Chapter 184 Hijacked! 1
The guard of honor of Emperor Chu has arrived.

On the east side of the Weishan Mountain, in the camp exclusively for the Chu State, there was a sudden crowd of people. The vanguard troops of the imperial guards who had arrived earlier quickly assembled from the east side, separated on both sides of the mountain pass, and greeted their master.

After a while, the bright yellow dragon chariot slowly stopped at the mountain pass.

Immediately afterwards, two beautiful women in palace attire stepped out of the chariot, stopped on the chariot, and slowly rolled up the soft white curtains on both sides of the chariot.

After a while, a five or six-year-old boy in brocade clothes walked out of the chariot.

This boy, with red lips and white teeth, bright pupils, was exceptionally handsome.

Standing in front of the chariot for a while, the boy looked left and right curiously, then turned around with surprise on his face and urged inside the chariot: "Father, queen, hurry up!"

Following his soft call, a man in bright yellow uniform stepped out of the chariot. This man was extremely handsome, his face was as clear as a sculpture, and his angular face was extremely handsome. The Emperor of Chu known as a handsome man—Xuanyuanxu!

Just after stepping out of the chariot, he turned his high-spirited figure slightly, and stretched out his hand to the woman who was still behind the curtain of the car: "Xi'er, come!"


A pair of soft white and delicate slender hands stretched out from the curtain and slowly fell into his hands. After meeting his eyes and smiling at him, the plain white figure slowly walked from behind the curtain. step out.

Slightly raising his eyes, Zhuge cherished a faint smile on his astonishing face, and just this slight smile made the beautiful scenery around him lose its color no matter how beautiful it was.


A child's voice sounded, and Xuanyuan Heng's pink and jade-carved face slightly lifted up, standing beside Xuanyuan Xu, tugging at his bright yellow sleeves and shaking lightly: "Riding a horse with Heng'er!"

Hearing this, Zhuge cherished Dai's eyebrows and frowned slightly.

Looking down at her young son, although her eyes were full of love, she smiled lightly and shook her head: "Father still has important things to do, if you really want to ride a horse, how about going to uncle?!"


Hearing Zhuge cherish these words, Xuanyuanheng pouted slightly, and his beautiful eyes instantly lost a little brilliance. "Heng'er wants Father to accompany..."

"It's okay!"

Unable to bear to see the disappointment on the youngest son's face, Xuanyuan Xu nodded to Xuanyuan Heng with warm eyes: "Early tomorrow morning, when Father is free, I will take you to ride a horse!"


There was no concealment of joy in the clear pupils, and a smile appeared on Xuanyuan Heng's fair little face again.

On the chariot, the family of three are harmonious and beautiful, very warm.

None of the people standing in front of the chariot could bear it or dare to disturb them.

Only Zhuge Jinhua, who got out of the car from the rear, couldn't help raising his eyes to look at Zhuge Zhenzhen who was on the chariot after seeing the familiar figure not far away: "Xi'er...look!"

Hearing his brother's soft call, Zhuge Zhenzhen couldn't help being slightly startled!
She lowered her eyebrows to look at him, and saw that he was looking at the north, she frowned, and followed his gaze.

It wasn't until...she caught a glimpse of the handsome figure on the northern peak of the lofty mountain that her expression suddenly became silent, and there was a faint brilliance flickering in her eyes.

That man once brought her sunshine when her life was at its darkest, so no matter when, she... could recognize him with just one glance!

At this moment, Nangong Haoling and Zhuge Zhenzhen are two people, one is in the north and the other is in the south. Although the distance is a bit far, but no matter how far away, Nangong Haoling's burning gaze still meets Zhuge Zhenzhen's gaze in the air , In just this one glance, his eyes darkened slightly, and a perfect smile appeared from the corner of his lips.

Flashy like a dream, suddenly six years!
I haven't seen her in six years, but she is still as beautiful as before, and her beauty is breathtaking!
His line of sight dropped slightly, and landed on the hand she was holding with Xuanyuanxu. The corners of Nangong Haoling's lips, which had been slightly hooked before, couldn't help but raise again. The footsteps that he had never moved before, had also lifted up. He walked quickly towards the two of them.


On his handsome and flawless face, there was a happy smile after reuniting after a long absence. Xuanyuan Tang led Zhuge Zhenzhen and Xuanyuan Heng out of the chariot all the way, and Nangong Haoling, who was walking towards him at a fast pace, came to the chariot. Meet under the yellow canopy.

Two equally outstanding men, one is impeccably handsome, the other is unrestrained and romantic, both of them can be called peerless!
Standing facing each other, staring at Xuanyuan Xu who grew up with him in front of him, Nangong Haoling's eyes flashed with brilliance, and finally he raised his hand and punched him on the chest: "You boy, finally put She has been found, I thought at first, if you still leave her outside the palace alone, you will definitely beat you up!"

"Fuck you kid!"

Raising his hand unceremoniously, he wanted to send Nangong Haoling a punch back, but seeing his figure like the wind, he dodged his fist in an instant, Xuanyuan Xujun's face froze!
Immediately, there was a look of displeasure!

Seeing this, Zhuge cherished the delicate eyebrows, raised them lightly, and could not help but bend his red lips slightly.

Looking up, seeing the smile in Nangong Haoling's eyes, Xuanyuan Xu sneered, and finally smiled heartily: "It turns out that even if you become Nangong Haoling, you are still the kid named Wuyou in your bones!"

"Nangong Haoling is originally Wuyou, and Wuyou is only Nangong Haoling!"

Since Xuanyuan Xu laughed, Nangong Haoling naturally laughed too.

After only a moment, his smile faded away, his brows frowned and he turned around, looking at Zhuge Zhenzhen beside him.

Facing her bright eyes, he slightly parted his lips, "Xi'er...I..."

"I haven't seen you for six years. How is Lord Hou?"

The voice was soft, but like the ding-dong of spring water, pleasant to the ear, Zhuge cherished deep gazing into Nangong Haoling's eyes, and asked with a faint smile.

His expression was slightly stagnant, but he returned to normal after a while, Nangong Haoling smiled lightly and nodded, "I'm fine!"

Hearing this, Zhuge cherished his smile again.

That faint elegance makes people unable to move their eyes away.

Her eyes turned slightly, and she glanced at her husband and son beside her. There were traces of happiness on her beautiful face, and she turned to Nangong Haoling and said earnestly: "Hello, I'm fine, we're all fine, that's all. most!"

Hearing Zhuge Zhenzhen's words, Nangong Haoling's heartstrings couldn't help trembling slightly.

Staring at her beautiful smile, a gentle smile climbed to the corner of his mouth, his eyes as deep as the sea gradually revealed a trace of calmness: "This is the best!"

Although, earlier, there was news from Ruan Haoran, but he knew very well that, to her, that family feud could not be erased no matter what, so, before meeting her, At that time, he was always worried in his heart whether she really let go of her hatred for him.

But at this moment, he believed that she really didn't hate her anymore!
This is the best!
In the big tent of Liguo, after hearing the news brought back by Ji Heng, knowing that Nangong Haoling had seen Zhuge Zhenzhen, Yuan Xiuyue didn't say a word, just closed her pupils lightly, and sat quietly on the bed with a peaceful expression. Of course.

The Emperor Chu's guard of honor arrived, but Nangong Haoling was nowhere to be seen at this moment. It took for granted that he should have seen Zhuge Zhenxie at this moment.

She knew that those two people would never have any results.

And she should also believe in his heart for her.

But she forgot that matters of relationship have always been preoccupied, even though... those two people are in the past, and she is not around at this moment, but she still feels a little bit reluctant to let go.

This inexplicable feeling of sadness was somewhat beyond her expectation.

Before the bed, the hot porridge cooked by Ting Lan was already half cold.

Seeing that she still didn't want to use it after a while, Ting Lan couldn't help but frowned lightly, and picked up the porridge again: "Mother, the porridge is getting cold, you can drink it while it's hot!"

The slightly drooping eyelashes trembled slightly, and finally rose slowly. Facing Shang Ting Lan's worried eyes, Yuan Xiuyue pulled the corner of her lips lightly: "I'm not hungry, let's put it aside for now!"

"My lady..."

The red lips moved slightly, Ting Lan still didn't give up, picked up a spoon to scoop up a spoonful of hot porridge, and brought it to Yuan Xiuyue: "You can drink as much as you want, just a little!"

"Ting Lan..."

Raising her eyes slightly, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes met Ting Lan's four eyes. Yuan Xiuyue's eyes darkened: "Go after Ji Heng now and ask him if the emperor said when he would come back. I want to see him."

Hearing this, Ting Lan's hand holding the spoon stiffened slightly!

Just now, when she cooked the porridge and brought the big tent, she saw the Emperor Chu's guard of honor arriving from a distance, and they left the Emperor without a moment's delay and went to the east side of Weishan Mountain.

She wasn't sure if Nangong Haoling would return immediately if Yuan Xiuyue said she missed him!
But even so, she still nodded lightly, then lowered her head, put down the porridge bowl in her hand, sighed softly, got up and walked out.

Seeing Ting Lan go out, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but smiled wryly, then closed her eyes again, wanting to take a nap.

However, as long as she closes her eyes, Nangong Xiaoran's gentle appearance smiling at him will appear in front of her eyes.

Helpless, finally let out a long sigh, she opened her eyes again, stared directly at the dragon pattern on the roof of the tent, which belonged to the royal family of Li Kingdom, and was in a daze!

After going out for a while, Ting Lan returned again.

Thinking that she had found Nangong Haoling, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes flashed, and she gradually became more angry: "Catch up with Ji Heng so quickly?"


Seeing that the bright color in Yuan Xiuyue's eyes gradually faded, Ting Lan shook her head lightly and said, "His Royal Highness Yue Wang is asking to see you outside the tent!"

Dugu Chen? !

Yuan Xiuyue's eyes twitched slightly when she thought of that self-confident and self-confident monstrous man!

She lowered her eyes, looked at her sickly body, and thought about his love for Long Chuxiu, she sighed softly and said, "Go and tell King Yue that I'm not feeling well, see you some other day!"

She clearly remembered that when he gave her the antidote, Duguchen once said that he hoped to see the shrewd and agile Long Chuxiu in Nanling!
But at this moment, she was far from the one he wanted to see!
That being the case, seeing each other is really better than nostalgia!

Hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words, Ting Lan's eyes showed a strange color.

Without turning around and going out, she blessed the body again, and then sighed softly: "His Royal Highness Yue said that he already knew that the empress was unwell, and guessed that the empress would say goodbye some other day, but even so, he still asked the slave to tell Madam, if he doesn't see Madam today, he won't go back to Nanyue tent."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned!
But thinking about it carefully, it seemed like something that Duguchen could say, she bent her lips and smiled bitterly, and said to Ting Lan: "Let him in!"


Slightly nodding, Ting Lan turned and turned outward.


Watching Ting Lan go out, Ying Ying frowned and said: "This Yue Wang will not treat you..."

She was aware of the Anyang incident a year ago, but after returning to Yuan Xiuyue, she never heard Yuan Xiuyue talk about Long Chuxiu, so seeing Yuan Xiuyue going to see King Yue at this moment, it was inevitable that she was worried!
"Don't worry, nothing will happen!"

Faintly, with a sigh, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly at the shadow, then raised her eyebrows again, and lowered her eyebrows to play with the tassels hanging down in front of the couch.

In the time Ting Lan came and went, Duguchen was already in the tent of leaving the country.

As soon as he entered the tent, he saw the pale Yuan Xiuyue on the bed, his heart was slightly suffocated, and he asked with a gloomy expression, "Yuan Xiuyue, you broke your promise!"

(End of this chapter)

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