her and then left without looking back, Yuan Mingyue instantly felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

Raising her eyes timidly, she saw Duguchen standing up from the high position, and walking towards her with handsome strides, her heart trembled, and the first thought that flashed in her mind was to turn around and run away!

But, it's too late to say, then fast!
Before she could step out of the big tent, Duguchen's hand had already approached, and grabbed her hair, while she cried out in pain, he dragged her into the tent, and then ruthlessly on the expensive rug at the bottom of the tent!


Under her elbows, severe pain hit her, and her pretty face was wrinkled.

Just when she was struggling to get up, she suddenly heard a hiss, and her back felt a chill, the originally intact clothes were instantly torn apart by Duguchen!
"Bitch! To seduce the emperor, you want to enter the palace?"

His subordinates kept moving, and Duguchen didn't care at all whether Lei Luo and others were present in the big tent, and only tore Yuan Mingyue naked with fierce eyes!
"My lord!"

Not daring to look at his slightly scarlet eyes, Yuan Mingyue picked up the pieces of clothes on the ground with a look of panic, but no matter what, she couldn't cover her flawless body!

"Do you still know shame?"

Smiling coldly, in Yuan Mingyue's eyes, she looked like a demon from hell. Dugu Chenjiang threw the fragments on the ground vigorously, then turned to Lei Luo and said, "Look, from today on, this king will not allow her to wear clothes!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo frowned slightly, and couldn't help showing embarrassment!

"My lord!"

With an exclamation, tears rolled in her eyes, Yuan Mingyue kept shaking her head, raised her eyes and glanced at Lei Luo, she wished she could find a crack in the ground to get in: "You can't do this to me!"

"This king still treats you like this!"

With a cold smile, Duguchen snorted softly: "Without clothes, I will see how you go out to seduce men!"

At the end of the sentence, he snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves vigorously, and walked out with a tall and straight figure!

Why is she bedridden when she comes?
Could it be that she was too poisoned?Is the antidote not effective enough?

In his heart, he was thinking about the woman he loved and hated at the same time. He kept walking, walked out of the big tent, and walked towards the east side of the Weishan Mountain...


On the north side of Weishan Mountain, the sun is thinning on the west mountain, and the sunset glow is magical.

Putting his hands behind his back, looking quietly at the beautiful scenery in front of him, the corners of Nangong Haoling's lips curled slightly, but his eyes were slightly sad.


Looking back at the guard of honor who was slowly going up the mountain not far away, An Yun called him softly, and said faintly: "The Emperor Chu has arrived!"

Hearing that Nangong Haoling was carrying the twin empresses, he couldn't help but tighten up suddenly!
"Xi'er is here..."

Thinking of the person who hadn't seen him in six years, his thin lips slowly curled up, and he turned to look at the guard of honor on the king's flag with the word Xuanyuan written on it!
Not far from him, Duguchen also gradually stopped.

Staring at the Chu State convoy that had already reached the top of the mountain, he narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking that Zhuge Zhenzhen was coming... that Nangong Haoling's favorite woman was coming...

In the large account of leaving the country.

Yuan Xiuyue, who was weak, was drowsy, but saw Ting Lan enter the tent with porridge.

Putting the porridge bowl on the low table beside her, Ting Lan stepped forward a few steps, raised the gauze curtain on the couch, and stared at the pale-faced Yuan Xiuyue inside the tent, "Ma'am, the Emperor Chu's guard of honor has arrived!"

"It's time to come, it's all here!"

Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, and slightly raised her dim eyes!

Now that the guard of honor of Chu State has arrived, it's time for that stunning beauty who overwhelms the country and city to arrive too!

(End of this chapter)

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