Chapter 185 Hijacked! 2
Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes changed slightly!
As smart as she is, how could she not understand that what he said was breaking her promise, which meant that she had not taken good care of her body.

However, this body is her own.

The one who suffers is also herself.

In this world, there is no one who hopes that she can get better soon!
However, things backfired!

She was originally healthy and healthy, but for some reason, after being poisoned, she became weaker and weaker, and she was always in a bad mood!

Moreover, when Nangong Xiaoran throws herself into Wujiang River again, her body will no longer look like her own!

At this point in her thoughts, she couldn't help but sigh bitterly in her heart!
Looking sideways at Dugu Chen, who was dressed in fine clothes and imposing, she was not afraid of his cold expression and gaze at all, she just smiled lightly and said: "I don't seem to have promised Yue Wang anything!"

Hearing this, Duguchen frowned, but didn't say much, and stepped forward.

Seeing him approaching, the shadow froze, as if facing a formidable enemy, he moved quickly and raised his arms to block his figure.

"Go away!"

In the deep voice, there was a bit of forbearance, but it seemed to be mixed with a gust of wind and rain. Duguchen's eyes were like lightning, coldly shining on the shadow's pretty face.

"Please respect yourself, King Yue, this is my big account for leaving the country!"

The voice was cold, also without a hint of warmth, the shadow met Duguchen's cold eyes straight, the eyes were firm, and there was no sign of retreat!
"It's okay!"

Looking up at a man and a woman not far away who were at war with swords, seeing that Dugu Chen insisted on stepping forward, but the shadow was determined not to allow it, and neither of them had any intention of retreating, Yuan Xiuyue slightly hooked the corners of her lips, and Xiao Suo sighed : "Shadow, step back first!"


Looking back at Yuan Xiuyue, Shadow frowned.

"Go back!"

Without raising her eyes to look at the shadow, Yuan Xiuyue said calmly again: "Now is the important period of the Three Kingdoms Summit, King Yue will never do anything to me!"

Hearing this, the shadow's complexion changed slightly!
Looking sideways and coldly at Dugu Chen, she turned around and respectfully said to Yuan Xiuyue: "The subordinate is right outside the door!"

After saying that, she turned her steps, moved away from Duguchen, and walked out of the big tent quickly!
Without the shadow to stop him, Dugu Chen's handsome face slightly slowed down, and he stepped forward again, but he stopped only a few feet away from the sleeping couch, and he stared at the sick-looking man on the couch with dark eyes. Woman: "He treats you badly?"

"he treats me well!"

He lightly raised his eyes, although his complexion was poor, but his eyes were extremely firm. Looking at Duguchen's cold and gloomy handsome face, he knew that he must blame Nangong Haoling for his appearance at this moment, and he was very likely to be because of this. Looking for Nangong Haoling, Yuan Xiuyue secretly sighed in her heart, picked up the warm porridge bowl in front of the bed, took a sip, and said with a wry smile: "Actually, to be honest, I owe everything to you today. Thanks, why do you blame him now?!"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen's handsome appearance changed slightly!

Before he could open his mouth, Yuan Xiuyue sighed again, and then deliberately squeezed him with a wry smile: "If you hadn't poisoned me back then, I wouldn't have been poisoned. If you had given me the antidote earlier, I would have given you the antidote." The poison on my body will not be so heavy..."


Raising eyebrows and raising eyes, he suddenly interrupted Yuan Xiuyue's words, Duguchen snorted coldly and said: "Yuan Xiuyue, every fruit in the world has its cause, if you have never deceived me, how could you have ended up in such a state? The king gave you the antidote, it is the utmost benevolence and righteousness, you don't want to go further!"

What Yuan Xiuyue wanted was Duguchen's reaction at this moment!
Therefore, seeing his anger flare up, Yuan Xiuyue lightly raised her black eyebrows, took another sip of porridge, and said angrily, "Yuan Xiuyue is grateful to His Highness Yue Wang! Thank you His Highness for only poisoning me half to death, but Did not poison me!"


Really furious by Yuan Xiuyue, Duguchen gave her a cold look, and said with a sassy smile, "Your kung fu for irritating people is really proficient!"

"His Royal Highness Yue Wang is absurd!"

The corners of her lips curled up slightly, and she smiled faintly. Yuan Xiuyue's eyes darkened, and she drank all the porridge in the porridge bowl before she said in a dazed manner: "My emperor, I often praise me like this!"


Clenching his fists tightly, he gritted the roots of his teeth loudly. After all, Duguchen was just like Nangong Haoling in the past, and a word came out from between his teeth: "Okay!"

Hearing this, the smile on the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips gradually disappeared, and she put the empty porridge bowl on the low table beside her, she said disapprovingly: "I and you, one is the queen of Liguo, and the other is the queen of Nanyue. My lord, in fact, whether this palace is good or not has nothing to do with Yuewangdian!"


With a cold smile, the veins on his forehead popped out of anger, Duguchen's complexion sank, and he gritted his teeth and snorted: "There is no relationship at all between you and me now!"

After the words fell, he turned around and left the Lijun tent in a fit of anger!
Seeing Duguchen leave in anger, Yuan Xiuyue's lips could not help but a wry smile escaped again!
Knowing that Nangong Haoling is not returning at this moment, she must have gone to the big tent of Chu State, she sighed lightly, feeling a little tired in her heart, and then slowly closed her eyes again,

After getting out of the big tent, breathing in the fresh night wind outside the tent, he frowned tightly, and looked back at the curtain that was still fluttering back and forth in the night wind, without moving a step for a long time!
Gradually, the anger in his eyes receded, replaced by a faint pain!

This woman!


Entering from the big tent, seeing Yuan Xiuyue closing her eyes and recuperating as before, Ying Ying and Ting Lan looked at each other and leaned forward!
Looking up, seeing Yuan Xiuyue's eyes closed tightly, as if she was out of breath, Ting Lan's heart skipped a beat, and she hastily stretched out her hand to push her: "Your Majesty!"

Finally fell asleep, but was suddenly pushed by Ting Lan again, Yuan Xiuyue frowned and narrowed her eyes to look at Ting Lan, but asked, "Has the Emperor come back?"

"not yet!"

Gently, as she replied, Ting Lan looked at Yuan Xiuyue carefully, then lightly pursed her red lips, and asked with some hesitation: "Your Majesty, are you alright?"

"What's the matter with this palace?"

Raising her eyes and giving Ting Lan an angry look, Yuan Xiuyue closed her eyelids again, and said in a slightly low voice, "I'm just a little tired!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan's heartstrings loosened slightly.

Raising her eyes to look at the window on the low table, she bit her red lips lightly and said: "There is not much time left until dinner, the empress will go to bed after dinner?"

"I've had porridge, I want to go out to get some fresh air after eating..."

Gently, with such a grunt, Yuan Xiuyue turned around, turned inward, and left her back to Ting Lan: "I will just sleep for a while, before the emperor comes back, don't wake up, just sleep for a while!"

Hearing Yuan Xiuyue's childish murmur, Ting Lan's heart suddenly felt sore!
Unknowingly, she shed tears again, she raised her eyes to look at the shadow, seeing the clear light in the shadow's eyes, but her face was also heavy, she pulled her lips lightly, put the tent on the bed, and took the round fan, Standing beside Yuan Xiuyue, she fanned her hand again and again.

As for Shadow, he sighed secretly in his heart, and stood aside calmly...

The time of reunion after a long absence was relaxed and pleasant. Neither Nangong Haoling nor Zhuge Zhenzhen, neither of them mentioned the events of that year again. Suddenly, the honor guard of the Chu Emperor stopped for a long time. Before the dragon chariot, a group of people talked and talked Laugh, with smiles on their faces.

After a short exchange of pleasantries, Zhuge Zhenzhen glanced behind Nangong Haoling and saw that there was only one entourage following her. She couldn't help but chuckled and asked, "I heard the general and the emperor say that you will bring your own queen with you on this trip. Why? At this moment, I only see you, but not the beautiful woman?"

Hearing Zhuge Zhenzhen ask about Yuan Xiuyue, Nangong Haoling's eyes dimmed almost imperceptibly.

Still smiling like a spring breeze, he sighed silently, and said: "She is not in good health. When she came here, she was caught in the wind and cold, and she is resting in the tent at the moment!"

With a heart as cherished as Zhuge, how could he fail to see the gloomy look in Nangong Haoling's eyes? !
Thoughts were spinning in her mind, she smiled gracefully, and said softly: "Then when you go back to the tent, remember to tell me that when Chu tent is settled, I will visit her!"

"it is good!"

A gentle smile was always on the corner of his mouth, looking at Xuanyuanxu and Zhuge Zhenzhen in front of him, Nangong Haoling felt as if he had returned to the past again!

That, in the state of Chu, under the name of Ji Wuyou, when he was carefree.

At that time, he didn't have to worry about state affairs, because he had a very carefree name, that is-Xiaoyaohou!
Sometimes, he has been thinking that if today is the same as before, with his Xiuyue, he might live a more chic life with him!
It's not as good as it is now...

Feeling disappointed, while thoughts were flying, he looked up and saw a girl who was two years older than Xuanyuan Heng jumped out of the carriage behind and ran over all the way. He raised his handsome eyebrows slightly, and turned his head to look at Xiang Xuanyuanxu.

As far as he knows, Zhuge Zhenzhen only gave birth to two sons for him, but no daughter!
Facing his questioning gaze, Xuanyuan Xu's thin lips slowly curled up, looking at the girl who was running towards him.

The little girl was about eight or nine years old, with fair skin, bright eyes, and a very beautiful appearance. When she raised her eyes, those water eyes that seemed to be talking, blinked lightly when meeting Xuanyuan Xu's gaze, and then Hurriedly and well-behaved, she lowered her petite body: "Ruyue sees the emperor's uncle!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling frowned slightly.

The heirs of the Chu Kingdom are pitifully few.

In Xuanyuanxu's generation, there are only three siblings.

Now that the little girl respects him as the emperor's uncle, it is not difficult to figure out whose daughter she is!
"Free gift!"

Gently stroking the girl's bun, Xuanyuan Xu raised his head and looked at Nangong Haoling: "This is the daughter of Yan'er and Brother Qi, her name is Xuanyuan Ruyue. Brother Wang was left by me in Beijing for this trip, and she is the only daughter. The spirit is strange, and he wanted to come out with all his heart, so he brought along... Ruyue, I have seen Emperor Li!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Ruyue's delicately smiling body couldn't help trembling slightly, then she turned around slightly, and lowered her eyes to Nangong Haoling: "Xuanyuan Ruyue sees Emperor Li!"

"Stay flat!"

Looking at Xuanyuan Ruyue who inherited her mother's beauty with a smile, Nangong Haoling frowned lightly, thinking that Xuanyuan Xu said she was weird, he couldn't help asking: "Your name is Ruyue?"

Like the moon like the moon!It's like repairing the moon!
At this moment, what he was thinking in his heart was actually Yuan Xiuyue!


Gently nodding, Xuanyuan Ruyue slightly raised her eyes, and smiled at Nangong Haoling: "Xuanyuan Ruyue!"

"A nice name!"

All of a sudden, Nangong Haoling's heart surged with longing.

He missed Yuan Xiuyue!
Although it was only for a short moment, I still miss it so much!
Thinking of her pale and slightly disappointed eyes, he felt suffocated, and he looked up at Xuanyuanxu and Zhuge Zhenzhen in front of him: "It's getting late, I have something to do, let's go first!"

Hearing this, both Xuanyuanxu and Zhuge Zhenzhen were stunned!
Looking at the two people who were as handsome and beautiful as Bi people, Nangong Haoling smiled with his lips bent, and that smile was peerless: "The big tent of Liguo is on the west side of Weishan Mountain. If you want to talk to me about the old days, you can go directly there. Two-day Yue'er is not in good health, I'm afraid I won't be able to get away."

Listening to what he called, it was actually Yue'er, his mind was as clear as Zhuge's, so he naturally understood why he was in a trance when he heard Xuanyuan Ruyue's name just now!
(End of this chapter)

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