Chapter 189 A Different Choice 2
Helpless, she could only howl secretly in her heart!
Seeing this, Nangong Haoling clenched his fists tightly, his complexion suddenly sank, while Dugu Chen's complexion was as pale as it wanted!

At this moment, Xie Changsheng raised his hand suddenly, released Yuan Xiuyue's dumb acupoint, and ordered in a cold voice: "Say, let King Yue retreat, only Nangong Haoling steps forward, and everyone else retreats!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue smiled.

Grinning her teeth in pain, she didn't let Nangong Haoling come forward as she said, and then cursed and shouted to Duguchen: "Duguchen! I know you hate me so much that you want to strangle me to death, but you won't So despicable, you want to borrow a knife to kill someone!"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen's handsome face was slightly startled, and then almost distorted.

This damn woman is simply distorting the facts!
And Xie Changsheng, who was behind Yuan Xiuyue, raised his eyebrows, and turned into anger, he pressed down the sharp blade on Yuan Xiuyue's neck again!

At this moment, no matter it was Nangong Haoling, Dugu Chen, or Yuan Wende on one side, all of them changed their eyes drastically, staring eagerly at the cold blade in Xie Changsheng's hand!
"it hurts!"

Couldn't help crying out in pain, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes glistened with tears, and she raised her eyes slightly to look at Nangong Haoling, she opened her mouth to breathe in the cool wind, and shouted to Nangong Haoling: "Nangong Haoling, do you see that? , now that they have arrested the two women you care about the most to threaten you, you must remember that women are just like clothes to you, so you must not rush forward for this, and you will benefit others for nothing!"

Hearing this, the hearts of everyone on the opposite side tightened, and Xie Changsheng behind Yuan Xiuyue's complexion suddenly sank!
"You are so eloquent, and you will protect the emperor's empress with all your heart and soul!" The sharp blade with a cold light in his hand walked around Yuan Xiuyue's neck again, Xie Changsheng's eyebrows moved slightly, and after a while, he looked at Duo Jun's face Nangong Haoling, who had a condensed expression above, sneered and said with a laugh: "Everyone in the world knows that this man in front of you is ungrateful and ungrateful to you. Even though you are a queen, you are still a virgin queen. It's a pity! ...My lord, for you, wholeheartedly, but ended up buried in Wujiang's tragic end!"

In other words, at the end, Xie Changsheng's tone became extremely sad!

After hearing his words, Yuan Wende's eyes were like lightning, his dark pupils were like a cheetah staring at his prey, and he took a step forward from Nangong Haoling, he frowned and said with a sneer: "Since you know that she is the king of Ning. If you care, how can you bear to hurt her at all? Do you want King Ning to die in peace?" After a slight pause, she went on to shout: "Prince Ning is peaceful in nature and never thought of doing things that would be unfavorable to the emperor. It was you, you were the ones who persecuted him again and again, and finally forced him to jump off the Wujiang River! Right An clan, what face do you have to come here to act wildly!"


With a cold sneer at Yuan Wende, Xie Changsheng spat at Yuan Wende fiercely!
Hearing this, everyone was stunned!
Seeing this, Nangong Hao Lingjun frowned slightly, and did not give him a chance to continue talking to Yuan Wende. He took a step forward and said with a cold and arrogant expression: "Tell me, what exactly do you want?"

"I wanted you dead! I've changed my mind!"

There was bloodthirsty pleasure on his ferocious face, Xie Changsheng lowered his eyebrows and looked at Yuan Xiuyue, and said sadly: "I want this woman to know clearly that she made His Royal Highness Ning Wang pay wrongly, and she was also wrongly paid. paid!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, and suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart!

Looking up, he noticed that the Imperial Army of the Three Kingdoms was quietly approaching his side. Xie Changsheng led Yuan Xiuyue to retreat vigilantly, and the others also led Zhuge Zhenzhen to retreat all the way. In this way, they moved towards the cliff for several meters .

"Don't move rashly!"

"Don't move rashly!"


Seeing that the four of them were getting closer and closer to the cliff, Nangong Haoling, Xuanyuanxu and Duguchen all tensed up, and shouted at the same time to stop the Three Kingdoms Imperial Army.

These three people are the people who stand at the pinnacle of power in the world today.

Since the three of them spoke at the same time, no one dared to act rashly!
Seeing that the forbidden army was no longer approaching, Xie Changsheng finally stopped. Knowing that the cliff was behind him, he confidently raised his eyes to meet Nangong Haoling's cold pupils: "Nangong Haoling, I will give you a chance to choose now. These two women can only live as one, as for who will live, I will let you choose!"

As soon as he said this, everyone present couldn't help being startled again!
But Yuan Xiuyue, who was held hostage by her at this moment, had already expected him to be like this, she sighed lightly, her brows frowned slightly, and she smiled wryly at Zhuge Zhenxi who was beside her with furrowed brows but couldn't speak!

If at this moment, only one can live between her and Zhuge Zhenzhen, this difficult problem will really stump Nangong Haoling.

However, even so, there will only be one choice for him in the end.

And for this choice, she already knew it by heart!


Time, at this moment, seemed to be frozen.

Nangong Haoling didn't say anything immediately, but Xuanyuanxu, who had been silent beside him, strode forward: "Xie Changsheng, if you dare my woman, I don't care how powerful your An clan is in Liguo, I will kill her." Uproot and leave no one alive!"

Slightly raising his eyes, facing Xuanyuan Xu's firm eyes, Zhuge Zhen's lips curled slightly, his beautiful face was full of happiness!
He believes that when he talks about it, he can do it!

"do not come!"

Seeing Xuanyuan Xu striding forward, the thieves took a few steps back quickly, and the thieves holding Zhuge Zhenzhen trembled, and couldn't help but also took a step back timidly: "If you come again, I will take your woman with you. Jump down!"

Hearing that, Xuanyuanxu continued to move forward, but as soon as he stepped forward, the man really took Zhuge Zhenzhen and retreated towards the cliff, and did not stop until there was no way to retreat, but Xuanyuanxu also stopped at this time pace.

Because, he didn't want to, and didn't dare to take Zhuge's cherished life to continue taking risks!

As time passed by every minute and every second, Yuan Xiuyue could only hear the whistling wind, and there was no other sound.

After a moment of confrontation, Xie Changsheng's voice finally rang in her ears again: "Nangong Haoling, I'll count to three. If you haven't chosen yet, today I will take the two of them and jump off this cliff together... one!"

Fixed, staring at the maddened Xie Changsheng on the cliff, Nangong Haoling's gaze slowed slightly, meeting Yuan Xiuyue's eyes with a little anger!

In the ear, Xie Changsheng counted to two coldly and ruthlessly, his eyes fixed on Yuan Xiuyue, and gradually became deeper, until finally, he hooked his thin lips and smiled at her gently!
As long as he smiled lightly, Yuan Xiuyue knew that he already had a decision in his heart!
Therefore, when Xie Changsheng yelled the three words, Nangong Haoling's clear and warm voice drifted on the cliff with the wind: "I choose Xi'er, you let her go!"

I choose Xi'er, you let her go!
Nangong Haoling's voice was soft and loud, but it circled on the cliff for a long time.

As soon as she heard his choice, the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips twitched slightly. Although she felt bitter in her heart, she still smiled, while Zhuge Zhenzhen frowned, staring at her in a daze, with complicated and changeable moods. Dugu Chenjun's face darkened, his anger rose, and he yelled, "Nangong Haoling!"

As if turning a deaf ear to Dugu Chen's thunderous roar, Nangong Haoling closed his eyes with some difficulty, and when he opened them again, the bottom of his eyes was already full of water!
"Ha ha……"

The arrogant laughter escaped from Xie Changsheng's mouth. He glanced at Nangong Haoling coldly, and then sneered at Yuan Xiuyue: "Did you see that? You do everything for him, but at this moment of life and death, he Choose another woman!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue also smiled and said with a sad expression: "How can he be compared with Nangong Xiaoran?"

Hearing her mention of Nangong Xiaoran, Xie Changsheng snorted coldly: "It's good to know His Highness King Ning now, but it doesn't matter, I will take you to see him later!"

It was already expected early in the morning that even if Xie Changsheng asked Nangong Haoling to choose one of the two, he would definitely not let her go. Hearing his words now, Yuan Xiuyue was not surprised at all!
Therefore, after hearing what he said, she didn't continue to feel sorry for herself, and then sneered, and turned her gaze to the opposite side again.

"Nangong Haoling, you are ruthless to me, so don't blame me for being ungrateful to you!" She raised her eyes slightly, and looked calmly at Nangong Haoling who was not far away, then slightly curled her lips, and turned to face the person behind her. Xie Changsheng said: "Don't you want to avenge Nangong Xiaoran? Right now is the best opportunity. Doesn't he love that woman the most? If I were you, I would replace him with that woman, and then hold him with me Jump off this ten thousand zhang cliff, in this way, Nangong Xiaoran will have a companion under that nine springs!"

Hearing her words, everyone present gasped!
From their point of view, the Empress Empress is now so angry that she wants to harm the Emperor!
Looking up at Nangong Haoling, seeing that his expression was low and expressionless, Yuan Wende frowned tightly, and shouted to Yuan Xiuyue: "Girl, you are crazy!"

"I'm not crazy!"

The voice returned to Yuan Wende in a kind voice, and Yuan Xiuyue's eyes flickered slightly, she quietly met Nangong Haoling's dark pupils, and laughed at herself, Qi Qiran who laughed: "After I entered the palace, I only wanted to be with him." To grow old together, but what he thinks of is this woman in front of him. No matter how well I do, he just doesn't care about it, and even humiliated me several times, and now... at this critical moment of life and death, he still chooses this woman! Brother... ...I have hatred in my heart!"

There was a slight pause in her tone, Yuan Xiuyue turned her head to look at Nangong Haoling, and smiled sadly: "Now, since I can't get his heart in life, today I just want to share the same acupuncture point with him in death!
"turn out to be……"

Staring deeply into her eyes, Nangong Haoling frowned slightly, and said in a sad tone, "You hate me so much?"


With a sneer, Yuan Xiuyue stopped looking at him, and instead said to Xie Changsheng who was behind him: "General Xie, what are you waiting for? Aren't you going to avenge Nangong Xiaoran? Exchange Zhuge Zhenzhen for Nangong Haoling, this deal is a guaranteed profit for you." !"

"Men, never mess with women!" Lowering his eyelids, he took a deep look at Yuan Xiuyue, Xie Changsheng sneered coldly, feeling his heart, raised his eyes slightly, and looked at Nangong Haoling, his voice was hoarse Said: "Find a rope, tie yourself up, come here, and I will let your favorite woman go!"

Hearing this, the scene was suffocated again.

But only a moment later, Nangong Haoling said faintly: "Anyun, prepare the rope for me!"


With a worried look on his face, An Yun didn't act immediately.


The voice was cold, as if the ground was frozen with ice, Nangong Haoling ordered to An Yun in a cold voice.


After a moment of silence, An Yun finally sighed heavily and turned to look for the rope.


Turning to look at Nangong Haoling, Xuanyuan Xu's expression was already extremely ugly!

"It's okay, I owe this to Xi'er!"

Smiled faintly at Xuanyuanxu, smiling lightly, and took a deep look at Yuan Xiuyue, who was being held hostage by Xie Changsheng, and met her affectionate eyes in the air. Nangong Haoling's heart has never been so clear as it is now Pass.

Don't say they won't die, even if they really die.

(End of this chapter)

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