Chapter 191 A Different Choice 4
After saying a word, the surrounding fell into silence again.

Raising her eyes slightly, Yuan Xiuyue opened her eyes wide, looking up in disbelief at the man above her head who always kills without batting an eyelid, she couldn't help but feel a slight movement in her heart, and felt that Xie Changsheng, who had limited physical strength under her body, was struggling to die , her eyes turned upwards coldly, trying to find Nangong Haoling's handsome and elegant face, but after only a moment, she was disappointed!
The night was too dark, she... couldn't see him!
With a helpless smile, she stared at Duguchen coldly, without any struggle, just let her body sink a little bit: "Duguchen, let go, like this, if you lose your life, why are you bothering?" ? You and I are not the same people after all..."

"It doesn't matter if it's a passer-by or not! I don't care!"

Panting and chuckling, Duguchen sighed in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "You once asked me, did you ever treat me with sincerity? Now I will tell you, you... Yuan Xiuyue, are you The only person in my life who treats each other sincerely, I don’t care if you belong or not, I just know that I like you, maybe, from that day when I saw you for the first time in Lishan Temple, I have you in my heart, so in the gathering When I was in Xianlou, even if you turned into a dragon and came out of Xiuxiu, I still fell in love with you uncontrollably, coming out of Xiuxiu... I beg you, it was hard for me to treat someone sincerely, don't be so cruel, don't let I have become a cold person again!"

"My lord!"

Although Duguchen's voice is not too loud, for other martial arts practitioners, if they get close, they can still hear his words clearly.

Hearing his words, Lei Luo called him hoarsely, then remained silent, only trying to grab Duguchen's arm, but even so, he didn't dare to let Nangong Haoling pull him upwards, because he was deeply You know, if in the current situation, the two forces are pulling at the same time, the arm he is pulling on Duguchen will definitely reduce the force!

He fears……

He was afraid that he would be careless, so he let go...

However, even if he persisted like this, the sharp rocks protruding from the cliffs had worn out his arms, and the pain hit his heart. The warm blood flowed down the arms, and it still made him hold his arms. The hand holding Duguchen's arm loosened slightly.

"My lord!"

Lei Luo's injured arm began to tremble violently because he could not bear the weight of the three people below.

"Let go!"

The state of consciousness was critical, Yuan Xiuyue spoke again, raised her head and looked into Duguchen's eyes, slowly raised her other hand, she wanted to break free from his palm.

"No! No!"

Pupils opened angrily, and Duguchen clenched his teeth: "You woman, don't be so cruel to yourself, okay... no!"

After the words fell, he raised his head suddenly, and shouted towards Nangong Haoling above, "Nangong Haoling, find a way!"

It was too late, but soon after he finished speaking, the shadow that had been following Yuan Xiuyue on the cliff picked up the rope that Nangong Haoling broke just now, handed half of it to his brother's hand, and held the other half in his own hand. With a swipe in her hand, she drew out the long sword at her waist, and she jumped off the cliff with a tap of her toes.


Accompanied by the howling wind under the cliff, the shadow wanted to reach out to chop off Xie Changsheng's hand, but because he was too cunning, he kept shaking, and the night was too dark, so the shadow was afraid of fooling Yuan Xiuyue, so he couldn't do it for a while!

"give me!"

With an unprecedentedly firm voice, Yuan Xiuyue reached out her hand to the shadow.

Seeing this, Shadow passed the long sword over without the slightest hesitation: "Your Majesty, be careful!"

"If he doesn't look like him today, I will die... Dugu Chen, you have caught it!"

Panting and saying this to Duguchen, Yuan Xiuyue lowered her eyes, and then swung her body suddenly. Just as Xie Changsheng was leaning outward due to inertia, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes froze, and she raised her sword and dropped it!


Immediately afterwards, there was an unwilling wail sounded from below, and then it became smaller and smaller...

The weight under his hand suddenly lightened, Lei Luo's heartstrings relaxed, he held his breath and raised his breath, he yelled loudly, then swung his arm with all his strength, and threw Dugu Chen and Yuan Xiuyue up the mountain together!
"Yuan... Xiuyue!"

Holding Yuan Xiuyue's wrist tightly in his hand, Duguchen panted, and lightly moved his painful arm: "Are you okay?"


Before Yuan Xiuyue could answer Duguchen's question, Nangong Haoling had already stepped forward.

Kneeling down on the ground, he suddenly hugged her into his arms, frowning and closing his eyes with trembling body and mind: "You scared me to death!"


In the light of the fire, staring at Nangong Haoling's handsome face, gradually, she felt that her vision became more and more blurred. Yuan Xiuyue gently pulled the corner of her lips, leaned on his chest and said, "There is no danger..."

As soon as the words were uttered, she, who was already feeling unwell, relaxed her heartstrings, and fell into a deep faint!
She is so tired!
very tired!

I don't have any strength anymore, just keep going...


Seeing Yuan Xiuyue fainted, Nangong Haoling exclaimed, and made a gesture to hold Yuan Xiuyue up, but just as he was about to hold her up, he saw Duguchen's big hand was still holding her wrist tightly, never letting go Pass!
"My lord!"

Gently shaking Duguchen's exhausted body, Lei Luo took a look at Yuan Xiuyue's hand, and couldn't help saying softly: "I was frightened after leaving, it's time to go back and rest!"

Hearing this, Duguchen's body froze slightly!
He raised his eyes in a daze, staring at Yuan Xiuyue's snow-white face, his fingers shrunk slightly, and finally loosened her wrist a little bit stiffly!

"Today, Nangong Haoling has remembered the great kindness of King Yue!" Looking deeply at Duguchen, Nangong Haoling pursed her thin lips, hugged Yuan Xiuyue and got up, looked back at Zhuge Zhenzhen and Xuanyuanxu, Without saying a word, he quickly walked towards the direction where the large tent of the Li country was located.

Seeing their leaving figures, Dugu Chen's eyes drooped slightly.

Raising his hand lightly, looking at his trembling palm, recalling the feeling that Yuan Xiuyue was trembling physically and mentally when he fell off the cliff just now, his complexion changed slightly, then he frowned and wiped the With a trembling face, Lei Luo said something that Lei Luo had never heard from him before: "Lei Luo, I am tired and can't walk anymore!"

Hearing the sound, Lei Luo's heart moved slightly.

Kneeling alone in front of Duguchen, he said softly: "This subordinate will carry the prince back!"

If it was in the past, Duguchen would definitely not ask Lei Luo to carry him back in front of everyone, because...he is Yue Wang, the indomitable and always high Yue Wang!
But today, he didn't say anything, he only glanced at Lei Luo's broad back with dark eyes, and then leaned on him, allowing him to carry himself back to the Nanyue tent!


Watching Lei Luo go away with Dugu Chen on his back, Zhuge Zhenzhen said with deep eyes: "I always just said that this Yue Wang has always been cold-blooded and ruthless, but now seeing him... seems to have a deep affection for Yue'er!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Xu frowned slightly, and said with a wry smile: "The more cold-hearted a person is, the more infatuated he will be if he is moved. Yue Wang Duguchen is extremely intelligent and worthy of being the best woman in the world. If he does this, it means that even though Wuyou's wife is not amazing in appearance, she should also be magnificent!"

"She is indeed a very special woman."

Thinking back to the brief time with Yuan Xiuyue, Zhuge Zhenzhen sighed softly and said, "It's a pity that she already has Wuyou, and Yue Wang is merciless to her, even if she is interested in falling flowers!"

Hearing Zhuge Zhenzhen's words, Xuanyuan Ruyue in front of her couldn't help raising her eyes slightly: "Aunt Huang, do you think he is pitiful?"

Hearing this, Zhuge Zhen frowned slightly, and lowered his eyebrows to look at Little Ruyue: "What does Ruyue think?"

"Kisara doesn't think he's pitiful!"

Gently shaking her head, Xuanyuan Ruyue's delicate little face revealed a touch of obsessive affection: "Ruyue thinks that this Uncle Wang...he was really brave enough to sacrifice himself to jump off a cliff just now to save his beloved woman. Charming!"

Looking at Xuanyuan Ruyue's tiny figure and listening to her mature words, Zhuge Zhenzhen and Xuanyuanxu smiled at each other.

But after a smile, they sighed lightly, and then they both stepped up and walked in the direction of the Liguo tent.

Just now, when faced with a choice, Nangong Haoling and Duguchen made completely different choices.

Nangong Haoling didn't choose Yuan Xiuyue, it doesn't mean he doesn't love him, but Duguchen... loves her badly too...


Leaving the country's big account.

On the couch, Yuan Xiuyue's neck had already been bandaged. At this moment, her eyes were still closed, and she was still drowsy.

In front of the couch, Imperial Physician Wang frowned deeply, with a dignified expression, stroking her beard with one hand, and taking her pulse with the other.

After a while, seeing that his pulse diagnosis was over and he put away the wrist pad, Nangong Haoling couldn't help asking hastily, "Doctor Wang, how is Yue'er now?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry!"

Gently respecting Nangong Haoling, Imperial Physician Wang said with a smile: "The queen's body is weak, and she was frightened tonight, and her Qi and blood were unstable for a while, so she fell into a coma, but it's okay, the residual poison on her body has not been seen. It's about to attack, and the pulse of the fetus in the abdomen is also very stable..."

(End of this chapter)

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