Chapter 188 A Different Choice 1
The moment the acupoints were tapped by the thief, Yuan Xiuyue's intuition told her that although they were dressed in the costumes of the Imperial Guards of Chu, they should be coming for her!Let me ask, most of the concubines in the palace have no strength to restrain a chicken, and most people in the world know that Zhuge Zhenzhen is not a martial arts practitioner, if ordinary people, just subdue her and Zhuge Zhenzhen, why would they use acupuncture? !

If so, she guessed right!
At this moment, the imperial guards behind them who are responsible for protecting them should have been murdered!
Secretly glad that she didn't bring Ting Lan with her when she came out this time, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes sarcasticly, looking at Zhuge Cherish who had been brought back to her senses, her eyes flickered, and she turned to look at the two children in front of her. Xuanyuan Heng and Xuanyuan Ruyue, who were playing in front, also turned their heads, seeing Yuan Xiuyue and Zhuge Zhenzhen being hijacked, they all screamed.



"To shut up!"

The thieves who held the two of them strangled the necks of Yuan Xiuyue and Zhuge Zhenzhen with their thick arms respectively, and forced a sharp dagger between their throats, "Go and find Emperor Nangong Haoling, or I will kill them immediately!"

While the man was talking, Yuan Xiuyue felt a sudden pain in her neck, knowing that it was the man's knife cut on her neck, she couldn't help gasping, and hearing him keep saying that she wanted to see Nangong Haoling, she couldn't help laughing and said: "Hey... Let me tell you, if you cut deeper with this knife, I will die. Even if my son Nangong Haoling comes later, what bargaining chip will you use to negotiate with him?"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

The arm holding Yuan Xiuyue's neck tightened suddenly, causing her to almost lose her breath.


Although there was some worry in the voice, there was no trace of panic on the clear and beautiful face. Zhuge Zhen yelled at the thief in a deep voice, and turned to look at Xuanyuan Heng and Xuanyuan Ruyue who were on the side: "Hurry up, go and invite yours!" Father and Emperor Li come here!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heartstrings loosened slightly.

How could she not understand what Zhuge Zhenxi was thinking? !

At this moment, if the two children are gone, they are safe.

If the other party takes the two children hostage, things will be even more difficult!

No matter how smart and sagacious a child is, he can't match his immature age. After hearing Zhuge Zhenxi's words, Xuanyuan Heng, who was just over five years old, did not leave immediately as he said, but ran towards Zhuge Zhenxie with red eyes.

"Heng'er! We can't save Aunt Huang, we have to find Uncle Huang!"

The slender arms stretched out to hold Xuanyuan Heng's small body. The eight-year-old Xuanyuan Mingyue's small face was full of fear, but she still died after glancing at Yuan Xiuyue and Zhuge Zhen. Pulling and dragging Xuanyuanheng ran all the way towards the big tent.

Seeing the two children running away, Zhuge cherished Gao Xuan's heart, and couldn't help but retreat a little.

Turning her eyes slightly, and following the bright moonlight, she saw the glaring bloodstain on Yuan Xiuyue's neck. She changed her mind slightly, forced the corners of her mouth to move calmly, and whispered to the thief behind her: "The most beloved thing in the heart of Emperor Li Nangong Haoling The person is Bengong, you let her go!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's already tense heartstrings couldn't help trembling slightly!
The vibrating sound was like the strings of a guqin being jingled!
At this moment, if it were any other woman, she would have already trembled and was so frightened that she could not cry.

But Zhuge Zhenzhen still said such a sentence?

She is like this, she just wants to protect her!
However, given Nangong Haoling's love for her, how could she allow her to take risks for her? !


The corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips twitched slightly, and Yuan Xiuyue frowned and glanced at the beautiful woman beside her, and couldn't help but smiled embarrassingly: "You said just now that I stole his heart, how come my son has become his favorite again now?" Woman? Could it be that the Emperor Chu is not enough, and you still want to occupy him? not good!"

When she told the truth, Zhuge Zhen's face changed slightly.

Turning back and forth in her heart, she looked deeply at Yuan Xiuyue, and glanced at the embarrassing smile on the corner of her mouth, but she didn't know what to say to her for a moment.

She, at such a time, can still laugh!
She is really worthy of admiration!
Seeing that Zhuge Zhenzhen was blocked by herself, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly at Zhuge Zhenzhen, then took a long breath, and sneered at the thief behind him: "If my guess is right, you should be members of the An clan. Bar?"

As soon as these words fell to the ground, Yuan Xiuyue clearly felt that the arm around her neck was slightly stiff!

Sensing the other party's stiffness, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips slightly.

In today's world, apart from the An clan, who else hates Nangong Haoling deeply?

Don't say that he has been suppressing the An clan earlier, I'm afraid that even Nangong Xiaoran's death will be charged to his account!

When the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips were raised, the sharp blade that was pressing on her neck fell down, leaving another bloodstain on her fair neck, and immediately above her head, came the sinister laughter again: "Everyone is dead!" It is said that the queen empress is extremely intelligent, and now it seems that her reputation is indeed well-deserved!"


With a snort, Yuan Xiuyue raised her chin slightly, facing the gentle night wind, she said disapprovingly: "Those people love me too much!"

At the end of the sentence, she raised her eyes and glanced at Zhuge Zhenzhen, then changed her tone, and said to the two of them: "The An clan, who have many schemes, is just the world of Liguo... If this matter involves Queen Chu, I'm afraid The consequences are beyond what your An family can bear!"

"To shut up!"

As if caught by her sore feet, the man behind him yelled, "Do you think that without His Highness Prince Ning, our An clan would still care about whether Li Chu is in harmony?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue smacked her lips slightly, but finally chose silence!
They were right, without Nangong Xiaoran, the An clan would have lost hope and future.

Therefore, at this moment, they are all focused on remembering Nangong Xiaoran's death on Nangong Haoling, and they are so crazy that they only want to seek revenge from him, and they will no longer care about whether Li Guo and Chu State will fight each other!
Seeing that Yuan Xiuyue stopped talking, the man behind him looked around vigilantly, and ordered to his accomplices: "Take Empress Chu and go north to Weishan cliff!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart shuddered, her whole body was cold from head to toe, and she felt like crying without tears!

Weishan Cliff is located on the northernmost side of Weishan Mountain.

The mountains there are steep, and some are just cliffs, which is a dead end!
But at this moment, they are going to take her and Zhuge Zhenzhen to the cliff of Weishan Mountain, which means that the one who hijacked them today is the dead warrior of the An clan, and they have no intention of going down the mountain alive!

In the world, the timid are afraid of the bold, but the bold are afraid of the dead!
At this moment, they are being hijacked by two desperadoes. One can imagine the dire situation they are in!

But, even knowing that her acupoints are sealed at this moment, she has no power to do anything, so she can only sigh bitterly and let the two of them hold her and Zhuge Zhenzhen hostage, all the way north, looking straight towards the direction of the cliff.

On a summer night, the cool wind gently brushed the hair hanging around her ears. At this moment, Yuan Xiuyue raised her head to look up at the bright moon in the sky, and Yuan Xiuyue actually selfishly hoped that Nangong Haoling would not come!
Slightly raising her eyes, she happened to catch a glimpse of Zhuge Zhen's calm and pretty face beside her. Yuan Xiuyue froze for a moment, and couldn't help panting, "Aren't you afraid?"

"Afraid! Now that I have endured all hardships, have a husband and son, and live a happy life, how can I not be afraid?" Being carried forward by the man next to him, Zhuge Zhenzhen could only smile helplessly, but he was full of charm: "But I believe, They will come to our rescue!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help sighing bitterly in her heart: "I can still laugh at this time, Xi'er's heart is really open-minded!"

"Each each other!"

Looking at Yuan Xiuyue and smiling, Zhuge Zhenzhen still wanted to talk, but the person who hijacked them already felt that they were too noisy!

Therefore, in just a moment, they were hit on Ya acupuncture points, which could only make them feel unwell every day, so that they were carried to the top of the cliff!

Above the cliff, the bright moon was in the sky, and the wind was stronger than before.

Those thieves hijacked Yuan Xiuyue and Zhuge Zhenzhen all the way here, then retreated on the cliff, waiting for Nangong Haoling to come.

The matter has come to this point, both Yuan Xiuyue and Zhuge Zhenzhen have already understood the intentions of these people, but even if they know, they can't do anything, they can only let the other side strangle their necks, stand on the top of the cliff, let their own The skirt dances lightly in the mountain wind.

After about half a stick of incense, I saw a group of forbidden soldiers rushing from all directions, and within a moment they were able to drain the water around Weishan and the cliff, but no one dared to take a step forward!
Among them, there are the Forbidden Army from the Li Kingdom, the Forbidden Army from the Chu State, and...there are also the Forbidden Army from Nanyue!

After a while, among those forbidden soldiers, finally gave way. Under the light of the sensitive torch, Yuan Xiuyue caught a glimpse of the three rulers of the world who were slowly moving forward from the crowd. Peerless man!
Looking at the three magnificent men in front of her, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but wryly smiled!
At this moment, for the sake of her and Zhuge's cherishment, the magnificent Emperor Li Nangong Haoling has arrived, the handsome and handsome Emperor Xuanyuanxu of Chu has also arrived, and even the enchanting beauty who has never missed out, Yue Wang Duguchen... also came... up!

Nangong Haoling...

In her heart, she called Nangong Haoling's name anxiously. Yuan Xiuyue's gaze passed through the three of them, but finally fell on him again. Facing his deep and uncertain gaze at the moment, the corners of her lips were slightly shallow. With a tick, a shallow smile arc was raised!

Staring at the smile on the corner of her lips, knowing that she wanted to make her feel at ease, Nangong Haoling's eyes were uncertain, and he shook the hand hidden in the sleeve of his robe. Famous thief: "Xie Changsheng, don't you want to see me? I'm here now! You have to understand that you guys alone can't do anything to my forbidden army. Right now... if you let them go, I might think you are a talent!" , keep you alive!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help being slightly startled!
He didn't know the owner of the name Xie Changsheng, but he heard Ting Lan mention it more than once when he was in An Guohou's mansion.

At the beginning, Ting Lan once said that this man is mighty and masculine, thick and thin, but the most important thing is that he is her father's servant, and he followed her father Yuan Chenghai in the three armies for many years!
Just as Yuan Xiuyue's thoughts were racing, Xie Changsheng behind him spat coldly, "Nangong Haoling, now that His Royal Highness Prince Ning is dead, I came here to avenge him, today... since I dare I came all the way from the capital to this Weishan mountain, and I never thought about going back alive!"

"Since you haven't thought about going back alive, then don't go back!" Looking across Yuan Xiuyue who was kidnapped by Xie Changsheng, Dugu Chen's expression was clear, and there was murderous intent in his eyes.

Hearing this, Xie Changsheng couldn't help being slightly taken aback!
He didn't expect that Duguchen, who was as scheming as Yue Wang, would show up.

With the light of the torch, he caught a glimpse of the cold murderous intent in Duguchen's eyes, and he shouted: "Yue Wang, this matter has nothing to do with you Nanyue, back off immediately, otherwise I will bleed these two queens first!"

As soon as the words fell, the dagger in his hand slid down instantly!
All of a sudden, another sharp pain came from her neck, Yuan Xiuyue's heart trembled, and she wanted to open her mouth to scream in pain, but she couldn't make a sound!
(End of this chapter)

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