Chapter 187 Hijacked! 4
The words she explained had not yet come to fruition, when Duguchen raised his sword and dropped it.

As the long sword in his hand fell to the ground, her face was instantly filled with burning pain!

"my face……"

Holding her injured face with a stern voice, she couldn't stop the blood from flowing from her fingertips. Yuan Mingyue opened her eyes wide, thinking that her face was ruined, she lost all hope and passed out directly!
"My lord!"

Unable to bear to look at Yuan Mingyue's bleeding face, Lei Luo said in a deep voice, "I can't blame her at this time, it's my subordinates..."

"To shut up!"

The voice was extremely cold, as if the ice in that extremely cold place had been frozen for many years. Duguchen looked at Lei Luo fiercely and coldly: "Drag her and this king out, if this king sees her again in the future, He will definitely kill her!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo felt cold!
Not daring to say anything more, he directly took the thin quilt from the sleeping bed, wrapped Yuan Mingyue up with a frown, and quickly took him away from Duguchen's sleeping tent!
As soon as the two left, the long sword in Duguchen's hand fell to the ground with a snap!

Standing on the spot for a long time, he took two steps back in a daze, and fell onto the couch behind him!

Last night, he still had a deep memory of the lingering dream!
Even if it was a dream, he would think it was a beautiful dream!
But if the person in this dream is any woman, to him, no matter how beautiful this dream is, it will turn from a dream to a nightmare!

Leaving the country's big account.

Yuan Xiuyue, who had a good night's sleep, got up early in the morning, her energy improved, and her mood was no longer as dull as yesterday.

Her mood improved, and everyone's mood also improved in Liguo tent.

After washing up, she sat in front of the dressing table, waiting quietly for Ting Lan to make up with herself.

Seeing that she had combed her hair in a bun for half an hour, Nangong Haoling, who had been waiting to have dinner with her, couldn't help frowning, "You usually wear casual makeup, what's the matter today?" ?”

Glancing at Nangong Haoling behind him from the bronze mirror, Yuan Xiuyue said lightly: "The three emperors who came to attend the Three Kingdoms Summit this time, except for Nanyue who has no descendants, only Xi'er and I are left. In terms of beauty, even if I No matter how you dress up, you can't compare to her, now that I'm sick, if you don't make up carefully, I'm afraid you will lose all your face!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling chuckled lightly: "What the queen said is that the queen has really worked hard for my face today!"

After hearing his words, Yuan Xiuyue smiled, and continued to let Ting Lan comb her hair with her.

Staring at her pretty face with a smile, the corners of Nangong Haoling's lips couldn't help but curl up slightly.

After breakfast and decoction, Yuan Xiuyue saw that Zhuge Zhenzhen hadn't come yet, so she leaned back on the couch and read the medical skills that the imperial physician Wang had given her earlier.

Unknowingly, half a day passed by, but there was still no shadow of Zhuge Zhenzhen, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help turning her head to Nangong Haoling who was hugging her lightly and asked, "Didn't the emperor say that she would come to see me?" ?”

"She said she wanted to see you!"

Nodding with a smile, Nangong Haoling bent his lips and said with a smile: "It's just that I will come to see you after everything is arranged in Chu's account!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help smiling wryly.

Raising her eyes slightly, seeing Nangong Haoling's peaceful eyes, she smiled lightly and said, "You knew she wouldn't come early today, but you deliberately didn't tell me, and you just let me wait here like a fool."

"You have been in a bad mood for the past few days, but when you said that Xi'er was coming, you regained your energy..." Smiling to meet Yuan Xiuyue's slightly sullen eyes, Nangong Haoling hugged her tightly and kissed her lightly Gu's pretty face: "I don't do it for anything else, I just want to distract you, and temporarily forget about those unhappy things!"

Hearing Nangong Haoling's affectionate words, the slight anger in Yuan Xiuyue's eyes quickly disappeared.

Sighing sadly, the corners of her lips curled slightly, and she sighed helplessly: "It's my fault, which made the emperor worry!"

"You are my wife, I don't worry about you but who should I worry about?"

Smiling, Nangong Haoling lightly scratched the tip of Yuan Xiuyue's nose, then took her hand and put her down on the bed: "Get up, it's time for lunch, and you can take a rest after drinking the medicine later, Xi'er has an early morning." Then came the news that she went down the mountain to the Qiu Mansion in Nanling City, and she will not come back until after dinner!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly!

If she remembered correctly, when she was in Anyang, she was chased by Lei Luo, at that time Zhuge Zhenzhen's brother sent someone to protect her, and at that time, those people called Zhuge Jinhua the enemy!
From this point of view, this Qiu residence should also be Zhuge's cherished natal family...


It is night, and the night wind is rustling.

As Nangong Haoling said, after Yuan Xiuyue had dinner, Zhuge Zhenzhen came.

They exchanged glances with Nangong Haoling, neither of them said a word, and they moved out of the big tent together.

Outside the big tent, Zhuge Zhenxi wore a lavender gauze dress, under the enchanting moonlight, in the red cage, there was an indescribable sense of refinement.

I haven't seen her for more than a year. When I see her again now, Yuan Xiuyue is slightly stunned by her beauty, just like the first time I saw her!

And Zhuge Zhenzhen who was outside the tent, when he saw her, also opened his eyes slightly, his mouth groaned slightly, and he was stunned on the spot for a while!
"You are……"

With a soft and long voice, Zhuge Zhenzhen raised his eyes to look at Nangong Haoling, and Jiang's eyes once again landed on Yuan Xiuyue, his pretty face was full of shock: "Miss Yue'er?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue smiled faintly!
Stepping forward slowly from Nangong Haoling's side, she stood opposite Zhuge Zhenzhen, "Xi'er, I'm Yue'er!"

Slightly opening her mouth, Yuan Xiuyue narrowed her eyebrows and took a deep look at Nangong Haoling on the other side, then smiled lightly at Yuan Xiuyue: "At that time, I was thinking that Miss Yue'er was a very special woman. What kind of husband should I be looking for, but today... I know!"

Zhuge Zhenzhen never believed in fate, but he couldn't refute the fate between himself and Yuan Xiuyue!
Last year, in Anyang City, she saved her Heng'er, and at that time she kept saying that she was going to find her husband... She never dreamed that the person she was looking for would be Ji Wu worry!

And she, in the past, has been thinking about what kind of woman is worthy of him!
But now, she understands.

This woman may not be beautiful, but she must be unique in this world!
With this in mind, Zhuge Zhen smiled knowingly, and lightly pulled Yuan Xiuyue's hand, she said to Nangong Haoling with a coquettish smile: "Axu is having a drink with Yue Wang on the north side outside at the moment, if you are free, you will have nothing to worry about." What happened, how about the past?"

Hearing this, Ji Wuyou frowned slightly.

Turning his eyes slightly, he glanced at Yuan Xiuyue with some worry, and then softly asked Zhuge Zhenzhen: "Yue'er is not well, where are you going?"

"Of course I know that Yue'er is not in good health, you don't need to remind me!"

Blinking at Nangong Haoling, Zhuge Zhenzhen shook Yuan Xiuyue's arm lightly: "I heard from them that the scenery on the north side is very good. Since they are gathered together, the two of us, the sisters, also went to find a quiet place. How about a place to chat?"

Looking back, looking at Nangong Haoling behind him, Yuan Xiuyue nodded recklessly, and smiled at Zhuge Zhenzhen: "It's exactly what I want!"

Seeing this, Nangong Haoling smiled lightly and shook his head.

The two most important women in his life had already made a decision, and he, the ruler of the country, had no choice but to follow his orders, and had a drink with Xuanyuanxu and Dugu Chenyuexia.

On the north side of Weishan Mountain, there is a big tent of the Chinese army where the Three Kingdoms Summit was discussed!
In addition, the view here is wide, the grasslands are abundant, and there is a mountain wind blowing in front of you. It is a rare place to escape the heat in midsummer.

In front of him, Xuanyuan Heng and Xuanyuan Ruyue were chasing each other, having a great time playing, and behind him, there were imperial troops from Li Kingdom and Chu Kingdom following step by step.

Walking in the grass with Zhuge Zhenzhen, breathing the long-lost air, Yuan Xiuyue only felt that her heart, which had been suppressed for a long time because of Nangong Xiaoran's death, came alive again.


With a soft call to Yuan Xiuyue, Zhuge Zhen paused slightly, and turned his eyes to meet Yuan Xiuyue's pupils shining like black grapes under the moonlight: "Thank you!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, her face full of doubts: "It's so good, why are you thanking me?"

Raising his hand slightly, he took Yuan Xiuyue's hand again, Zhuge cherished bright eyes and said, "My thank you is for saving Heng'er in Anyang last year, and for giving Wuyou what I can't give."


Her heart faltered slightly, Yuan Xiuyue pursed her lips and smiled lightly, her eyes sparkling: "You thanked me when I saved Heng'er in the past, and as for Wuyou...he never belonged to him, his heart at this moment It's not with you, so you don't have to say thank you to me!"

Hearing this, Zhuge Zhenzhen couldn't help but smile!
With a slight sigh, she looked up at the bright moon above her head: "You are right, his heart is indeed not with me now! But... I still want to thank you for stealing his heart..."


Zhan Yan smiled, the smile was very pure, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but smiled and gave Zhuge Zhen a glance, held her hand and said: "His heart came to me by himself, I didn't steal it!"

Hearing this, Zhuge Zhen's eyes brightened!
Slightly lowering her gaze, she turned her eyes to look at Yuan Xiuyue, but when she caught a glimpse of her back, her face changed in surprise!

Realizing the difference in expression, Yuan Xiuyue's heart shuddered!
Raising her hand suddenly, she was about to touch her waist, but she felt a chill on her neck. She was held hostage by someone with a knife, and a strong smell of blood invaded her nose and mouth. Before she could react, she saw someone behind her There was another man dressed in the costume of the forbidden army of Chu, who raised his hand and touched the acupoints that she and Zhuge cherished!
(End of this chapter)

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