Chapter 186 Hijacked! 3
Secretly sighed in her heart, but what came to her heart was sincere blessings. She stared at the smile on Nangong Haoling's lips, nodded slightly and said: "I will definitely go to meet that one, so that Wuyou can let go of the peerless past. woman!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling didn't say any more.

With a faint smile, he turned around and walked towards Liguo's big tent with some eagerness.

Looking at his back, Zhuge Zhenzhen sighed softly: "The one who was devoted to me back then, finally found what he wanted most..."

Hearing her sigh, Xuanyuan Xu lightly embraced her fragrant shoulders, frowned and said with a smile: "Now I have mine, and he has his, that's the best!"

Hearing this, Zhuge cherished a smile!
The slightly upturned corner of the mouth, full of youthfulness, made Xuanyuan Xu's heart feel hot, and he couldn't help leaning over to kiss her.

At this moment, unexpectedly, a white and soft little hand grabbed his belt: "Father, Heng'er sees that you are free right now, take Heng'er on a horse..."

Seeing this, the smile on Yuan Xiuyue's lips deepened.

And Xuanyuanxu, with black lines all over his face, embraced Zhuge Zhenzhen and walked towards the big tent of Chu State...


The immature child's voice, accompanied by the sunset after sunset, drifted over the top of Weishan Mountain, Xuanyuanheng trotted all the way, and chased after him...

When Nangong Haoling returned to Liguo's big tent, it was already the beginning of the lights.

But on the couch, Yuan Xiuyue had just fallen asleep.

First asked Ting Lan about Yuan Xiuyue's situation, knowing that she was looking for him halfway, Nangong Haoling couldn't help but felt a burst of self-blame and guilt!

I have told everyone that no one is allowed to enter the account.He stepped in lightly, took off his brocade boots gently, and then lay sideways on the couch, hugging Yuan Xiuyue's slightly thin body into his arms.

Xu Shi's body was already weak, and Yuan Xiuyue, who was in a deep sleep, only groaned, and then continued to sleep soundly, without being woken up by her.

The thin and beautiful lips were slightly raised, and she caressed her soft side face very lovingly. Nangong Haoling sighed softly: "Yue'er, do you know that even if Xi'er was there just now, in my heart, It's still you that I'm thinking of..." As soon as his tone fell, he paused for a moment, and then asked again: "I've missed you in just a short moment, do you miss me?"

As if hearing his soft words, Yuan Xiuyue's body in his embrace couldn't help but froze slightly!
Feeling the light movement of her body, the smile on Nangong Haoling's lips became even brighter.

Slightly raising his chin, he kissed her temples lightly, his long narrow but divine eyes were shining brightly, he gently closed his eyelids, his tone was soft, and he said repeatedly: "My Yue'er, you must Get well soon! I'm still waiting for you to give birth to a prince for me!"

Hearing this, the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips twitched lightly, and her tense body relaxed slightly.

Night is still long.

But the two people in the tent have quietly fallen asleep.

Accompanied by Nangong Haoling, Yuan Xiuyue, who originally planned to go out to get some air, fell into a deep sleep, and did not wake up until the third watch...


Night is deep.

On the south side of Weishan Mountain, in Duguchen's sleeping tent, there are still singing and dancing, all night long!

In the end, after three rounds of drinking, when Dugu Chen looked drunk, Lei Luo pushed everyone back, and the room was quiet!

Drunken eyes, looking up from the table, seeing the tranquility in the tent, Dugu Chen frowned lightly, a little smile appeared on his handsome face: "Where are those women?"

"My lord, you are drunk!"

Bending down to take away the glass cup that still had wine in his hand, Lei Luo reached out and raised his arm, supporting him all the way to the sleeping couch.By the time Duguchen was placed on the couch, his forehead was covered with fine sweat.


With a cold snort, Duguchen frowned, and closed his eyes slightly: "It would be fine if the king was drunk, but at this moment, the king is not drunk!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo's face darkened slightly!
Because of his special status, he never drank alcohol, but he also saw a lot of drunk people!
Experience told him that anyone who says he is not drunk is already deeply drunk!


He lowered his eyebrows and looked at Lei Luo who was taking off his brocade boots for him. Dugu Chen, who seldom showed his true self in front of others, frowned bitterly: "Why is her shadow always in front of me whether I am drunk or not? "

Hearing that Dugu Chen, who usually never showed his sincerity to others, said these words at this moment, Lei Luo was taking off his brocade boots for him, he couldn't help but hesitate slightly!

He raised his eyes to see Dugu Chen who was kneading his eyebrows tightly with his hands on the bed, and he sighed in his heart!
Taking off Duguchen's brocade boots, and lifting his legs onto the couch, Lei Luo frowned tightly, took another deep look at him, then turned around and walked towards the outside of the tent.

"Out of Xiu..."

The words full of intoxication, but full of deep affection, Duguchen closed his eyes tightly, and turned his body to the side.

Hearing the sound, Lei Luo's complexion changed slightly, but he had no choice but to back out.

Where should he go to help him find his hometown? !

In the tent adjacent to Duguchen's tent, Yuan Mingyue's hair was in a disheveled bun, and she hugged the quilt on the bed with a haggard face, but she couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

When she looked up, she saw Lei Luo entering the tent, she was startled, her body was not covered by the thin quilt, she couldn't help shivering.

Eyebrows lowered, Lei Luo frowned slightly as he looked at the stunning woman who was sleeping on the couch with a stunning face but full of fear, and walked forward.

"Don't come here!"

Trembling, Yuan Mingyue wanted to reprimand Lei Luo, but he seemed to have not heard her reprimand, and still pushed forward.

"Don't worry, even if the prince despises you, you are still the prince's woman! I will never do anything to you!" Looking straight into Yuan Mingyue's terrified eyes, Lei Luo stretched out his hand to support her shoulders, but saw her backing away in a panic, retreating sideways to a corner of the couch!
Seeing this, Lei Luo's eyes were slightly cold, and he stretched out his hand suddenly, directly clasping her shoulder blades through the thin quilt, his voice was low and cold: "Now, you stay with the prince!"

"I... I won't go!"

The pain on her shoulders couldn't overcome the fear of Duguchen in her heart, Yuan Mingyue shook her head firmly with firm eyes: "I won't go!"

Seeing Yuan Mingyue frowned in pain but kept shaking her head, Lei Luo's face turned cold: "I'll give you two choices now, either, go to accompany the prince now, or I will throw you to the Imperial Army Among them, let them all have a taste of the number one beauty in Lidu!"

Hearing this, Yuan Mingyue's heart trembled, and her beautiful face turned pale for a while: "You can't... I am the prince's woman!"

"Huh, now I remember that you are the prince's woman? You are just a woman who doesn't want to accompany the prince!" With a snort, Lei Luo said in a very cold tone: "I will give you a short time, choose one of the two ways one!"

Hearing Lei Luo's words, Yuan Mingyue felt a burst of irony in her heart!
Once upon a time, she had forced Yuan Xiuyue to choose one of the two paths, but in the end, with Nangong Xiaoran's help, she escaped from danger, so... what about her?
At this moment, who will come to help her? !
God, isn't this deliberately teasing her?


Lei Luo gave Yuan Mingyue two paths. Although it sounds nice to choose one of the two, in reality there is only one path for her to choose!
Therefore, in the middle of the third watch, she was wrapped in brocade by Lei Luo and sent to Duguchen's big tent.

Standing barefoot in the big tent, Yuan Mingyue looked at Duguchen who was sleeping on the couch in horror, with an inexplicable fear in her heart, she turned around instinctively, wrapped in the quilt and wanted to escape!

However, the moment she turned around, Lei Luo's hand grabbed her slender wrist, and threatened her in a cold tone: "Go, imitate your sister's tone, and talk to the prince!"


For a moment, she felt that she had been greatly humiliated. Yuan Mingyue opened her mouth to refuse, but when she looked into Lei Luo's ice-cold eyes, she swallowed the words out of Jiang's mouth vigorously!
"go with!"

With a strong flick of Yuan Mingyue's wrist, she fell onto the carpet in front of the bed. Lei Luo frowned and stared at her sharply!
Under my heart, I couldn't help but tremble!
Finally daring not to speak again, Yuan Mingyue got up from the carpet, trembling slightly, stretched out her hand, tremblingly caressed Duguchen's shoulder: "My lord..."

This sound came from her soft call, but it was the tone of the person she hated the most in her heart!

This is extremely cruel to her!

Hearing that familiar voice, Duguchen, who was already hungover and drowsy, frowned.

Slightly opening his eyes, he met Yuan Mingyue's frightened water eyes, his eyes softened, and a smile that was more beautiful than a woman's smile came from his lips: "Chuxiu?!"

Focusing on Duguchen's smile at this moment, Yuan Mingyue's heart couldn't help beating a beat faster!
"it's me!"

Responding to the address in his mouth with great difficulty, she slowly moved her trembling hand up until it touched her handsome face: "My lord, why are you drunk?"

"I miss you..."

Thinking of Yuan Mingyue in front of him as the lively and playful face in his memory, Duguchen slightly hooked the corners of his lips, and said in an extremely gentle tone: "You clearly know my king's heart, but why do you keep rejecting me for thousands of miles?" outside?"

Hearing his soft words, Yuan Mingyue's heart couldn't help trembling slightly!
Indulging in his extreme tenderness, as if she had really become the Long Chuxiu in his deep memory, she trembled her lips, and approached inch by inch until she kissed the corners of his slightly turned lips!
The figure froze suddenly!
But after being frozen, Yuan Mingyue was pressed down on the couch, and Duguchen devoted all he had, deeply infatuated with the cherry lips under his lips.

In his mind, the scene of seeing Long Chuxiu for the first time resurfaced again. He gently brushed off the thin quilt covering Yuan Mingyue's body, listening to her moaning uncontrollably because of him...

Looking at the scene on the bed, Lei Luo closed his eyes with some difficulty.

He has followed Dugu Chen for many years, how could he not know that after tonight, when he wakes up, there will be storms all over the building again!
However, even so, he would rather that tonight, his master, his lord, could temporarily forget everything and enjoy this false tenderness contentedly!

The next day, the sky was bright.

Duguchen woke up from a deep sleep, but only felt that he had a splitting headache!
Frowning tightly, he rubbed his temples vigorously. In his mind, the fiery scenes of last night suddenly flashed.

Dragon out of Xiu? !

Suspiciously lowering his eyes, he looked at the sleepy stunning woman beside him, his pupils shrank violently, and then he stretched out his hand to imprison Yuan Mingyue's slender and white jade neck.

Only suddenly, Yuan Mingyue, whose breathing was blocked, woke up with a start.

Meeting Duguchen's furious pupils, she felt a chill in her heart, and wanted to explain, but she couldn't speak out!
"You bitch!"

With a bang, she was thrown from the couch to the ground, Duguchen reached out and copied the brocade robe, and put it on in just two or three strokes.

Hearing the sound outside the tent, Lei Luo walked in quickly.

Seeing Yuan Mingyue clenched his neck with both hands, and her delicate body fell to the ground naked, he raised his eyes and looked into Duguchen's burning eyes, he couldn't help but took two steps forward, and wanted to say: "My lord!"


Before Lei Luo could make a sound, Dugu Chen had already pulled out the long sword in his hand, and pointed at Yuan Mingyue, "Okay, Yuan Mingyue, if you don't count on me once, but you want to come again?" ?”

"My lord!"

Pushing back tremblingly, Yuan Mingyue looked at Lei Luo as if begging for help, and begged Duguchen tremblingly: "It's not's not me...ah..."

(End of this chapter)

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