Chapter 190 A Different Choice 3
If death can share the same acupuncture point, that would be good!

Frowning lightly, although she was worried about her own sister, she couldn't bear Nangong Haoling to be in danger, and Yuan Wende's handsome face was also full of confusion!After a brief battle between heaven and man, he frowned, and said: "The emperor is the Ninth Five-Year Lord, and he belongs to the community of Liguo, so he should not be easily involved in danger!"

The corners of her lips curled slightly, looking at Yuan Wende with a calm expression, Nangong Haoling shook her head and sighed softly: "General, don't say anything, she is here now, and I can only feel at ease when I am by her side!"

Hearing this, Yuan Wende's eyebrows twitched slightly, and he could only shift his gaze to his sister again.

Looking at the thin figure that was in the wind at the moment, he couldn't help feeling a twinge of pain in his heart!
After a while, Nangong Haoling carried his hands on his back, and his body was tied several times with a rope as thick as a thumb.

Lifting his steps slowly, he took a few steps forward, and said to Xie Changsheng: "I'm going over now, you let Xi'er go!"

Squinting his eyes slightly, he glanced at the rope on his body, fearing that he was not tied tightly enough, Xie Changsheng said in a deep voice, "Twice hard!"


With a sneer, Nangong Haoling struggled hard, but the knot was intact and never loosened.


With the help of the torch beside Nangong Haoling, Yuan Xiuyue could not help scolding An Yun to the bottom of his heart when she saw the big knot on his wrist!
Seeing that Nangong Haoling had already tied himself up, Xie Changsheng winked at the subordinates beside him, and the other party understood, and raised his hand to untie the acupuncture points on Zhuge Zhenzhen's body!

As soon as he regained his freedom, the first thing Zhuge Zhenzhen did was to clenched his hands into fists, rushed to Yuan Xiuyue, and beat her hard: "Yuan Xiuyue! Husband and wife every day, how can you be so vicious? So vicious? I just wanted to save you in vain!"

Although as a woman, she has no strength to restrain a chicken!
But Zhuge's cherished embroidered fist is indeed powerful.

Her chest suddenly loosened due to her beating, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, and then teased her: "Since you cherish him so much and value him so much, don't let him replace you at this moment!"

Hearing this, Zhuge cherished her tender body and trembled!
Looking back at Nangong Haoling, her red lips twitched slightly, but when she saw her son and husband, her eyes instantly turned red!
Turning around and looking back at Yuan Xiuyue beside her, she frowned and said unfeelingly: "I have a husband and a son, and I am living a nourishing life at the moment, why bother to enter this muddy water like yours?"

Hearing that Zhuge cherished this remark, Xie Changsheng couldn't help but gloated and smiled at Nangong Haoling: "Nangong Haoling, have you heard what your most beloved woman said at this moment? Now I think, compared to His Royal Highness King Ning, you Even more pitiful!"

"Stop talking nonsense, let me go!"

Walking steadily to the front of the cliff, Nangong Haoling's handsome face showed a slightly angry look, he frowned and looked at Zhuge Zhenzhen, he smiled softly: "Xi'er, I owe you, I will pay it back this time!"

Hearing this, Zhuge Zhenzhen's eyes flickered slightly.

"Acupoints have been solved!" There were only four words, and the voice could only be heard by two people. Zhuge Zhenzhen raised his feet, and like a flying butterfly, he rushed towards Xuanyuanxu who was not far away.

After some twists and turns, Zhuge Zhenzhen was finally rescued, but Nangong Haoling and Yuan Xiuyue fell into the hands of Xie Changsheng. In such a situation, everyone present felt a cold sweat secretly for the two of them.

Looking at the two people held hostage by Xie Changsheng on the cliff, everyone was in a dilemma!

Finally able to control the two of them in his own hands as he wished, Xie Changsheng smiled wickedly and sighed up to the sky: "His Royal Highness Prince Ning, today I finally have something to explain to you!"

Hearing this, everyone's hearts jumped.

Especially An Yun, Yuan Wende and others, all of them looked cold, but they didn't dare to step forward.

Now, they can't wait to rush forward and save their master, but... Xie Changsheng is very skilled, if one of them is not done well, the gain will outweigh the loss!


Gently calling Yuan Xiuyue's name, Nangong Haoling turned his eyes slightly and looked at her with a faint smile: "Are you afraid?"

Smiling slightly, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes to look at him: "With the emperor as my companion, what fear do I have?"

Seeing that the two were still talking and laughing until this matter, Xie Changsheng frowned, and said with a sneer: "If you want to laugh, laugh quickly. After a while, you will no longer remember what it's like to laugh."

As soon as the words fell, he strangled the arm around Yuan Xiuyue's neck, exerted a little force, and forced her to take a few steps back!
Seeing this, Nangong Haoling's heart twisted, he turned around and stepped forward. He was about to step forward, but another person grabbed the rope on his body and pulled him back.



Seeing this situation, everyone was startled and rushed forward quickly.


In the ears, the sound of the wind could be heard, and Yuan Xiuyue gasped a little, "One-to-one, one-to-many... how about it?"

Hearing his words, Xie Changsheng only thought that she was talking to Nangong Haoling at the end, but to Nangong Haoling's ears, it had a cold meaning!
"it is good!"

His thin lips curled up suddenly, he smiled wickedly, raised his foot and stomped on the foot of the person holding him behind him.With a bang, the rope on his body broke, Nangong Haoling raised his foot, and kicked directly on the man's stomach, only heard a scream, and saw him fall into the boundless abyss!
In the blink of an eye, Yuan Xiuyue also moved!
She tilted her head back, and then pressed her head fiercely on Xie Changsheng's chest!

About to reach the edge of the cliff, Xie Changsheng was so suddenly hit by Yuan Xiuyue, his chest hurt suddenly, knowing that he was attacked by Yuan Xiuyue, he snorted coldly, and let go of Yuan Xiuyue's arm that was strangling Yuan Xiuyue without reflex, and then lay down on the back , the whole person fell towards the bottom of the cliff...

"The Empress!"



Seeing the terrified scene on the edge of the cliff, everyone rushed forward, rushed forward, and subdued the remaining thieves!

Startled, Nangong Haoling suddenly turned around and reached out to grab Yuan Xiuyue.

But when he grabbed it, because Yuan Xiuyue fell too fast, he heard a hiss, and he tore the skirt on Yuan Xiuyue's body, but he could only watch helplessly as she fell down with Xie Changsheng!

Heart, as if it became empty at this moment, Nangong Haoling's body was nailed to the cliff like that, watching Yuan Xiuyue fall from the cliff, there was no other movement for a while!

Just at the very moment, Dugu Chen, who had been silent since just now, moved!
"My lord!"

Seeing Dugu Chen move, Lei Luo beside him also moved immediately!
In just a split second, everyone saw a nimble black figure leaping off the cliff, and after this figure jumped off, another figure jumped off, and the person who jumped off later made a quick move, grabbing the top of the cliff with one hand. He grabbed the arm of the person under him with one hand, showing a look of perseverance!

The moment she fell from the cliff, Yuan Xiuyue once thought with a wry smile.

No one will be lucky all their lives!
Maybe today is the time of her death.

But at the moment when she was about to close her eyes, her wrist suddenly tightened, and someone grabbed her tightly, her body only slightly stagnated, and she was hanging on the edge of the cliff.

"My lord, let go!"

Lei Luo tried his best to grab the cliff with one hand, and one arm of Dugu Chen with the other, screaming in a piercing and piercing voice!
Under his figure, Dugu Chen was hanging in mid-air, and what he was holding was actually Yuan Xiuyue's slender and white wrist!
"Duguchen! Let go!"

The night wind was rustling, and it was pitch black under the cliff. Yuan Xiuyue couldn't see Dugu Chen's expression clearly, but the moment he grabbed her hand, she could tell it was him!

He... was actually able to jump down for her, regardless of his own safety!
Such a great favor, what should she repay in the future? !


Hearing his voice, Nangong Haoling's heart beat suddenly, and he threw himself on the edge of the cliff recklessly, holding Lei Luo's hand tightly. Seeing him like this, Xuanyuan Xu, An Yun and others also stepped forward one after another. , to prevent him from sliding down, and tried hard to pull up the few people who were hanging outside the cliff.


Accompanied by the cool night breeze, the tears from the corners of Nangong Haoling's eyes gushed out uncontrollably, his thin lips parted slightly, his voice visibly trembled, but full of surprise: "Are you okay?"

Hearing Nangong Haoling's voice, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes were sour, and she gritted her teeth. She kicked her leg vigorously, but replied with a wry smile: "It's fine for now, I don't know if it will happen later!"

"You must not move! I will slowly pull you up now!" There was unprecedented fear in the bottom of his eyes, Duguchen panted heavily, and kept adjusting his breathing. Although he couldn't see her face clearly, he still stared at her with a pale face. looking at her.

There has never been a woman who can make him treat each other sincerely.

But Yuan Xiuyue is an exception!

Perhaps earlier, he was still torn in his mind whether he liked Long Chuxiu in his memory or Yuan Xiuyue in reality, but at this moment his heart suddenly became clear!
What he likes is Long Chuxiu, Yuan Xiuyue, and the woman whose life is hanging by a thread!

Because, in today's world, she is the only one who can make him feel as frightened as he is now.

And only she can make him throw away his status, his life, and the Golden Wall Dynasty that he built with great difficulty, and jump off the cliff recklessly!

"Ha ha……"

At Yuan Xiuyue's feet, Xie Changsheng hadn't fallen off the cliff yet. At this moment, he was grabbing her injured leg tightly and shaking it from side to side, intending to bring her down the abyss and smash her to pieces together with him: "There are still people who will grab her when she is dying." Pamper your back, haha...Yue Wang, I never dreamed that you would be the one who sacrificed his life to save her in the end!"

Hearing Xie Changsheng's voice, Nangong Haoling's heart skipped a beat!
Sensing the swaying figures of the people below the cliff, his eyes were scarlet, and he cursed angrily: "Xie Changsheng, I will definitely kill you!"

"Nine Clans?!"

With a maniacal smile, Xie Changsheng tugged Yuan Xiuyue's right leg vigorously, and said in a deep voice: "I have already killed my whole family when I came here, so you don't need to worry about it!"


In the palm of his hand, there was a fine sweat due to tension, and when Yuan Xiuyue's wrist slipped, Duguchen couldn't help but curse in a low voice!
Hearing Duguchen's low voice, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but smiled wryly.

Under him, Xie Changsheng was desperately pulling her injured leg like crazy, but her leg couldn't be used effectively!
Above the cliff, everyone wanted to shoot Xie Changsheng to death with rockets, but the visibility below the cliff was too low, so they couldn't make it.

Reluctantly, Lei Luo exerted strength with his arms, but he was no match for the pull below him. The situation was in jeopardy for a while!

"My lord, let her go, it's too dangerous for you to do this!" Although the arm was held by Nangong Haoling and others, but holding Duguchen's hand, it was really powerless, Lei Luo couldn't help screaming in horror!
Hearing Lei Luo's extremely angry and annoyed voice, Yuan Xiuyue felt a chill in her heart!

Frowning tightly, she lightly pulled her wrist, and smiled wryly at Duguchen: "King Yue, leave me alone, let go, don't lose your life for nothing for me!"

"I won't let go!"

Duguchen furrowed his brows tightly and let out a loud roar, his face was flushed because he exhausted all his strength, he panted slightly and stagnated lightly, his tone slowed down, and he said with difficulty in an almost pleading tone: "You don't want to either!" Let go! Today...with me here, you must live!"

Hearing Dugu Chen's words, Nangong Haoling's heart warmed up, "Yue Wang, I, Nangong Haoling, will remember your great kindness today!"

Hearing this, Duguchen smiled coldly, gasped and said: "This king is not for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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